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Posted by coltman (Member # 21272) on :
Rife is one of those things which for me used to screams "quack" - but I am trying to keep open mind and I read a few things which changed my shifted my opinion a bit.

I read excerpts from a book which is pro rife but the book seemed pretty well and intelligently written, with objective information about lyme in general .

It also mentioned that it works not by manipulating some "bio energy " but by resonance - physically damaging spirochettes. Now this does sound like something which could be possible , albeit there are very many "ifs" . I mean it has to be proven that BB are vulnerable to it , that it can be achived in vivo , etc. etc.

There is one video which looks good:

But those things could be easily fabricated: those could be not spirochetes at all, could be complete fabrication, it could be in vitro with hugely powerful devices and energies which are unobtainable with rife in vivo

So are there more studies , papers , which are more than anecdotal evidence?
Posted by catskillmamala (Member # 12536) on :
There is a video they show in college physics where a steel decked bridge began swaying in the wind at its resonance frequency. The frequency eventually blew the bridge apart. Rife is a similar concept. It can and does work, but with hundreds of tick borne infections and strains, finding the right frequency can be hit or miss.

I've asked three MDs about rife and they all have seen patients resolve with it. They can't talk about it because its not fda approved and they can't recommend it, but if you ask a direct question you might get an answer.
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
I'm living, breathing, walking, talking proof that Rife machines work. I was as skeptical as you, but after almost 3 years on abx I knew there had to be a better way.

I purchased an EMEM right at a year ago. For the first 6 months I rifed but continued abx - slowly tapering off of them. I made LOT's of improvement. Finally at the 6 month mark I took the plunge and quit abx altogether - I have never looked back.

Every treatment is followed by marked herx reactions and then marked improvements. My only regret is that I didn't get a machine at the beginning of my illness...there's no doubt in my mind that I would be completely well today.

The only thing I can tell you is to try one. It'll make a believer out of you, I promise!
Posted by coltman (Member # 21272) on :
Originally posted by catskillmamala:
There is a video they show in college physics where a steel decked bridge began swaying in the wind at its resonance frequency. The frequency eventually blew the bridge apart. Rife is a similar concept.

Being a similiar concept does not prove anything.
Try to make a free laying sewing thread resonate and break apart. To me BB resembles more an elastic thread than steel


It can and does work, but with hundreds of tick borne infections and strains, finding the right frequency can be hit or miss.

Well why it works? I mean can someone show it with formulas that BB are indeed susceptible in vitro to certain frequency ranges?

- I mean knowing BB size, their "material", it should be possible to calculate what should make them indeed go into destructive resonance. Absence of such information is highly suspicious.
Posted by Abxnomore (Member # 18936) on :
There are plenty of people who have gotten well by using a rife machine.There are many website and books written on the subject. You don't need formulas, talk to those who have changed their lives by using it.

Those who have never used ABX seem to have better results more quickly.

We know ABX kills spirochetes but there are many here treating 5, 6 plus years and still struggling. My point is not to say that ABX does not work but it's not the only answer. We don't have the full answer yet full chronic lyme. We have treatment, but in most cases not a cure when using ABX but there are exceptions.

If you want to know more about rife join the rife group and learn about it.

Someone on this site will have the link to it.

Another analogy is that it works in the same way an opera singers voice can shatter a glass. Use the right frequency and it will destroy the spirochete.
Posted by catskillmamala (Member # 12536) on :

I am not trying to prove anything. Vibrating things at their resonance frequency can destroy them. Period.

Go do some research on some rife boards and discussion groups.

I agree it sounds hoaxy. Here's my question- have you heard of anyone who seriously tried rife that says it was a treatment failure???

Don't believe in it? Don't do it, it's as simple as that.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Doug McLean built his own magnetic coil machine when he heard of a vague reference to the concept that frequencies could destroy bacteria.

Doug was an engineer and had Lyme Disease back in the 80's when it was not widely heard of. He obtained some live Lyme bacterial cultures from a friend who worked in a lab.

He then proceeded to test his machine under his microscope and found a few frequencies that would cause the spirochetes to spin, break apart or rupture them. He did all of this unaware of Royal Rife's prior research in the 30's.

Lyme bacteria in Spirochete form are fragile physically and susceptible to damage from certain frequencies. The other forms do not seem to be affected much, likely because of their physical shape is more durable.

See frequencies destroy organisms under the microscope. These experiments are being carried out currently by students at Skidmore College.

