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Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
From Dr. Janet Starr Hull's December newsletter:


Karen and Harry conducted an experiment one hot Texas afternoon. They placed on their backyard table one can of diet cola with aspartame next to a can of regular cola. They watched what happened over the next two days.

A determined line of ants marched steadily in and out of the regular cola can, but no ants
moved in or out of the diet can. A few ants made their way to its opened ring-top, but each quickly turned about and joined the line steadily trailing up to the regular cola.

What does that tell you?

The dangers of aspartame poisoning have been a well-guarded secret since the 1970s. Now that the market is rapidly saturating with chemical alternatives such as sucralose, acesulfame K, and a variety of other chemical sweeteners, we are all curious to know if these new sweeteners will result in similar
health problems we predicted would occur after twenty years of aspartame use.

Only time will tell with sucralose.

The research and history of aspartame as a cause of illness in the human body is
conclusive. Aspartame is a risky chemical food additive, and its use during pregnancy and by children is one of the greatest modern tragedies in human history.

Aspartame is 180 to 200 times sweeter than sugar and contains about four calories per gram. It's synthesized from the two amino acids L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine, which are bonded by methanol. Aspartame breaks down easily and loses its sweetness when heated.

PKU: One of the most deadly reactions to aspartame is by phenylketonurics (PKU).
One out of 20,000 babies is born without the ability to metabolize phenylalanine, which makes up 50 percent of aspartame. Toxic levels of this substance in the blood can result in mental retardation. Beyond PKU,
scientists believe aspartame alters brain function and prompts behavior changes in

And thousands of people have reported the following side effects from aspartame:

* Fibromyalgia syndrome and fibromyalgia symptoms
* Multiple sclerosis symptoms
* Dizziness
* Headaches
* Menstrual problems
* Weight gain

According to research scientist Russell Blaylock, M.D., a current review of recent scientific studies has disclosed a connection between aspartame and multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1996, according to Dr. Blaylock, it was shown that the lesions produced in the myelin sheath of axons in cases of multiple
sclerosis were related to excitatory receptors on primary brain cells,
called oligodendroglia. Recent studies have now confirmed what he suspected-the loss of
myelin sheath on the nerve fibers characteristic of MS are due to the death of
these oligodendroglial cells at the site of lesions (called plaques).

Further, these studies show that the death of these important cells is a result of
excessive exposure to excitotoxins at the site of the lesions.

Aspartame is an excitotoxin, a chemical that enters the brain and activates the brain
cells until they "burn out." Brain cell death occurs.

Aspartame's Blueprint: The design of aspartame seems simple, but what a complicated structure aspartame really is.

Two isolated amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine, are fused together by a third component, methanol.

Methanol bonds the two amino acids, but when released at a mere 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the methanol becomes a poisonous free radical, breaking down into formic acid and formaldehyde (embalming fluid). Methanol is proven to be a dangerous neurotoxin, a known carcinogen that causes retinal damage in
the eye, interferes with DNA replication, and causes birth defects.

Aspartic acid makes up 40 percent of aspartame. Aspartic acid is a neuroexcitor,
which means it negatively affects the central nervous system. Under excessive conditions, aspartic acid can cause endocrine (hormone) disorders and vision problems. Hyperactivity is stimulated by aspartic acid, so aspartame is not recommended for ADD/ADHD conditions and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Adverse reactions to aspartic acid are:

* Headaches/migraines
* Nausea
* Abdominal pain
* Fatigue
* Sleep disorders
* Vision problems
* Anxiety attacks
* Depression
* Asthma/chest tightness

The second isolated amino acid in aspartame's chemical blueprint is phenylalanine, 50 percent of aspartame. Too much phenylalanine in the diet causes:

* Seizures
* Elevated blood plasma
* Negative effects during pregnancy that could result in retardation
* Increased PMS symptoms due to the blockage of serotonin
* Insomnia
* Severe mood swings

WARNING: It is commonly recommended in the health field that the amino acid
L-phenylalanine should not be used by pregnant women or by those who suffer
anxiety attacks, have high blood pressure or by those with pre-existing pigmented melanoma (form of cancer). The amino acid DL-phenylalanine
should be used with caution if you are pregnant or diabetic, if you have high
blood pressure or suffer anxiety attacks.

