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Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lyme Seminar 1/13/06

"Let me sort of clarify a couple of things at the beginning that may be helpful. One of the reasons why some of the more conventional medical types and universities are angry about us talking about Lyme Disease � main reason � they did not discover it first. The second reason has to do with the definition of what a disease is. Usually you have � psoriasis � that�s a very circumscribed sort of picture; you look at somebody and they have that skin thing and, a yes, he�s got psoriasis. Or somebody has hair loss � you look at them � it is a defined medical entity � you kind of look at them and you can see it. If somebody has Parkinsons, they have the rigid gate and rigid facial expressions and have a tremor � it is pretty narrow.

With Lyme Disease, those of us that have been into it longer than others, find there is no illness that Lyme Disease isn�t part of or Lyme Disease can mimic or contribute to any illness that we know, including delayed healing of fractures, or hair loss for that matter, or bad eyesight. We have not found any illness where it is not involved. And therefore I have to site sort of with my more conventional colleagues -- to call it Lyme Disease, sort of makes it an oxymoron somehow, because it does not fulfill the criteria of a disease, of an illness. Are you with me on that? Let�s try and give a little compassion to those people who have been violently attacking us all over the place for reasons that are kind of strange. What benefit are they going to have out of it. I mean, is there going to be an argument by vote � does Lyme disease exist or not � three people are against it and one is for it; does it mean it doesn�t exist? Truth by vote or by expert opinion has never quite worked.

The same history we really had with heavy metal toxicity, when I started out looking at heavy metals as an issue in illness, in almost all illnesses. The same problem was then � it was not one illness that was created by heavy metal toxicity, but was contributing or causing all of the known illnesses that we have and therefore because there was not one disease entity, I was viciously attacked in the 80�s and early 90�s for making the diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity on people. And many of the people that were attacking at the time, are now diagnosing it every day and treating people and � have known it all along that it is a big problem.

So there is this evolution in medicine going on � that moves a little bit away from looking at one cause, causing one particular symptom picture, rather than looking at, when it comes to toxicity issue, that a toxin can work in such a fundamental deep level in our system that depending on certain cofactors, like your genetics, it can become the cause for everything. I can give you some examples:

Recently we have been testing our autistic children for Lyme Disease with the Western Blot test, the standard conventional test if you want. And all of them, not some of them, all of them were positive. A. was there to witness that. We tested our patients with Parkinsons Disease: not some of them, all of them were testing positive on the Western Blot. But I go further than that: all of our cancer patients we tested in the last year for Lyme Disease; sometimes we had to repeat the test 2-3 times, all of them were positive on the Western Blot test.

So I understand the trouble the conventional community has with this � that you are finding one microbe being involved in so many illnesses � that then half the people say, well, then it means this microbe is just coincidental and doesn�t have to do anything with it. That�s the one camp. And the other half of the more conventional people says � well, if you find this microbe positive in all these illnesses, that means the testing must be invalid. That is the other half of the conventional camp.

So in this field, to find our way this that, has been adventure to say the least, and I am most grateful in this field to my original mentor in this work, that was Chris H., who is here � Chris show yourself. Chris and I worked together, we shared an office in 1992 and he was basically making the diagnosis � he was doing dental surgeries on people that had infections in the jawbone � and he was making the diagnosis of Lyme Disease in 1992 very, very frequently, two of three people I would say. At the time there was no decent lab work available at all. He was using muscle testing, just as I do for most of my diagnosing before we confirm it with a conventional test, I kind of initially suspected that it can�t be.

I went through the same learning curve as the conventional medical community goes through now. I was first angry at him, then I was denying it, and I was trying to prove him wrong, and then I said to all my patients � well, I have known this all along. Laughter. I had the same arrogance and the same resistance to it. And it was really one of my patients, Gudrun here, who sits up here in front, who is also German, and she could see through my German arrogance very quickly and kind of said �Dietrich, come and sit down � I have got to talk to you.� And she gave me the lowdown on Lyme Disease and her experience with it � on the medical institutions, how they first of all failed to recognize what her illness was and then recognized it, treated it, treated it inappropriately, too short, too low doses, etc.

When I went to medical school, one of the main things � when you treat an infection with antibiotics, the teaching is � you treat it hard with a high dose and with the right antibiotic that matches the illness. What we see with the Universities do with Lyme Disease, they are treating it with low doses, with the wrong antibiotic to start with, entraining the bugs that they become so resistant that later on when you actually get to use the right treatment, you have to use astronomical doses for astronomical amounts of time to undo the damage. I remember, it was only five years ago � four years ago � USA Today on the front page � John Hopkins found a cure for Lyme Disease � take 2 capsules of Doxy at night, and next morning you are cured. Front page � thick new discovery � less than five years ago. Let�s kind of be aware that this has been a thorny walk, but thanks to Christ I have been having an eye on this since 1992.

Which is kind of funny � I did a residency in Neurology � short � I didn�t stay there, because the professor who was my teacher there was an old Nazi and I just couldn�t tolerate the environment. But he was making the diagnosis of Lyme Disease in 1973, consistently, on the people where we lived, in Freiburg in Germany, in the Black Forest, which turns out to be one of the most endemic areas for Babesia and Lyme Disease.
I pretty much lost my Mom when I was eleven, because she became very severely ill, she couldn�t get out of bed, for years, had several bouts with having to be institutionalized for psychiatric bursts or various things, and she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in the early eighties, long before it was really known here. She was successfully treated with IV antibiotics and never had a psychotic episode again. So I had some contact with this all along, long before most of you did. Now sort of looking back, before I show you some of the more formal stuff, my feeling is this:

We know there are eight different genus of borrelia, and I will go into that later. Borrelia burgdorferi is just one sub-grouping in there. We are suspecting and there is good evidence that spirochetes have been causing human disease for at least 30,000 years. So this is not a new illness. And many of the symptoms of premature aging, that we always assumed were age related, like when you get cataracts, different eye disorders, become myopic, or many of the cancers, or many of the osteoporoses, we find very very often being a cause by Lyme Disease. I will go into that later � the collagen breakdown � and how that all works.

