This is topic Thank you guys for all your help..I am moving to Fibro board to die in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by yourtroubl (Member # 11087) on :
I cant take anymore. I am crying in pain just typing this.

The ID doctor says I will get much better if I just accept that I have Fibromyalgia. Even though I tested positive he "thinks" its a false positive. Mayo will not redo Western Blot. His explanation did not make sense so I said thank you and goodbye. He said its like a false positive pregnancy test or someone who shows they had a heart attack but did not. Did those people get retested by the same test to just make sure? Yes, because those illness are common. Lyme is so "rare" according to ID Doctor that its virtually impossible for me to have it even with a positive test.

I am at wits end. I have two insurances...A primary and my husbands picks up what mine does not pay but I still cant get anywhere. No treatment...Just pass me along to someone else.

I am going over to the Fibro board to die or at least they have ideas on how to live in constant pain when there is no help.

Thanks for all of you who have helped me. I really appreciate it.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Get to a LLMD.Forget the money stress makes lyme worse get on abx's.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Yourtroubl,

Please look under the memo post. I replied to this message there.

Please take the seeds of hope that you are given here, plant them and let them grow.

You have to be willing to take the first step of this journey and get to a Lyme Literate MD in order to begin your walk down the bumpy road

to getting well. Don't let the ducks beat you into submission.

This is your life. Is this the way you want to live it?

I chose not to be a victim of Lyme and ducks..... you can make that choice too.

Continuing to pray for you.

Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
Whatever path you choose, I hope you get some respite from pain. It is hard not to have clarity about your diagnosis. I am extremely fortunate that my illnesss started so distinctly after tick bite. One of my diagnoses- the local Rheumie said my Post Lyme SYndrome caused my fibromyalgia- but it was treatable and is 100% gone today. I hope you get that one day. I don't think you will on a fibro board, but it is your path and it may be the best for you. It may also be your path to stay here- I don't know!!!

You sound very discouraged. I found therapy very helpful when I was really down and really sick and in pain. It might help you if you can afford it. My mother paid for mine.

Best wishes,
Posted by clairenotes (Member # 10392) on :
Please consult with an LLMD first... if lyme is so rare, what are we all doing here?

Claire [group hug]
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Well, you can move to the Fibro board-but you won't die-you'll just go on living in pain.

However-if you go to an LLMD for proper diagnosis and treatment you just might get your life back!

I sobbed with relief when I finally made it to an LLMD-and I made it on my own-when it began to feel like all the specialists I was referred to were just part of the Good Ole Boys Society.

We really haven't helped you if you haven't gotten the message that you can't give up until you have heard it straight from an LLMD's mouth that you do not have lyme.

Meanwhile-if you do go to the Fibro board-send a couple of them our way- maybe some of them can still be saved.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Yourtroubl, we warned you about what kind of response you would get from an ID doc, how they view Lyme Disease, and we pegged it 100%.

We also advised you to try to be mentally prepared for the response you would get from him.

BUT we also know that there really is no way to be prepared! It is still a heavy blow, no question about it. But you are not crazy, and you are not wrong or strange to be totally depressed and confused at this point.

Keep that appointment with the LLMD near you, or at least do the best you can to check him out as a potential doc.

We will be here for you. We'll leave the light on for ya.

Posted by wiserforit (Member # 9732) on :

My heart goes out to you! I know the "can't stand one more second of this" feeling you are having.

I had that too on IV Rocephin, but it changed... cycled away.

In fact, each new abx seems to treat certain symptoms which makes old symptoms lessen while new ones start.

In a million years, I never thought the Lyme diagnosis would stick. Yet all the symptoms and patterns spelled it out over time so clearly.

I agree with everyone else: get a LLMD. I wasted so much time on specialists who all diagnosed me from the perspective of their specialty.

No one looked at the whole picture. No one treated me to the point of improvement.

I now see patches of improvement. sometimes I forget that things have changed, but when I look back over my calendars of symptoms... things HAVE changed.

