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Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :



Not at all sure how I did it.. without breaking bones and crushing myself into little pieces...

But I just took a dive off a step ladder.. which was about 4 ft up from the ground. I hit the ground full force.. rolled butt over head at least 3 times.. and landed on my side... at least 15 ft from where the ladder was sitting.

The ladder was still upright because as I fell I remember pushing off of it.. which pushed it back upright.

If I would have seen anyone else take that fall.. I would have called 911 instantly.

Now either I have absolutely NO injuries from the fall.. which in my wildest dreams I can't imagine how that could happen... or the adrenalin is still pumping and I feel no pain yet. I am actually in less pain than I was when I went out to climb the ladder.

And right now I am already laughing at myself.. because that was a doozy of a fall.. and it would have looked REALLY stupid to anyone watching.

And I laugh now in the event I MAY start feeling pain later tonight or tomorrow. Guess it's best to laugh while I can!

I am actually in shock I think? HOW could I have fallen that hard ... and rolled that far... and not broken anything?

Guess someone was watching over me.. and I should be thankful.

[Big Grin]

By the way... It WAS a pretty site! HA!

[Big Grin]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
oh my goodness tin. don't make the mistake i made. i figured all my pain after i fell in the cellar (on my butt) had to be from lyme. then a week later the ortho doc (i was on crutches by then-couldn't walk) he decided i couldn't have broken my pelvis cuz i have so much padding there...honest...he said that to me. well 3 weeks later he xrayed me and sure enough it was broken. had been for a month and was healing well on its own. (he didn't say sorry or anything either)

the moral of this story: you might not hurt now cuz of the adrenelyn rush...but if you hurt tomorrow you better get checked out. and don't be too quick to blame your pain on lyme. some things that make pain CAN be fixed.

ps-i ordered a bunch of those papers!
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Good Lord!

I don't ever want to hear another peep out of you about trees, ya hear?

Hope you really ARE ok? and if not, GO and do something about it Missy!!!

Much love,
Posted by Beverly (Member # 1271) on :
Ouch oops and so sorry you fell Tin. I agree with
above posters, I think you should have yourself checked out, just to make sure you didn't break anything.

I hope you are okay.
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Now not to worry.. but I appreciate the well wishes ya know. I am still laughing.. so ... uh.. either I am nuts... or I am just fine.

Yes, kayak.. I had a big hit in a car accident.. broke several bones in my back. BUT... the duck motel said I was ok and sent me home. Repeated duck visits for bad pain.. but they said I was ok too.

They were wrong.. and by the time it was discovered it was too late. I would have had to have them re-broken and then surgery to fix them.

So thanks for the reminder. I will pay it mind.

I was HOPING someone would tell me of their falls.. and how they looked so very graceful doing it. Then I wouldn't feel quite so stupid!

[Big Grin]
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
Ok Tincup,

So let me see if I'm getting your message straight. You are saying if we want to stop feeling lyme pain, we should climb a ladder and take a tumble.

I'm glad you are able to laugh. It helps release endorphins, which make us feel better, BUT with all the kidding aside, I would definitely get it checked out if you start feeling anything remotely not feeling right.

Guess we need to start setting up video cameras around you so we can join in on some of your adventures. Good luck to you!

Posted by Jill E. (Member # 9121) on :

I am so sorry you've had this mishap, but let's hope that your Guardian Angel was on the job protecting you, and that you crushed a few spirochetes from the fall!

Like others have recommended, if you have some new pain or symptoms, it's better to check it out. But like you, I had a duck experience years ago after a car accident (pre-Lyme). I herniated my disk. However my internist never had it X-rayed, said I was just trying to build a case for a lawsuit (I never said I was going to sue!).

So when the pain continued for weeks I finally saw an orthopedist and had to deal with back issues for years because of the idiot first duck.

Anyway, use your judgment about getting it checked out. And good for you for laughing - a sense of humor gets all of us through these messes.

I don't have any incidents of falling to share with the group. However, I also have been having embarrassing incidents. My myoclonic movements have been particularly bad when I go to bed. I made the mistake of having my hands near my face (my hands jerk a lot by themselves). And yes, I did end up hitting myself in the face!! Not just once!

