Topic: New book on healing with MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) endorsed by famous LLMD
tick battler
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 21113
Hot off the presses - Kerri Rivera's second edition is out today! This protocol has helped my family of 5 more than anything in the past 7 years. It is not just for autism. Read what Dr. K says about this book/protocol.
If you take too much you can get diarrhea for a hour or so. If you take a lot too much you can have diarrhea for longer, like half a day or so. It can also cause nausea. If this happens your suppose to skip a dose or two or three, what ever it takes to calm down, and start again at a lower dosage, one that didnt cause a problem.
I have found that if I start with a low dosage and gradually work up over days that this does not happen.. Just like with any detox you can get fatigue, headache, dizziness as parasties are killed. Some people dump worms when they use it.
the more toxic you are the lower the dosage you will take. For instance my healthy son did a huge dose at the age of about 20 against my recommendation, It didn't phase him at all... he did like 20 drops. That would have knocked me flat. Lyme folks are advised to start with half a drop per hour or one drop max to see how they tolerate it.
Ive done this on and off for over 7 years now and in the past I have worked up to 15 drops 3x day... but that was the old protocol. The new ways of preparing it make it fairly easy to do and things dont taste bad like they use to. Generally its about 3 drops an hour, seriouly ill people with life threatening issues may do more drops per hour.
I have not seen any toxic side effects as similar that you get to using prescription drugs. It does not seem to cause intracellular damage, damage enzyme processes nor damage the liver. I have seen no reports of resistant bacteria forming, or it causing things like candida or c-dif. Many reports of curing bowel infections though including diverticulitis, irritable bowel, crohns improvement, appendicitis. ... In fact I have read at least 5 testimonials from people who were going to start Kidney dialysis who after using MMS suddenly didnt need kidney dialysis anymore, totally stunning their physicians. I think it probably kicks out the toxins and parasites from the kidneys and thus allowing the body to heal itself.
One way it helped me that I had forgotten about until just now was that I was having some bladder stress incontinence... not a huge problem but some. That was the first thing to go that never returend.
No it doesnt scare me now. although initially I did quite a bit of reading on it before I ventured into it. I advise the same for anyone considering it. Seems the CDC did a study on Chlorine dioxide ingestion in 1985 and found that it was not really toxic at the lower dosages like MMS is used in. I have a link to that study somewhere....somewhere....somewhere... I haven't looked for it in years now, will try to find it.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Oh, the other question - Im using three drops an hour, 8 to 10 times a day depending on how my day goes.
I mix 30 drops MMS with 30 drops HCL 5% solution and add it to 10 ounces of water in a glass bottle. One ounce is a dose. I chase with plain water
I started at only one drop per dose and worked up over about 5 days.. going to l.5 drops per dose, to two drops per dose to 2.5 drops per dose. at 2 drops per dose I got some diarrhea so I backed down and worked up again. No problem now. I think 3 drops per dose it the right dose for me right now.
I think Im on about day 13 now according to my record, been doing it a bit longer than I thought.
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Thanks for the update. I am about 30 and 30 with 28 ounces, 2 ounces at a time with 8 ounces of water mixed with the 2 ounces. About every 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I work full time so it is hard to be precise at work.
I think the Doug Coil and Ondamed has knocked down my Bart and the Chinese herbs are hitting the Lyme so my load is much lower. Also Coiling for Candida and I am noticing the treatment!
I think I need to better space out the protocols to make sure I am not reducing effectiveness by introducing antioxidants while still doing MMS.
Still a ways to go but I am improving.
All the Best, MattH
Posts: 607 | From Houston Texas | Registered: Mar 2011
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yes MattH, thats the downside to MMS in my opinion. You cant do all the antioxidants that you would like to do.
Its either one or the other.
Most of the antimicrobial systems of defense in the body against bacteria are oxidants... so going with that is a good option at times.
After doing a couple months of CS, which is also an oxidant, I developed pains in my thighs and groin and it felt like my lymph system was under attack but hard to know for sure. worrisome for me. I tried several rifing things and obviously the CS was not helpful for this.
The MMS has really made an impact, reducing pains almost immediately. and now just a couple of tweeks left, if barely that...Guess Ive been treating this situation now for 13 days.. and it was the reason I shifted to MMS.
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My memory improved on Colloidal Silver... before I started MMS.
In general lecitin has always helped me with memory and come to think of it I was taking lots of lecitin in lipsomal C when I was on CS.
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tick battler
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 21113
My memory has improved with the MMS.
