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Posted by LC (Member # 7070) on :
I was wondering if anyone once suffered from frequent anxiety & panic attacks but now that symptom has subsided still lives with the FEAR of them?

When I first became symptomatic three years ago I was in a constant state of anxiety and would have panic attacks all the time.

It was soooo scary because my difficulty swallowing and lump in the throat feeling would be compounded when the attacks would come on.

As a result I wouldn't go anywhere without a bottle of water and a xanax.

I am doing much better now. I only get mild anxiety when herxing or when feeling really fatigued. Luckily I haven't had a panic attack in over a year.

But I still cannot get over the fear of them, and still need to tote my water and xanax just in case.

Any advice for how to get over this?
Posted by StuckonLyme (Member # 8196) on :

I had and still have the problems sometimes now they have subsided a little but i still get them. I have only been treated for two months, was diagnoised with lyme and bart, I use to never go anywhere because of them, and i know how scary they are. The lump inyour throat really gets anoying to. My doctor said the main reason they come on is because the fear of having one acually brings one on. That and because my neurotransmitters are out of balance. So i try not to worry about them an tell myself that they can not hurt me if it does happen. Believe me i know it isnt that easy, there are still times where i get them and they are horribble, i still do not go out to far from home because of it, i hope someday i can get over them.
Posted by Kenny from PA (Member # 8007) on :
Hi LC, Kenny here.

I cannot give any advice, but I can commiserate. Since my neuro symptoms kicked in in early Sept I have had almost constant anxiety/depression peppered with (not quite panic) panic attacks. I am not in treatment yet (hopefully next week) but I really hope it helps.

I'm going to see my PCP today just to get some Xanax or something to help me chill until treatment is well underway.

I also have the swallowing problem and the lump in tht throat, and it is definitely agitated by stress/anxiety. In fact, during those rare moments of coolness I hardly notice my throat.

Hope it gets better for you.

Kind regards,

PS: PM me about the saying hi.
Posted by chroniccosmic (Member # 7789) on :
The panic and anxiety were some of the most terrifying symptoms I have had. Just diagnosed clinically 3 months ago and have been taking doxycycline and some of the panic/anxiety are going away. I see a chiropractor/acupuncturist who does muscle testing and can clear emotional issues. I have also had good results from cranial-sacral therapy which address emotional issues too. I was willing to try anything to get myself back on track. Hope that helps! [Wink]
Posted by Curley911 (Member # 2205) on :
This was really my first symptom. I had it so bad I felt disassociated from myself. Mine continued to come closer and closer until I ended up in the ER unable to move w/o feeling like I was having an out of body experience.

My attacks were so extreme they sent me to a psychiastrist who was specializing in them. He found them to be caused by seizures. I've been medicated with seizure meds for 18 years now and have NO symptoms.

The psychiatrist also had a followup class w/his panic attack patients. We all made a list of 10 places we dreaded going . . . then we went to one or two places a week and when our group met the next week we could discuss and support each other with our progress.

I was most afraid of a church wedding since I sat thru one w/my brain screaming while the lovely ceremony proceeded. Thought I would loose my mind, ruin the wedding and die. I was just about as bad when in a movie theater. Also going to the mall and especially downstairs w/o windows.

I visited each place and one by one, over time, they have become totally normal to me. You are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Symdrome, PTSS. Of course you are traumatized by the feelings! They are very bizarre . . . I hope my rambling helps, LOL.

A suggestion is to have your Dr. do a 24 hour sleep deprived EEG to find if you have seizure activity. You never know, you could possibly rid yourself of those suckers and the associated anxiety TOTALLY.