I expected the local news to say "San Diego woman knocks herself out with a one-two punch." Maybe they'll recruit me for the next Rocky movie.

We should all write a book, the Lighter Side of Lyme.

Heal fast.

Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Many years ago (about 14 I think) I stepped backwards off a stage while painting scenery. Also about 4 feet off the ground.

I landed on my butt and was totally fine.

I remember feeling like somebody actually had their arms under me and gently brought me to the ground. Of course, that could have been the fumes from the spray paint. [Smile]

I hope you continue to be ache free from the fall.
Posted by sizzled (Member # 1357) on :
Oh my gosh!

Not happy, not happy, not happy....!

PLEASE update us in 48 hours!

I have taken some really bad falls in the past....

Never mind....Just PLEASE post in 48 hours....PLEASE!?!
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
ok-more laughs since this is expanding beyond falls.

i have hit myself many times. also slammed my fingers in windows and car doors.

Once on a first date-the poor guy. he had this fancy car (good cuz there was lots of rubber where the door closed)-he opened the door for me...slammed it and walked around the car and got in the other side and i was just stuck there with my mouth open cuz my fingers were in the door. i thought he was gonna die when he saw what he did. he ran around and opened the door and no blood...not even much pain. like i said-a lot of rubber. we went out on the date and stayed together 3 years.

but the worst ended me up in the hospital and the young intern was so sweet. i had been moving-i moved a lot-alone-the kids never seem to be around and i was using a ummm of those elastic things with hooks on both ends...are they bungees? (or is that the jumping thing?) anyway...i let it go and it smacked me in the face-near the eye-so i had a fat lip and a black eye and the intern really did not believe me. he was sure some big bad guy had hit me and sent me home with papers on abuse and encouraged me to come back for help.

LAUGH!!!! remember? endorphins... i bet he turned into a GOOD doc...he cared.
Posted by Jellybelly (Member # 7142) on :
Thank goodness you are OK! But I'm with you, knowing your are ok, it does give me a little giggle. I can only imagine the site.

I'm like you, I can't help but laugh at myself when stuff like this happens once I know I'm not busted up other then laughing. What else can you do but laugh, we would have, had it been in "Funniest Home Videos". Only thing is, this is "These are the Days of Our Lives" our lives. We can laugh or we can cry.

I choose to laugh, most of my family who is sick trys to laugh at our blunnders too.

Now all that being said, there is a good chance you are going to be in some pain sooner or later. Ice any swellings every hour or so and for 15-20 minutes. I'm the queen of ice packs, my freezer is full of them. You can't have this happen without getting at least a little achey.

Thanks for sharing your shining moment. [hi]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
HA! I'm laughing now. Thanks for the giggles. I was thinking at least I didn't do a belly flop!

Melanie said.. "Hope you really ARE ok? and if not, GO and do something about it Missy!!!"

I guess you didn't get that job at the Hallmark Company writing get well cards.. did you? HA!

And where exactly do you propose I go? No.. never mind!

[Big Grin]

Beverly.. you are a dear one. I should be fine.. so please don't worry! And thanks!

[Big Grin]

Yo ho little t..

You said.. "You are saying if we want to stop feeling lyme pain, we should climb a ladder and take a tumble."

Snort snort giggle giggle. Actually.. that advise sound just like it came from Hopkins! HA! And NO on the camera funny girl.

[Big Grin]

Jill! Good to see you!!! You said.. "but let's hope that your Guardian Angel was on the job protecting you, and that you crushed a few spirochetes from the fall!"

Yes.. an angel for sure! I still can't believe I did it! And crushing a few spirochetes made me really laugh! If that worked.. I'd rent out my ladder and make some BIG bucks! HA!

[Big Grin]
Posted by shazdancer (Member # 1436) on :
Well, girl, feeling pretty good 2 hours later is a good sign. But like sizzled said, update us in 48 hours, to be sure we don't have to come and revive you! Don't make me practice my CPR skills....

Now, about my own klutziness...

You would think that, as a dancer, I would be graceful. And I was -- onstage. The rest of the time, I was always bumping into things and falling. So much so that my dad asked one of my dance teachers why I was such a klutz! He said, "Because we dancers are taught not to look down!"