And for anyone with chronic lyme or parasite infections, I would strongly recommend reading Kerri's book (or looking up the protocol online) so you can do the baby bottle protocol she developed. It is the best way to avoid herx reactions. Most start with 1 drop mixed in 8 oz of water and then you take one ounce hourly so you are getting 1/8 of a drop with each dose. For those who are more toxic, you may need to start with 1 drop in 16 or 32 oz so you get a tiny fraction of the drop with each dose. My mom had to start that way. The goal for adults is to reach 24 drops but you go slowly so as to avoid a large herx.
Symptoms we have seen disappear on this treatment are as follows:
one drop in 8 ounces? wow. thats next to nothing. Guess some people really need to start super slow and low.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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tick battler
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 21113
My mom's arthritis flared and she had to nap all day just on 1 drop in 8 oz. So she diluted more. She was able to manage much better with 1 drop in 16 oz. It has taken her over a month but she is now at 2 drops in 8 oz. Low and slow wins the race!
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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It has been 2 months that I'm taking MMS full time. I was able to go up to 12 drops baby bottle protocol without much herx.
But now at 12 drops I herx. I can stil tolerate it, but I'm definately not increasing the dose.
What is interesting- it has been about 2 weeks, I stopped testing positive (energetic testing) for ALL supements or homeo remedies I used to take. Even the detox and methylation support I don' t need to take.
This happens for the first time since my Lyme treatment.
Posts: 443 | From Montreal, Canada | Registered: Oct 2009
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Member # 20157
Maybe i should try this. I can't get the link for the book to come up though. I need more links for where to buy it etc.
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 20157
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 20157
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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tick battler
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 21113
nefferdun - that is a form of Chlorine dioxide called CDS but I would purchase the sodium chlorite and HCL bottles to make the classic chlorine dioxide. You can get them at
I would read more first at to learn how the protocol works
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Yes, hopingandpraying I include memory problems under the category of brain fog. And yes, pain is part of these things - we had joint pain and a lot of pain in the legs. If you go on the facebook page you can speak to others on the protocol to get an idea of how they are healing.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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Member # 4409
Hey Carmen and matt, how long r u treating at 30 drops? R U handling it okay? What's gotten better?
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tick battler
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 21113
sickofthepain - you were using WAY TOO MUCH. You need to start at 1 drop/day, diluted with 8 oz of water so each dose is 1/8 of a drop. I can't imagine starting with the dose you took. Of course you will have a bad experience.
Lemon juice bleaches things too.
This protocol works but it has to be done right. CD is very powerful and will cause HUGE herxing if too much is taken.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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I used CDS for 28 days. I had been using colloidal silver for my antimicrobial but while using this I started to develop new symptoms that Im describing as pain and inflammation in the lymphatics in the bilateral groin area and seems also to be associated with restless leg syndrome and some muscle pain in the thighs. CDS seemed to have gotten rid of this but now Im off it for a month or so and its creeping back.
so I think Im going to start another month of it here pretty soon and probably should do two months. I really have to give my self extensive pep talks to do it as i detest it so much... but it is much better, with activation with 4% HCL rather than citric acid.
I dont understand what bug is causing this issue for me as it seems unaffected by either silver or rife. I dont think its the lyme... hard to know.
I have also found that topical applications of CDS mixed with DMSO cuts it way way back. I do this twice a day (even when on silver). I mix 8 drops of mms with 8 drops HCL and a tad of DMSO to carry it into the tissues and add one ounce of water and apply to the skin and rub it in.
I have been advised by several people not to use colloidal silver and MMS at the same time so when I took it orally I stopped the silver.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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So what about the DMSO and CDS on the feet and legs for Bart? I was told to mix some clove in coconut or almond oil but have not tried that yet. I would think the DMSO and CDS would be easier say right before a Doug Coil session. I do a Doug Coil 6 times a week now and if I can pull it off will go to two a day.
I have had a flare up in my liver so I stopped the CDS for a while. I too am using HCL to activate and that sure improves the taste.
I have also been drinking a lot of distilled water in the last two weeks and that look forward to see how that can help (also taking lots of minerals and alfalfa to keep the minerals up).
All the Best, MattH
Posts: 607 | From Houston Texas | Registered: Mar 2011
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I have put it on my feet also for bart and it seemed like it made a difference. I dont think I have bart anymore.. hard to say unless I get my blood looked at again. I have no symptoms that Im aware of.
for my liver I use Nux Vomica Hommacord, a homeopathic liver detox, and i think it helps. you can get it at iherb
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Member # 20157
What is CDS. I just got DMSO and it says not to get it on your skin! That really threw me and now I am afraid to use this brand. When I had bart before, I mixed DMSO with clove bud oil to put on my shins but it burned so badly I only did it once. It didn't do anything.
I have some bart stuff on my skin that I would like to get rid of. I was thinking of mixing it with Knotweed.
As for the MMS, I was so put off by the man ordaining himself a Bishop so he could avoid taxes, that I thought if he is that dishonest, I don't trust his "discovery". I'll wait and see on this one.