A couple of my colleagues and me believe that this illness has been with us forever. However, what is new is the aggressive behavior of the bugs. They have not behaved like this. They are getting increasingly aggressive in the way they are causing symptoms in us � that is new. I hope that by the end of this meeting, you will get an idea why this is --- it has to do with the synergistic cofactors, other toxins that are increasingly displacing our human potential, increasingly filled up with toxic material, and in that milieu change that we have, the microbes have changed their behavior. They used to be very synergistic in our system, in a probably beneficial way. One of the speakers I wish I had here this weekend is Gitte Jensen. Some of you may know here. She is a microbiologist, very, very high level, in Oregon, has her own lab. But she was at Mc� University in Canada. She basically found out that there is a constant exchange of DNA going on between human cells and microbes. That the human being organism is constantly evolving, a constant inter-exchange, is not separate from our microbial environment. And that the microbes that are in us are constantly communicating with out DNA and exchangeing forth and back with us. The microbes are trying to establish that we become a comfortable host, but also that we live as long as healthy as possible, because they are also benefiting from that.

That in Lyme Disease, things certainly have gone wrong. The symbiotic arrangement has gone wrong. We want to look at some of these causes � why that is. The interesting thing that I like to give you at the beginning that at the end of this seminar you are sort of coming back to, that everything we have done in alternative medicine over the last thirty years is valid. The only thing that changes is that the focus is a little more on the microbes in us than it was. But the same homeopathics work for Lyme Disease that always worked before we named it Lyme Disease; the same herbs and vitamins work that we have always given without knowing that we are actually treating Lyme Disease. The same acupuncture points work that always worked. We are coming back to all that, but having in mind that we actually are treating a microbial illness and the outcome of it in the body.

By changing the focus in treatment just a little bit and including the microbes and our immune system response to it, we have made great great progress in being able to help a lot of people, and I hope I am going to be able to bring it across here.

To give you a little introduction I am going to steel a little bit of knowledge from my friend, Dr. C, he gave me last year. This picture. Just a bit about recent discovery of Borrelia burgdorferi. (Dr. K. goes into detail of the 300 different borrelia types.)

Explains picture: This is a White Cell � being attacked by spirochetes. Now � what�s wrong with the picture? What�s wrong with the picture is that it is usually the other way around: that the White Cells are attacking the spirochetes. Not the spirochetes attacking the White Cells. Really this picture captures the core of what this group of illnesses is about. They are going after our immune system first, and immobilize it. And then everything is possible. It not unlike AIDS. In AIDS we experience that first.
Remember this, this is different from any other illness that we know. Usually, in illnesses you see the White Cells looking for bugs. This is the bugs looking for the White Cell. Does this White Cell have a chance to fight them? The picture is very similar � it reminds me, in Africa, sometimes you see a pack of dogs hunting down a lion, killing a lion; if you have one lion and one dog, the dog doesn�t have a chance. But if you got 50 dogs and one lion, the lion doesn�t stand a chance. That is what is happening with Lyme Disease.

This picture (one White Cell surrounded by many spirochetes) really expresses everything about it. In this illness we cannot count on the immune system to recover on its own. All these techniques that we have to stimulate the immune system��.What do you want to stimulate here??????..... You can�t give this guy coffee or whatever stimulates you can give to this White Cell ---- is not going to succeed in killing the bugs around it. The numbers are overwhelming. And so � this is the illness where we need to kind of come in with some antimicrobial agents, whether plant based (as later) or man-made. But immune-stimulant therapies are a joke. It is not going to work.

I am not going to go into the transmissions, etc. with the ticks. I will show you later that fleas, biting flys, mosquitos, all the stinging insects transfer Lyme Disease. What is unique with the ticks --- there is only one unique thing about them ---- that in the tick saliva that are a lot of incredible factors that help the Lyme spirochete to propagate themselves for the first few days and set up the housekeeping in the body very quickly.
So a tick bite is highly highly tansmissive for these infections, whereas a mosquito bite, even though they are full of the same bugs is less transmissive. That means you need probably three or four mosquito bites instead of one tick bite.

The question right now is not anymore � have you ever been bitten by a tick. The question is � is it possible you were ever bitten by a mosquito? Laughter.
I will show you the evidence for that.

Sexual intercourse we know now is high transmissive of the Lyme spirochete. In fact, I have a number of patients they report an interesting symptom: They make love to their wife and for the next two days their urethra burns. The bugs sense when you make love and they are accumulating in the urethra for their chance of propagating themselves and infecting another person. They are highly highly intelligent. That is proven. I am not making this up. The bugs sense whenever there is a possibility of propagating somewhere else � that�s where they accumulate. If you have that symptom, for me it has become diagnostic, when somebody reports it. Men sense that more because their urethra is a little longer and smaller; people have recurrent herpes outbreaks (genital herpes outbreaks) � that�s one of the tell-tale signs because the immune system is locally surpressed in the area from the Lyme spirochete and the toxins they are giving off.

Unfortunately, transplacental transfer is now proven. We had a very tragic case of a woman, she gave birth to four or five babies. All of them were born healthy; all of them developed seizures within the first hour of life and died within the first six months of life. Except one. And in that one child, I accompanied the pregnancy and treated here completely coincidentally with various courses of antibiotics for other reasons (I thought other reasons) and that child came out healthy. Now we did the Western Blot test on her and she was highly positive on Lyme Disease and so is her husband. No symptoms whatsoever, but the only symptom there was losing the babies, very tragically , healthy born babies, but they were metabolically damaged � nobody could figure it out, including myself. They died young. You have to be aware of that --- if you accompany pregnancies as a physician, it is no longer allowed not to look at Lyme Disease. You need to know if your pregnant Mom �����I just got through with another pregnancy, a friend of mine from Canada, she was positive for Lyme Disease. And we put her on the herbal treatment, ignoring all the herbal rules; we put her on PC-Samento which is not allowed during pregnancy; we put her on PC -Noni which is not allowed during pregnancy ----- nothing is allowed during pregnancy, but if you don�t treat it, you have a crippled child, or a crippled adult if it makes it into adulthood. The herbal treatments have turned out to be extremely safe, the herbal treatments that I am recommending, and have worked beautifully in accompanying the pregnancy.

In Germany, I have a large indirect practice there � over a thousand physicians who follow my guidance and so my experience that I am sharing is not just based on what I do here, but is based on the feedback I am getting from a large group of practitioners. So just kind of be aware of that � it is not a one-man show that I am representing here.

Unpasteurized milk. That�s a big one. Because pasteurizing milk makes it almost undigestible for most of us and not pasteurizing it is ---- from all the cows that we ever tested � they were infected with Lyme Disease. You are not going to find a single cow in the US without having Ehrlichiosis, Babesia and Lyme Disease. I tested through a friend, a vet, many cows. He could not find a single one that is not infected. So cow�s milk has Lyme Disease in it. If you pasteurize it, most of the Lyme bugs die, not all of them, some of them in cysts, and you get the Lyme cysts and they survive into you.