Don't let your pain fool you into ignoring the big picture. Keep chipping away at this to the best of your ability. An LLMD can help you do that...

Wishes for pain relief and a road towards health,

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Get to an LLMD! Everyone else thought I was crazy, too ... even with a positive WB, my duck said I didn't have it, my illness was pyschosomatic.

With a positive WB and symptoms, an LLMD will start treatment and you will start feeling better!

I have to fly to NY from Ohio to see mine, and I'd sell the house before I'd give up treatment. What would I need a house for anyway if I never could get out of bed? Your health is worth whatever cost it takes.

You will feel so much better just getting the validation from the LLMD. At my first appt. I couldn't believe a doctor actually believed I was sick! All of them up to that point had told me I was healthy.
Posted by chroniccosmic (Member # 7789) on :

Don't give up. If you have to check out the other board, go ahead but there is hope. Don't let the doctors have this power over you, once you get some pain relief I bet you can think clearer.

So many times I've left the docs offices and cried in the car, all the way home and for days. It helps me now to get a bit ****y, stay a bit mad and then I can see the situation for what it is.

Get to a lyme doc who can help you and don't give your time and energy to these fools!
Posted by yourtroubl (Member # 11087) on :
My husband called me and said we were going to PA. (I didnot even know he cared; lol). I told him I was first going to try the doctor in our hometown. I called their office and asked questions.

Wouldnt it be something if I got help 1 mile from my home. I am not holding out much hope;however.

I am going to crawl on my couch in my office at lunch and hopefully will feel better by 1:00.

Thanks for all of your replies. I honestly just thought oh Lyme Disease now I can be treated after 1 1/2 years. I have a diagnosis and a positive test. I am telling you if I do have Lyme and I ever get well then I will be the biggest advocate to educate people about Lyme Disease. For, now I would like to just be able to go to the mall and wear high heels. Not even at the same time, separately. lol.

Thanks you guys have made me feel much better.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Originally posted by yourtroubl:
My husband called me and said we were going to PA. (I didnot even know he cared; lol). I told him I was first going to try the doctor in our hometown. I called their office and asked questions.

Wouldnt it be something if I got help 1 mile from my home. I am not holding out much hope;however.

Is the doctor close to home an LLMD? If not, I'd go straight to an LLMD and not risk yet another duck who won't treat you. It sounds like you're really down about this and doubting it ... I don't think another bad experience would be a good thing.

Plus, Lyme and it's co-infections is very tricky to treat. You want someone who knows what he's doing!

I'm just worried that getting disappointed again would be bad for you.
Posted by TerryK (Member # 8552) on :
When I was in your exact same position, I did a trial of samento to see if I responded. I did respond with a herx. This lead me to an LLMD and now I'm on treatment. You could also try Buhner's protocol to determine if you have a reaction but the best option is to let an LLMD determine if a trial treatment will give some answers.

My LLMD ran some tests that helped me determine what to take for my pain and my pain is less than 1/2 of what it was when I started AND that's without any pain pills. That's saying a lot since my pain was severe, overall body pain. It hurt to move anything.

In addition to much less overall pain, I have less burning in my hands, feet, nose and eyes, less sensitivity in my hands/fingertips, bowel function is better, dry itchy eyes are better, swollen throat and lump in throat are much better and I have hope. This is within the first 8 months of treatment and I've been sick off and on for 45 years.

I won't kid you, treatment is not cheap or easy but the alternative is not pretty. They say fibromyalgia is not progressive but that was not my experience and not the experience of many others that I know who have fibromyalgia.

There are many doctors who feel that fibromyalgia is an infection. It is not far fetched since many of the symptoms and lab tests of fibromyalgia point to infection. Lyme is one infection that can cause fibromyalgia but there are others. An LLMD would be the best position to figure out if you have lyme or possibly some other infection that can be treated since most of them do a good differential diagnosis.