It is not really a question anymore of whether it is possible or not. It is more of a question of how to make it effective against all forms of Lyme.

Posted by coltman (Member # 21272) on :
Hey guys I did some research and even found some tech papers (albeit briefly glancing them over I didnt find them overly convincing)

I am aware of positive rife testmonials (thats a plus for rife).

But basically my doubts could be summarized in same way as this guy did in here :

in order for it to work as claimed it must
Radiate some RF,
Penetrate the body,
Resonate with the bacteria.

those 3 simple things should be easily demonstrable yet all I found about rife was negative in those aspects (energy levels used by rife machines are too low for start, body penetration was never demonstrated).

Bacteria resonation is only one thing which seemed to be demonstrated in videos, albeit it doesnt look that they are actually using rife machines -but instead the generators with much higher energy levels , applied directly to bacteria titers
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Do you all have concerns about the safety of it? I really know nothing about it but may look into it. I didn't realize there is a rife group. Is it part of this site?


Posted by liesandmorelies (Member # 15323) on :
Okay, I have been as concerned about Rife as the next guy, but...

There are a couple people that I trust implicitly regarding this and one of them is my husband. There are others that I have been talking with too.

We are at the point that I have been seriously considering buying a rife machine.

Dan has posted some great info here and I know people who have had good results too.

My DH has a a Masters in EE and Computer Science form MIT and a BS in EE and Computer Science from Princeton. He has been studying this , for me for the better part of one year now and he is convinced that in theory it can work and probably does work based on the science behind it if you truly can find the right frequency's.

I am not in any way saying that anyone here should go out and buy a rife machine. I am just saying that I trust that my DH would not let me do anything that might jeopardize my life or health. Of course you have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages when you do any treatment protocol.

I think as time goes on we will see more of these types of treatments being used as the walls of Western medicine come tumbling down.

The FDA along with the IDSA will at some point not be the bible that Western Medicine dictates it's treatment protocols based upon. Those two entities are two of the contributing entities that are breaking our health care system.

To give you another angle. I had a PC doctor who could not recommend a Chiropractor, but when I asked where all the doctors in the group went to see for there Chiro needs, he told me the name of the Chiro.

There are LLMD's and main stream docs who can't recommend Rife because it is not FDA approved, but many of them are telling patients that they have patients that it has helped.

I don't think if these doc's did not think it could work they would even say that much.

Just like there are people who use Hyperbaric treatments. Some say the science does not add up, but many people swear by it.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
That is the problem. There is no more money to be made by using frequencies to kill pathogens. At least no more than selling stereo equipment or other electronics.

Generating frequencies with a common frequency generator is not patentable. It was not patentable in Rife's time either. It did pose a serious threat to the beginning of the antibiotic companies profits in the thirties. Both were being used at one time. One had huge profit potential, the other was limited. Guess which won?

It would be unlikely that someone is going to put millions in research for something that will generate no more profit than a stereo receiver.

That is not to say the method is perfect by any means. I have had complete failures trying to kill common mold.

The only three successful bacteria I have had an effect on is Lyme, H-Pylori and E-Coli. And I am not even sure of what it was doing to the E-Coli, I only know it affected it in some way.

The one common denominator in most all people that do not think it can work is, they have never used one for Lyme. The guy referring to the amateur radio handbook as evidence is kidding himself, if he thinks this basic primer is going to explain a complex biological effect.

The common denominator for those that have used one for Lyme, is they can tell it works. and usually dramatically.

As far as how many diseases it works for, it is far less than what some claim. It simply is not known for sure. There certainly is hucksterism attached to this method, but that is a people problem, not a problem with the method itself.

It would be difficult to actually kill someone by over treatment, but not impossible. I suppose if you were an inch away from death anyway, you could produce the tipping point and kill yourself.

Since it only affects spirochetes, it is somewhat self limiting in how much you are going to kill at one time. Not that you cannot make yourself severely ill, you can, but it unlikely to be life threatening.

No one has to buy a machine to test it. With a little work, you can find someone in your region that has one. And with a couple of tests, you can see for yourself.

No one here sells them that I know of. I guess I would wonder why people that have nothing to gain are testifying to the results they get from using frequencies. And if you are going to lie about it, why not claim it cures most everyone?

The most logical answer is that they are telling their experience as they know it. It has improved the health of many, but has cured very few.

There are many ways to treat Lyme, and this is just another option for those who are not getting results from other methods. There is nothing magical about it.