Breast feeding is another big one. If you have a Mom with Lyme Disease and she is breastfeeding. I have stopped a few Moms from breastfeeding. I know it is an unpopular thought. We are checking two things in breastmilk. We are checking PBDE�s � that�s a chemical from flame retardant that�s now in all breastmilk. Breastmilk is fat, FDA study on it that shows in general American breastmilk is now so toxic that you are not allowed to flush it down the toilet. If you want to dispose of it, it has to be disposed of in a special landfill when you take the toxic criteria of breastmilk � of the general established criteria for it. The PBDE�s � we are checking for that with a lab in Texas�����s a little bit difficult because it needs to be in a glass container, the early milk that shows it the best, you send it in.. Unfortunately we find it in most women in high levels.

You need to also be aware that when Mom has Lyme Disease and toxic milk for other reasons, it may be a good idea not to breastfeed. I am taking that position today, I may change it again. But just the general push that breastfeeding is better than not breastfeeding is just not true anymore from a scientific point of view. It was a complete lie in the sixties, when we told women to not breastfeed. But today, breastmilk is mostly fat and fat accumulates fat soluble toxins, and so breastmilk has become a dangerous item and it is a very, very difficult decision to make. We had a baby two years ago, of course we breastfed, and we found that you can completely clean up the breastmilk from the environmental toxins by giving Mom a high dose of chlorella. That is something we have shown. In fact, the breastmilk turns green if you give Mom a lot of chlorella. Breastmilk gets a greenish shine to it showing that the chlorella does end up in the greastmilk. We did a couple of breastmilks and could show that it completely removes the known toxins from it --- which is a wonderful discovery. But we also know that Lyme Disease is passed on and it�s not every day; it follows the lunar cycle, so every time the full moon comes, your Lyme cysts and spirochetes are transmitted to the breastmilk and into the fetus and we know that most babies handle it well. Most babies are asymptomatic until high up into their teens before the symptoms start. But they may start earlier and earlier because of the co-toxicity from other issues.

Lyme spirochetes form cysts when they are in danger or when they are outside the body and these cysts can be exposed to open flames, open fire, they will survive that. There is no known way of killing Lyme cysts. I think that is a very important pearl for you, because when we treat people with antibiotics or any other treatments we cannot sterilize the body. We canmot eradicate the bugs from the body once they establish themselves. We can push it back from time to time. We can try to create a more harmonious relationship with them, but we cannot get rid of them. Even incinerating your body does not get rid of the Lyme Disease in it. So � what else do you want to do to try to get rid of it?

Picture. This is a very nice thing Dr. C did for us. Dr. C is a great physician in Dallas. Wonderful doctor. He is the guy that I recommend overthere. Here is the link to MS and polyneuropathies. Also brain tumors. I have seen one child � that was about a year ago � brain tumor with a little psychological stuff - he lost his mom when he was two years old � it was very tragic. We did a test for Lyme Disease and sure enough it was positive on Western Blot. There is a high relationship, with children especially, with brain tumors. I talked to B. and older guys that do wonderful work for brain tumors, they never heard of Lyme Disease. Yet in Germany every child I tested in the last few years, the brain tumors, about 20-30 of them. I would say 90% of them or so tested positive for Lyme, on the first try, with using the Western Blot. A huge relationship.

MS relationship. Most of you here are already touched by that or know that. On the first round of testing, when you do one Western Blot test, about 66% of people with MS test positive for Borrelia. And when you repeat the test often enough you find it in everyone with MS. Am I saying that MS is caused by Lyme disease? ----- you make up your own mind on that one.

Usually, we know a couple of patterns now: MS is Lyme Disease plus Herpes Type 8.
ALS is Lyme Disease plus Mycoplasma plus two or three other things, usually Bartonella is in there, Bartonella, Borrelia, Mycoplasma.

It will come down in a few years just to a question of symptoms, you get two bugs here and one there, and maybe a little bit of arsenic and a little bit of mercury, you get this illness --- always against the genetic background of the person. But you can kind of always establish a biological mathematics now, with the different illnesses and different toxins, put them together and you will create a certain ���..of illnesses. We are close to that.

I loved it when a few weeks ago, the Australian guy got the Nobel Prize for discovering that stomach ulcers are caused by H-Pylori: I was teaching in the eighties in Australia and I was just there after he had done his first publication on it � I was just there teaching at the University of Sidney teaching Prolo-Therapy � when I heard about this weird guy and he just had lost his license. It was not at all mentioned when he got the Nobel Prize � but this guy actually lost his license for discovering that stomach ulcers are caused by H-Pylori ---- then a year later it was reinstalled when some friend at the University repeated the study just to redeem his license � he just wanted to help him, he didn�t care about the H-Pylori � he just wanted to help his friend � he confirmed the results, because of that he got his license back, and now he got the Nobel Prize for it. I thought this was great. That really showed that the Nobel people in Sweden - they are good people, they know the trend in politics and know who to support a little bit.

Here is a big one: Schizophrenia, anorexia and dementia. I had a � last time I was in Europe in October-November, I had four young girls that were brought to me with anorexia, all of them with the muscle testing (ART) tested positive for Lyme Disease. All of them are now confirmed with a simple MELISA test being positive for Lyme Disease, and all of them are already (two months) are already responding to IV antibiotics with dramatic improvement. Zinc has to be added to that cocktail. Zinc and abx is a treatment of anorexia. I think it is going to take another 100 years in this country to get that idea across.

We had a young man in Europe that � beautiful � with episodes of schizophrenia. About three years ago we diagnosed him with Lyme Disease. We put him on my treatment for schizophrenia which is high doses of niacin, Abraham Hoffer�s treatment or Linus Pauling or all together . High doses of niacin is a wonderful antibiotic for Lyme Disease and then we put him on Vitam C and Salt treatment some of you have heard about in addition to that. He never had that episode again � he had like an episode every three four months, had to be hospitalized, and he is now three years schizophrenia-free.

That is very very hard. Schizophrenias that come on in late teens, early twenties, are very hard to treat or used to be very hard to treat before we knew there is an infection involved. Usually, localized deposits of mercury and viral infections in the brain are a big part of that.