Most allopathic doctors allow their hands to be tied. They are not willing to open their minds and consider anything that is not approved by the establishment. I cannot afford to wait 40 years or more while they gather irrefutable evidence (if they ever do) that many with fibromyalgia have lyme or some other infection that can be treated.

I hope you will pursue your options. A positive test for lyme is significant.

[ 27. February 2007, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: TerryK ]
Posted by Lisianthus (Member # 6631) on :
I learned quite a few years ago......

When your up against a brick wall, turn and go in the other direction!

Don't let these doctors rule YOUR health, take charge of it. You CAN see a doctor who will treat you!

When I was treated like that from my PCP and all the other doctors he sent me to, I was FED UP! I decided to go 700 miles from my home so that I could start on the road healing. And I never regretted it.

I am just glad I didn't waste anymore time on their ignorance of this disease.

Good luck, and get moving!
Posted by Nebula2005 (Member # 8244) on :
False positives?

How many of those people really were pregnant and really did have heart attacks.

He's patronizing you. I hate him. (Lyme rage).
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
One of our long-time posters here has a great motto:

If you want your life back, TAKE IT!!

But if you want to crawl in a hole, you may very well die. You have positive tests. Have you not seen the Lyme Obituaries?
Make no mistake - this can kill you.

Please get to an LLMD - I promise you, you will be taken seriously (especially given your test results).

The heck with insurance - if you can find an LLMD nearby or maybe not so nearby but willing to see you soon - GO!!! Isn't your health worth it?

I spent 10 years undiagnosed. It took 9 months of antibiotics and so far another 2 years of supplemental therapy and I've had my life back for quite a long time. I feel better than I have in over a decade.

If this local doctor is not an LLMD, spare yourself the mental anguish and move on. I played the same game for 9 months. Do the right thing and get to an LLMD.

We care and so should you. [group hug]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Lisianthus:

Don't let these doctors rule YOUR health, take charge of it. You CAN see a doctor who will treat you!

I was dxd with Fibromyalgia in 1980. Found out it was really LYME DISEASE in Aug. 2000.


YOU have the benefit of the internet. I didn't!
Posted by break the chains (Member # 5668) on :
Jemsek Specialty Clinic - Charlotte/Huntersville NC, Specializing in Lyme Disease.

i was given a poor diagnosis too from an ID doc. Cronic fatigue syndrome. no cure.
and this is in connecticut where lyme is rampant.
even though i had already been shown to have had lyme. this is just one example of what has happened to me and many others.
there is a dangerous level of ignorance which took me years of experience to recognize.
my last LLMD who is big up here told me go to go jemsek if wanted to do more antibiotics.

Posted by Kayda (Member # 10565) on :
Wow! Thanks for posting this map!

I was in a hot spot for Lyme and my local family dr. said, Lyme is very difficult to diagnose. The odd thing was, she knew I was in trouble (thankfully, she didn't discount my pain & symptoms), however, she never ever thought to test for Lyme. She never even asked about it! She should have known better!

Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
It's a pretty black and white choice -- if you go to a duck, you will not get the care you need. You can only go to a knowledgeable Lyme-treating physician connected with ILADS to get recognized and treated.

I've been through this, along with everyone else. Ny fibromyalgia is Lyme. You will probably not get the help you are seeking on the fibro boards.

You need to know what you're up against -- a medical establishment that is set against our knowing what we've got and how to be treated. You need to read what everyone is saying here, and connect with an llmd.

When I got diagnosed with Lyme and went on 150mg clindamycin 3-4x/day, the fibro pain started going down immediately and by a week's time, I was comfortable. How's that for an abx story? It lasted 6 months and now I'm looking again for another med.

I know we are all different and respond to meds differently, but I am reporting a temporarily successful abatement of fibro symptoms. You need to hang in there and find out what med(s) you will respond to that will take down the pain.

It's not a year and a half issue -- it has no time limit on it at this point. Forget time limits and start to find out what med or meds you will respond to, under doctor care.

