My LLMD has decided to do a trial of ABX (first oral ommicef and zith....then onto IV rocephin I think). Not sure I am strong enough to endure this but nothing is getting me stronger so he has decided on a trial to see how I do. Please pray for me.
However, I forgot to ask him about vaginal yeast protection. How do y'all manage this??? Thanks for any help.
Posted by AnnaL (Member # 18464) on :
Taking an oral probiotic will help your overall yeast situation, as well as make your digestion a lot better when on abx.
If you are particularly concerned about vaginal yeast, there are vaginal probiotic suppositories that (I've heard--I haven't tried them) work very well at preventing/fighting yeast infections.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Watch what you EAT!!! No sugar or simple carbs, like white bread or rice, cereals, etc.
Also, go online and buy some Theralac.. not Threelac.
(I think you can also use probiotics like Theralac as suppositories. I haven't tried that though.)
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- This is not just for the ladies. Men get candida, too. It's systemic.
In addition to good probiotics such as Theralac, I found Olive Leaf Extract essential to helping keep candida away when I've been on antibiotics. Probiotics (for me) were never enough. Olive Leaf Extract was perfect for me, though, timed at a different time than probiotics, though. -
Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
thank you everyone for your help! Keep the ideas flowing!!! I appreciate ALL the help!
Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Keebler/others, isn't Olive Leaf also a natural ABX? Or do I have that confused?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
jam... olive leaf extract is a good natural abx and a yeast killer!
here is a link with info on eating a low carb diet for yeast:
Just wanted to send some candida tips that really worked for me. This may seem like a lot of info, but its just a few steps.
First and foremost: DIET - no carbs, sugar all promote yeast
that includes, mayo, vinegar, pickles, alcohol, coleslaw and anything FERMENTED or that has mold, such as cheese, mushrooms. all FEED yeast.
only yogurts without sugar or aspartame and sugar are ok. keifer without sugar is also recommended. some folks also use apple cider vinegar and/or natural saurkraut to increase the body's alkaline.
NEXT: high culture/high strain refrigerated probiotics are extremely necessary in combating yeast are a must!
some great over the counter brands are: Megaflora from Megafoods, Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Care, and NSI 15-35. you can get them in a good health food store.
probiotics do not kill yeast, but just replace the good flora bacteria that abx is killing along with the bad bacteria (lyme & co's)
remember to compare the number of live cultures and strains before purchase. the more cultures/strains the better. minimum of 20,000 live cultures/8 strains is a good start.
THIRD: in addition to having additional flora, you may want to start taking an herbal antifungal
natural herbs that KILL yeast are: oregano, olive leaf, coconut oil, grape fruit seed extract, garlic, pau d'arc, etc.
there are many others, but personally, I have found oregamax or fungal defense really work.
FOURTH: detoxing is also helpful in keeping candida at bay. some good suggestions would be steam, sauna, exercise (sweating if possible), lemon water, added fiber, warm bath soaks, etc.
If you still get candida which can be stubborn, you may want to add enzymes, in addition to probiotics and natural antifungals:
Candizyme is an enzyme blend, which was recommend by my LLMD. I also used Digest Gold by Enzymedica when necessary.
For VAGINAL: yeast guard is a great vaginal aid which is a blend of vinegar and water. it helps to neutralize the ph in the vaginal area. this is found at target or pharmacies. or, the good old fashioned way, small amount of vinegar mixed with 2 cups of water.
Believe if or not, yeast starts on the tongue! dipping your toothbrush in bleach or liquid grapefruit seed extract, then
rinsing well with water each time you use it will kill any live yeast organisms left on your brush. you can actually REINFECT with yeast that lives on your toothbrush!!
one more thing, birth control can REALLY increase the candida issue too.