The frequencies that are listed are not all reliable. They come from a variety of sources, some more professional than others.

Most people here using them can tell you which ones are most effective.

Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Another element that is not talked about much concerning alternative treatments is the psychological effect.

I can testify to the psychological process first hand, since I am the most skeptical person I know.

I happened upon frequency treatments by accident. Our family has always been relatively healthy, up until a few years ago.

First, my wife contracted Lyme Disease. She could not get properly diagnosed, and her only option was pain medication for her increasing arthritic joint pain. This spontaneous joint pain only started after the Deer Tick bite.

This forced me to be a poor mans physician. I was not qualified and had little available to me in the way of treatments. Antibiotics were out of the question, so I had no choice but to search out less than proven methods.

This was followed up by my daughter developing Celiac Sprue, my son developing Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and myself developing Crohn's disease.

All in a couple of years. Lyme is considered curable, but the rest are not.

I have been researching treatments for all of them.

My son is reluctant to try to treat his condition seriously, so until he is ready to, there is little I can do about that.

My daughter is eating Gluton free, and that is about all she can do at this time. Low Dose Naltrexone could possibly help both of them, but it is not known at this time.

I have my Crohn's under complete control using Low Dose Naltrexone combined with occasional doses of MMS. This one was relatively easy.

The point is, that I was under the same general mind set that most people are about medicine. Doctors practice "real" medicine, and alternative treatments were for suckers and less than intelligent people.

Circumstances forced me to go outside the doctors realm and here is where the psychological part comes into play.

After much research, I finally bought a used GB-4000 frequency machine to treat my wife.
The first use produced such a pronounced effect, I was almost in disbelief. I also was frightened by the effect. I used every frequency before she did. I had no reaction, and was quite skeptical that she would react any differently.

After more use, I had more confidence in the method but now I had to face some very uncomfortable truths.

1) Some alternative treatments worked. I was the sucker and I was the uneducated person. Not the ones that used this method all along.

2) Not only was I the sucker, but I had been a sucker all of my 44 years of life.

3) I now had to completely rearrange my thinking from the relatively simple "real medicine is used by real doctors" to "who the heck knows what else I have been completely wrong about all of this time".

If anyone thinks this psychological turn around is an easy one, I can attest it is not. It throws you completely out of balance. It makes you mad at yourself and those who either by ignorance or on purpose, misled you all of these years.

It makes you distrustful in all medicine. You not longer can take your doctors word for granted. You must prove to yourself that what the doctor is telling you is valid.

This resulted in me going against my doctors treatment for Crohn's. It made no sense to me, so I picked out a sensible one, based on what I had learned about the causes of the disease.

Everything is turned upside down and you can't go back to your former way of comfortable trust.

I know why people would like to think that this or other alternative treatment can't work. It is easier to trust what you think you know than find out is not the truth.

No one likes to be a sucker, and I was worried about being a sucker for buying the frequency machine. It turned out I was a sucker until I bought one.

Funny how life throws you curve balls.

Posted by nomoremuscles (Member # 9560) on :

Both of the above posts are excellent. Thanks for sharing your evolution, and the thinking process and experimentation that got you there. My own story is pretty similar, though I could never express it as eloquently as you just did.

Thanks again.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
There are bogus treatments, and not just alternative ones. I do not want to give the impression that frequency treatments will cure about anything. I don't believe anything works, until it does.

I only know what I have experienced first hand, using the scientific method of repeatability, blind experiments, and common sense.

For instance, I have run my machine using non-Lyme frequencies on my wife. She does not ever run the machine, and has no clue as to what frequency I am using.

She has always felt the effective frequencies in the form of joint pain. I can run a non Lyme frequencies and she does not react. I ask her if she feels it, she does not. I lie to her and tell her that i am going to run 612. She knows this one will provoke a strong reaction. I run a cold frequency instead and ask if it is bothering her. It does not.

I tell her I am running a healing frequency and instead run 612. She starts wincing and asks what i am really running.

There is no possibility of placebo effect. I have tested it many times.

I am after the truth. I am not married to any particular treatment. If she would have had the opportunity to use antibiotics in the beginning, I would have been happy she was taking them.

I have tried muscle testing and I cannot get it to work. Until I can, or someone can tell me how to get it to work, I am highly skeptical. That does not mean it couldn't work, I just have to have some objective experience that I can measure before I will use it. I have to be able to prove it by my own use with objective blind testing before I can have any faith in it.

It is not that difficult to perform blind experiments. We really need to, so we can sort out what is real, and what is wishful thinking.