PS Maybe you can still go to the mall and wear high heels -- I do believe in doing a few fun things along the way each day, just to feel better...
Posted by Michelle M (Member # 7200) on :
YourTrouble, don't go to another duck and let them patronize you again.

This is just awful.

I DO know they can make you feel like an idiot with their condescending B.S.

Why don't you go to an LLMD? When you're better (and you WILL get better!), you can pay a visit to the idiots who misdiagnosed you just to say "Pfft!!!"

YOU already probably know more about lyme than THEY do!

Will your family help you? Parents? Friends? Because it is NOT the type of thing that will go away without help after a point.

Please don't give up. You haven't started treating the problem yet -- how could you be better?

A pox on all ducks.

Get on some LLMD's cancellation list ASAP.


Posted by TNJanet (Member # 10031) on :

I am always interested in some of the names people use here on Lymenet. Yours suggests that you feel like trouble to others. Is that correct?

I am going to be frank. I believe you know at a very deep level that you found here an answer to your quest for getting better. However, reading all the posts is often overwhelming and a tired, pained person might just decide that it is too much, especially if the message given by ducks (who are NOT gods, despite their attitudes) plays into insecurities.

If your husband is truly supportive, ask him to read the newbie links since you are not able to do that. Ask him to take off some of your burden.

A person sick with fibro (my diagnosis of 11 years) just isn't able to navigate through all the information. People here are encouraging you to see a LLMD for a REASON. You will have attention, compassion and will find something that is lacking in your current situation....HOPE!

I remember when I first got my fibromyalgia diagnosis. I was so relieved. There was a name for what I had. Then came the other diagnoses:
chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, interstitial cystitis, hypothyroidism, neurological problems, depression, anxiety, cognitive dysfunctions, sleep disorder, cataracts, torn retinas, obesity, neuro pain, and on and on.

I believed my life would be just one new illness after another and I often had to search very hard for a reason to wake up every day. My Lyme diagnosis didn't give me the same sense of relief that the fibro one did. That is because having and treating Lyme is not easy.

You are being given a gift here. That is the gift of thousands of others who have come before you, who have quite literally walked in your shoes (not high heels.) Those who have recovered don't always come back here to post because they have gone on to live full lives.

Those who post and ask questions and support others are brave, giving people. A well-known phenomena is the fact that a GROUP is GREATER than the SUM of its PARTS. In other words, those of us who travel this journey together do so with much more strength than we could ever have as individuals.

I am not going to urge you to do anything. I have faith that you already know what to do. And if you listen to the voice inside you, you will.

Blessings to you,
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
It is quite possible to treat yourself. You certainly will be better informed about Lyme than the average doctor anyway. It was not so many years ago people did this routinely as a doctor was not always a possibility.

You have several natural antibiotics available without a prescription. Rife treatments work wonders for many. There are other modalities as well.

We reasoned that if a doctor can't even diagnose the disease why would we trust this person for treatment?

Conversely, if you are smart enough to diagnose the disease then why are you not smart enough to treat it also?

Just some food for thought.

Good Luck

D Bergy
Posted by HaplyCarlessdave (Member # 413) on :
When I was refused treatment, several things kept me going somewhat....
Grapefruitseed extract and olive leaf extrsct.

Garlic and artimesia anua

Glucosamine sulfate and Condroitin sulfate
("nutra-joint' powder you miz in to drinks may be one of the best forms of this, but I didn't know it back then.

Sauna- 15 or so minutes at 160-170 degrees helped immensely. 'Jaccuzi' also was simiarly helpful.

I have heard good reports about 'rife'm but I'm not in a position to recommend it, not having tried it.

Gingko- surprisingly helpful, physuically as well as mentally.

Good nutricion- very important, I felt..

Meditation or prayer- probably a large range of possible effectiveness....

music- extremely helpful for battling the old "chronic disease blues- if ya can't fight it, sing about it....

