Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Many skimp on food for various reasons. But every time someone posts about fatigue, it makes me wonder how much fuel their body may have.
Of course, lyme and TBD really rob the body of energy still . . . I think many don't get the food a body requires.
Please look at the amount of food on these plates & the variety . . . the colors, the textures, the balance.
Not just for kids, though. This photo essay reminds me that all of us should be eating similarly to the lunches around the world for students.
And, if you happen to be a parent of live in community that has schools, please become involved in getting foods like shown here from other countries into the hands of students here who are being nutritionally robbed by the choices in most school cafeterias.
A breakfast like this would serve us well, too. Maybe just skip the wheat for those gluten-free of course (yet the bread around the world is usually far better quality than in the U.S.).
And, by the way, the last photo has only one item with any redeeming value (hint: it's bright green in the photo but not likely in reality at serving time. Grey peas do not have any nutrients).
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