Hello, I have a question about my 4 year old who's only symptoms are neuro and developmental delay/ocd.
I notice a pattern lately during the course of a day where he is super connected, present, and like a typical 4 year old much of the day, but usually about 3pm or so he becomes super not himself, disconnected, zoned out, impulsive, and doing things that he doesn't normally do (pulling cats tail, flushing toys in toilet, laughing at nothing, spitting). At these moments he would definitely qualify for an autism spectrum disorder, but the other times he would definitely not.
I cannot leave him alone for a moment when he is in this phase, normally he plays safely in his own room no problem.
This happens at least once a day and lasts a few hours. Its like someone flipped a switch. My question is whether there is any 'syndrome', or coinfection that fits this profile of on and off in the same day? The only tests that show positive for him are Bartonella nad Western Blot IGG.
Thanks so much!
Posts: 28 | From Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2016
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-------------------- Just sharing my experiences, opinions, and what I've read and learned. Not medical advice. Posts: 1431 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2015
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Thanks, he has taken the various strep tests and nothing shows pandas. I have always suspected, but no evidence. At this point the Lyme is my only possibility.
Posts: 28 | From Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2016
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I have a couple of different mid-afternoon ideas:
(1) I used to get an "afternoon flu" when I first started getting sick that I learned later was Babesia.
(2) Now, I have also learned that mid-afternoon slump, which can cause brain fog/neuro issues, is related to adrenal function - so that might be something to check.
(edited to add: re-reading your original message, the fact that he snaps out of it again later in the evening is very typical of adrenal gland issues, I think, where you feel better after eating dinner, and then even can get a second wind later (~10pm)...not sure how that translates to kids, like if the times stay the same, but the pattern you described could fit adrenal issues in any case.)
(3) Finally, I have a pet theory that may or may not be a total miunderstanding of liver function, but your liver *I think* becomes more active starting around 3pm to 3am (I don't remember where I got this).
So, maybe your son's liver function isn't so good, or it's clogged up or something, so at that time of day, as the liver ramps up, there's some sluggishness that causes neuro issues as toxins back up. I used to get headaches at ~3pm until I started more detox to help my liver along.
I think some folks (myself included before I started treatment) have impaired Phase II detoxification in the liver - and if your Phase I is speedy or normal but Phase II slow, it can dump a lot of intermediate toxins into your system. So, maybe that is at play.
Sorry, none of this is very scientific, but I hope you find something that works.
Posts: 243 | From Southern Arizona | Registered: Jun 2015
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 45475
Moleculara Labs shows is an option that tests to see if someone has PANDAS beyond just having strep. Sometimes other viruses can set off PANDAS. Sometimes PANDAS and Lyme coexist.
-------------------- Just sharing my experiences, opinions, and what I've read and learned. Not medical advice. Posts: 1431 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2015
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 31149
It could be parasites too (common with lyme and autism).
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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It might also manifest itself as PANS/PANDAS. My now young-adult son did not have the psych problems, but involuntary muscle twitches (tics) which went away with Lyme treatment.
This is a link from that website specifically about PANDAS/PANS:
You and your dear children need to be evaluated and treated by a LLMD. Non LLMDs have no clue about this horrible disease or its complex treatment!
I don't know of any LLMDs in CA, so I would recommend you write a new post in "Seeking a Doctor" to ask for names there.
I previously sent you the name of a good LLMD in OH who specializes in PANS/PANDAS as well as Autism. He treats both children and adults for Lyme. It would be worth checking out if you are able to travel and unable to find one in CA.
When calling for an appointment, ask if they have any cancellations or a waiting list. Patients have been able to get in sooner by doing this.
HopingandPraying, I greatly appreciate this. We do have LLMD appointments in CA set up for this month, just trying to make sure this is the real thing causing the issues before putting them on a lot of antibiotics if the Lyme is not their primary cause for the behaviors. Thanks so very much!
Posts: 28 | From Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2016
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I hope you find some help. I have also been diagnosed with Lyme recently. Im looking for a LLMD in CA. Would you be able to give me the info of the one your son is seeing please?
Greatly Appreciate it.
-------------------- R&R Posts: 4 | From United States - Bay Area | Registered: Jul 2016
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