My latest was just before Christmas. I was moving a pile of 5 wrapped presents into the other room to put them under the tree. The hall was dark, but I didn't have an extra hand to turn on the light. Silly me.

I tripped over Jake's backpack. Picture me juggling 5 packages, trying to keep from dropping them (which ultimately went flying in 5 directions anyway), then splatting into a door frame! I've got a door frame-shaped scrape and bruise on my arm to prove it.

While I took some deeeep breaths, Jake quietly put his backpack away....

Posted by surg (Member # 6937) on :
Guess you were OK from the fall because of all that dancing you do!
Posted by wiserforit (Member # 9732) on :
oh my goodness!

keep laughing for the endorphins, take a hot bath with something medicinally salty in it, keep a heating pad of some sort on your torso for the evening, and envision famous pratt falls of movies of yesteryear to keep laughing!

I think there is a 3-day rule after mishaps. First day is shock -- so no reaction; second day is disbelief that you appear fine; third day you awaken with the bones settled or not...

May your third day be painless and your laughter be constant!

Posted by TNJanet (Member # 10031) on :
OK, Tincup, do YOU have extra padding?

I would never ask such an irreverent question without telling you that I DO.

So glad you are feeling alright SO FAR and hope that continues....have any muscle relaxants or something like naproxen for swelling?

Now, I'll add my MEM for the group (most embarrassing moment.)

Three summers ago, I was still living up on top of a mountain, secluded from everyone, overlooking a beautiful lake. I was so proud of myself for being able to take care of my place,

all five acres and a two story cabin. What was I THINKING??!! I had just bought a riding lawnmower and was getting used to mowing the steepest parts, even though the instructions said

not to use it on inclines of more than 15-20 degrees. Well, what fun is THAT? So I had been mowing for about an hour and I decided that if I

went really slowly, I could mow down near where the meadow met the lawn. It would be so much easier than using a weedeater later.

I made a U-Turn and headed for the front of my yard and downward and then the mower started going too fast for my comfort level and I slammed

on the brakes and they went all the way to the floor. By this time I was picking up a LOT of speed. The only thing between me and

my steep driveway was a flower bed raised with landscape timbers. Now in this flower bed there also happened to be a fairly large tree. My

thought process went something like "If you head for the tree it will slow you down" to "If you hit that tree you'll be a goner" to "Oh, S**T!"

So I turned the mower away to miss the flower bed but not in time to miss hitting the back corner of it with the left mower tires. Since the mower

was not meant to be used in this manner (the slope was more like 45 degrees) it flipped up in the air with me holding on like I was riding a

**** rollercoaster and with my eyes shut tight. Although I didn't see it for myself, I can only speculate that the mower went about 6 feet into the air, knocked me off and came back down on top

of me, then continued rolling end over end down to the barn where it came to rest. I found myself lying on my stomach and my rear end started

pulsing with pain immediately. I thought I had broken my back and maybe some other bones as well. The situation was not amusing but I sort of chuckled.

I certainly couldn't turn my head around far enough to look at my behind. But the real problem was this: when I said secluded I mean I was totally isolated from the human race. I did

not have a neighbor within shouting distance and the closest people to me were away vacationing in Greece. No one would be expecting me to call them for days and days. So what to do?

Well, I started screaming! "HELP! HELP!" I must have yelled for a good half hour when it suddenly occurred to me that no one would ever hear me, that no one would be coming to "drop by" and that

I somehow had to move from my current position to the house, the length of a football field away heading straight up. Then I started to cry. It was the snot producing, wailing and moaning kind

of cry. I noticed some rather large birds were squawking in the distance and then the word BUZZARDS jumped into my head. So this was how it

was going to end! Someone would find me eventually, after my bones were picked clean. This was not the way I wanted to be found.