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 773
READ...READ...READ...before you jump into any new treatment!
"Chlorine dioxide is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency in safely removing pathogens and contaminates like anthrax.
So you know it must be effective. However, the concentrations used in such applications can vary ***from 500 to over 6,000 parts per million (ppm),*** which would clearly be deadly to an individual.
Using the MMS protocol you will produce chlorine dioxide in the range of 1 ppm.
scroll down to chlorine dioxide and see revised harmful to life ppm (parts per million). Remember the MMS newsletter linked above said you are drinking 24 ppm!
"Whatever they mean by "oxide of chlorides compound" could be any number of substances from chlorine dioxide (ClO2) to perchloric acid (HClO4). The first is a poison and the second is explosive, so I presume they have come up with something in between."
As for the MMS, I was so put off by the man ordaining himself a Bishop so he could avoid taxes, that I thought if he is that dishonest, I don't trust his "discovery". I'll wait and see on this one.
- NO kidding on that one.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 20157
It sounds too dangerous to give a child. Some people are so opposed to drugs they think anything "natural" is safer, and they conclude if it is over the counter, it is natural.
I always go back to "look at the fruits of the tree". Jim Humble ordained himself a Bishop so he could use his "church" to avoid paying taxes. He was selling certificates to ordain yourself as a pastor, as well as MMS and the book he published himself (because no one else would) about it's benefits. Does this sound like a person you can trust or does it sound like a scam artist?
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Almost 5,000 families on the facebook group alone now healing their autistic kids with this protocol. How do you call something a scam when children who were told by their medical doctor they needed to be institutionalized are now going to school and playing basketball with their friends?
Read both sides and then make a decision. I don't argue that Jim Humble is an odd one but he is not in this for money.
Dr. K endorses this protocol right on the back cover of Kerri Rivera's book. Is he a scam artist too? Some think so.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Carmen - in case this helps, for me restless legs was parasites. It is gone since being on Kerri's protocol. My kids had it too but it is long gone for them as well. They used to say, "my legs feel stretchy," but I haven't heard that from them in about 5 months.
If it is parasites causing your symptoms, you will probably need to do the CD longer than a month at a time to get ahead of the parasites. It takes years to get rid of them.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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I just started treating for mycoplasma with my rife machine and it seems like Im getting immediate results so Im thinking its mycoplasma causing the restless legs. Parasite treatment did nothing for it, nor CS. CDS does treat mycoplasma and yes I would assmume it would take longer than one month for this infection now that Im getting a sense of what it might be.
I was planning to do cds longer but Im going to move forward with the rife instead and see where it takes me.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Jim Humble is definitely crazy. If you read one of the links Marnie posted he apologizes in 2012 for not knowing that his MMS got into the blood and that he knows now it does not kill malaria.
So, the whole thing with the "supposed" red cross treating malaria with MMS was a scam.
If it takes "years" for MMS (or CD) to kill parasites, it seems scary--what will the toxic effects be years from now. Who knows?
Tickbattler--how long have you (not your kids), but you--been on Kerri's protocol? I assume you have/had Lyme and tickborne infections?
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9391 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Hiker, I would like to read that link you are referring to...can you post it here? I couldn't find the one where he allegedly says MMS does not kill malaria. I do not think Jim's work in Africa was a scam. MMS kills a lot of things, even the detractors agree on that point.
I said above that it takes years to kill parasites. I think most will agree with that point. The CD protocol we are on kills them faster and more effectively than anything I know of.
I have been on Kerri's protocol since June of 2013. I did have lyme in the past and also babesia and bartonella and ehrlichia. I also was taking the Dr K lyme cocktail all summer to address any new lyme or coinfection reinfections since, being new to CD, I was not sure that CD would kill them.
We did test CD against lyme on the EDS machine in one of my kids and it showed it would kill it along with bartonella. It did not show it would kill babesia, so that is the main reason we did the Dr K cocktail all summer.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if this did work and big pharma was behind suppressing such a cheap treatment.
I remember a doctor who was trying to get publicity begging one of the pharma companies to keep making a cancer drug that was very effective for a certain type of children's cancer but they would not because it was too rare of a cancer for them to make any profit off of the drug.
Well, does this LEAKED VIDEO Undeniably Prove Red Cross Performed a Successful Field Test Using MMS on Malaria?
"The Red Cross staff administering the malaria treatment was thrilled by the success of the test. However, the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC - the parent organization) was not thrilled at all.
When Leo Koehof released his version of a video documenting the same field test, the IFRC came out with a statement saying, "IFRC strongly dissociates from the claim of a 'miracle' solution to defeat malaria".
Klaas Proesmans, the narrator of the video, did everything he could to keep the results secret."
