I took 1000mcg of B12 methyl this morning and then about 3-4 hours later I almost passed out. I was outside for about a half an hour and I know it's hot. I went from feeling fine to all of a sudden almost passing out.I also had a bit of chest pain. I had two cups of juice and ice on my neck. My husband took me to the urgent care after I came home and ate lunch and still did not feel well. My EKG was fine, urine fine, and blood sugar was high but they said that may be b/c of my juice and lunch. My blood pressure was low 90/55 but I run low so that's not to odd for me. However, I still don't feel well. Lightheaded, dizzy, my blood pressure is still low b./c every time I get up I feel like I'm going to pass out. Recently I can only take pediatric doses of medicine...could 1000mcg be to high for me? I have been following the mcdougal vegan low-fat diet b/c I tested positive for the FL1953 and that is the diet Dr F has me on to combat the bug. I just don't know what could have made me feel this way but the b12? Any suggestions? Can you herx from a vitamin???
Posts: 44 | From Phoenix | Registered: Mar 2011
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 30398
Vitamins can trigger healing reactions (called "healing crisis" by some) in which someone seems to get worse before they get better. Vitamin B12 is known to cause fatigue and/or worstening nerve pain/symptoms while the healing is taking place...but these things go away once the healing has reached a certain point.
Also, if one is an over-methylator, they might get symptoms from methyl-B12 and would need to take the hydroxy- or adenosyl- form of B12 instead of methyl-B12. This would be something to discuss with your doctor.
-------------------- -Razzle Lyme IgM IGeneX Pos. 18+++, 23-25+, 30++, 31+, 34++, 39 IND, 83-93 IND; IgG IGeneX Neg. 30+, 39 IND; Mayo/CDC Pos. IgM 23+, 39+; IgG Mayo/CDC Neg. band 41+; Bart. (clinical dx; Fry Labs neg. for all coinfections), sx >30 yrs. Posts: 4167 | From WA | Registered: Feb 2011
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 26405
I was taking B12 shots before we knew what was wrong with me. I got very sick. They kept telling me there was no way it was the b12 - I know without a shadow of a doubt that is was the shots that made me worse. How and why, I don't know. I'm no longer on the shots.
Posts: 256 | From Texas | Registered: Jun 2010
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My LLMD gave me a shot last week that had B12 in it. Before she gave it to me she asked if I have problems with B12. I said no. She said that she was just asking because some of their patients don't do well with the B12.
So can certainly feel worse from B12.
-------------------- Sick since 10/2001. Tested CDC positive for Lyme 10/2008 through Quest and Igenex. Started treatment 1/2009 with LLMD. Lyme, Erichilosis, Chlamydophila Pneumoniae, Q Fever, Strep Syndrome and probably a few others I am forgetting. Posts: 451 | From Virginia | Registered: Feb 2009
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