Wondering how folks have faired using mHBOT.... I am considering this treatment for lyme but of course may have undiagnosed (although test results neg) confections. Lyme is anaerobic but Bart and babesia I think are aerobic. Pressures would be 1.3 ATMs with 8 liters per min o2 face mask. The salesman is not safety or Lyme literate - need some advise and particularly experience with the treatment. Thanks, p
Posts: 16 | From Louisville KY | Registered: May 2012
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Member # 5355
HBOT said not to be good for people with babesia.
Posts: 2888 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2004
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Member # 41238
Please read my recently posted success story under that heading...
I am well thanks to mild hyperbaric after an 8 year long odyssey with neurological lyme and coinfections, including bartonella and babesia.
I have yet to find research that supports that mHBOT is contraindicated if you have babesia. I had a full blown case, and it was the ONLY thing that worked...
Even if babesia were to "like" oxygen in vitro, consider that things are very different within the body. Hyperbaric is unprecedented in helping the immune system to recover and function properly...which allows it to fight other infections effectively.
It is more than just chasing "bugs" is about putting the body/immune system back in charge...
Posts: 1919 | From Earth | Registered: Jul 2013
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Member # 41238
Hello, all...
Here's a little more detail...
I had severe neurological Lyme w/Babesia & Bartonella for 8 years...considered an antibiotic failure, and so ill I was homebound for 5 years straight.
My symptoms were extreme and relentless; too many to list here. I was told, even by LLMD's, that I needed a miracle, and there was nothing more they could do for me (I tried many, many protocols with never any improvement, just a continual spiral downward).
I eventually became so toxic and environmentally sensitive that I could do no treatments for 5 years before starting MILD hyperbaric treatment w/supplemental oxygen (I bought my own chamber and self-treated 1 hour daily).
I now have my life back...working again, running (I had been a runner for 17 years, pre-Lyme), traveling, etc. It has been a miraculous recovery, and it is 100% due to mHBOT (along with meticulous diet, and gradual exercise).
I believe success depends on the frequency and consistency of use...many people say they "tried hyperbaric, but it didn't work"...but if you query them, inevitably they didn't do it consistently or frequently enough...or for a long enough duration. You must be committed to this treatment to have success. Also, research is showing that lower pressures are better for treating certain neurological conditions, so may be why some people with neurological Lyme who used higher pressures in the hard chambers didn't progress.
I almost made the fatal mistake of returning my chamber after 40 consecutive "dives", not feeling any improvement at that point. Fortunately, I was talked into continuing treatment, and felt the first "change" (not necessarily "improvement") after about 2 months.
It was a rocky, 2-step-forward, 1-step back road, but after several months, although I was not completely well, I was functional again, and after 1-1/2 years, I was "back"...
Now, 2 years from the beginning of treatment, I am still noticing benefits from the chamber...and truly have my life back...very active restrictions...
Low (pressure) and slow WORKS...I'm living proof...
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