Posted by catskillmamala (Member # 12536) on :
I agree that not all frequencies are effective, which is very frustrating. I wish that there was a way to tease out which freqs work and work well. I have used a hit or miss approach myself that I am sure means I waste time on useless frequencies and miss others that could be relevant.

I use frequencies for lyme, babs and erlichia that I have winnowed from various lists.

I find it very bothersome to have to research areas of science and medicine that are unfamiliar to me and try things that feel experimental. My DH is very nervous about rife despite being an PHD mathematician himself who understands it but thinks there could be unintended consequences. I just got to the point where a few unintended consequences- say cancer or alzheimers later, were preferrable to the lack of any ability to function currently.

I have also found that some of the published books on rife skim the subject in a way that is not detailed enough for me. I now like Nenah Sylver's book but it is very dense without a good index. I have also combed tons of online literature.

In my experience, people exposed to rife frequencies who do not have lyme suffer no herx, but those in my family who have it, do herx from it.

One benefit is being about to select your herx time, place and manner, which oral and IV abx did not do for me. I can rife on a Friday night, herx all weekend and work Monday. Or I can skip an important weekend. I also like the idea of being able to treat a new infection or bite immediately.

Nonetheless, like I said before, there are many bogus frequencies. Maybe they aren't bogus with tons of strains of lyme and dozens of coinfections that haven't been scientifically identified, rife users may find benefit using a frequency that is hitting something, just not my strain of Bb. But again, how do you get to the right list?
Posted by mv (Member # 21888) on :
I have the machine sitting right in my room, and haven't done it yet. I'm totally open to alternative medicine. My son and I are making huge strides using it, but I'm terrified to try this. I think I'm more nervous about trying it on my son than myself. Perhaps because the instructions seem to be more confusing than helpful and my lyme brain can't seem to make sense of it right now. For those that have effectively done it, I would love any input that you could give me. I really do want to try it.....I just don't want to kill us in the process!! LOL
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
It is a bit intimidating to use the first time. Especially on someone else. I am not too worried when I use an alternative treatment on myself, but am much more cautious on my wife.

You can just use it on yourself. If you are convinced it could help you son, you can use it later on him.

The risk involved is probably smaller than any other treatment. Human cells are unaffected by the low Lyme frequencies normally used.

The one exception is that it could, in theory take out some red blood cells. In two ways, one directly from certain frequencies, and these are not Lyme frequencies that you will be using anyway, and another in that spirochetes within the cells could cause a slight loss of the cells as a result of the death of the spirochete.

This could happen with any treatment as far as the spirochetes are concerned. And there has never been a case of anyone being harmed in any permanent way, no matter what they were treating.

I have had some E-Coli frequencies affect me negatively, but that was under specific circumstances that caused discomfort but no detectable damage. Again, you are not using these frequencies either.

The easiest way to start, is to use one frequency for 30 seconds and no more than one minute. Wait a couple of weeks before doing it again. You are trying to get a baseline reaction.

Once you have this reaction, you can then stay where you are at time wise, or increase the time a little at a time if the herx was minimal.

No need to rush into it. I would use one of two frequencies to start. These are the most proven and credible ones. 306 or 612 Hz. They are harmonics of the same frequency, but sometimes the higher 612 will work better.

432 is another well established Lyme frequency.

Good Luck

Posted by coltman (Member # 21272) on :
Dan , greatly appreciate your input to that thread. I think at minimum I should try to find and use someone else machine a few times to see if it produces anything .

And you know you nailed it right -one of the biggest barriers is to get over "damn I gotta be a loon if I use that machine" . That barrier is higher with rife because stuff like MMS is something you take - kinda like a drug, so its more "mainstream" . I never heard about anything like rife before at all, so first thing which came to mind were tinfoil hat people .

I am already distrustful of mainstream medicine - they ignored me till the point where my symptoms became debilitating, where my thyroid , HPTA and adrenals are destroyed. Following "mainstream" advice I had amalgams put in and now my mercury is twice the acceptable range.

That said I am not convinced about any alternatives either.

Anyways ,ranting aside, does rife works for bartonella?
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Yes. Why buy one, if you have the opportunity to try it out first? I would have done the same, but I am in a rather remote area. Another good way to test it is to have a non-Lyme person run exactly the same frequencies and see if they react to them. If it is bogus, why would one react and the other not react? Especially since it is claimed that it does absolutely nothing.