Gave myself a pep talk. "OK, you bloomin' IDIOT. Now what!" So, in pain and feeling rather desperate at this point, I put my head down

close to the ground, closed my eyes and stretched my arms out in front of me and dug into the ground with my fingernails. It took a LONG time but I finally CLAWED my way up that hill and did

not look up until I felt the concrete sidewalk under my fingers. Then there were wooden steps to negotiate and I dragged myself up them towards my front door. It was LOCKED! I never locked my

doors! I was having a really bad day. Now I had the choice of pulling myself to the right towards the side door or going backwards down the stairs and around back to CONCRETE steps, another

driveway and then a landing made with concrete mixed with pea gravel. I chose the former. I made it to the side door, found it open and slowly dragged myself inside. By this time,

there was NO place on me or in me that didn't hurt. I stopped to catch my breath and then pulled my body to the table where my phone was. I must have been a bit delirious by this time

because I couldn't think of WHO TO CALL! More snot..... until the numbers 9-1-1 came to mind. The number was BUSY! That tells you the size of my town. Mrs. Graves was probably talking to one

of her 12 siblings. I kept hitting redial until I heard her voice. "This is 911. What is your emergency?" I couldn't speak. The grass and the

snot had mixed in my mouth and I was tasting dirt. I mumbled, "Help!" "Well, who IS this?, Mrs. Graves asked, impatiently. "Help!" "I can't get up!" I think I heard Mrs. Graves put

down a nail file. "Now honey, if you can't tell me more than that I can't help you one BIT." All I could think to do then was repeat my address over and over and over. "Is that Jim Robert's

old place?" she asked nonchalantly. With the
last of my energy I screamed into the phone, "I don't give a flying f*** about any Jim Roberts. I need an ambulance!" "Well you could have told

me that at the beginning," Mrs. Roberts sighed. For at least the next hour I heard the sirens of an ambulance wind around all over the hills between my house and the small town. They came

closer only to fade, closer and then faded. They couldn't find my house! I passed out.

When I woke up, two young people dressed in white were looking down at me. Together dripping wet they couldn't have weighed what I did. "We're going to have to call Cooter," the first infant said to the other.

It took Cooter, his 230 lb. brother and the little boys in uniform to get me on my side on a flat board. They had to turn me sideways to get out of the house and down to the ambulance.

All I remember about my ride to the ER was a voice, I assume mine, pleading weakly, "DRUGS, DRUGS!"

Oh, I could go on forever here. The ER doc was awfully cute and I wondered how my teeth looked full of grass, dirt and snot. And the X-Ray tech couldn't understand why I snorted when she said,

"You'll just have to scoot down on the table for a foot or so."

Nothing was broken, not even my spirit! But to this day, I have an indention on the right side of my derriere. And my butt stayed black for well over a year.

The only damage to the mower was a broken headlight!

How bout them peaches, Tinnie! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
Yikes, Tincup! Please take it easy! Glad to hear that you are OK, sounds like the rolls took the force of the fall for you.

Please stay on the ground for the rest of 2006! [Smile]

And let us know that you are OK after 2-days....
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Well jeepers creepers.. I tried to post again and the site was down?

Oh well.. I'll try again!


Aniek said.. "I remember feeling like somebody actually had their arms under me and gently brought me to the ground. Of course, that could have been the fumes from the spray paint."

Laughing out loud.. but needed to after that description you gave! OUCH! It hurt to even think of that one! And from what I remember.. you don't have nearly as much "padding" as I do... so I would think you would have ouched pretty good!

[Big Grin]

Sizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. so good to see you!! And yes.. I will update.. no problem. My guess is I can laugh now.. but I MAY want to whine a bit tomorrow!

I just releaized my glasses were missing about an hour ago. The ones I use to walk and drive. After digging through the house... and I mean digging.. as I have had a bad brain all day.. which started with putting my clean clothes I was getting ready to put on after my bath in the hamper.. then I couldn't find them. Wet, cold.. and NO clothes!

Duh me!

But anyhow.. the glasses flew through the air too. But NOT with the greatest of ease! Gotta get them fixed.. but of course it is a HOLIDAY! But I should have known that.. as they ALWAYS blow up during the holidays!

But not to worry. I be fine. But you are a sweet heart.

[Big Grin]

Kayak.. ouch ouch ouch.. a bungee cord in the eye and fingers in the door! OUCH!

Guess they were right when they said you were one sandwich short of a picnic.... eh?


