Yesterday I went bicycling. I found a park I didn't even know existed- one problem though-it is right under some huge power lines.
I love to look at every one's flower gardens- they always seem to bloom sooner than mine.
I weeded the garden, and did more of what I call "musical tomato plants" I had too many tomato seedlings this year, and I just stuck them odd places 'till I could find somewhere to put them, so I keep moving them around to find a good spot. One place in the garden, they keep dying, and I don't know why.
I can't go to the church I was going to- I started having a bad allergy attack whenever I went, all of a sudden.
I had a bad attack today from riding in someone else's car- I hate not being able to tell when the next attack will hit- I went shopping for a new curtain this spring, and I was fine.
-------------------- chronic Lyme/Bartonella
Inside every sick person is a well person waiting to be freed Posts: 232 | From new england | Registered: Nov 2017
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Loads of walking and dancing around for the free concert and awesome fireworks at Ft Benning, GA last night.
Today, nada except for driving to Atlanta. Me and Mom are in the hotel already in our jammies. Getting up at 5:30 to make her 7:00 a.m. MRI!
The plan is some great Japanese food for lunch then do a bit of grocery shopping while here after her couple of appointments.
Kudos to you all for the exercise! And thanks Hiker for getting us started this week!
Goodnight gang!
-------------------- Do not take this as medical advice. This comment is based on opinion and personal experience only.
Alaska Lone Wolf Posts: 6482 | From Columbus, GA | Registered: Jul 2004
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I went to church and then two shows today .. I'm worn out. On top of that I had very little sleep last night.
I DID manage to sleep about 30 minutes in the early evening.
Sounds like you guys had a good day!
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Hi. I got 3 hrs sleep last night cuz of mites. I had worked 6 hrs with flowers and trees yesterday so its not surprising I'm picked them up. I worked in a downpour in the morning. Changed clothes and worked all afternoon in on and off drizzle. It was 60s. Great working weather for me. Can't deal with heat
I did take a shower with teatree and washed ettas feet but it wasnt enough. 3 hydroxy and 1 benadryl gave me 3 hrs sleep for 2 to 5.
I worked again today...mostly with mulch but had to keep running away from yellow jackets. I guess I was disturbing nests but it didn't end up terrible
Tonight I had long hot bath with Epsom salts and peroxide and it helped a lot. I gave Etta full bath too. I see them now. They can come thru screens. They are tiny and beige. I read they turn black after they eat. They need moisture to live and I keep my house really dry. I have never found a live one. So on top of drying bedding everyday on high for 30 min I guess I have to vacuum daily and spray with peroxide. Only in rooms we use I hope...I mean if I have to give up flowers and gardens I will. It just doesn't seem.fair. I'm not giving up Etta. If we can't go outside we won't. Or if we both need baths after being outside we will
So. Glad your trip went well a k. There was a time in my past that a Japanese restaurant was a regular thing
Hiker hope you have a good week. It sounds like you got all the chores done today
248...I was so sad when I had to make the decision I couldn't go to church anymore. I really liked the groups and classes. I got disabled pretty early but I fit right in with the woman 20 yrs older than me and was so greeatful for the times I had with them
I tried churches in the next towns but all the churches in nh and maine were old and moldy. I stayed near my son in nj for 2 yrs at one point and there was a new modern church and I could handle that
All of that was before mcas. I was really bad this last winter. Coyldnt go to any offices or stores without mask and sometimes needed respirator
When i stopped miralax I lost a lot of sensitivities but not all. I let my guard down cuz often i feel good...but they still get me.
So tutu isn't here? I 'll go check yesterdays thread. Have a good week!
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Went for my physical with GP this morning. He answered all of my questions and is looking into a copper blood test for me, because of the amount of zinc I take.
Went to gas up the car and to the library.
Then to the chiropractor.
No exercise and I should be doing more exercise not less.
Just haven't felt great lately and even on my good days I am lacking motivation.
I will be very glad when my colonoscopy is over on Thursday. A bit fearful due to the outcome of the last one (needed surgical repair).
Ak--Hope your mom's MRI went well.
Tutu--you are really the show queen!
Lp--The mites not be around forever. I know how much you enjoy getting outside, so I hope you don't give that up.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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Member # 12673
- about "lacking motivation"
I would argue that motivation is never lacking as I see motivation as the desire and commitment
yet when the body is not able to get into gear -- for many who have health / energy issues, it is not the lack of motivation but the body just saying "not now" for a variety of reasons.
Once when a doctor commented that I seemed to lack motivation I shouted out in reflex: "Hell, no!"
