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Posted by lymesucks (Member # 10575) on :
that reminds you that you have Lyme?

For me...
Im still fatigue
My body is weak and tender
Im am already nauseaus
I have a subtle jittery feeling in my body
Even though its cold the heater being on sometimes makes me worse. LOL I cant explain that one.
I need to eat something due to my low bloodsugar but not sure if that is related at all.
Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
I experience everything you've mentioned, plus there's something horrible about being aware of pain before opening your eyes. I've been known to dream about pain, as if my mind is trying to make sense of it while I'm asleep.

The worst it's been, for me, were the days that I'd awake to numb, tingling feet, put them on the floor to stand up and promptly fall flat on my tush.

Became such a joke that I started keeping a pillow on the floor to cushion the fall - had to keep a sense of humor about it. Thankfully, that seems to have stopped.

Mornings are rough.
Posted by Lioness (Member # 10655) on :
Originally posted by cactus:
[QB] I experience everything you've mentioned, plus there's something horrible about being aware of pain before opening your eyes. I've been known to dream about pain, as if my mind is trying to make sense of it while I'm asleep.../QB]

I dream about it too. Then I wake up miserable! I think I am dreaming of it because my body is feeling it. (I keep my pain meds, heat pad and towel for an ice pack next to me)

Sort of like when you dream about some terrible sound and you wake up and an alarm clock or car alarm is going off.

I almost always feel aweful in the morning. The worst are the days you feel like a truck really came in your room and ran you over, or someone took a baseball bat to you while you slept!

Sometimes I don't want to go to sleep b/c I know how bad I will feel when I wake up.

But, every one and a while, I wake up feeling not so bad. It is not often, but it sure is welcomed!
Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
How do I wake up?

VEWY VEWY ERWEE....eheheheheh....

When I used to sleep longer than two or three hours at a time I felt like I was emerging from a cocoon of stiffness and pain...

like the bug had wrapped me up in this cocoon somehow while I slept...

then I used to fight to break out of it and face the day...

Now it's like I'm emerging as a wonderfull Monarch...specifically a MONARCH butterfly...strong and ready to fight another day....

IT does get better...and I have dreamed and do sometimes still dream of pain...

among other TOTALLY WIERD stuff...

But beats not waking up at all!

(by just that. much

Besides once you take that dirt nap...nobody can hear your voice complaining about this dang what good is that???

And I ain't been heard by NEARLY enough folks out there........zman
Posted by wiserforit (Member # 9732) on :
Mornings are awful rugged. Some weeks I experience pain in my feet and shins. Other weeks my right hip and knees. Lately the lower half has been okayish and my shoulders hurt and hands are swollen with right one numb and cold.

I dream insecurity dreams all night long...all the time since i got the most recent Lyme bite. That makes for rough morning wakings.

Each morning I'm either dealing with pain in my joints or neuro-fogginess-oversensitivity. I find that dealing with my chirpy family in the a.m. is hard reality re-entry. I've noticed in recent photos that I even look as though I'm wincing!

Although it sucks, sometimes getting up and out as early as possible can put a better spin on the day. It always shakes out some aches although the neuro stuff is harder to lose.

Having Lyme forces me to learn new kinds of patience whether I want to or not!

Wishing us all better mornings,

Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
I wake up because of hip pain. I am usually slightly dizzy, but it is the Air Hunger that hits as soon as I rise from lying down.

That one really bothers me!!! But Tony is right. I'm glad to be waking up. There was a time before dx. that I just knew I was dying and no one knew why.

Posted by Moosie (Member # 10033) on :
You old "Welcome Back Kotter" fans might appreciate this.

I make what Kotter referred to as "my father's noise." OY - the O part drawn out while clutching my lumbar region with one hand, my left knee with my other, and then trying to hoist myself up to a full standing position.

Then the first steps, snap, krackle, pop that usually is a signal to my doggie that it is time to go out for the day, if Mommy is really actually going to walk further than the bathroom, the popping would have stopped much sooner. If I make a quick left into the bathroom, he goes back to his doggie bed.

