Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 49177
Thanks foxy, but I don't think I m allergic to Epsom baths. Please, anything but that. Those baths have literally saved my life .
The belly rash started first, while I was out shopping for, of all things, Epsom salt. It was itching me.
The other rashes have tiny red blisters in weird directions. Except the shin bone rash is straight vertical line.
Reminds me of my very first encounter with dirty ole Bart. Except I was far sicker with scary Neuro head hell.
Posts: 3062 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
My guess is your guess is correct. Could very well be toxins exiting the body or Bart paying you a visit.
BTW- You DO rinse off after being in the epsom salt baths, don't you?
If not, you are leaving a coating of salt on your skin that I would suspect could do all sorts of strange things.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 49177
Honestly, I can't lie to my bud, Tincup.
I don't rinse off after my baths. Never had any problems. Never itched.
But there s a reason I don't rinse off. I want my body to absorb as much salt as possible.
I have thick blood and severe dizziness and vertigo, and very low blood pressure.
Last summer, when so very ill, scared, crying the end was near, went to Neuro doc.
He preformed tilt table test in his office. His opinion was it could be hysterical in nature, and to breathe in a bag.
I believe it's POTS.
He also famously told me that when you combine the Elisa test and western tests results together, you get an 80% accurate rate ?
I believe each test is separate from each other, flaws and all.
I can explain it like this: If you are at a roulette wheel, and the last 10 spins all landed on black, then you would surely believe the next spin should land on red. But that's not how it works. Each spin is separate from all the others.
Regardless, my body lacks the ability to produce antibodies so the tests are useless with CVID.
I believe that by adding extra salts and fluids helps me greatly.
Also meatballs . . .
Posts: 3062 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016
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I was getting weird rashes and found out it was due to mold. I had a moldy front load washer and had no idea because I had bought it only 3 years ago until I really started looking around in there, like pulling out the soap tray and looking up at the top of the cavity. Now I am having to deal with a mold issue on top of everything else. I didn't think I had it in my house and did some mold petri dishes and was shocked to find one room had mold "too numerous to count." It was not smelly or visible at all.
Posts: 142 | From Midwest | Registered: Sep 2015
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 49177
Yup onebeed,
You re right on target. Mold is big in my house.
But have so much on my plate. Am overwhelmed and sick to tackle it now.
But it s next on my list, thanks.
Posts: 3062 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016
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