My doctor put me on 12.5 mg. of Zoloft this past Monday and today I woke up feeling very strange. Extremely anxious, then spacey, just don't feel right. Is this normal, should I continue and hope it goes away. Thanks for any input.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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You can also use lymenet's 'search' function to read about Lyme patients experience with Zoloft.
Then after you have researched all the facts, you can make an educated decision. The second-guessing that comes with Lyme is frustrating and universal.
If you feel worse on it, then please stop. Move on to a different med. You don't need something that makes you feel worse than you are feeling already. Your goal is something that helps.
Posts: 3062 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016
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Member # 11290
go to it's got excellent reviews on most meds.
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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yes I did and it mentions increased anxiety. I have tried a few of the ssri's and have found that they all cause this with me and I ended up going off. So aggravating. I take Ativan but am trying to wean off of it. Feeling depressed today also but maybe the mepron is the culprit. Will keep a close eye on that.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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thank you for the replies. I did go on both of these sites, however, there are mixed reviews as with any drug. I will see how I feel tomorrow and decide if I should continue or not. I cannot get ahold of my doctor over the weekend. thanks again
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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that is a very low dose. These meds sometimes take weeks to be fully effective. I don't think you can decide anything about these meds on a few days. Zoloft works well for many Lymies. I would give it a few weeks.
Posts: 360 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Dec 2012
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Member # 12673
- That you state your doctor "put you on" sounds like you did not take part in the process of figuring out it if might work for you or in the decision to do so. However, first to consider:
The doctor who "put you on" this . . . is it your new LLNP?
If not, it's important to check first with your LLNP before taking anything else as it can alter the plan set out for you.
As for any doctor "putting one on" anything. If we have not had the time to do a little study on our own about the pros and cons, you can decline to have them "put you on" anything that is not vital in an emergency.
Still, yes, it can work for some. Yet, for others (myself include) it was a terrible ordeal. Still, it's important for us to do the homework before deciding if we will - in consult with our doctor as part of our discovery process - take anything.
Read the literature. Start with the manufacturer's pharmaceutical page that goes with a particular drug but then also move out from there to read & study from a variety of credible sources as well.
Come to understand the basic science of this and how the effects can affect you. And what actions might be either needed for support - or needed to be stopped - while on it.
All the while keeping in touch with your primary treatment doctor who is right now your LLNP.
I do not think anyone should have to suffer through a psych drug for any amount to time to wait for it to - maybe - just maybe - work for them.
I get that it might take time to work well but there should be no suffering to that waiting time.
I get that some drugs for infections or for some other kinds of conditions might not be easily tolerated yet there may be no options and the best decision might then be to tough it out.
But I will never be convinced that any drug to help our brain, our mood should cause the kinds of suffering that it can for SOME people. That, to me, is a sign that it's not a good match and that other ways should be explored. There are clear dangers with many drugs. Be mindful. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 12673
- The fact that you are dealing with infections
& taking Ativan and Mepron creates additional complications for any new psych drug.
Babesia can cause all kinds of neuro issues as can mepron, which is known to cause depression, etc. Adding more chemicals to the mix can create more for your liver to sort out and the liver is key to a good mood. A toxic liver is going to cause neuro and mood issues. It just goes hand in hand.
Were you able to listen to the interview with Stephen Buhner posted for you last week about how he has found Cryptolepis to work far better than anything for Babesia. He said people tolerated it far - far - better and that it had better success. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 12673
- you might talk with your LLNP about this:
yes it was my new llnp that ordered it Keebler and I was very surprised. She is the one who also told me to restart mepron. I did not take it today as I did not like how I felt on it yesterday and I agree, mepron can cause depression, etc. I feel like a zombie lately. I asked her about crypto and she said not now but yes, I did listen to Stephen Buhner and what he said about it. Sounds promising. thanks so much
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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Member # 12673
- Is your LLNP curtailed by certain bounds to stick to more traditional pharmaceuticals?
Most NPs are trained in the typical medical model. Though for someone to treat lyme / TBD, they are a step out of that in some ways.
And, since many lyme treatment protocols involve nutritional and some herbal elements, some who are trained more in the Rx medical model may dip their toes into the complementary zone. But their knowledge may be very limited.
Most NPs do not receive any training in herbal or naturopathic medicines and if she suggests those she may be overstepping the rules that govern her practice. Just one question to consider.
Some NP, especially true LLNPs, as with some LLMDs do get additional training and do study beyond their typical (word loss, uh, circle?) . . . but just do not assume that they all do so.
Some people think an NP is similar to an ND but their education is very different as can be the constructs of their ability to prescribe, depending upon who they answer to.
Most NPs answer to MDs in their practice. They also have to answer to their state and national licensing boards which may not allow them to prescribe away from Rx (usually).
You might inquire of her the various lyme / TBD herbal or naturoapathic protocols, or even elements used either alone or in combination with Rx.
If she has not read all of Buhner's books, or even all the LLMD authors' books (and I do mean all), she may be unfamiliar with the use of Cryptolepis or other options. You need to know the kind of education she has.
Various LLMDs have discussed this at ILADS conferences.