I am so stiff most days, all day unless I don't sit down again, especially during this time of year. It is chilly, damp and no sunshine for a real long time right now.

Take care, Moosie
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
After 19 years of this I am just grateful I wake up.

Things are not as bad as they used to be.. and I wake up grateful for that too.

That may sound a little weird is that waking up grateful is due to the lyme but after 19 years of this ... I am.
Posted by Lioness (Member # 10655) on :
Originally posted by Moosie:
You old "Welcome Back Kotter" fans might appreciate this.

"Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back..." (as I hum the tune in my head) [spinning smile]
Posted by MarsyNY (Member # 7766) on :
Like a pancake, just like a pancake....

Posted by Nebula2005 (Member # 8244) on :
"Your dreams were your ticket out. . . something something something, that same old place that you laughed about."

I wake up in the same old place, but it takes me a few hours and a couple cups of coffee to be able to laugh!

I wake up and wait for the degree of awful to sink in. Some mornings are worse, some better.

The buzzsaw is kicking in my ears. My ears burn. My head twitches. My neck hurts. The dim light coming in from the windows--not sunlight, mind you, just lighter than night--makes my eyes go all squinty. The light is still there when I close my eyes.

I push the cats off of me, swing my legs out of bed and step onto my feet, which don't hurt, but my calf muscles cramp.

With great trepidation, I look at myself in the mirror to see if I look worse or better than I feel. Usually I look better, which gives me strength. Heavy sigh. What's it like to be out of pain, to wake up good.

Every day I note how grey my hair is getting and wonder if it would have happened even if I didn't have germs consuming all my B vitamins.

And so begins another day of life, which is the only choice I really have.
Posted by i want help (Member # 9786) on :
i too, have a real tough time in the mornings, feel like i am vibrating or something, dizzy, barely able to walk, I also have been falling at different times of day. I instantly reach for food for blood sugar (though its hard for me to eat not eating nearly enough-have lost 25 lbs recently)
I get scared when this happens in the am
takes me about 4.5 hours sometimes to get going.
thought i would be back to work by now. this is more difficult than i anticipated.
but im hanging in there and doing the best i can... am starting avelox today along with biaxin and plaquenil... hope it goes well...if it does... then I add mepron in three weeks
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
I used to wake up stiff and swollen. Not anymore.

I still do a joint check as soon as I'm conscious. Wrists working? Fingers bending? Ankles flexing?


Then I get up and dress REALLY warm because it is in the teens these nights and I head out on the deck with our 3 dogs. It is not even light yet, so I shine a high powered light to follow the dogs around the yard and make sure they don't leave. I stay on the deck and do 15 mins of yoga and deep breathing.

Then it is back inside the warm house to start the coffee. ummmmmm!

Daily I thank God for the health I am given.

I'm not cured but I'm doing very well.

Posted by tothepoorhouse (Member # 8595) on :
Glad I am not alone.....I have a hard time sleeping as I get pain over my whole body even if I turn over. It wakes me up. [Frown]

I groan even sitting upright as my neck, shoulders, back ache. Then when I stand, my feet, ankles and knees join in the body fun. [Roll Eyes]

I've started to keep my vicodin and water right by the bed and take it an hour before I leave the bed for the morning. It helps a little, but this pain pretty much stays with me the whole day.

I'm better at night for some reason...well, not better, but the pain doesn't hurt as much.

Then it's to bed and starting the cycle over again.
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
I used to wake up with brain fog, dizzy, neck and head pain and hardly any vision and just completely out of it, not to mention SINCERELY cranky because of the way I felt.