There is so much information on the dangers of aspartame found in NutraSweet/Equal�, I wrote a book about it! In 1991, I was diagnosed with an incurable case of Grave's Disease caused by aspartame. I cured my
"incurable" case of Grave's in less than 30 days, and wrote "Sweet Poison: How The
World's Most Popular Artificial Sweetener Is Killing Us-My Story" exposing the dangers
of this artificial sweetener.

There is much to study about aspartame and diet sweeteners - consider it a new "textbook" for life.

To view this issue online, visit the link below:

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :

You got it! And that ants know that if they want to stay alive it is best not to go near the diet soda!

Best of Health,


Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
sorry, i know what your trying to say but.

Animals like sugar, its a survival mechanism, so do humans.

Ants would never eat up a chemical next to a sugar...

Its common sense.

Also regular coke isint that much better for you either, especially if you are sick

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Sugar is a natural substance. The point of the article is that sweeteners are deadly chemicals.

No one is saying eat sugar if you have systemic candida or diabetes or reactive hypoglycemia.

Dr. Hull recovered from aspartame toxicity as did I.

The point is if the sweetness was natural and not harmful since aspartame is multiple times sweeter than natural sugar the ants would have gone for the sweetness.

Since it is NOT a natural sugar and is a harmful chemical they did not.

Yes, it is common sense and the ants have more common sense than humans in some instances.

Best of Health,

[This message has been edited by Magdalena (edited 16 December 2004).]

Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
Hi Magdalena,

I am really glad you posted this!

I had someone ask me about the effects of *Aspartame on the brain.

The person works for a dentist and recomends it to children.... (YIKES!) I told her it is a chemical and harmful to everyone epecially children, because their brains haven't developed yet.

She asked me for more info. on the subject.
I am trying to gather it.


Posted by fulfillment09 (Member # 6492) on :
Many years ago (at least 5 years) diet drinks was the "thing" for me until I learned about its poisoneous nature. Man made chemicals, ya know.

So finally I discovered Stevia, which is a natural sweetened flavor extracted from a plant. Of course, our "health protector and educator, FDA the Great" catagorize it as a dietary supplement title. Why? Mucho mucho $ from company like.....what else,....ta da..... Nutrasweet!

Since most of us are so well educated by the Corporate America and our Protector & Educator we want nothing but the "craps". So let's poison ourselves and then buy their drugs/meds to poison ourselves some more. At the meantime we are very well protected and educated.

Also sugar is not any better for our health anyway, since it takes chemicals to convert its natural stage to look so good and edible. So my choice of sweetener is raw honey which does not get treated by anything to make it taste like clover honey.

So the moral of my very own discovery is.... I think I'd rather provide my very own protection and education.


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Very interesting.



Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I had posted this in error on the old Xylitol post that I had pulled up to see that I had given enough info about it.

So here is my response to Maggie's post:

Maggie, am with you 100%. We do not need more neurotoxins - most Lymie are already in trouble.
If you must have a little to satisfy your sweet tooth, use some organic cane sugar.
I cook and bake, using only half the recommended amounts of sugar.

Or use Xylitol. Do a search here, I posted at length about it. It has been thoroughly researched and will kill at least 200 bad bacteria in the mouth, none of which will have a chance to travel south and do more damage down low. If you want some sugar in your tea, use it. It has no after taste. Buy the booklet in your health food store.

There is gum, lozenges, mouth rinses, etc. etc. and the sugar (looks like coarser sugar) for coffee and tea.

I made a nose/ear spray out of it, combined with some Grapefruit seed exctract, purified water and a little saline, and if anyone has a stuffed up nose or ears, it will clear things out in a hurry. Within minutes. You can buy the ready-made spray. But my husband was told to use the spray 3-4 times a day to capture the dental toxins as they come out of the tissue and bone into the mouth to wipe them out right away. So I made the spray, for much less and it works great. Anyone want the recipe, let me know. I will post it here.

I also spray it into Sumi's (our visiting standard poodle) ears who tends to get sore ears. She accepts it beautifully and has stopped shaking her head, because I think her ears were itching, whatever. It works.

Take care.


Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
GiGi, I never heard of that... Where can you get it?


Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
GiGi, I never heard of that... Where can you get it?


Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
OOPS.. sorry for double reply

Sometimes don't remember if I posted

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lisi, Xylitol products (the crystal/powder, the toothpaste, the lozenges, etc.) are available at most healthfood stores. NOW and Jarrow put them out as well as some others. They also have the approx. 30 page booklet that tells all about as well as the research. I posted about it here:

Take care.

Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
Thank you GiGi, I wil look into it


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