I am being treated based on clinical diagnosis of Lymes (finally).
I had an Igenex WB done but don't have the results yet.
My CD57 count is done though and it is 40!
I only had the tick the last day of June. I thought my CD57 would still be OK.
Anyway, how compromised is your immune system with a low CD57 count?
Does anyone know? I have looked around and can't find any information on it.
I have a trip planned to the Houston area of TX next week. They are having large outbreaks of swine flu in that area.
I really want to go, but I don't want to be stupid about it.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Tick followed by EM rash- June 30/July 2. Symptoms began about 3rd week in July.
Posted by Topper (Member # 18568) on :
My LLMD puts no stock in CD57 numbers. However when my white blood cells were low she said that was a sign of being immune deficient. Take hand sanatizer with you, and gloves, and wash wash wash your hands.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I wouldn't worry about it. The CD57 can be high and the person feels horrible, or it can be low and they feel great. I don't think it's very reliable.
Many people with Lyme do not get communicable diseases very easily. I know I don't. Haven't had a cold or flu in years....knock on wood.
Tell my family in Houston hello for me!!
Posted by Lymeorsomething (Member # 16359) on :
Mine has been low the whole time and I still work full-time in a public building. CD-57 only represents a small subset of the immune system response. In short, it may mean you have lyme but it shouldn't impact your ability to travel.
My CD-57 started at 40 and has since gone to 30 at last test by the way. I have a lot of issues but am still functioning and coping well.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
mine is 1, what does this mean?
Posted by bncrump (Member # 20374) on :
Mine is 32 and I am a teacher. I rarely get sick...but have a ton of lyme symptoms. I still function well and live my life as best I can.
Posted by KS (Member # 12549) on :
If you are well enough to travel than I wouldn't worry about it. Just like another poster said...I too had low CD-57 counts (probably still do) and rarely caught any other illnesses.
Posted by gemofnj (Member # 15551) on :
i have a cd 57 count of 45 and in remission.
did alot of traveling in the last year including out the country 2 or 3 times and i did fine--not even a cold. (cooped up on a plane for 9 hours +)
if you are not sick, i wouldnt worry. enjoy life while you can!
Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
I would not worry about that test at all. Have a fun trip! Don't let some test dictate your life. Go by how you feel and enjoy your life!!!!
Posted by lymebytes (Member # 11830) on :
CD57 is an immune system marker and not even an accurate test at that.
Don't put much stock in this test, there are many well with low CD57's and many sick w/high CD57's - means very little.