(A participant brought up schizo in a relative that was treated successfully with antiparasitics). There is a parasitologist in Mexico City, Hilda Hildalgo, she is sort of the main parasitologist for all of the Southamerican countries � In fact she is in charge of the doctors that treat 800 million people. So not a small�� Supposedly since yesterday we have 300 million people here. Hilda found that many cases of schizo are caused by parasite larvae in the brain and actually developed a special modification of the functional MRI where she can often show those areas in the brain. She turned me on to the idea of treating these often young people with Alinia. In other countries called Daxon. A nitro compound. A nitro version of an anilin dye that is the only anti-parasitic that crosses the blood brain barrier very easily. It can clear especially in teenagers that have the erratic psychotic outbreaks ------ always suspect parasites in their brain.
Of course to do the treatment bioenergetically, you have to know a lot more. Anyone can write a prescription. But to treat it more elegantly with EAV or kinesiology based, you have to know a little bit more.

Chronic Fatique � I don�t think we have ever seen an exception to it � that did not have a Western Blot confirmed Lyme Disease, rare. Same with Fibromyalgia. Parkinson I already mentioned. Most MS and ALS you will find Borrelia in the CSF. Here an interesting one: there are only 24% of Lyme Disease patients have arthritis. So arthritis was the original symptom that triggered the search for the bugs in this country and the modern discovery of Borrelia burgdorferi started with a bunch of arthritic kids in Lyme, Conn. Therefore, falsely, it has been associated in the minds of many physicians --- if you don�t have arthritis, you can�t have Lyme Disease. But it�s actually only 24-25% of people that have any arthritic symptoms. Go into detail later. Sarcoidosis, I will go into later with the Marshall protocol To say out front, the Marshall protocol has been largely disappointing � it is not the cure that we were hoping it would be. We have one patient that actually was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis before we had him, and he is actually doing very well on it. So it does work for Sarcoidosis, but it works very rarely for Lyme patients. More later.

Lyme Carditis is a very, very serious condition. In fact, a few months ago we lost one of our patients. I had seen her only once. A young woman, late twenties, who already had the diagnosis of Lyme Carditis. Cardiac arrest. End. Do not take Lyme Carditis lightly. I was not aware of ���.. she was clinically presenting a mild case, but with some cardiac symptoms, and I certainly took that too lightly. We recommend --- So if you have a patient with cardiac symptoms, first of all, no matter what age group they are in, always suspect Lyme Disease as a part of the picture. It can cause anything � it starts with the rhythm, problems with the heart, the different episodes of arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat, all the way to angina, or true involvement of the heart cardiac muscle. We know there is a tremendous synergistic effect with heavy metal toxicity. We know people with cardiopmyopathy that had an elevation of mercury in the heart muscle of
22,000 times higher than normal. These are young people, athletes, that have developed cardiac arrhythmias and were diagnosed with cardiac myopathy, their heart is dilated;
Italian researchers did biopsies on the heart (mentions name) � she found an average of 22,000 times mercury in the heart muscles. Average. If these people get Lyme Disease, they get dramatically symptomatic and have need to be treated radically and quickly with everything that we know in order to get them through.

References are here if you need them. Unfortunately early reports on Lyme Disease were that it doesn�t cause any fetal trouble. Now reports are coming in, pouring in from every country that most of the pregnancy problems that we have known about seem to be caused or aggravated by Lyme Disease, by spirochetes in the system. Toxemia. We used to treat toxemia with magnesium --------life style changes. ----- We are coming back to this. We cannot treat Lyme Disease without doing all these things also. But by actually recognizing that there is an infection involved. We have a much better outcome in the pregnancies.

It takes on average about 24 months before Lyme Disease becomes neurological. We know it takes from a tick bite before spirochetes set up their housekeeping in the brain several hours. Even after a tick bite, thinking that you can treat someone for a week or two with a capsule or two of doxycycline, is a joke. Because doxy does not cross the blood brain barrier in a significant amount. The bugs that are in there within 3-4 hours after the tickbite, they are in the brain. But to actually become symptomatic with it, the brain fog, the memory problems, all the things the chronic neurological Lyme patient has, which is many of us here in the room, takes about two years � for the first symptoms to appear. And then they sort of gradually over the years accelerate and then stabilize on a certain level and usually stay there.

The neurological form of Lyme Disease initially, in an objective way, we can show with a PET scan or Spect scan very early, especially circulatory problems in the fronto cortex � as the first symptom. I had that for years without knowing what was going on � through it was frontal sinsusitis; I learned everything about the sinuses there is to learn in the world and none of it worked. And then one of my practitioners in Germany, one of my students, tested me with the Lyme slide and said �you got Lyme Disease in the frontal lobe, we need to treat this�. She gave me a few injections and it cleared it up just like that. With some of the Heel remedies � using some of the stuff that increases microcirculation in the brain. But I had it for years without knowing what the heck was going on.

There are really six expressions of Lyme Disease, I will get into later. Depending on your genetics � in some people it goes into the joints, some people it goes into the connective tissue; other people it�s just affecting the immune system; with other people it is just affecting their neurology. It has six different routes it goes through. Other people have just a skin manifestation, and the main symptom there is premature aging of the skin. Some of you here know who you are, that you have that, but you have never put it in association with Lyme Disease ---- Lyme disease propagates itself in the system, it needs to break down the collagen. It�s a collagen disease � Lyme Disease lives in collagen, it feeds on collagen. Actually those of you who have been in my seminar on the Matrix Therapy, the main constituent of the connective tissue are called GAGS or Glucosaminoglycans; that�s what Lyme spirochetes eat. They eat GAGS. They live off the G;lucosaminoglycans, off the matrix, the substance that maintains our skin, our muscle, our bone structure. They eat that. And it breaks down skin, it breaks down bones, osteoporosis, breaks down muscle. It looks like aging. It comes on fairly suddenly. Suddenly, within a year they look twice as old as you looked before. That�s Lyme Disease, how it behaves. Your immune system is holding it, holding it, holding it � and finally �crash."

** edited to remove doctor's name **

[ 01-24-2011, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Whoa mama. Lots of info!
Posted by dyna3495 (Member # 24126) on :
But wait...... there's more ....
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
Thanks for posting this. As informative as it is, I find it very disheartening to read. I feel much more discouraged now, after having read this information.

So much for cyst busters, and any question about sexual transmission. Babies contracting in utero not becoming symptomatic till early teens. It all appears quite devastating..

Do we really trust this information?
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
Some of this seems a little ridiculous. ALL autistic kids have Lyme? ALL Parkinsons patients tested positive for Lyme? ALL MS patients have lyme? I stopped reading after that.
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
A study my doctor showed me, who is a well known Neurologist as well as my LLMD, pointed out that 1% of MS patients really only have Lyme.

