Just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in geographic location or climate with Lyme. This would be especially relevant for anyone who has moved - did symptoms get better or worse when moving or spending significant time in a different location?
Posts: 81 | From Southern Ontario | Registered: Jul 2016
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 13480
certainly possible and it happens all the time!
Mold exposure, light exposure, electrosmog exposure, pollutant exposure, ions in the air, etc.
for many reasons, moving means A LOT!!
I hope you feel BETTER, not worse.
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 33581
A lot of people with mold illness say they feel better in a different location.
A lot of people with Lyme also have mold.
I haven't moved but I have felt better (and sometimes worse) when traveling to different parts of the country or even different parts of my state.
Posts: 1737 | From Virginia | Registered: Aug 2011
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Overall, I've felt much better or worse in my several moves over the years. I'm really wondering, did I have Lyme for years but in my last home, which was a milder climate, my symptoms just weren't as strong? Or did I really get it about a year after moving here?
Posts: 81 | From Southern Ontario | Registered: Jul 2016
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Member # 13480
The immune system depends also on vit D. In winter, we catch more colds (I mean we, non-lyme sufferers), because the immune system is low gear.
I never get candida in warm weather. In tropical conditions, I thrive.
Winter comes, like a clock, my candida returns. It has been like that for MORE than 20 years.
Chronic candida, like chronic lyme, are due to immune deficiency. During lyme I always took vit D3. It always felt good (no matter of what people of the Marshall protocol keep saying).
I do think my immune system gets a boost from Vit D3 (oil form).
In warmer countries, there is much less lyme than in colder countries. In Europe, that is CLEAR: northern Europe is COVERED with ticks and lyme sufferers.
Southern Europe: people don't even know about lyme (still). It could be that there are less ticks, of course. But it could be that the immune system works better in warmer conditions.
I think that sunlight is also important: I did photon therapy for lyme (that is what stopped my lyme definitively).
I still use that photon device (infrared). Nasa has a lot of research on that (for improving astronauts' health). Quite convincing data.
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Just bumping this - surprised there aren't more opinions or experiences with this. Definitely willing to relocate if it helps - it's not like things have exactly gone great for me since moving here, how can it when you're this sick!?
Posts: 81 | From Southern Ontario | Registered: Jul 2016
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Brussels - what does photon therapy entail? Great post, I appreciate the thoughts and info!
Posts: 81 | From Southern Ontario | Registered: Jul 2016
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 13480
You're welcome.
Google Bionic 880.
I used a cheaper version, called Photonic Energetics 1. You can do a search here, in 2009 (that is when I treated my daughter and myself, and then lyme stopped being our nightmare).
I think this therapy treats ONLY Borrelia burgdorferi (or mainly Bb), so if you have other issues, they must be still addressed.
We had done many therapies before, but still kept relapsing, on and on again. Photon therapy was the last thing that closed the last page of chronic lyme for us.
I also know that it can come back months or years later (as it did for 1 day, for my daughter and once for myself) and then we needed further treatment (total treatment time: 3 weeks with 3 sessions of about 10-20 minutes with the PE1).
Not a lot, and we didn't feel ill, so I even do not consider that a relapse, if you see what I mean. that is why I say that it was photon therapy that healed us.
In fact, photon therapy is simply HOMEOPATHIC Nosode therapy! So, what healed us is in fact, nosodes of Borrelia. That's it.
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Interesting! There's some confusion if these are available for sale to the general public though. This particular device is only offered in Germany it seems - unfortunately with my health condition, travel to Germany would be impossible. However, there are photon places locally - does it have to be this specific unit?
Posts: 81 | From Southern Ontario | Registered: Jul 2016
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