Nowdays, I wake up normal, but once in a while still wake up pretty discombobulating or with my back or neck or head aching. I actually can wake up happy now.
Posted by Lymeindunkirk (Member # 7118) on :
Used to wake up every three to four hours. Not a lot of pain, just couldn't sleep for long period even though I could be exhausted. After taking rifampin for just over a month I am finding that I'm actually having to use an alarm clock once again. I'm sleeping sometimes six hours straight. I almost forgot how wonderful it feels to sleep. I do hate alarm clocks though.........
Posted by Cassie (Member # 2106) on :
I don't wake up in the morning I wait untill the afternoon or evening [dizzy]

Sorry guys couldn't resist. [Razz]

I hear what you are saying, sucks doesn't it oh I guess you already know that Lymesucks [Roll Eyes]

Better go to bed now the afternoons come real quick [Big Grin]

Take care your friend Cassie [kiss]
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
I go through the day always feeling like Im about to faint, but in the morning its the worst!
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
while the gallbladder was bad I was going to sleep on my side holding it. I would very often awaken on my back and petrified to move. Not sur if I could or if the pain would start again.

That seems to have resolved with it's removal. I'm thankful for that. I just wake up unrested and go back to sleep a few times until I can get my self moving. So so tired still.

Sleeping too much and late but at least I can stay in bed with little pain for now. I used to wake up and have to jump out f bed from pain so bad I couldn;t stay there, so far I'm thankful for the fatigue and reduced laying down pain.

*crosses fingers; knockes wood* i know it won't last but am taking it as long as I can.
Posted by humanbeing (Member # 8572) on :
Remember when you would party all night and drink too many shots and smoke too many ciggs?

Well, remember the next morning? That would be me every morning now...(without the fun nights)
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It gets better, gang! I used to have terrible pain too. I would dream about being in pain and wake up in pain. Not good.

The fatigue was overwhelming in the mornings especially. Never got up at a decent hour.

Now I'm happy to be alive. Wondered for quite awhile if I would live past the next month or year.

Keep a smile on your face and tell yourself daily that you ARE going to beat this thing!

Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
espresso is the key...

Posted by Cate (Member # 8787) on :
i've been waking up really horribly stiff and sore -- shoulders and neck, especially right below both shoulder blades -- for about 4-6 months now. feels more muscular than jointy. funny thing is, i sleep the first 4 or 5 hours fine, then between 4 to 8 am something happens and my body becomes stiff as a board, achy, tossing and turning (as much as one can do lying on the back, because if I turn on my side I get hand numbness and neck pain nearly instantly) and fragmented sleep, sometimes horrible base-of-neck migraine upon awakening. it takes me a few hours to shake it after waking but it gets better through the day. eating a good breakfast helps, and a nice cup or two of tea, as does a vicodin.

why is the morning so horrible for us? is it the body detoxing overnight? or the bugs multiplying? or staying in one position for too long?

Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Does anyone know the answer to Cates last question???
Posted by pq (Member # 6886) on :
in a delirium.

dreaming, and dreaming most, if not all day lonb, while going about my daily activities.

absolutely miserable.

though, its gotten a lot better with treatment, whn i can get it.
Posted by cantgiveupyet (Member # 8165) on :
I usually wake up with some kind of bladder/urethral pain....and the bladder hurts from having the urine in it all night.

i get back in bed and stretch out and wait for the pain to subside. (my cat usually watches me, and hopes that i will just go back to sleep)

when i was real bad I woke up very very stiff, dizzy, like going to faint feeling and had to keep food near my bed.

I also would set my alarm , so i would wake up...I had terrible sleep paralysis....scary times, so i wanted to make sure that i would wake up.

now sometimes i feel a bit out of it, but once I do eat i feel better.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Re Lisa's question about Cate's question as to why the wake-up is hard for us, I would guess it's because we've not been moving all that much, and our circulation is not that good, so bad biochemistry has accumulated in us...?

For me, it's a routine: where's the heating pad, where's the ice, where's the water, where's the mangosteen juice, where's the coffee, where's the hot shower -- each for different aspects of the bod...

If I'm missing one component of the list, I don't do well...
Posted by MagicAcorn (Member # 8786) on :
I wake up to Maxwell House Master Blend.....ahhhh!!! Having some now.

Having the best mattress you can afford is important to waking up refreshed also. One thing I firmly believe in is not skimping on a superb mattress. I am worth the luxury of a top of the line mattress, a down comforter and two down pillows.

It does get better like Lymetoo said. I do not wake up creaking and cracking anymore, now I just take longer to get going.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Pain,and since starting mepron headache.
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