* Autonomic nervous system dysfunction: cardiogenic syncope and vasodepressor syncope; abdominal bloating and abnormal peristalsis
* Auditory & vestibular apparatus: tinnitus; disturbances of balance; vertigo; hyperacusis; hearing loss
* Ocular: all levels, all structures of eye may be involved; conjunctivitis; keratitis; uveitis; optic neuritis; retinitis/retinal vasculitis; cataract formation; retrobulbar myositis; optic cortex cerebritis
* Genitourinary: neurogenic bladder; interstitial cystitis"; renal damage/glomerulonephritis? (Reported in dogs, so far cases in humans have not been reported)
* Endocrine: thyroiditis?; Effects on libido; central hypothalamic ?; orchitis; cyclic flare of symptoms temporally related to menstrual cycle in women.
* Cardiac: dysrhythmias; heart block; various types of extra-systoles; autonomic dysfunction: cardiogenic syncope, vasodepressor syncope; cardiomyopathy; congestive heart failure; myopericarditis
The Lyme Disease Network is a non-profit organization funded by individual donations. If you would like to support the Network and the LymeNet system of Web services, please send your donations to:
Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey 907 Pebble Creek Court,
NJ08534USA http://www.lymenet.org/