He did not understand why I was unable to make my body move in certain ways. Of course, when lyme, babesia and other TBD tests came back positive, those were tossed aside as "not being in our state" . . . it was all about my "lack of motivation"
In fact, I caused a lot of damage by pushing too hard when my body, especially brain and adrenals were in the danger zone. Many falls and injuries came at that time. I just kept pushing and it just made me worse.
Later when I learned more about exercise intolerance, this also became clearer to me. Not a fault of my character at all.
so that's just a very tender word / judgement / criticism from others and
when it becomes self-talk for anyone ill, it just bothers me as it seems so unkind and undermining. The willingness is there but we can't always just go with that.
Motivation -- Definition: the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Hiker .. I hope you can figure it out soon. I think a test that many use is a hair analysis for copper. Maybe you could cut back on the amount of zinc??
I was still tired today, but at least I slept well. I took a short nap late afternoon before we went to eat with a group here. It's a military band association we've been associated with for about 10 years. It was fun.
I'm hoping to go exercise tomorrow. I still haven't signed up for the gym at the local church. I'm going to ask my friend if she wants to go with me a few times a week.
I hope all the MRI's come out OK!!
LP .. Do you think it's the mulch? I enjoy just taking care of my pot plants. I have about 20 of them and they keep me busy just watering them.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Hiker I will be thinking about you Thursday pray it goes well...its over in about 15 min. Uve had 4 now. The first was horrible cuz I was awake but I didn't get damage. The others were fine. Worst part is nite before
What time is it?someone is driving you right?
I had high copper once. It was the well. They didn't treat us. Just fixed it
A lot of my plants are there to separate me from businesses and moldy neighborhood houses. But they are my babies now.
I'm still in stages of planting and training. The plan is to end up with a yard that takes care of itself. When the most I can do is pick a few flowers
I hired a second kid. The girl stopped coming and there's 3 ftbleft to go. She keeps making excuses. I finally called her mom. I hope she finishes and don't want her to work for me unless she's more responsible. It made extra work for me
All winter I had no motivation but it was the stupid miralax. I hope you guys figure out what's going on and feel better
I slept good last night thank goodness. Today I was supposed to back me house but now that I can see the mites I see bunches of them coming in screens and on patios near doors.
So I figured I better add sweeping and hosing down patios regularly to my cleaning. Then I spray with permethrin. It took me all day to do that. Etta was out with me and I just washed her feet before bed and she is fine. Not chewing her feet
After a rest I vacuumed bedroom and tomorrow I should get whole house vacuumed
Hi keeb! Wow long time. My word is depression. Docs always saying I'm depressed. I know I'm not depressed cuz I can lie here and. Think of tons of things I want to do. I just can't get the energy to do it...I've beendepressed. Its way different
Well night every one. See ya yomorroe
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Cool out this morning, so walked 27 minutes.
Ran into a teacher who retired several years ago. She said the summer after she retired she just slept and read.
That made me feel better, because she wasn't ill. It's like catching up on 34 years of fatigue for me of which 15 have been working fulltime with Lyme.
Went to Window World to scope out new doors and windows. May have them come give me an estimate. My front entry is double doors, so that is pricey, but I have always heard that you want the front doors to look good if you want to sell your house and mine definitely need replacing.
Treated myself to a decaf iced mocha with a Starbuck's gift card. Figured if I have to fast tomorrow and only have clear liquids I might was well treat myself today.
Keebler: Are you able to exercise? Our thread is about movement whether it is walking, running, vacuuming, gardening, shinnying up a tree house etc.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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I went to exercise on Tuesday and did 37 minutes on the machine .. 6 laps.
Went to hubby's show tonight and met up with my sister in law's sister and her husband from Texas. They loved the show!
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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I did bills and planning stuff...calls etc for 4 hrs after I got up
My plan was to vacume whole house. I cleaned and vacuumed the laundry room. That's it
Had to rest. Then at 4 drove 45 min to my brothers house to give him a stereo I can't use cuz I can't see the dials with my glasses
He got in the car and talked for an hour. Good that we communicated but he isn't well in many ways....he's refusing to go to docs again...I don't really blame him....but I think he might be very sick. Idk
When I left him I driven to beach to the big parking lot. Its paved with grass all around perimeter and was empty so I walked all the way around without a cane. Etta was very happy and very tired. She conked out and slept on the way home. She doesnt usually
It was beautiful at beach...strong seabreeze. No bugs
The house was really hot so it was more exercise for me to walk around and open windows to cool it off
I washed dishes for over an hour and didn't finish. And did 1 load of laundry.