The bigger concern is with those who have MS and then are infected with Lyme, accelerating the progression of the disease. MS is very real, and usually consists of a number of attacks with no symptoms inbetween until the progression stage of the disease is reached. This is very inconsistent with the progression of Lyme.
Posted by stork (Member # 24167) on :
the prevalence of lyme cysts in milk seems interesting to me as well. surely almost the entire us population would be infected then, which it isn't.
Posted by jl123 (Member # 15594) on :
Smart he is. But is Dr K an absolute authority on Lyme, please no. The way he speaks so authoritatively so positively- as if his words are exactly right is as arrogant and stubborn as the masses of md's he correctly dismisses, ironic that.
What is especially ill-logical about DR K is his assertion that hes has put 900 people into lyme remission, so what about the other 10 or 20 or 30 thousand lyme patients he and his "followers" have treated who still have lyme which he cannot put into remission- most will get cancer and MS and ALS and every other severe killer maladay's, REALLY now, is he really seeing that, apparently NO he is not. Most of his patients ARE NOT SO QUICKLY DYING. He is exaggerating and generalizing to make his points and this is a dreadful way to speak with sick people. This man has whats called a- big mouth-. What we need is not these expensive speeches by know it ALL gurus, but real research from many many Lyme-docs as too their REAL RATES of healing from Lyme. WE need to learn how many patients come into offices with Lyme and how many get meaningful help and how many do not. As of now some say 50% or 60% or 70% of cases get put into remission and many say nothing at all, we need information we can USE not negative rhetoric! J

[ 01-24-2011, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: jl123 ]
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

Are we really sure that millions upon millions upon millions AREN'T infected?

Maybe ones who don't show symptoms could simply have an immune system keeping the bacteria at bay?
(The case of my father - the only one in my family that doesn't share the rest of our symptoms)

I'm a congenital Lymie - but didn't come crashing down till I was 25.

So how was I able to function for 25 years with this bacteria?

Things that make me wonder.

Lyme is such a fascinating subject because it's so poorly researched and understood.

I work at a mom and pop health food store and we get a lot of questions about this or that. We get some really sick people.

And, almost every-time, I can't help but think - they have Lyme.

I'm not a "crazy" who runs around saying "everyone sick has Lyme!"

But to be honest - it doesn't seem too far fetched.


Dr K is just sharing what he's witnessed in his practice. I think he's expressed his number to be around 4 out of 5 autistic children who walk through his door test positive for Lyme.

And why is it out of this world to conclude that Lyme could cause (Parkinson, MS, Autism, Alzheimers, fibromyalgia)
Each one of those "illnesses" has no known cause.


This is great. Thanks a ton.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Gigi - thanks for posting. Always informative.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Arthur Schopenhauer says it best:
Posted by Blackstone (Member # 9453) on :
Interesting, but I think there are some erroneous conclusions being made through giant leaps of logic. Some things listed here are contrary to what ILADS and other Lyme-literate physicians have found and I don't see a lot of supporting evidence.

If it was this easy to find Lyme everywhere, we wouldn't have this controversy. There being no way to defeat cystic forms has been demonstrated incorrect, through use of cyst busting antibiotics both synthetic and naturally occurring. The milk issue can't possibly be accurate, nor the sexual transmission rhetoric and both seem based on incorrect assumptions.

He's seeing Lyme everywhere and I'm not sure what kind of verified methodology he's using to make these assertions - the fact that he seems to be increasingly involved in "seminars", selling products and whatnot is not helpful. Nor is the use of diagnostic and treatment methodologies that are unproven and supposedly require the "faith" of patients like muscle testing, while charging exorbitant amounts to desperate people. If he really had access to completely new paradigms and understandings of medicine, then they should be given away for free as part of experimental trials demonstrating their effectiveness, not cost thousands and be limited to the "faithful" who have a lot of cash.

This is true of any "alternative" medicine. The only way to get alternative and experimental treatments into the mainstream is through scientific verification. Otherwise, rightly or wrongly everything will be considered bunk or hoax, and patients will miss out on whatever pearls of truth can be found in the mounds of feces that comprise "alternative" treatments today. I'd love to see homeopathy and controlled energy medicine for instance, verified as being effective in controlled trials or even well observed empiric studies, but it seems so many practitioners find any excuse as to why they shouldn't be held up to scientific inquiry.

I'm beginning to think Dr. K is heading "off the deep end" away from the benefit of patients and into the realm of hubris and a distorted view of Lyme.
Posted by blinkie (Member # 14470) on :
yes, thanks for posting this. Lots of good info in there.
Posted by Energyman (Member # 29178) on :
i agree 100% with blackstone.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Gigi, thank you so much for sharing. I bet you feel like his lab rat sometimes. You are so blessed in so many ways.

Lots of aha reading. Thanks for doing what you do.

Posted by cleo (Member # 6646) on :
With a seminar like's no wonder that we are not taken seriously ugh
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
I totally agree with Blackstone.

Why no "controlled" studies?? Instead preying upon peoples fears rather than offering them any hope of resolution. I want to see those studies that show Lyme cysts in cows milk as a possible mode of transmission. Every single cow in the US has Lyme??

I wonder if his opinions have changed since 2006.
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
I agree with Cleo.

I can't buy into the statement that ALL those with autism test positive, All those with Parkinsons, MS, etc. tested positive for LD.

No wonder they don't take us serious!

And also how do all of those ppl test positive, when its darn near impossible to get a positive Western Blot? I don't understand that. Does he mean that just one band showed up? Is that what he is calling positive?
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
SG, I wonder where he sends all his Lyme WB testing to? [Smile] Hmmmm..
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
Originally posted by onbam:
Apparently, in the 90', whole herds of cattle were being infected as cows were sticking their noses in each other's urine streams. This prompted studies on the contact transmission of Bb.

So either they don't talk about that anymore, or they took care of it with vaccination.

If this were true, the cyst form of Lyme would not just be in the milk, it would also be in the flesh of the animal as well. Therefore, anyone eating beef would subject themselves to Lyme spirochetes. Even processing the meat and cooking it would not eliminate the cysts according the Dr. K.
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
Lululymemom, I thought the spirochetes could not withstand high temps. Everyone talks about how a high enough fever for long enough will kill the ketes. Therefore cooking the meat would kill the ketes.

Good question Seek! Makes you wonder!
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
Awesome! Love every bit of information this man makes available for us! I wish I lived closer to him.

For a minute, I thought I had posted this on the wrong thread since the transcript had disappeared amongst all the comments.