Good luck,
Posted by Jillybean (Member # 8071) on :
I have had severe Panic Disorder for 27 years. It was so bad for me that I not only "medicated" myself with mass amounts of alcohol, but I eventually became agoraphobic, and didn't leave my house for a year. The attacks were so bad that I couldn't seem to get to the top of my breath, or get a full breath. I would start freaking out and the symtoms would get worse. I would have heart palpatations, chest pain, arm pain....sure I was having a heart attack, etc. Went to the ER many times. After extensive therapy, giving up alcohol, and being on Klonopin for 13 years now, I've learned alot. Yes, that fear is always there that they will return. These are things that I learned that helped alot during these attacks:
Remember that you will NOT die from a panic didn't the last time, and you won't this time.
Stick your head in the freezer and breathe in ice cold air (worked for me!)or ice on back of neck...
Most important is to immediately busy yourself with something else....force yourself to read a book/ magazine/anything, and make yourself concentrate on it. Or do anything to take your mind off it. I would tell my husband to TALK TO ME and MAKE me talk back, and answer you....any inane conversation will do.
This sounds strange but works (learned this from psych dr): Laugh out loud as hard and long as you can, then totally make your jaw drop and relax it with mouth open and stick out your toungue.
One thing to remember is that no incidence or activity brings on a panic attack. For instance, I had a terrible panic attack while flying, and again going to the mall, then driving over bridges, etc. I immediately assumed that that activity CAUSED me to have a panic attack, and I therefore gave up doing all of those things. That's how I eventually never left my house, because everywhere I went "caused" a panic attack, so I felt if I eliminated those activities I wouldn't have them. WRONG! It was purely coincidence that I had them at the same time, so I would work myself up into a panic attack just going to the mall, etc. Don't set yourself up. Dispell all thoughts of your past panic attacks and bid them farewell. Slowly "desensitize" yourself by gradually introducing the things that scare you back into your life. All it boils down to is your concious and sub-conscious not agreeing on something, and WHAM! PANIC!!!!!
SO, my advice is to stop fearing they will come back. Rid them from your mind, and think of them as a problem you USED to have. Try to stay poitive and work though any issues you might be having in a constructive way....don't bottle things up.
Sorry so lengthy, but I hope this helped. And BTW, I don't really need the Klonopin anymore but my doc said I've been on it so long they're afraid to take me off it.
Best of Luck!
Posted by Curley911 (Member # 2205) on :

Wow, you gave alot more detail but you described my story . . . w/drugs though I was able to get to work until one day when it they hit non-stop. Yup, totally self medicated w/alcohol, avoided social anything, it was horrid and I don't want to go back there mentally

What I did want to point out is an interesting crossover with the klonopin that I see over and over on this discussion board.

Klonopin IS a seizure med . . . that's what I take on a daily basis. I tried Tegretol but it made me sick. My doctor was very clear this was for my seizures which makes me wonder if doctors aren't accidentally medicating seizures when they're aiming for panic attacks. Kindof like getting longterm abx by accident for pneumonia and never feeling better.

Because Klonopin is so widely used as anti-anxiety, most people are unaware it is a seizure med and think I'm taking "calming pills" like valium.
Posted by chroniccosmic (Member # 7789) on :
Those were great suggestions. I have been avoiding the grocery store because of the bright lights and overstimulation but also that is where I had my first huge panic attack. I'll use some of those suggestions and start giving it a try. I have been going in for short periods of time with my husband or daughter close by. Thanks. [Big Grin]
Posted by Jillybean (Member # 8071) on :
I'm so glad I could be of some help. When I was "desensitizing" back into the grocery store, my doctor told me to go in and only purchase 5 items. It was terribly difficult the first time....I grabbed the first 5 things and stood in the "10 items or less" line to get out quickly.

I remember it seemed like an eternity. After that it got easier and easier, and I increased my list to 10 items, then 15, etc. Now one of my favorite things to do is to grocery shop, and I can easily spend an hour if I have the time.

Just try and remember the pleasure you got out of these same things before. Who doesn't like to shop? Even in the grocery! We're actually ALLOWED to spend money there!

Take a list with you and concentrate on it---don't let your mind wander, or wonder for that matter, whether or not you're going to panic.

Wear sunglasses....

Take baby steps.....I promise it will get better!

(Making hubby give you an intense neck and shoulder rub helps too during the peak times, (so hard it hurts!).

All the Best,

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