Then collapsed. But it feels like I wasted the day cuz I never vacuumed
Hiker my so called front door is a slider and needs to be replaced. I want to do french doors with a screen
I remember that first summer after I retired
One of the biggestchangesi made was to let my body find when it wanted to sleep. I've been pretty good at that over the years and I think that's a really good thing to do. I feel like a lot of healing takes place when I'm sleeping
Tutu its nice you saw a good show. A yr from now I hope I'm telling you about shows I'm seeing.
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 12673
- hiker53,
no, I'm not able to move much at all. However, that's not why I shared my thoughts about someone saying they "lacked motivation" . . . for whatever kinds of movement / action by body -- or by brain -- it seems natural for most people to think of others
or say of themselves, they just aren't "motivated" . I was just posed that it's usually not at all about the desire. The body, the brain have much more to say about it besides that.
Motivation / desire with some kind of plan brewing, perhaps, is not always the driving factor. That's all. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Hiker .. good luck tomorrow... and tonight!! UGH!!
It's very hot here. Tomorrow will be the hottest day we've had all year. Predicted 97+ .. My friend from Houston is coming. She will feel right at home!
I went to Bible study and then ran errands about 2:30-3:00 .. HOT.
(PS .. yesterday was cool .. We had a big storm with strong straight-line winds. It was pretty wild.)
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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oh boy wierd day the new worker was pretty good hes 15 now and looks like a man... a hunk! he started shoveling snow for me when he was 9 or 10 and his big brother made fun of him...he was skinny and small but such a good worker i ended up telling the dad i didnt want the older brother here he would lie down and watch the snow fall while the little kid did all the work then beat on the little kid dad was fine with me firing the older one and used it as a learning experience
i paid him 15 an hour ...more than i pay cleaning lady...but he foloowed directions and kept working and is very strong...he can do things that need ot be done that really hurt me
i ended up working next to him a little just to make sure all was ok so i am tired its hot and humid
then got text from dil about her mom being in ER with bells palsy and severe knee pain they are treating with anti viral meds...made my first post in medical in a long time
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 5230
hiker i know your night might not be great but good luck tomorrow!its quick...
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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LP--Bells palsy and knee pain sound like Lyme
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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I know hiker! But I went to ilads to find a strong statement saying that and there isn't one. I called them and left message. In the past a Lyme literate person always picked up and helped me.
I took a chance and told dil it sounded like Lyme to me. She says they are waiting for Elisa results. I told her it had 50% chance of being wrong.
I said all of this in texts because I was so sad that this woman is waiting weeks to see if antiviral work...doxy right now would prevent a life like I have had...but they don't hear me
2 or 3 yrs ago my dil asked me what to do for attached tick. She got so upset with my answer my son ordered me to never talk to his wife about Lyme again.
When she told me the sx I just felt like I had to tell them how important doxy fast is.
But they didn't hear me and now my son might not let me see the grand kids
I don't regret telling her...ijust wish I was better at words so they would start the doxy
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Sorry I haven't posted since Sunday. Got about 2 hours sleep that night and took pain pills, muscle relaxers and sleeping pills until today.
My Mom's MRI showed that her spinal fracture was to old for the cement like procedure. Doc said it might heal a bit more so will wait and see. She uses pain patches during the day and takes a pain pill in the evening.
Was happy to read everyone still getting some exercise in.
See you all tomorrow!
-------------------- Do not take this as medical advice. This comment is based on opinion and personal experience only.
Alaska Lone Wolf Posts: 6482 | From Columbus, GA | Registered: Jul 2004
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Ak--Sorry your mom can't get the cement procedure but hopefully her spinal fracture will heal. Took my mom a long time for hers to heal even with the cement procedure.
No exercise today due to colonoscopy. At least it is over and all went well.
Did drive over to my GP prior to colonoscopy this morning. He did not fill out disability parking placard application correctly.
Unfortunately I already mailed the incorrect one to the state and only noticed it when filing the copy. So, wrote him a note asking him to correct it and initial that he made the correction and will mail it in.
I don't want the state to reject this as a bogus application. This would give me 4 years for the placard instead of 6 months.
Have a good evening.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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It rained ha4d on and off all day. We really needed it so its good.
I cleaned all day hoping to at least get all vacuuming done but I keep getting distracted trying to find where to put stuff
At 6 I took Etta for a drive and got her a cheeseburger for dinner. (Well it will make 4 dinners for her ) I went back roads and drove slow to give her Time out of the house. She ge5s stir crazy without a walk or trip to the beach
She had been acting strange running around the house every night with her nose in the air sniffing. She did that when I had mice but no signs of mice.