But ULTIMATELY I had to find a lyme doc and take a heck of a lot of antibiotics- didn't like doing it, but it did the trick! I owe it to Lymenet for not just giving up and finding a place to lie down and die- and I very well might have, too if I had not found a lyme literate doc, as I had babesia and don't have a spleen (VERY dangerous combination, and of all the docs I went to, the only one who had a clue was the "LLMD".).

So, stick around, find out everything you can, and try to choose a path you optimizing your chances!

Don't put full stock in anything anyone says, but do listen to all of it- the discussions here are quite good in helping to track down what's really what.

Best wishes, and never give up, whatever it is that's ailing you! Accepting pain does NOT make it go away. Finding ways to deal with the pain that do not threaten your future health is of prime importance. By all means stay away from steroids, 'celebrex', and alcohol.
Feel free to e-mail me.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
trouble, i'm sorry to read you're leaving this board after only 30 days here; 50 public posts; 50 PMs.

can you send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE, the 2 people standing together by letter icon, and please tell me the full first/last name of this llmd and city/state where they are located.

i will check my 2 lists to see if they are shown or not! they have to be GOOD to get on there; we just do NOT ACCEPT ANYONE!

last month 2 were removed! so to all others, if you get bad llmds, please post about it in SEEKING DRS. for city/state. then mention in text why they were bad in your humble opinion .

title it: BAD DRS., show city/state in TOPIC LINE please.

then we will pass along that info to others who have complete lists ok!

may god bless you and provide the extra guidance you need at this critical time in your life.

GLAD HUBBY IS SUPPORTIVE; that's biggest asset right there .... he believes you and is willing to learn about lyme disease! count your blessings; many on this board do NOT have that nor any family support. [Wink] [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :

This is simple but powerful.

What your mind believes, you will achieve.

Many people here are giving you very good advice. You seem to be ignoring it. I bet you are a strong willed stubborn sort of a gal, huh?

If you believe you are going to Fibro board and die, by golly, girlfriend, you sure will.

We are telling you to get to an LLMD, your husband is willing to drive you to an LLMD but you are going to try your local doctor????? Hhmmmm....

DBergy is right on track too when he says we can heal ourselves. In fact, it is really up to us more than anyone else. LLMD's are sympathetic to our plight and will help us on our healing path. But they are overburdened with patients and can't spend 24/7 trying to resolve our illness. If there were an easy answer, we would all take the pill, get well and go home. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer.

Get mad at your disease. Get up every morning and thank God for that day no matter how you feel. Then put on your armor and go to battle against your disease. Make every bite of food you put in your mouth count. Your body can't be healthy if you don't fuel it properly. Learn what diet is best for your body. You may need a nutritionist to help you there. Throw away the junk food. You are sick and can no longer indulge in it.

That great LLMD you are going to find will help you antibiotically and he/she hopefully will also understand how to take care of your gut. Believe me, gal, most of your issues are coming from your sick gut!

You can begin to learn of alternative treatments that work for your pains. Read Stephen Buhner's Healing Lyme book. Check out Rife machines.

CHECK OUT EVERYTHING!!!! You are at war with a disease. Stop being stubborn!

Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
If I was in your position I would first buy a bottle of Samento and take a small dose and see how you react. If you get a herx reaction you know you have a bacterial infection of some kind. Whether it is Lyme or not you will have to judge based on how it fits in with your other symptoms.

If you do not herx it does not mean you do not have Lyme as some people do not have this reaction. But, I believe most people do have the herx reaction to anything that kills the spirochete.

If you decide you have enough symptoms that point to Lyme you have many options.

1) Find a competent LLMD. But, you do not have to wait and do nothing in the mean time. It may take awhile and the disease will not wait.

2) Do the Cowden protocol. An internet search will bring it up. I am not convinced it will eliminate the disease but you can do it yourself and it will knock it back considerably.

3) I have heard IRT is working for more people than a placebo effect can account for. Look into to it and let us know your opinion of it. We can all benefit from the experience. I am guessing this is an alternative treatment so I am not sure insurance will pay. I do not know much about it but it sounds like it is helping people.