[Big Grin]

Jellybelly.. Just your name makes me giggle!

But yes.. a freezer full of icepacks.. and a closet full of heating pads. A girls best friend!

And they use to say diamonds were a girl's best friend. HA!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Oh no Shaz.. you klutz-a-mungo dancer you!

You said.. "I've got a door frame-shaped scrape and bruise on my arm to prove it."

I cringe when I hear that one! I KNOW how that feels. Seems at one point in my Lyme career I had a love affair with each and every STINKING door frame I came close to! Bruises in the one spot.. right arm or left.. all because the door frames would jump out and smack me as I tried to go through them!

Hope you most recent blooper is ok now! And no.. I didn't laugh at you when I read that. I laughed WITH you! AFTER the fact.

[Big Grin]

Surg.. HA! You'd think so wouldn't you?

I actually had this.. well no... actually I had several thoughts on the way down. And they were almost "lucid" thoughts.. which I haven't had for a LONG time!

The first thought was as if I were floating.. as if time slowed WAY down.. and then I was automatically kinda tucking myself into a ball.. as if it were planned and I was diving into water.

The second thought that flashed through my mind as I saw the grass coming towards my face was...

"Would I break the right leg or the left one?"

Then roll, roll, roll.. and the next thing I remember was I laying kinda face down, crinked up on one side.. in a 1/2 way fetal position sort of.

I just hope tomorrow I feel like dancing!!

[Big Grin]

Hey wise.. sounds like good suggestions! Think I'll use the hot water bed as my heating pad and try to stay in it tonight. And the thrid day I hope will be fine.. thanks!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

Happy, panic, freak and slam! OUCH!

And having to CRAWL all that way only to find a locked door! Yeah.. life sucked at that point!

And hollering for help.. and coming to the conclusion no one would come. Yep.. NOT a good feeling! I can't imagine what you were thinking.. but I'm not sure I want to know!

And you described every minute of it so I felt I was there with you! GOOD writing! I felt your ouches!

And dear TN.. I am trying VERY VERY hard not to giggle or laugh... cause it sounds so awful. But truth is.. I'm about to bust a gut thinking about your story!

I know.. NOT funny.. but YOU make me laugh!

I've been laid out in the floor too.. not able to open my eyes.. barely breathing.. not able to feel my body.. and had the "infants" you describe show up. They thought I was dead. They kinda kicked at me with their foot!

I heard one say to the other... "Well, yeah. I took that CPR stuff.. but that was a while back. I don't remember much of it now.. so what should we do?"

All the while I am laying there.. a CPR instructor.. and a CPR instuctors instructor.. thinking I'd like to get my hands on their throat right about now.

And I had mamaged to call 911 before I hit the floor.. but like you.. I was WAY back in the middle of nowhere.. in a park. And I could hear the ambulance come close.. only to hear the sirens head back out away from me. So I KNOW how you were feeling!!! YIKES!

I'm sorry I have to laugh.. it isn't funny! And you were in pain.. so I'm sorry!!!

Oh.. being a grass cutter from way back... well I knew what you were thinking then too!

So know that you took my mind off my swan dive and made me smile.

[Big Grin]

Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Vermont.. Good to see you!

You said.. "sounds like the rolls took the force of the fall for you."

Something sure did.. or seems to have.

And your advise is good and I do believe I will stay "on the ground" for the rest of the year. HA!

Will check in.. and thanks for asking!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Kayda (Member # 10565) on :
So Tincup, why were you on the ladder? I'm curious. It sounds to me like you did a tuck & roll & roll & roll. Were you ever in gymnastics?

One time my dad & I were watching a movie. It was a Western. During the cattle round-up & the chase all of a sudden the horse did a somersault. The horse was fine. He lost his rider, but still had the saddle on and everything. We cracked up laughing. I've never seen a horse do a somersault before or since.

Too bad someone didn't videotape your gymnastic antics. You may have been the $100,000 winner! (Are they still doing that, btw?)

Here's to a good week ahead with no broken bones. I "hear ya" about the ducks and the duck motel. That quacked me up!

Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Good thing you bounce [Big Grin]

You must have special angels [Smile]

And A+++ to your body. It can really take a punch.

