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Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
SOY PRODUCTS: Contrary to popular belief that soy is a health food,
evidence reveals that soy consumption has been linked to numerous
disorders, including infertility, increased cancer and infantile leukemia,
Type1 diabetes, and precocious puberty in children have been fed soy
formula. (early maturation, such as breast development and menstruation as
early as 6 years of age). Scientists have known for years that the
isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function and cause goiters
in otherwise healthy children and adults. A combined research team of
Cornell University Medical College and Long Island Community Hospital
medical experts have found that children who develop Type1 diabetes are
twice as likely to have been fed soy formulas as those fed all other foods
This confirms concerns based on animal studies raised in the 1980's and
1990s by Health Canada researcher Dr Fraser Scott and led to the American
Academy of Pediatrics issuing their warning to pediatricians against any
use of soy based formulas.
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
Soy is bad for you and the health food industry will package and sell you anything pretending it is good for you. I know because I worked in the supplement industry. It is all about greed not so much about health just like our insurance companies and medical in the USA are not always about health either.

Soy can actually be a trigger for breast cancer so the argument that the Japanese get breast cancer less is baloney. It is not due to soy it is due to the amount of fish they eat. Fish has essential fatty acids in it and they many of the Japanese also take CO Q 10.

Also hen they do eat soy which is not all the time it is fermented longer then the junk that is sold in the USA.

If you want to read about the evils of soy go to

for a good education.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
i agree that too much soy is bad for you (and it's in EVERYTHING these days!).

that 'soy online service' site, though, freaks me out. i think a lot of the info on there is biased and propaganda-filled, AND they link to this incredibly disturbing & homophobic article, which makes me want to pull all of my hairs out one by one.
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
They are probaly Jesus freaks from New Zealand so ignore that weird backwards part if possible...

I did hear the head soy online guy speak on public radio and what he said about soy is disturbing. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about. He thinks it should never be fed to children especially soy milk.

Monsanto thinks they own all the soy seed on the planet and the rights to it and they make a scary modified (GM) soy. They try to control the soy market and they harass people trying to grow soy from their own seeds and then they instigate law suits. Monsanto is one heck of a scary corporation and they grow soy in other countries besides the USA.

Chickens are all fed soy these days and probably other animals that humans eat so we are getting soy sometimes even when we do not eat it. I think there is tons of soy around because it is cheap stuff.


Can GM Soy be Deadly?

An experiment to see whether genetically modified (GM) soy might affect the offspring of rats yielded disturbing results.

Rats were divided into several groups, one of which was given a diet to which 5-7 grams of Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" GM soy flour had been added; the others were fed similar diets containing no GM soy. The diets began two weeks before the rats became pregnant, and continued throughout pregnancy and nursing.

Low Birth Weight

A number of offspring from the GM-fed mothers were born unusually small, and after�two weeks, 36 percent of them weighed less than 20 grams, compared to about 6 percent from the other groups.

More Than Half the Rats Died

Within three weeks, more than half of the rats from the GM soy group died, compared to less than 10 percent from the other groups.

Roundup Ready GM soy's DNA contains bacterial genes that allow the soy plant to survive treatment with Monsanto's "Roundup" brand herbicide. Some 85 percent of the soy gown in the United States is Roundup Ready. Soy is present in the majority of processed foods sold in the United States, so most Americans eat Roundup Ready soy in some form every day.

No Safety Tests Required

The FDA does not require any safety tests on genetically modified foods. There have been less than 20 published, peer-reviewed animal feeding safety studies and no human clinical trials.

Health Lies Exposed November 6, 2005


Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Because no special labeling is required for processed foods you�may remain in the dark about the real amount of genetically modified (GM) foods�you eat�-- and the damage they do to�your body -- every day.

This is an absolutely amazing story. Think about it. About eight times the number of rats fed GM soy died within three weeks as those fed either a non-soy diet or a diet with non-GM soy. Eight times!

Monsanto's Roundup Ready soy is planted on more than 100 million acres in this country. GM soy isn't a disaster waiting to happen; it's a disaster that's already happening.

While I don't recommend eating any non-fermented soy, if you are going to consume soy at least consume non-GMO soy, and, ideally, only consume it if it is fermented as in tempeh, miso or natto.

If you remain skeptical about the damage soy can do to your health, I urge you to read my recent interview with Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food.

Related Articles:

The Dangers of Genetic Engineering

Why Genetically Modified Crops Can Devastate Health

Genetically Modified Foods Update
Posted by Lymied (Member # 6704) on :
We eat soy over in this country that is Soy-Isolate that has not been fermented like it is in Asia.

I have always heard it is the process of fermentation and the type of Soy that you eat that is the issue.

Here in America we have to grow Soy beans to help replenish our fields that we exploit and rarely practice crop rotation on so the soil is depleted of essential minerals. Growing Soy Beans replenishes the nutrients...however how can we make money on all the Soy Crops???

Super process the heck out of it (Isolated Soy) and sell it to everyone under the guise that it is good for us...As well, use it as filler in all kinds of foods that you would never expect soy to exist in so that more food can be produced with less real ingredients.

As well, produce 'soy milk' - I don't think soy milk even exists in Asia, does it? I don't think Asian people drink soy milk....

That is always how I have heard the real story goes....very different than the way it is processed and prepared in Asia where fermentation takes place...

Here in America we take plenty of very nutritious foods, process them in really bad ways, strip all the nutrients out of them then package them...
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
Yikes!! I have tried soy milk and hated it...

Ha, think I'll just go to McDonalds...

just kidding.......
Posted by Lymied (Member # 6704) on :
[Big Grin] Hey Randibear - at least when you go to McDonalds you know what you are getting, huh?!? I cannot tell a lie - I have to occassionally have the fish sandwich and fries from McDonalds...
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
Soy is evil stuff so stick with the fish burger. It may not be so good for you but it is probably easier to digest then soy and well hopefully not trigger cancer or whack your thyroid.

Soy milk soy flour and soy powder are all ways to try and slip more soy garbage to the paying public.

If people do not want to drink dairy they can buy rice milk or almond milk or better yet make their own almond milk - soy oy oink! Not everything you find in a super market is good for you or in a health food store.

Posted by Alias24 (Member # 9365) on :
Question to Vanilla:

What is meant by your comment "They are probaly Jesus freaks from New Zealand so ignore that weird backwards part if possible..."?

Is there something wrong with people who love Jesus?

Comment on Soy:

Reliv which is a nutritional product uses the whole soy bean as an ingredient, it does not use Genetically Modified (GM) soy. Not all soy products are bad.

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