Topic: Candida weakens your ability to fight other microbes
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 13769
After you read this study, you may wonder why LLMD's don't treat candida FIRST.
Here's a quote: 'These results suggest that patients with CMC have impaired production of type 1-inducing cytokines (possibly a macrophage or dendritic cell defect?), which could result in an inability to mount protective cell-mediated responses and a failure to clear Candida.'
After nearly eight years of antibiotics,I really do wonder if my symptoms the past few years have been 'only' Candida. My LLMD's say that my constant sweats, fatigue, memory problems are symptoms of Babesia--but i do wonder. All of my tests are negative now.
My last positive babesia test was about five years ago. I tested about 20 times and only one test was positive.
Anyone else wonder if Candida is the final and most irksome culprit?
Posts: 1173 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Excellent point - treat / or set up preventive strategy FIRST, preferably days before antibiotics would start.
A gluten-free diet would also help many. As, with lyme and with candida, either can cause "leaky gut" -- and so can gluten. So whatever measures to help address the gut lining, the better.
OLE totally prevented any candida problems for me.
While I started that before the last antibiotic round I did for two month (and have never been on full treatment, ever as two months), in the past decades taking antibiotics for all the various upper respiratory infections that clobbered me (likely lyme undiagnosed)
candida was a huge problem for me if I even looked at an antibiotic.
Probiotics, when I finally found out about them, just were never enough. OLE saved the day for me with candida.
There are other anti-candida herbs, too, but they just didn't seem to have the same effect. And starting BEFORE antibiotics seems a good move at a time when candida is not at overgrowth stage or even close.
OLE has been remarkable for me. I never would have believed it, after decades of such candida trouble. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- I have to say, though, that OLE has not been the end-all, be-all for all issues. I'm talking here about candida.
Lately, I'm back on it for my mouth ulcers and it really has helped - a great deal.
But, IMO, it would not be wise to count on it to do all things for all people with complex tick borne infections. Still, a key player.
I agree,Its hard to tell the difference between lyme and candida symptoms.
After years of atbx I finally made the decision to stop
I now can see it is all GI tract stuff going on now with me.
I know because if I eat a lot of carbs I go off the deep end.
I also know because I herx on any anti fungal.
The symptoms are so close,Im sure many folks are staying on atbx to long when its maybe become just yeast.
Im sure that was my case
How do you know,tough call
Listen to your body,it usually gives you clues.
Yeast should be a must discussion for any newbie lymie.
I hope the best for you
Posts: 227 | From fairhaven ma | Registered: May 2015
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 13480
Everyone fighting chronic lyme will fight candida too, one day.
These two diseases walk hand in hand, both are immuno suppressants.
In my case, I had been suffering from candida more than a decade BEFORE I fell ill with lyme, after my first tick bite.
The same immuno defects that make our immune system fall sick with candida, will make us fall sick with lyme.
Both are very poisonous, in the sense that both cause herxes when killed, both will mess up with your detox abilities, both are very immunosuppressive.
Both make other infections grow, make you tired, foggy.
but the main difference, is that I felt dying fast with borrelia, while with candida, it is like 10% of what lyme was to me. Much milder, I didn't feel I was dying from candida (even though, I think I was, but much slower).
do you want to fight candida? Well, I have been fighting it for 30 years. Lyme came and went, but candida stayed. It is a MUCH more stubborn infection than borrelia.
My solution, for the moment, is the Tesla Violet Ray. I am still new to it, but had I known it 30 years ago, I think my life would have been different. Who knows I wouldn't even fall sick with lyme?
After you know how bad candida can be, how can you guys still use abx to treat lyme? I literally refused to use abx, whenever I could, because I knew how persistent candida was. I never wanted to trade my lyme for candida.
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 13769
I agree that the Lyme symptoms -- for me -- were much worse than what i think are Candida symptoms.
Shoeless Joe, I am fighting candida with diet and supplements. I had my PCP order a stool test so that i can do a baseline and then test again in a few months to see if the numbers change.
Also, has anyone thought that some of their problems are elevated EBV titers? My LLMD's in the past told me that EBV would go away on its own after treating Lyme and co's. I asked my PCP to run a test on my EBV titers as well.
Brussels, you are so right about antibiotics and candida -- choosing to take antibiotics seems very necessary in the early years of treatment, but then we end up with candida overgrowth...what a hard place...
Keebler, what brand of OLE do you use? Does it give you a headache? That's been a big problem for me with OLE.
for anybody who missed it, the link Keebler provided, above, is awesome. thx, Keebs!
Posts: 1173 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007
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quote:Originally posted by Brussels: [QB] Everyone fighting chronic lyme will fight candida too, one day. ................It is a MUCH more stubborn infection than borrelia.
- Amen!! I agree .. I've been free of Lyme for 11 eleven years and I'm still battling candida.. which was dxd about the same time as the Lyme 15 yrs ago.
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