Take it easy specially I am thinking you may feel some soreness tommorow. You may want to cancel the trip to the disco tonight.

Be well [kiss]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
TC, when i read your title i couldn't imagine what this post would be about; dumb me! your wonderful sense of humor at it again!!

TC, you were saved by the lyme"NET" friendship circle of friends; they all attended your special event to save your life by being there to CUSHION YOUR FALL! aren't lyme friends wonderful? lol [lol] [Big Grin]

Seriously, glad you weren't hurt more than your pride.

When i read your post and being on the ladder, it made me think of my dear late sister, Marilyn, 33, at the time. She'd been thru her 1st year of breast cancer losing her breast and having radiation/chemo to the limits.

it was her 1st year of just starting to feel good! she was outside on 2 ladders tearing off masking tape off the windows of their trailor home that had been painted.

she was using both ladders to balance herself when a terribly high winds came up causing her to take a really nasty/painful fall!

was bad enough when she couldn't move so hollered at the top of her voice to her daughter watching LOUD cartoons on tv inside. ashley couldn't hear marilyn.

so marilyn used her butt to get around to the front of the house dragging her broken ankle behind her the whole time! took a long time. she hollered again for daughter, ashley, 3-4, at the time.

finally she heard her and came outside. marilyn asked her to get the cordless phone so she could call grandma for the ambulance.

"mom, can i look first at your broken angkle"? yes, she took a good look at it, and then promptly got the phone so her mom could call grandma to take care of ashley.

her ankle was shattered and they waited 1 day for surgery! needed 12 screws, 2 plates, and some other stuff.

so TC you were very fortunate; hope you still are in the next 48 hours as well! take care tc. [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by luvdogs (Member # 9507) on :
Tincup, it's good to hear that you're doing ok still! But I agree with the above - anti-inflammatories. Keep us updated tomorrow etc..

Tonight I was at the top of my main stairwell on a ladder changing a lightbulb - I have vertigo problems and I kept peeking down the stairs and praying! And then I read your post. I am sorry that you had to fall, but I see it as a sign that the New Year is going to be great! (Don't ask why - just go with it).

Feel good and get some nice sleep tonight. And go to the ducks if you feel pain like everybody else said.
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
TC ~ I'm glad to hear that you still feel ok and I really hope you are.

From experience I know that it take 24 -48 hours for the shock to set in, the adrenalin to wear off and find yourself really pretty hurting.

I have the stories to back it up and some are pretty funny and stupid but it's too late tonight for me to tell them. I'll save them for tomorrow.

I hate to echo Melanie the bad hallmark card writer [Wink] but please go and get checked out if you start to have feeling come back in the probably shocked parts.

At one time I was in a car accident, hit my head on the side window had a mild concussion but got home and had the idea to repaint the bathroom. (since I had the day off work from the accident.)

Spectatularly bad idea. The next day the adrenalin rush wore off and every bone in my body hurt, bad. Fortunately, all I had was a mild concussion and a bunch of hurting.

Please take care and I'll share the stupider stories tomorrow.

Ice is our very best friend, btw.

I hope you are truly alright. And laying somewhere soft and comfy.

Please report in in the morning for us worriers, ok?
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :

Sending parachute your way just in case you decide to go flying through the air again.

I hear Steven Spielburg is looking for a good stunt man.

Sounds like you quality. Part of falling is knowing how to land.

Glad you are OK. I hope. I have only been able to read your first post and not all the posts after it.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Just read this post. Tincup, don't be surprised if you are a little sore after that...some icing, etc. Oy.

TNJanet, you wrote a great chapter in Jill's book The Lighter Side of Lyme...

I discovered recently what to do when I was hurting from Lyme symptoms: burn my finger. It worked. I didn't feel my Lyme symptoms anymore for a while.

Speaking of falling, here's a good story:

My sister used to play volleyball -- ie, means you know how to roll.

Her co-worker, an actress, got a part in a murder mystery play and needed to learn how to roll in response to being offed in the play. My sister said to come to work early and she would show her how.

So they came before the workday started, and were merrily screaming bloody murder and rolling down the stairs to the bottom.