This morning while having my coffee I saw a woodchuck walk across the patio. He went from thebsidebwith woods to the junk yard side. I never saw him after that. Its the patio Etta is tied on most of the time and I leave the door open so she can go in and out
I'm going to put rags with ammonia down to deter the woodchuck. But it was still pouring tonight so ill do it tomorrow
I think we have 1 chance of rain in the next 10 days and 90s to 100 and humid . not my kind of weather
Since I started cleaning I found a bunch of dead mites. But today I found live ones. One near a window. They are so tiny they go right thru the screens. And then a bunch near dish drain. I read they like moisture. But 6 yrs here and never saw them.
There is a support group for skin mites on fb and its creepy what these ppl are going thru. They say its due to climate change
I need to understand them more to figure out how to get rid of them
Umm pretty tired. See you tomorrow
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Had a long day .. trip to the city, lunch with a friend and a bit of shopping. Then home to see hubby's show with a friend from high school.
They were so overwhelmed by how much there is to do here that they are planning to come back in November.
Good night, everyone!
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 5960
No exercise but a whole lot of food prepping. Washed and bagged assorted fruits and veggies and made dinner for me, Mom and Josh.
Heading to Atlanta tomorrow for a couple days to help my friend celebrate her BDay! Bringing my dancing shoes and hoping my right SI joint and hip hold up with all the dancing.
Hope the placard error gets straightened out Hiker. Sure hope my Mom's back gets better. It causes quite a bit of pain for her.
That lucky Etta! Josh didn't bring Ada over today because of rain. I sure missed her yard antics!
Hey TuTu, do you have joint and muscle pain from MCAD too? I get sore easily and my bad surgeries and old broken bones are catching up with me. My soles and palms don't hurt as much from the Astaxanthin or Horse Chestnut. Pain wears me down at times.
Anyways, it's late and need to get some sleep. Night all!
-------------------- Do not take this as medical advice. This comment is based on opinion and personal experience only.
Alaska Lone Wolf Posts: 6482 | From Columbus, GA | Registered: Jul 2004
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AK--Enjoy time with your friend. I haven't danced in ages and don't think anyone would want to see me dance--LOL.
My friend, Lisa, dropped off a gluten free pizza last night which perked me up enough to go spray the two small trees in the front yard.
It is the annual invasion of the Japanese beetle and they can easily kill the tiny crabapple and redbud. However, I still see them on the crab apple, but too windy today to spray. I hate to use chemicals, but am not going to lose these nice trees.
Very hot here--heat warnings until tomorrow night. Tutu--I bet you are sweltering, as well.
Watered well this morning.
Ran a few errands and grocery shopped.
Went to get my blood tests done. In and out in 15 minutes. I am a wimp when it comes to drawing blood and this lab has a recliner. Every lab should have that.
One test I am having done is for the blood levels of copper. Just want to make sure the zinc is not lowering the levels. If I reduce the zinc, my muscle twitches increase.
My friend, Tracy, is a personal trainer in another town. She sent me some exercises to do for my knee.
I did one set of all the exercises this morning and will gradually work up to 3 sets and then add some weights. That one set was plenty, though.
Then I hope to add in some exercises for arm strength.
Not doing anything too strenuous the rest of the day.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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AK .. Who knows what my pain is from .. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 38 years ago, Lyme since childhood, now MCAS. We can take our pick!!
I know plenty of people who have pain from MCAS. My masto friend had such severe pain last night that she wanted to go to the ER. The only trouble is that she would have reacted to just about any pain med they would have given her. She toughed it out.
Hiker .. the pizza sounds yummy. I need to find something to eat. (SOON)
I'm doing some exercises for my shoulder now, per the PT guy. I started seeing him again this week. Trying to rehab my shoulder.
May go to a show tonight.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Used the grass trimmer for 30 minutes this morning before it go too hot. Then went to the rec center and walked for 20 minutes in the AC.
My once a month cleaning lady was here this morning and so I sat at the rec center and read after my walk, so that she and I would not talk and she could get done faster.
Guess I am on my own cleaning until August.
Mid90's today with heat indices above 110 and yet, Kyle, is here mowing the lawn in midafternoon. He says he loves this kind of weather. UGH!
Did a bit of cooking and made some gluten free muffins. Blueberries are in season. Need to make another batch but ran out of the baking cups that go in the muffin tin.
Have a good evening.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9376 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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