You do realize that you will be considered a loon even if it works remarkably well? But you will know for yourself what the truth is. I would rather be a healthier loon than a sicker sucker.

I do not know if it works for Bartonella.

I have no experience with that particular co-infection. Maybe others here do have some evidence of whether it works or not for that. As i have said many times, it does not work for everything and is far from perfect, but it does work for Lyme.

Posted by bugabooboo (Member # 7383) on :
I have been running frequencies with the EMEM5a for 4 years now. "Religiously" every 2 weeks at least and sometimes more frequently.

I was very sick at first, from the disease AND the tremendous herx's which ensued like clockwork.

Gradually, I have gotten better.

I was at an impasse with antibiotics, being sensitive to everything after years of use while Dr.s tried to cure my "chronic sinuses". [bonk]

I was an RN in a large clinic in WI.

Think it was easy for me to accept this "Frankenstein-ish" treatment?

The first time I sat in front of it's "whining" plasma bulb, I prayed, "God protect me"! [bow]

Most family, friends do not understand my treatments in spite of explanation and proof. But they don't have Lyme Disease.

I was desperate.

So I bought a machine, very reasonably because I had little money after a year of not working.

Obviously, it was not an instant cure.

But I am so thankful for it. (And my LLMD.)

I just had a recent physical and my blood work is within normal limits. (For the most part the only thing that was ever abnormal was my WBC's.)

Other tests show absence of any Cancers.

I do not know all the answers.

I do know that this inexpensive machine has given me my life back.

I STILL have herx's.

My husband has tried it a couple of times without noticeable herx's.

My intent is only to share MY experiences.

Posted by anthropisces (Member # 15672) on :
I once saw a video of a Rife machine destroying some Parameciums (a tiny acquatic multi-cellular organism)in a petri dish.

They little guys exploded when exposed to the excitation.

I wonder what the effect would have been on tiny bits of human tissue in that petri dish when exposed to that same frequency.

Has anyone done any testing to try to determine whether the resonant frequencies can differently effect cells of different biological origin?

A series of logically constructed tests could provide some useful information. I don't think it would be necessary for those tests to include Lyme and coinfection organisms. Rather, any two cells of different origins could be used as a screening test.

Of course the observer would have to be completely unbiased, skilled in experimental methodologies, with good practice and test design.

Perhaps a tiny bit of laboratory rodent tissue could be injected with some bacterium grown for the purpose. I'm sure it is true that bacteria do not infect tissues in a way that is similar to injection. Nonetheless it could provide a screening test. If one is able to selectively destroy cells, it might indicate that further testing is merited.

The tests would probably have to be repeated over and over to determine if a statistically significant result had indeed been found.

A group of scientists should be able to progressively and logically design tests that provide some answers.

I am skeptical of even the most proven treatments, even the ones my doctor has used to treat Babesia (apparently gone), Lyme (maybe gone) and Bartonella (boy do my foot soles still hurt every morning, etc.). I even have a bit of skepticism about whether I've ever actually had any of this stuff (haven't we all at least entertained that notion briefly?).But my skepticism is balanced by optimism, confidence in my doctor, and the very real difference in how I feel.

Rife concerns me, but then again so does mainstream medicine, with its dogmas and pompous attitude. It is so easy to look at a test and see whether it is biased or whether the researcher was truly looking for results. The people getting better from Rife, fall decidedly into the first category. They have a huge incentive to provide positive results for the technique. That doesn't mean it isn't extremely effective. But I'm skeptical.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
bumping for any additional pro-rife comments!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I love my EMEM 5A !!
Posted by Janice70 (Member # 16319) on :
The Resonant Light PERL candida program cleared up my husband's black tongue.

He had a black tongue before, which required a lot of medication and direct treatment (scrubbing with hydrogen peroxide, and scraping). He didn't do anything this time, just the PERL.
Posted by GraceT (Member # 16558) on :
Like Lauren, I too am living, breathing, walking, talking proof that Rife machines work. So does Bionic 880.

I was not able to tolerate antibiotics due to Candida overload. Though it still haunts me, this Candida fungi, I am now grateful as this forced me to find alternative methods or continue to suffer.

Glad we chose the machine we did...We copied Dan. Being tortured is a huge motivator. I had no fear of using the equipment.

Last year I use the GB-4000 Rife machine for Lyme, Babs, Parisites, Fungi, and other settings about every 3 days.

Borrelia: In February 2009 this bacteria was killed off by the Bionic. Three Doctors tell me it's gone.

