Hi there, I have been pulsing clarithromycin/tinidazole and clindamycin/quinine. Since starting 25 days ago, I have been getting these rashses quite often. They start out almost as a red pimple, then expands to what looks like a cigarette burn. Then they go away after a few days. I always thought they were from Bart ( which i tested positive for), not babesia ( which i tested negative for) Has anyone seen this type of rash before? I will post the pic below. Thanks!
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Look at the web for scabies from skin mites, the good info sites. I have finally been made aware that the skin issues I've had for the last 10 yrs is scabies.
It's parasites.
-------------------- "Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill Posts: 6489 | From Louisville, Ky | Registered: Jan 2002
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I've gotten those rashes. I think it is probably Lyme or bartonella. I'm pretty sure it's not babesia, because as far as I know, babesia doesn't cause rashes.
I don't think that is scabies. Doesn't scabies look more like poison ivy? I've never seen it before.
-------------------- chronic Lyme/Bartonella
Inside every sick person is a well person waiting to be freed Posts: 232 | From new england | Registered: Nov 2017
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Thanks for the responses. I always thought they were bart, but since starting my lyme/babs treatment they have really been popping up. Maybe they are just lyme related. Did yours eventually go away?
Posts: 188 | From Winnipeg | Registered: Dec 2009
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