2 days ago my 11 month old son was grabbing our couch and walking. He was laughing,giggling, etc. and all of a sudden his eyes started to close and he would shake his head to come out of it.
This happen about 4-5 times and then it stopped.I tought it was weird but then I figured maybe he was tired or something.
Yesterday he woke up from a nap and I was feeding him in the high chair and his eyes started closing again and he wouldshake his head to try to get out of it.This happened again about 5 times.
These episodes only last a second. Oneof them probably lasted 2-3 seconds which felt like a long time at the moment and I panicked, called his name and held his hand. He came out of it ad then was fine the rest of the night.
I am worried about Lyme. Anyone know of this happening? I was thinking they could be mini seizures? I hope not. I called my sons Dr. He was out of office butwill be back today.
My sons Dr is good but not Lyme literate. He would not do a lyme test on me, he referred me to Rheumatology and didnt want to talk about Lyme.
This Dr also told ne that Lyme is not transferred throughbreast milk which I dont believe. Like I said he is a great,smart dr but avoids Lyme.
I am sooo scared and been crying and cant sleep. I dont know what to think.I called my LLMD but didnt hear back yet, he is 3 1/2 hrs away:( Anyone have any advise?
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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sorry about all typing ad spelling errors tired and accidentally sent that without checking it.
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 34987
Please get him checked for seizures-
I am not saying that is what is happening, obviously I am just some lady on the Internet,
but for peace of mind, and if there is a chance it is mini seizures, you want him to get help ASAP.
I'd get him in, even if that means walking into ER, where they can do appropriate testing.
Personally, I would not mention Lyme in the ER. I would, however, not allow ANY vaccines at this point until
you know what is going on-
Just my opinion - sending you positive thoughts----
-------------------- Lyme positive PCR blood, and positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011. low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012. Update 7/16- After extensive treatments, doing okay! Posts: 2518 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 23691
I totally agree with Surprise. You always need to check these things out. My DD has had symptoms before that we thought were Lyme related when they were actually something else.
As far as lyme being transmitted through breast milk, I think that is something you should talk with your LLMD about.
-------------------- symptoms since 1993 that I can remember. 9/2018 diagnosed with Borellia, Babesia Duncani, and Bartonella Hensalae thru DNA Connections. Posts: 1470 | From Tennessee | Registered: Dec 2009
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Thanks- still waiting for dr to call back...been waiting all day.It is such a slow process around here to get in to anyone.
I called them back again and left a message.I dont think they would do much in the ER where I live. It's a small hospital and I would have to probably be transferred to a Center for further testing like an MRI, EEG.
I will need my dr referral toget appt. What a slow and frustrating process.
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Holly, bartonella can also cause seizures if that is truly what he has. Let's hope this is just a stage he is going through and not something else. It does sound like he needs blood work eventually, if just to give you peace of mind that he does not have this and co-infections.
Posts: 482 | From Oregon | Registered: Feb 2011
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My dr office just called and told me he needs to be seen. They scheduled an appt for monday.
They also said that they are not concerned about Lyme disease because it cannot be transferred in utero or breast milk.
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 23691
I'm sorry, but they truly don't know what they are talking about concerning Lyme. It CAN and DOES get transmitted in utero.
-------------------- symptoms since 1993 that I can remember. 9/2018 diagnosed with Borellia, Babesia Duncani, and Bartonella Hensalae thru DNA Connections. Posts: 1470 | From Tennessee | Registered: Dec 2009
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ya, try to get anyone in this area to believe it. No dr's around here acknowledge Lyme. It tok me 4 yrs to get diagnosed and i had to leave area to get tested.
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Talked to 2 drs today. My LLMD thinks it very well could be Lyme and wants to treat him with Augmentin. My sons dr says it is not Lyme.
He had this episode 2 more times today.
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 23691
Again, it could be something besides Lyme. I had rather be safe and get it checked out just in case it's not Lyme.
-------------------- symptoms since 1993 that I can remember. 9/2018 diagnosed with Borellia, Babesia Duncani, and Bartonella Hensalae thru DNA Connections. Posts: 1470 | From Tennessee | Registered: Dec 2009
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How long would a baby be on Augmentin? I'm kinda scared because he is so little yet. I know he will be okay.
I'm going to follow what my baby dr says and rule out other things, get him tested and treat him for Lyme.
Cover all my bases. Thanks everyone!!
Posts: 84 | From way over the rainbow | Registered: Oct 2012
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 34987
I would think Amoxicillin would be a better antibiotic...
-------------------- Lyme positive PCR blood, and positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011. low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012. Update 7/16- After extensive treatments, doing okay! Posts: 2518 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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Carol in PA
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 5338
If this is seizure activity, it may be a symptom of low magnesium.
Foods high in magnesium: Almond butter Dark chocolate Beans, kidney beans, black beans, baked beans, bean soup, bean burritoes.
This mother figured out how to help her son, who had several symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Facial and Eye Tics in Children: The Links to Magnesium Deficiency
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 34987
The reason I am suggesting not giving Augmentin to a child < 1 year, is that there are reports of autism perhaps being
another trigger: Quote following:
'Augmentin courses administered under the age of one year. A proposed mechanism whereby the production of clavulanate may yield high levels of urea/ammonia in the child is presented. Further an examination of this mechanism needs to be undertaken to determine if a subset of children are at risk for neurotoxicity from the use of clavulanic acid in pharmaceutical preparations.'
And if there are seizures present, that may be another thing to be very cautious about-
which was why I also mentioned haulting any further vaccines for the time being-
I worked years with my own daughter healing autism- bio- medical treatments-
I am a positive, non- confrontational person, but feel like I needed to say these things--
God bless-- your boy is still very young, and having an aware loving mother is a gift.
-------------------- Lyme positive PCR blood, and positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011. low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012. Update 7/16- After extensive treatments, doing okay! Posts: 2518 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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