Also ask if she regularly attends these. That will give you an insight into her awareness, openness and capability (as per knowledge but also licensing regulations).
Now, then, if you study on your own and weight the pros and cons and want to use something outside of her area of practice, here's how to do that.
Meet her where she is, that is, understand her ability to treat with whatever methods allowed by her license, etc.
Tell her that - after much study on our own (and you do need to do this) - that you want to start with "whatever" . . . give her some information. Say you understand that this may be outside of the way she practices - or can practice -
but ask if she is willing to just follow you with this aspect. She may be quite willing. You can ask for her input, of course and always keep her posted on what you want to do that may be different.
But, and I feel very strongly about this: you can't go mixing all kinds of chemicals / drugs with certain herbal protocols. That changes the chemistry of it. How you combine from various protocols to design your very own does need your LLNP's input.
It's important to understand how herbs work. And most work very differently from Rx. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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thank you again Keebler for this information. Yes she does answer to a MD that is associated with this place, she is just a NP. They do use herbs such as ABABS, crypto, etc., but she said she doesn't want me on them now. My former LLMD wanted me to take mepron, ABABS and doxy before I left her. Is it a common practice to mix herbs with antibiotics or is it one thing or another. I am very confused about this because when my daughter was treated many years ago, it was strictly abx, no herbs at all. Do herbs such as crypto, etc. get rid of lyme and coinfections or is it used in combinations?
Thanks again for all your help and I'm sorry if I am asking the same questions, My lyme fog is terrible and getting worse.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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I'm sorry, I just reread my post and I meant to say I did not take the Zoloft today, not the mepron.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Yes, for lyme / TBD, many LL doctors know how to combine Rx with nutrient and naturopathic / herbal approaches.
I was talking about the brain chemical / psych drugs as far as not inadvertently creating some kind of home chemistry experiment. The brain chemical drugs can be very tricky to figure out and the side effects can be very broad. They usually do not address the cause. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Thanks Keebler again for all this information. My NP is somewhat new to lyme from what I understand. It is a new place that opened up a couple of years ago under Dr. B*'s direction. From what I understand, he flew in once a month and now has decided to stay in New York, therefore, there is a new medical director who is a Md
**edited name of LLMD**
[ 07-02-2018, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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SORRY, computer error. who is a MD that these nurse practioners work under. It is fairly new to this area and she was the one who put me on those supplements which I did and then called me last week and told me to start the plaquinal and mepron which I did. We discussed my anxiety and how I wanted to get off Ativan and she suggested the Zoloft.
I have tried a few other antidepressants in the past with no luck. They make me feel worse, more anxiety than before I started them so I have stopped them completely.
I just know I feel horrible everyday, from severe headaches, stomach issues, brain fog, anxiety, sweats, nothing seems to help any of these symptoms. I am lost Keebler as to what to do.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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my fingers are so swollen and hurt, I cannot even open a jar., therefore she said take the plaquinal. Mepron is for the babesia I guess., which I was on before. I thought Mepron had to be paired with another med, am I right?
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Has your LLNP offered the name of someone to guide you through the tapering off of ativan? It can bring some very rough symptoms and professional guidance is key.
IMO - and with some experience with some of the psych drugs decades ago, disasters, really, well. . . it never helped my brain at all to add one chemical mood drug to counter effects of another. For most it does not work for many reasons. If it were working for you, you would not have this reaction.
You deserve to have around you those who REALLY understand this and offer both medical and emotional guidance. Some who have tapered off say it can be hell. No mincing words. Yet - those who had the support and who took it slow, as per what THEIR BODIES needed did better.
Lyme, Babesia and all other TBD can cause so much turmoil and rough symptoms even on their own. I just wish you had the support that seems to be required to figure out step by step.
It seems to my non- professional mind that for what I've read about ativan withdrawal, it's important to be sure you've got the foundation needed as you transition off of it.
I don't know about this site yet it seems a place to start. I hope others might come along with added ideas.
Your lyme support group leader - please connect - might have some ideas for someone who knows about ativan and lyme, TBD issues.
It may be that your new LLNP also had this in mind with the 3-week support trio. If so, and if you need more emotional and educational support, ask her. Be sure she knows. This aspect of your care should not be glossed over.
Unfortunately my Ativan has been given to me for the past eighteen months by my endrincologist not my llmd nor llnp., therefore I asked him about going off and he said to just stop it which I know is wrong I was on 3 pills per day totally 3 mg. day and I weaned myself down to 1.5 mg. daily over six months ago and have been stuck there since. I do not have any support from anyone regarding how to get off of them completely.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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If I were you I would try CBD oil. And make sure you get a reliable brand like Charlotte's Web.
Posts: 477 | From Pennsylvania | Registered: Nov 2015
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thank you for the replies. where do I buy that supplement called Zen and how much do I take of it? Is it a capsule or powder?
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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You can buy it online many people sell it. Amazon etc. Its called 200mg of Zen by Allergy Research Group.
CBD oil is really great for anxiety and worth checking out too. You can get it online as well with no THC.
Posts: 137 | From ATX | Registered: Nov 2011
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