Well, at one point they looked up, and there at the top of the stairs was her boss with a new client. They had evidently made an early morning appt.

And her boss said to the new client: I'd like you to meet my associate, and my office receptionist...

I need to add that my sister and her boss are attorneys.

End of story: the new client thought it was so funny what he had witnessed, that he chose to work with them. I think that's a nice ending to a story with the proverbial mud on your face...
Posted by Betty Moore (Member # 10877) on :
Glad you did not get hurt.
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :





DOCDAVE [kiss]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Tincup,

I hope you are alright from the fall, but I have to tell you reading the story actually made me laugh.

My nickname is "grace" as I have no center of gravity. I have fallen more times in the last two years than in the 10 years previously.

I myself have been known to "fly through the air with the greatest of ease". The landings however, are never graceful.

The ability to laugh at one's self is a rare treasure. Thanks for sharing the story and making me think of all of my less than graceful trips and how funny I must have looked.

I really hope you are ok without any post fall pain or injuries.

Happy New Year,
Posted by TNJanet (Member # 10031) on :
Dearest TC,

It's day 1 1/2 and I hope you are still feeling alright. Glad my story made you laugh....that was my intention!

I think our stories show that we want and NEED to be able to do the simplest things for OURSELVES but sometimes we are rudely reminded that we need

to be extra careful. Makes me feel like an old, pink-haired lady who doesn't know a screwdriver from a letter opener! Anyway, it's good we can

have a sense of humor about these things, probably in direct proportion to the amount of time we have been sick and dealing with being

trapped in someone else's body. I used to get really angry when a door frame moved in my way or someone got in my closet and changed all my shoe

sizes so I would fall over my own feet. But lately I have found the humor that exists in my klutzyness. Is that a WORD?

Please report in when you can today. So many are worried about you, including moi, who wishes you always a safe place to fall.

[spinning smile] Janet
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
[lol] robin, your story cracked me up, and i'm still laughing to read of 2 attorneys falling down the stairs for the other actress/attorney's casting call rehearsal!!

their boss/client see the whole thing; uffda!! you win the ice cream award here!!

TC, how's your aching body today girl? [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Betty --

Yeah, I think it's a pretty funny story myself. I think my sister can rival me for humor.

Example: she took a tram up Mt Blanc in France once and then managed to pose with a big grin on her face in a photo with ice pick and shovel with a 12-man team who had just climbed it for the past couple weeks...

Correction: The two rolling down the stairs were my sister/attorney and the office receptionist/actress-in-roll-training.

Is it lime ice cream you're sending? [Smile]
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Worried about you today tincup & hoping you aren't in too much pain from your fall yesterday.

When you feel up to it give us a hollar & let us know how you are doing.

Hugs & healing [group hug]
Posted by sizzled (Member # 1357) on :
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
Hey Tincup,

I don't want to be a pain in the butt, but you haven't told us how you are holding up today. Hope this isn't a bad sign.

Please update us when you get a chance.

Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Ok, I'm officially worried. I hope all you booboos turned out to be little ones and you're out celebrating.

Check in when you can, ok?

I'll tell my spackle bucket story if it'll help matters. (Yes, brace yourself, you've seen my stories and they are painfull boring and not very well told.)

Apologies in advance...

When I was working doing the home energy surveys I also had to install loads of energy saving stuff for the customers. It was a free service from the utilities and people really do love free stuff and the person that does the giving.

Anyhoo, I always carried a milk crate in my car since at 5' 3 1/2"... um... there were loads of things I couldn't reach. Door frames, water pipes in basements, shower heads...

The next best thing to my purple crate was an upside-down spackle bucket. Almosy everyone has an empty in their basement.

This one day I'm in the basement with the man of the house and find a spackle bucket to stand on.

Drat, it's half full, can't turn it over and am too lazy to go back out to the car. [Roll Eyes]


I'm standing on it and insulating hot water pipes to my heart's content (I was getting paid 10 cents/foot, after all) when all of a sudden I am airborn... flying backwards. Bottom first, bucket flung forwards and realize there's not a darn thing I can do about it.

It was not graceful and there was a witness!