Mycoplasma is my current target: I use Rife & Bionic both for this one. **It is stubborn.**

I also now use classic homeopathy and do feel better for it. Homepathic drops seem to compliment Rife very well.

Chlamydia, TB, Nanobacteria and Candida are all attacking me. I Rife for these in a rotational fashion and added homeopathic drops for each.

Herpes Zoster, Simplex, et al are under control after using both Rife and Bionic.

Parasites and fungi: I use many frequencies as there are so many kinds. It takes time to kill each one.

Some herxs have been big, many have been small using the Rife. After some experience I now control the herxing from Rife.

For now I prefer the Rife over the Bionic because (a) the EMF's are felt much more severly when I use the Bionic, (b) Bionic is so strong that herxs in my head hurt too much and (c) detoxing quickly is difficult for me.

Best Thing I ever did was go to Germany, see Dr. K and got my borrelia killed off. Hope it stays that way - if it does not I will report to this board.

Second Best Thing I ever did was get my Rife Machine.

We purchased our Rife machine in August last year (2008). Each time I felt a sore throat I used the Rife. Next day or within 2 days my sore throat stopped being sore. I have beat back every sore throat in the past year.

I have used Rife for Gulf War Syndrom (GWS) and felt my strongest Herx except for Bionic use. Bionic is exceptionally powerful.

After study, GWS is something I will continue to Rife for.

My herxs are easier to control using the Rife machine. As soon as I can get over this head buzzing type of herxing, then I'll use the Bionic more often.

If anyone here in the Phoenix Valley wants to try a Rife machine, you are welcome to try mine. Just PM me.

Next I'm looking into that Resonate Light PERL candida program as Janice70 mentioned above my post.

Dan Bergy - We know our GB-4000 will be with us a Lifetime, and it will save a tremendous amount of money & keep us from future pain and suffering. We own you our gratitude.

Grace and Bob
Posted by Topaz (Member # 20216) on :
I've always been interested in trying RIFE.

Is there anyone in the capital district area(Albany, N.Y) who would be willing to let me give theirs a go?
Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
If anyone needs nosodes, Dr Marc said to put his name and number here, he has no fear of the FDA since he is in Mexico. He can get the kit and the live Borrelia nosode as well. His number is 011 52 664 686 2981 this is how you dial from the states. His email is [email protected] you will deal directly with him. His Cell is 011 52 1 664 307 6049
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

There is even research being done now on a similar system for cancer - radio waves. It will cost a ton for patients to get treatments - rather than just let them know that that mousetrap has already been invented and it could be relatively low cost.

I think it was "60 Minutes" that featured this in the past couple of years.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

In add fairness, the inventor here seems to have his heart in the right place. However, big business seems to be circling for a financial kill.

The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?

60 Minutes on CBS News: Apr 10, 2008 ...

The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure? ... a man who invented a machine that may kill cancer cells using radio waves. ...

Posted by TerryK (Member # 8552) on :
Colt - the info in the lymeneteurope site was discussed here many times. Unfortunately, Joe was banned and all of his posts removed so that info is lost.

My husband is an electrical engineer who taught electronics at college level for a number of years so he has a very good grasp on these concepts.

We discussed Joe's information before I bought a rife machine. In a nutshell, here is what came out of our discussion.

2) RF has a skin effect phenomenon. It penetrates even good conductors like copper only a few thousandths of an inch. That's not even deep enough to have any effect on infections of the skin or skin structures.

His point about penetration into a conducter implies that penetration would be less in a poor conductor. Actually penetration would be more. The human body is not as good a conductor as copper, therefore penetration would be much greater in a human body than it would in copper.

There are three technical reasons that prove why Rife can't work

The logic of this assumption is flawed. The rules that Joe has listed do not prove that rife can't work, it just means that rife does not work via the mechanisms that he has listed.

Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
If anyone needs nosodes, Dr Marc said to put his name and number here, he has no fear of the FDA since he is in Mexico. He can get the kit and the live Borrelia nosode as well. His number is 011 52 664 686 2981 this is how you dial from the states. His email is dralbarran@biomedix you will deal directly with him. His Cell is 011 52 1 664 307 6049
Posted by faithful777 (Member # 22872) on :
Is rife safe for someone with a pacemaker/defibrillator? Both my husband and I have Lyme and he is the one with the pacemaker.

If he can't use one, do I need to be a certain distance away from him when I rife? Is there another type of machine he can use, like the PE1?

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