As I look at my family's ailments... I tend to believe the good doctor K. Sadly, lyme is under diagnosed and attributed to diseases with no cause a no cure more often than not.
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
SG, Exactly my point. I disagree with Dr. K's theory on this.

Quote"Lyme spirochetes form cysts when they are in danger or when they are outside the body and these cysts can be exposed to open flames, open fire, they will survive that. There is no known way of killing Lyme cysts."

Consider the implications of this statement.
Posted by JunkYardWily (Member # 24271) on :
Originally posted by canefan17:
I'm a congenital Lymie - but didn't come crashing down till I was 25.

just curious, how do you know you had lyme since birth?
Posted by Blackstone (Member # 9453) on :
onbam - With regards to human-to-human transmission, I looked through what has been cited and I can't say the methodology is sufficient to make that statement that sexual or even casual transmission is possible. All the theories seem to go back to either studies of other spirochetes, animal studies with a number of vulnerabilities or antibody issues. The first two are easy enough to discount but it is the last one that "looks" legit enough at first glance and gets people in a panic.

One of the MAJOR disadvantages we have in Lyme is that it is nearly impossible with current, standard testing to actually detect an antigen - that is to say, DNA traces (or a culture of the organism itself) that the organism is actually present. The Western Blot even done to IgeneX standards is an Antibody test - it is measuring your body's reaction to the organism, not the organism itself. Combine that with often having to make a clinical diagnosis and we have a difficult time evaluating progress. We can say "We believe you had Lyme at one time" but we don't have a viable test to say "Okay, its all gone". Just because antibodies are present, doesn't mean infection is. In addition, even when there are antibodies and infectious pathogens actually present in some cases, they're not contagious!

Take for instance the Epstine-Barr virus. EBV, the causative agent of "Mono" is present in about 90% of people in society. Its a herpetic virus that is typically pretty innocuous, you get it once, your body produces antibodies and you send the virus into dormancy. You'll have antibodies the rest of your life, but it is only transmissible in the acute phase. Even in the case that EBV reactivates (sometimes due to something like Lyme, or for another reason etc..) it isn't transmissible during that phase!

What I'm getting at here is that present antibodies doesn't necessarily mean pathogenic infection. The Lyme test that seems to spur the most interest in sexual transmission if I recall is one where there were several rodents in a cage and many of them converted to a positive WB despite no insect vector - they were exposed to waste, sexual secretions etc... of the other animal. However, if it is the test I'm thinking of the other animal showed no signs of illness when it would be expected - Lyme in the animal kingdom seems to present much more reliably. Yet people still believe this is enough evidence for sexual transmission.

We need better evaluation diagnostics in Lyme and VBD overall, but we can't fall in the trap of believing exposure is the same thing as infection. Many people will show antibodies to conditions they've never had or don't have any longer.

Contrast this with the fact that there are patients even here who report that they had barrier-free intercourse with their partners for years before knowing they had Lyme, and they never ailed. Many of them did not even come up positive on IgeneX. In my experience I've found more sexually-active couples where only one patient ills, compared to those where both do. Of course, even when both are infected (another issue attributed to sexual transmission without proper evidence), there is often highly suggestive arthropod vector - both partners walking outside, one or more having the EM rash etc...

Finally, if Lyme was so easily sexually transmitted wouldn't that be a perfect diagnostic? If we could use analysis of semen and vaginal fluid to detect the presence of the organism with any reliability it would make things much easier - but we can barely find it in the body to begin with, staying resident in tissue instead of fluids and in multiple forms. Hypothetically, even if it WAS sexually transmissible it would have to be at such a low rate or be completely nullified by any treatment at all - antibiotics would drive the organism to hide in cyst form and out of fluids (of course, cyst busters would kill it as well).

Given what I've read thus far, sexual transmission isn't proven. I'd like to see more research done with human subjects to hopefully close this case
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
Now I understand why the medical community doesn't take Lyme seriously. Quacks like this guy and his "study and research" completely ruin it for the rest of us. It's too bad there's people out there like this.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Ya, that's why [shake] ^^^
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Blackstone makes a LOT of sense to me.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Thanks for posting. Dr. K is telling the truth. The borrelia proteins are only defined by what all else they are packing as they fold.

I hate to say this but this is what happened in Europe in 1986 when they had to start slaughtering 200million cattle. I studied it all, but very little was published medicine and is still not today---They knew enough about the protein to know to stop burning the carcasses...

I believe they gave the herds a vaccine that contained the protein

along with something very powerful

and it melded to cause catastropic illness.

Of course then they had no idea what they had done...But we know we had Nazi Germany's top researchers here working on ticks!

WE brought them here! Do you believe Hitlers top researcher had a love for Europe? He surely did not the other ethnic group.

I do believe this fold was once only found naturally, but when they conducted tick studies at Plum they genetically mutated it to now contain the Kuru/CJD/Scrappie/CWD/ protein.

This is Mad Cow--they just didn't know then how to stop it. Like us they could not find it--and depending on what all you are blessed with before and after the immune system shuts off is how the illness is related!

Autism--they have it, but are vaccines making it click on faster?

Alzheimers--they have it, but is it that their immune systems are better off than our for reasons yet undefined--such as they have not had the challenge of 70+ vaccines in their lifetimes?

MS--we know they have it, but is it only virus' that define it while severe MS is constantly adding more organisms every day the immune system is down?

I believe at Plum they were working on both--and we need this information now.

We are lucky to know it can be controlled and put into remission as long as you treat for everything it comes in contact with.

When it is in cyst form it cannot cause more damages unless it is released again/activated if you will by ???

Now we have a big job to do...

Make the Govt. fess us, for every tick vaccine they have allowed, put out to get the people help just as they have AIDS patients, and stop this madness in all syndromes of unknown origin.

Instead of being the sissys they are and not doing anything to protect the profits and ass--sets.

This is why they are playing so dumb, listed on another topic...So very many publishing we need a new Lyme vaccine...

They know there will never be another vaccine for Borrelia any more than there is for Syphilis..

And this is why they "Allowed" President Obama to Lead this nation. They knew the markets were crashing, they knew the people were very sick, and they knew we were broke!

And this is also why the voted for and approved a fake food bill...To get any profits at all to be had in this mess...You think that new sticker they are putting on meat will change China's minds to not trade beef??? NO..There answer this month when pressured to trade was-"We will consider it."

And we The People that know have been charged by humanity with this duty.

[ 01-24-2011, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Pinelady ]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Gigi is this published yet? Weblink?
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
Thank you Gigi. Very informative.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I'm with you. I think the keys may be in those animals we know carry it but don't get infected.