4) My favorite is the Rife machine. I have the most experience with this method and have seen the positive results. Just because most doctors do not know about it does not mean it does not work. At one time, extensive research was conducted on it and its lack of stature has more to do with politics than its effectiveness.

5) Allimax is currently being used by some for treatment. Its initial results are good, but it has not been around long enough to know how well it will work long term.

6) Salt-C is being used also. I am leery of high doses of salt and the effect on the stomach but it apparently does impact the Lyme bacteria.

There are many other methods also but the main thing is to do something with a risk you are comfortable with. Yes, all treatments have at least a small risk associated with them known or unknown.

This is just my opinion, and I am not a healthcare provider. I am used to self reliance but am not foolish enough to ignore a talented physicians either. But, most are average at best and there simply is not enough good LLMD's for everyone who has this disease. Doctors are only able to use conventional treatments for the most part. Conventional does not mean better, it means generally accepted. Just realize that if you limit yourself to conventional treatment you also limit youself to the results they can produce.

I hope you can at least manage your illness. I believe you can if you take charge.

Good Luck

D Bergy
Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
What the heck is this cr4p all about!
Never go to an ID duck, they know nothing, are against all Lyme disease, and yes, they can kill you by telling you have fibromyalgia. Please seek the truth. Do not listen to "the enemy" the IDSA, they are a bunch of ducks. I would love them all to volunteer to be bitten by ticks, so they can prove to the world..the truth! They are lying and you are buying into it!
Educate yourself instead!
Posted by klutzo (Member # 5701) on :
Warning: I am going to be tough on you. You don't have to go to a Fibro Board to can do it right here I am.

I am allergic to all the antibiotics that kill Lyme. I would give my right arm to be in your position, and be able to DO something about this.

I am so sick now, I think of suicide on a daily basis, but am too chicken to do it, yet.

Believe me, death by Lyme is slow, and the endless miseries are beyond all belief. RUN to an LLMD right now and get going on treatment, no matter what it costs.


P.S. I was diagnosed with Fibro for 17 years. It is a BS diagnosis and will only waste your time until it may be too late. During that time, Lyme altered my immune system so that I am allergic to almost everything, including the ABX that could kill it.
Posted by yourtroubl (Member # 11087) on :
Klutzo, I am still here and found a doc 1 mile from my home.

I know how you feel. You think it would just be easier to die. When it takes all of your energy to walk to the bathroom and your kids and husband are always wondering if you will be able to do things with them.

But, my wise dad tells me the only thing that stays the same is that all things change and that the only thing permanent is death and taxes.

Dont give up. There is a reason for everything. You may not have found the reason you are suffering yet, but you will.

Now, I just need to hear from you everyday ok.
Posted by bpeck (Member # 3235) on :
I agree with DaveS - Hey Dave _ I grew up in Cazenovia.. not far from you..

In any case - if you got a positive test from Quest - I SERIOUSLY doubt that it's a false positive. I'd change Drs.. but get a copy of the test before you do.

And remember. Fibro is a name for a collection of symptoms.. it is not classified as a 'disease'.. so don't just sit back in pain and accept that.

You have apositive test for Lyme.. get another Doc.

Posted by JimBoB (Member # 8454) on :

YOu are very vague as to WHAT your symptoms really are.

HAVE you read and followed Stephen Buhner's book to a T?

THAT is what has helped ME the MOST this past 15 months. But by all means go beyond the "core" protocol. There are a lot of herbs in there that relieve the pain. It may not get rid of it 100%, but don't you think you would like living better IF you got rid of say about 90% of the pain?

Check it out, I think you will be glad you did. I know I sure am.

And don't just dabble with one or two herbs like people tell you to do. Get serious and do it right, and watch the miracles happen.

Jim [Cool]
Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
Come on you guys!
There is no need to talk about dying from Lyme. Trust me, if you think you are sick now, trust me when I tell you, it can be a LOT worse! You have to fight like heck if you want to get well. Giving up easily, and talking about dying, only increases your fear. Fear is the mind killer, and you are putting all of your energy into things that will weaken you.