Hey, I don't know but I also don't trust the drug companies who have killed countless people with many unsafe drugs and why do the drugs have to cost an arm and a leg, like mepron?
I doubt MMS used carefully is any more toxic than half the drugs we use.
Call me jaded, but take everything with a grain of salt and make up your own mind after careful research. You might be surprised at all the info that is hidden from the public or twisted to support an agenda.
Take the Lyme Disease controversy for instance.
Posts: 590 | From Canada | Registered: Oct 2007
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quote from Jim "Only the malaria cases were not helped. That was a great embarrassment to our Minister in the jungle, and to me as well. I told people that they could cure malaria with CDS and then it did not work.
That was an embarrassment, but even worse I complicated the situation by writing and sending out a bulletin with incorrect information as well."
And Humble certainly makes money off this. His videos are advertised at the bottom of that same web page.
You and others, of course, are free to do whatever treatment you think is best for you. I personally think we have now beat this topic to death.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9391 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Looking - I totally agree with you. There is no incentive for big pharma to do studies on MMS because it can't be patented and will wipe out their profits. You can easily cure ear infections with MMS ear drops and many other childhood problems in a much safer way than taking a systemic antibiotic. They are terrified of MMS.
Hiker - I knew there was something fishy about the claim that Jim said MMS did not cure malaria. If you read the text, it says CDS does not kill malaria. That is not the same as MMS. It is much more diluted version. Jim does not say that MMS itself does not cure malaria. There is much evidence that it dose indeed cure malaria.
My daughter is on CDS right now and it is effectively getting rid of her PANDAS symptoms which were causing bipolar behaviors and multiple personalities among other physical issues.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
And as far as I know, Jim's MMS videos are free on Utube.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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What is the significance of this page, which arose from Wikileaks getting hold of millions of internal emails belonging to Stratfor, a shadowy organisation that specialises in destroying grassroots campaigns on behalf of governments and corporations?
rzh1--I think you are right. I will hang up my argument for now.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9391 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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tick battler
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Member # 21113
Eight Legs Bad - thank you so much for the link! It has a great explanation of the chemistry of chlorine dioxide and why it is safe for the body but can kill pathogens. Great find! How did you find it?
Hiker - to go from no reaction with the baby bottle method to puking means that you must have ramped up too fast. CDS is not another name for MMS. CD is the other name for MMS that you are thinking of. CD is different from CDS. I wont go into details here but it is made a different way.
Posts: 1763 | From Malvern, PA | Registered: Jul 2009
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Okay, I'll bite. What is CD? What is CDS? I assume that CD is chlorine dioxide which is made when MMS and HCl are mixed together.
I assume a chloride dioxide solution already premixed and put in distilled water. So, chlorine dioxide solution? It's all semantics. As I said before, it is just about how much you dilute it.
So, which do you use--the MMS activated with HCl or the premixed CDS?
The first time I tried MMS I used citric acid to activate it. When I used the baby bottle method I used hydrochloric acid.
I puked with the MMS and citric acid--too much to fast--that was way back in 2006.
I did not find the baby bottle method did anything for me, except give me heartburn--that was probably about a year ago. Also found it too inconvenient for my teaching job.
Tick battler--feel free to PM me when you have time with the details.
By the way CDS might be a quite appropriate acronym as in FDA terms it stands for controlled dangerous substance--LOL.
Chlorine is in our water and our food is washed with it. It is obviously not bad for us in dilute quantities.
There are many chemicals with bleaching qualities besides pure chlorine and just because they all bleach color out does not make them the same thing. They all have different chemical formulas and differing properties.
My dark carpet that was exposed to sunlight behind the curtain was bleached out by sunlight and had to be replaced with tile. Lemon juice bleaches color out.
So some natural substances have bleaching qualities, so saying if something turns material white proves it is bad for you is not necessarily true.
I hope to be open to other opinions and viewpoints. I don't believe one way or the other about this treatment but I find it interesting.
I do, however, respect other people's rights to explore it and report if they feel it has helped them. What may be the end of the story to one person may just be the beginning of discussion to others.
So thanks for this thread, tick battler, and I think you have been very patient with some here. Good for you.
It's easy to make fun of this because of the "bishop" thing which we know was a legal maneuvre to stymie the feds. But this is about the treatment itself and some people are saying it helped them.
Hey, Levaquin, has helped people and it has also damaged a lot of people. I've read some real horror stories about that.
But if someone wants to try it as a last resort antibiotic, that's their choice not mine. I might think it's stupid to take it and that it's bad for you, but my opinion is not the end of the story as to some it has been "their" answer to recovery from lyme.
Posts: 590 | From Canada | Registered: Oct 2007
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Interested in learning more about using this to beat possible PANS/PANDA --
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Member # 31149
Awesome link Eight legs!
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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