Like possums have been shown to and rabies in coons.

Every living thing had an enemy that will eat you if you let them. We must find their enemy to seek and destroy.

Unless---they did genetically alter syphilis with Kuru. And then I don't think they are smart enough to figure that fix.
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
NY you are strongly opinionated for someone who hasn't been around here for that long. You could not be more wrong in your statements. VERY uneducated. 3-4 years down the road when you reach the mid way of your journey (if you are truly very ill) you will realize the error of your words.

2nd- why do you all look for the points to disagree with, rather than take away from all the great points?
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
To state that I am "very uneducated" is simply inaccurate. If you agree with the statement that ALL MS patients have Lyme, ALL autistic kids have Lyme, etc., then that is really ashame.

If that's the case, I'm sorry that the level of your education does not allow you to filter out the obvious false claims of some. You cannot simply just believe everything you read, especially with something as terrible as the claims above by this "Dr. K." He is not a neurologist, therefore is very limited in his knowledge of MS.

If I'm in need of anymore of your commentary I will be sure to let you know
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
In defense of those of us who "haven't been around that long" it really doesn't mean we are any less educated or haven't suffered as long as any of the oldies on this forum.

I really wish I could take away something positive from what Dr. K. has stated at that seminar, but I really can't.

For someone new to log in and read this information for the first time, would be frankly quite devastating and considering mental health is so important to healing I find this very contradictory.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

Sadly neurologists have studied autism for years and years and continue to come to the same dead end roads.

Dr K treats autistic kids with his Lyme treatments and they get better.

To each his own I guess.

But to knock Dr K for thinking outside the box is like knocking Dr Burrascano back in the 80's because he's a "quack" - right?
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
I don't doubt that some of them got better. Probably about 1 in 100 which is about how many MS patients actually have lyme. But ALL of them? How absurd..
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

How hypocritical of you to throw out your own number (1 in 100 MS patients have Lyme)

And this is based on what?

*Food for thought* - how many of us tested negative on our first western blot? Were we one of the 99 that didn't really have Lyme?

PS: When it comes to autism - Dr K goes WAY beyond Lyme (think heavy metals, chemicals, EMF, etc)
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
nybasketball, if you do as all Lyme patients must do, control virus', get rid of all parasites, and kill all organisms that meld with borrelia you will get better, while at the same time doing what you can to boost the immune system to prevent relapse.

The fact they have denied there were even anything wrong with soooo many without being able to find the cause, is alone proof what he says is true.

But your right--we have many organisms they are now looking at with the same problems---no tests that work.

Leptospiro and T.cruzi..for which they have approved a blood test for pooled supplies..

We'll see how that flies...Would you like for me to tell you how its going?

No because you wouldn't believe it...
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
Less than 1% is the number of MS patients who actually have Lyme according to a fairly recent study shown to me by my LLMD, who is also a very well known board certified neurologist.

He specializes in Lyme and its relation to MS and other neurological disorders. He has won a ton of awards and is one of if not the most knowledgable doctors about this in the country.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Having MS and testing positive for Lyme is two different conversations.

Hey that's me! I have MS but now after challenging I have Lyme!

But they are the same thing.

The only difference is what it is hiding....
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
But again - what is the study based on?
Insufficient lab tests?

All I can say is keep an open mind.
And I'd be careful about knocking Docs that provide a wealth of knowledge to the Lyme community.

Your quote about "it's quacks like this as the reason mainstream medicine won't take us serious" is pure comedy.

Btw, what's the NY basketball? Did you hoop in NY in college?
Posted by the3030club (Member # 21898) on :
Sorry to be the skeptic. But i really believe that:

1. Dr. K is an absolute quack

2. You'd have to be either incredible naive or incredible desperate to buy into 90% of the things he says.

3. The amount of unsubstantiated claims made by this and other "doctors" and members of this website is jarring.

You want talk about activities that put LLMD's at risk? I'd say making claims like "lyme cysts are prevalent in milk" is going to make you look ridiculous in the eyes of anyone who has a little common sense, let along a background in medicine.

I've got an open mind. I'm on alternative therapy. But some people take it too far.

Blackstone put it perfectly, if you can't agree with what he's said you really need to evaluate you're perception of medicine, and reality.

God Bless.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
If you can't agree with what he says you better do your research from the last 80's to now.

If you have not read the research evidence presented at the Tick Conference in Slovenia much of the same research that has been posted here, you should not make such absconded remarks.

We have far too few doctors who really know this disease as it as and you are placing doubt where doubt does not belong.

There can be no more doubt when we know this immortal protein now.
Posted by nybasketball212 (Member # 28309) on :
Well put, 3030.
Posted by BoxerMom (Member # 25251) on :
Where did the remarks abscond to?

Are they with the immortal proteins?
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
You do know what Lipids are in breast milk don't you?
2010 Dec
Borrelia burgdorferi infection regulates CD1 expression in human cells and tissues via IL1-β

It may also help to see the finding of HIV found in breast milk.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I certainly don't buy into many, many things I read here. For those that doubt, your point has been made. Saying it 10, 20, 50x doesn't make it more known. It's understood. What's the point seriously? Do you ever think you'll change the super alternative-minded individuals? Likewise, do you think they'll turn you into believers of all of Dr K's theories? Insults don't help anything.

What is an immortal protein?
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
If you buy into lyme cysts being in cow's milk, then you have to agree they would be in the beef as well. Why did Dr. K. ignore this very important fact. It therefore stands to reason that everyone who eats beef is subjecting themselves to lyme infection.

I have not heard of cows being vaccinated against lyme. Does this include the organic meat as well? If they have been vaccinated, is the public going to be okay with eating meat that has been vaccinated?

Surely, there must be someone here who has either worked on a cattle ranch or has some personal knowledge.

If this one fact is erroneous then we have to question everything that is being reported.
Posted by the3030club (Member # 21898) on :
Originally posted by lululymemom:
If this one fact is erroneous then we have to question everything that is being reported.

So let's see ...

Is it more likely that EVERY SINGLE cow is infected with Not just Lyme, but Erlichiosis and Bartonella.


This ONE guy is spouting nonsense.
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
Regarding this 06 presentation I am keeping an open mind like a lot of others here.

I do not think Dr. K is a quack, and it is downright shameful that people here are using this label. His work and insight on KPU has undoubtedly helped many people. He definitely thinks outside the box which is so sorely needed in medicine.

