I have had lyme disease for 12 years or so and i have had major neurological symptoms.
I am having severe vision problems and i will be making an appointment with the eye specialist next week.
I have been positive for MRSA in nose and throat as being called colonized. 3 months ago i had a stye and since then i have had a sticky eye every morning. A month ago i had another stye in the eye. I can even feel the bumps still in my eye lids and its not going away.
I have always had vision problems. Too many floaters, flashing lights, small black dots in dark and i have been living with it for 10 years or so. Initially when these symptoms came on the ophthalmologist said my eyes are fine.
However since last month i feel my vision is getting darker and dimmer. I also go blind if i switch from a lit room to a dark room. It takes me long time to adjust to the dark room in that time i cannot see anything! Even during evenings my vision is getting dimmer and darker.
I am very concerned as to what is going on. i always blame it all on lyme and just wait out everything. Could this be MRSA in the eyes?
Has anyone had their vision go dimmer and darker all of sudden can anything help?
-------------------- May God Bless you, answer your prayers, relieve you of your pain and make you stronger than what you are today. Ameen. Posts: 341 | From Columbia, MD | Registered: Jan 2009
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You should look into phage therapy. look into phagetherapy.com They would probably take you as a patient for MRSA, and maybe help your lyme too!
Posts: 477 | From Pennsylvania | Registered: Nov 2015
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Member # 47170
Mine has been dimming slowly in rt eye...what modalities are you treating with? Have you tried? Dancing acres has eyedrops with venom ?
Im about to try that for cyst thats buggin..manuka may burn less but heard it is effective. Have they given you sulfa drops? Have you tried silver...reaching for you
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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I have had lyme for 10 years. Was at 90 % for 8 due to 2 years of abx, bicillin, b12 shots, supplements and then the help of prescription drugs
Unfortunately last year this month I became I'll again, by running my immune system down for years. I've suffered numerous new, different, and terrifying sx this time around however, w one being my vision.
It stared w astigmatism, progressed to seeing yellow in one eye, and blue in the other. This was a rare occurrence so I wasnt too worried yet. But Then I would lose night vision in one eye and sometimes at night lose complete vision in one eye for about 30 seconds. Terrifying to say the least.
And it didn't stop there. For about 3 weeks I lost nearly half my vision in that eye and couldn't even read up close w that eye. Also developed an astigmatism in my good eye. Eyes also burn and are unbearably dry.
I've had numerous visits with my opthomologist and was also seen by a retinal specialist where lots of tests were performed. My next step is to see a neurologist since the docs, like usual, can't diagnose me with anything. I'm sure the neuro will be of no help either which is why I've been putting it off, but will eventually make the appt.
Unfortunately I have no answers or advice, but can definitely relate.
-------------------- Back At It Posts: 203 | From NJ | Registered: Feb 2015
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You could try drinking mangosteen juice, an anti-inflammatory juice, to see if it helps you. When I started drinking it, all my Lyme eye symptoms disappeared in 24 hours! I recommend the Mango-Xan version as it's the most tart. Found in health food stores and online.
Prior to starting the juice, I went to a neuro-opthalmologist who did all his tests, which I passed, even though he had to anesthetize my eyes for me to be able to look at light.
I had floaters, light sensitivity, eye muscle pain and increasing blurriness. The juice ended all eye symptoms. I drink about an ounce a day.
Posts: 13151 | From San Francisco | Registered: May 2006
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sonee123 - are you back in the States or still in Europe? I have a couple of names of LL Ophthalmologists, but they are in the USA.
Posts: 8990 | From Illinois | Registered: May 2006
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