I landed fairly shocked and incredibly embarressed on the concrete floor. Where I desperately try to think of a way, or a world, in which I could make it sound like I meant to do that.

Of course I had to kill the witness. [Wink]

I'm saving the slipping on the ice and sliding under the car story for another time. And the concussing myself again on a drainpipe. (Can't say I remember that one too clearly.)

I hope you heal up real, nice real soon.
[kiss] < - I hope that makes it all better.
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Ok, now that I told the long boring story, sorry everyone, I have gotten a message from Tincup.

She's having some computer issues and here's a quote:

"YES! I am ok!! I am furiously trying to get "logged in" to LymeNet to post that... as I know folks are worried!"


I do wonder if the computer won't be the next thing to do a flying act though!  -

[Big Grin]
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Hey everyone,

There is no need to worry- our famous flyer is just fine!

She has been having computer issues, and did not want anyone to fret over her acrobatics [Smile]

Happy New Year!

(Oops, editing to add that I didn't see your post above Bluebird- thanks!)
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

"Hey! I'm ok!

I just got done downloading a bunch of updates to the computer. It took all day and all last night too.

But now I am not "logged in" at LymeNet.. and am having trouble doing it.

Will you do me a BIG favor and tell folks on my post.. fly through the air... that I AM ok but just can't post cause of computer problems!

Thanks! And Happy New Year my friends!
Love, TC

If Camp "A was right,
There wouldn't be a Camp "B".

Please sign the petition to help those with Lyme disease: "

trueblue, glad she sent you; i just logged onto the internet and saw a TC post so read it immediately! we covered her butt well; don't you think? lol [lol] [Big Grin]

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you back you sweet tincup you! [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
robin, of course it will be "lime" ice cream! [Big Grin]
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
Originally posted by bettyg:
we covered her butt well; don't you think? lol [lol] [Big Grin]

Ha, dirty job butt someone's gotta do it! [lol]

Happy New Year, you guys!
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
Thanks for the update Betty True & mel
Glad to hear tincups ok [Smile]

Happy New year [Smile]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

I am on! BUT.. darn it all!

I just lost my entire post. Computers should be illegal!

Thanks for posting! After I FIX more stuff, I'll be back!

Posted by sizzled (Member # 1357) on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by Ann-OH (Member # 2020) on :
I guess that was a classic pratt fall.

I never could see why people or cartoon animals falling or hurting themselves was funny. To me it always seemed mean to laugh at them.

Anyhoo, Happy New Year and stay healthy and uninjured if you can.

Ann - OH
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :
Glad to hear that you are ok, TC. I guess the "paranoia" aspect of lyme isn't good in cases like this, since it's just to easy to start thinking the worst.

Thank you all that passed the message on and sorry about your computer problems, TC. Maybe your computer needs a "ladder ride".

Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
I have taken some wicked falls,,,seems like you fall thru air FOREVER.

I fell 30-35' out of a HUGE cottonwood tree one time,,,fell on a steel post and its attached barbed wires to break my fall. Reason I am still alive is,,,I bent the post over when I walked up to the tree. Otherwise can you say sheesh-ka-bob.

I always told my kids the scars were from a bear mauling me. I think I said this once before, but they hospitalized me and the doctor forgot to come look at me yet that day ,,,hence no stitches then,,,and when he saw hamburgered skin next morning during hospital rounds ,,,said it ws too late NOW!!!

Then there was the time it was VERY hot and very humid and we were roofing a barn. Some idiot put a loose board on the edge of the roof and when I reached up for something to help myself up with,,,down backward I came. That was only about 12-15 feet tho. Seperated my shoulder and landed on my hardest asset,,,my head.

When I was a kid MY job was to unload the hay rack full of bales, rack 4' high four layers of bales so makes about 10' tall. Bale hook slipped out of bale,lost my balance and went backwards off rack of bales from the top and landed on my head. All I heard from the 'boss' in the hay mow,,it was your own darn fault,,,get back up there and get those hay bales up here and HURRY up!!!Stars dazzling in broad daylight!!

Indeed your sideways launch helped subtract force of your fall and the rolling didnt hurt either!!

Its surprising what the body can endure sometimes!!I know cuz I am --just don--

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