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Posted by Jane S (Member # 22586) on :
Has anyone had experience with Azithromycin causing sadness/feeling down type feeling?

I just started this after giving it a week break due to some reaction. I noticed I was a bit more weepy before while on it but thought it was due to my cycle [Embarrassed]

Now 3rd day back on starting to feel down in dumps again...

Also anxiety is back, it went away totally during the abx break...

Can anyone relate to this topic?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
What is your liver support? If the liver gets overloaded, depression will be one result (and usually pain, too).

Milk Thistle is the most common liver support suggested by LLMDs.

Are you taking fish oil and also magnesium? Both can help relieve depression due to several ways they work. Both also help to relieve the kind of anxiety as seen in lyme.

Adrenal support will also help relieve anxiety. Cordyceps is a good start - and vitamin B-5's active form.

And then there is cocoa. Whatever kind of milk you might drink, add dark unsweetened cocoa . . . and touch of stevia. Stevia is from a plant. Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners, though.

Cocoa can help relieve depression.

VERY dark chocolate, if just a touch after a meal might be okay. The higher the number, the less sugar. Since you are on abx, I would recommend staying above the 84% - 91% range at about one ounce - after a balanced snack or meal. Be sure to read the label. Most dark chocolate is not really very dark at all and contains too much sugar.

AND - are you taking probiotics to prevent candida from abx?

Candida can cause depression. I hope you are seeing a LLMD who told you about all the things I've just listed.

Perhaps you need more rest and then also some gentle movement to help with circulation. Can you take a short walk or slowly dance around to some music - even if just for 20 seconds? Moving helps the liver move out toxins from the infection.

I hope you feel better soon.
Posted by Jane S (Member # 22586) on :
Wow thanks Keebler so much info

Yes I am in treatment with a LLMD and the abx I believe gave me a little pain/inflamation in the liver area. I stopped everything but the essentials until pain went away. Even stopped abx for about 1 week, it felt good. Almost felt normal again.

I was taking fish oil, magnesium, and also Milk Thistle. I was sort of suspecting hormones, or adrenal's I also have pain in the left area that is up higher than the kidney. Do you know if your adrenals dan cause pain?

I haven't looked into Cordyceps what is that? Also is B-5 called something else in a multi or a B complex. How do you know how much to take?

I think my liver has been overloaded since the beginning even before abx. Just in treatment since late summer.

I do take pro-biotics also and have learned alot on line about these things as well as from my LLMD.

I would love to dance slowly, maybe I'll try that. I have tried walking but not lately, I have 2 dogs that are very bored...I keep thinking of adding light weight lifting if I can, we have a gym in our home so I wouldn't need to go far.

In the beginning of treatment I was so weak that walking any distance was out of the picture. It seems like I am beyond that now, so I guess that is a good thing? Maybe only a short distance though, activity seems to agrivate the suspected adrenal area pain.

I also take nystatin and avoid sugar, and all the things you are supposed to avoid, (I do sneak bread with sandwich) I thought milk was one of those things to stay away from. I would love to have a glass of milk especially chocolate milk!

I have starated taking my multi-vitamin again, and added Vitamin C and Fish Oil. I haven't added back in the Milk Thistle or Magnesium. I loved the calming effect of the Magnesium. I also tried the Natural Calm a couple of times and it was so nice. It did help when I was having a break thru anxiety with my pres xanax. (I do take pres Xanax for anxiety) but sometimes it doesn't do the trick. It works better on an empty stomach.

Thank you for all of your suggestions, I will give them a try.

I just thought it was odd that as soon as I restarted the abx the sadness came back.

Hope I don't have question overload
Posted by gemofnj (Member # 15551) on :

it could be a side effect from the zith killing off the borrellia, but hopefully you can try and wait for it too pass as zith (for me) was great.

also, lyme can seriously affect hormones and that can also be the culprit.

definitely take the REFRIGERATED high culture/high strain probiotics frequently during your treatment as abx kills off good bacteria as well as bad

some reliable brands are MEGAFLORA from Megafoods, NSI-15-35 and Renew Life Ultimate Flora CRITICAL CARE.

you need to replenish often and avoid taking it 2 hours near any supplements or antibiotics. taking by itself is best and one at bedtime is usually recommended.

without refrigerated high strain/culture probiotics you will most likely run into yeast or gut problems during treatment.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Anytime you are on abx, liver support is essential. You have to protect your liver as both the infection and abx can be very hard on the liver without the solid support.

If Milk Thistle does not work, there are dozens of good options. I'm not talking about liver "cleanse" but support. NAC is also good but Milk Thistle is easier for most people. (NAC is N-Acetyl-Cysteine).


This book, by an ILADS member LLMD, hold great information about pharmaceutical and complementary treatments: (through Amazon)


- by Kenneth B. Singleton , MD; James A. Duke. Ph.D. (Foreword)

You can read more about it here and see customer reviews.

Web site:


Nutritional Supplements in Disseminated Lyme Disease

J.J. Burrascano, Jr., MD (2008)


search "articles" bar for "liver" and you'll find some good detail.

Posted by Jane S (Member # 22586) on :
Yes I do take refrigerated probiotics, usually just 2 in the morning before any abx or supplements. I was thinking of adding another type for later in the day? Since I haven't been having any trouble with that I haven't done that yet.

I have the book Lyme Disease Solutuion, I learned alot from that book and was thinking of ordering the recommended vitamins from DR B. information. I like that they have some for men and women.

Last night I decided to add the magnesium back in with my evening vitamins. I take the multi- 2 fishoil tablets, 1-Vitamin C and then I added 1 magnesium. (Oh yes and I decided to add back in the Milk Thistle) I developed the worst indegestion! Maybe I shouldn't of taken them all at the same time?

I don't know what it was from, I still sort of have it today with pain in my back upper mid. My blood pressure is normal, so it doesn't feel heart related. Just really bad indegestion. Tums relieved it somewhat. I have problems with reflux and have been on Nexium a very long time. Don't know if I upset that area, possibly.

I was slightly concerned about it.

Has anyone everhad problems with indegestion? I'm guessing with so many things that ail us the answer is yes. It is still here, so I may skip supplements today.
Posted by LittleBite (Member # 22622) on :

I just joined today and trying to find the topic on diet for lyme and co-infection but not sure how. It sounds like you know a lot about what to eat and what not to eat when on multiple antibiotics. My 6 year old is on Zith + Mepron + Rifampin. I know he should stay away from suger. What about milk (why?), whole wheat bread (I guess glutin), cheese? Do you know anything about Milk Thislte not to be combined with Mepron? I just noticed it in a message from another topic. Thank you!

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