There are plenty of options besides traditional antibiotics that can help you get well again.
Not everyone can take antibiotics.
Look into other options, HBO, Rife, herbals...etc.
Open your eyes, and arm yourselves with information.

Giving up and giving in, is not an option if you are here to try to get well.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
I have but one thing to my tag line in my signature.

Trout [Wink]
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Klutzo, I don't know if you remember me from that "other health forum" that most people abandoned. But, you helped us alot when my wife got Lyme disease. I would like to return the favor. We have been using a Rife machine for just about a year. Nothing else except Tumeric, Ginger and a good multivitamin. They are just to promote general good health.

The bottom line is she continues to get better all the time. No symptoms anymore except occasional joint pain which goes away with treatment. No more Herxes, Lyme rages, fevers,etc. Since you have few options left, I would encourage you to consider an EMEM and start slow and see what happens. In my opinion, and I am not a health care provider, the Rife machine is hands down, the best way to help chronic Lyme.

Just my opinion, but it is based on our results and not a theory. I really hope you can get better, one way or another.

D Bergy
Posted by lyme lady (Member # 11208) on :
To those that think suicide is a way out of pain and suffering.. is so wrong! Suicide is a cowards way out! I have had lyme disease for 4yrs. Been to alot of doctors and through alot of treatmens, lost my home and everything I had! But I got MAD at the way my life was going, because of this disease called lyme. I suffered depression,painful joints, muscle cramps from hell,but I am NOT giving up on myself. I am on a mission to fight to stay alive. I work part time, so I have to get up in the mornings and take on the responsiblities of my life. O yea its painful, but I tell myself yea it hurts, but life goes on and I am not giving into this. I may not benifit from the fight we lymies have to go through right now, but just think of the future of the others that will get it, they will benifit from our fights with the doctors and medical field! I live to fight for our rights and the future lymies to have the care and meds we need.
U can shake those suicide thoughts by just getting your mind on something else. Get involved in something, me I thank the good Lord I have found chat and the lymenet, because I found what i want to fight for!
lyme lady (dj)
Posted by panicbegone (Member # 10760) on :
WildCondor...i love your idea about having the ID docs volunteer to get bitten! Would be amazing to see what evolved in their health and how they would handle that.

Klutzo...I too am falling apart inside because i am having no luck tolerating antibiotics as of yet. I hope you have tried something natural that is slowly helping you along the way.

Keep the is easy to start thinking of the easy way out.....its hard NOT to ....but life will throw us the best treatment someday.

Im not giving up. I keep trying new drugs. If you havent already...try a drug and start on a BABY 1/4 of the pill 1x a day. You are not alone in your struggles either though.

And to the writer of this post...i will be sending you a private message. [Smile]
Posted by MagicAcorn (Member # 8786) on :
Hey Klutzo,

I'm worried about you. You sound like me quite a few years ago. Those darn spirochetes had gone to my head, and I was thinking awfully frightening things.

I had a very close friend from my child hood, and a a close colleague commit suicide. I often look back to the times they died and think about how much living I've done since they've passed. Even sick, I can honestly say I'd rather be here experiencing things than out in oblivion.

I know you have a problem with abx but what about a mild anti-depressant. It may help you in the long run.

In the short term whenever those nasty stinking thoughts come into play you rationalize them in your head and convince yourself that it is just the spirochetes talking and not the way you really feel. It's imperative that you believe that for your own well being.

Come on here and spill your guts, or go on to chat Saturday nights so you can share with others. No topics are off limits and the people are supportive.

[group hug]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
klutzo and trouble,

in case you are hitting rock bottom, i'm posting this that i got together last fall when we had someone come on here serious about committing suicide.

she called the no. and got much needed help!

8-7-06 NATIONWIDE SUICIDE HOTLINE 1.800.784.2433 now please! If you are feeling suicidal, please call the SUICIDE HOTLINE. We care about you.
[group hug] [kiss] [group hug]

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