"Quack" ought to be reserved for the so-called medical professionals who summarily and arrogantly dismiss CLD as "post lyme syndrome" "depression" "all in your head" "you need a vacation" "I don't know what's wrong with you but it isn't LD"

At the beginning of this journey I read that the gut is 70% of the immune system. I thought that was ridiculous. I read about kinesiology and thought that was ridiculous. I read about gluten-free diets and thought that was ridiculous. There are many other examples I could use.

The bottom line is that the things I thought were ridiculous and unbelievable turned out to be at the very least worth a second look.

I quickly realized that I had so much more to learn and I continue to learn something new every single day about this damn disease and its coinfections.


Your neuro might be well-known and board-certified and have won a ton of awards.

I've been to many, many doctors offices where awards are plastered all over the place. It means nothing to me when they haven't been able to help my family (despite mega $$$ out of pocket).

The people who have helped us the most are what I call "working-class" medical professionals. They haven't necessarily won accolades and awards. They are humble. They aren't in it for the money. They are in it because they want to make people better. (OK, major tangent here, I know).

What study did your neuro show you re: less than 1% of MS pts have LD? How were these pts tested? What lab? Were they evaluated by an LLMD? The 1% figure you cited is no more or less believable than what Dr. K cited.


Ouch---"unsubstantiated claims made by...members of this website is jarring"

Do you expect that we should all do clinical studies to prove our personal experiences?? Yikes.

I thought the point of us all posting was to share our experiences to help and support others. I have surely benefited from the experiences of and help from people here and I hope I can return the favor.
Posted by the3030club (Member # 21898) on :
Originally posted by seekhelp:
I certainly don't buy into many, many things I read here. For those that doubt, your point has been made. Saying it 10, 20, 50x doesn't make it more known. It's understood. What's the point seriously? Do you ever think you'll change the super alternative-minded individuals? Likewise, do you think they'll turn you into believers of all of Dr K's theories? Insults don't help anything.

You're right.

I think the medical section of the forum should be broken down into Conventional and Alternative.

Ouch---"unsubstantiated claims made by...members of this website is jarring"


Do you expect that we should all do clinical studies to prove our personal experiences?? Yikes.

That's not what i'm talking about. I've been pretty critical on here - but never in regard to ones personal experience.

Infact, i'm done talking about this. It's your time and money and you're more than entitled to spend it in any way you choose.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :


Recon why they were and are being purged...You will have to put them together--something about parenthesis.

As for the vaccines--for over 10 yrs. they have been giving cattle a tick vaccine made from the saliva of ticks they now know carry over 120 different organisms.

Including Wolbachia-Dengue/
Coxiella-Q Fever/

Scroll down---


Commercial tick vaccines for cattle based on the Boophilus microplus Bm86 gut antigen have proven to be a feasible tick control method that offers a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to the use of acaricides.

Commercial tick vaccines reduced tick infestations on cattle and the intensity of acaricide usage, as well as increasing animal production and reducing transmission of some tick-borne pathogens.

Although commercialization of tick vaccines has been difficult owing to previous constraints of antigen discovery, the expense of testing vaccines in cattle, and company restructuring, the success of these vaccines over the past decade has clearly demonstrated their potential as an improved method of tick control for cattle.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
The present studies extended characterization of the B. burgdorferi EbfC protein,

demonstrating that this small protein both specifically and nonspecifically binds DNA,

can bind DNA independently of context
and alters DNA conformation.
Proof-of-concept Dual Vaccine against both Smallpox and Anthrax
You do know it was made with Cow Lymph.

I have more if you would like to see them. Most are posted here as well.
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
Well then what the heck are you referring to when you say that unsubstantiated claims made by members of this website are jarring??

IMO we all just posting based on our personal experiences and that should not be subject to biting criticism.
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
pinelady, thank you for all the links you have provided in this thread and numerous others.

and thanks gigi for posting this info.
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
So even with tick vaccines, they are still finding lyme cysts in the milk??

Quote "You are not going to find a single cow in the US without having Ehrlichiosis, Babesia and Lyme Disease".

This statment was made in 2006 just 5 years ago.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
lulu I am saying as they said--

Although commercialization of tick vaccines has been difficult

owing to previous constraints of antigen discovery,

the expense of testing vaccines in cattle, and company restructuring, the success of these vaccines over the past decade has clearly demonstrated their potential as an improved method of tick control for cattle.

Fact is they did not care then what they were capable of and now that we know they still don't care...
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pinelady:


As for the vaccines--for over 10 yrs. they have been giving cattle a tick vaccine made from the saliva of ticks they now know carry over 120 different organisms.

Including Wolbachia-Dengue/
Coxiella-Q Fever/

I was referring to this statement. Is this not the borrelia that is being referred to here?
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Yes they found Borrelia. But what is most alarming is they are capable of packing Dengue and Q fever as well and be asymptomatic..

Most likely because they are packing borrelia...Or they would fall like flies...

One hundred twenty-one bacterial genera were detected in all the life stages and tissues sampled.

The total number of genera identified by tick sample comprised: 53 in adult males, 61 in adult females, 11 in gut tissue, 7 in ovarian tissue, and 54 in the eggs.

Notable genera detected in the cattle tick include Wolbachia, Coxiella, and Borrelia.

The molecular approach applied in this study allowed us to assess the relative abundance of the microbiota associated with R. microplus.

They changed the name---but its the same tick.
Anti-tick vaccines are an alternative method for the control of R. microplus. Bm86-based vaccines represent the first generation of anti-tick vaccines to be commercialized [12].

Identifying new vaccine targets and anti-tick strategies for cattle would benefit greatly

from a further understanding of the molecular basis underlying tick-host interactions.
Just what we need --another one....

A ten-year review of commercial vaccine performance for control of tick infestations on cattle

* Article author query
* fuente jdl [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
* almaz�n c [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
* canales m [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
* p�rez de la lastra jm [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
* kocan km [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
* willadsen p [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Jos� de la Fuentea1a2 c1, Consuelo Almaz�na3, Mario Canalesa2, Jos� Manuel P�rez de la Lastraa2, Katherine M. Kocana1 and Peter Willadsena4

a1 Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-2007, USA

a2 Instituto de Investigaci�n en Recursos Cineg�ticos IREC (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM), Ronda de Toledo s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

a3 Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Aut�noma de Tamaulipas, Km. 5 carretera Victoria-Mante, CP 87000 Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico

a4 CSIRO Livestock Industries, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, 306 Carmody Road, St. Lucia, QLD 4067, Australia


Ticks are important ectoparasites of domestic and wild animals, and tick infestations economically impact cattle production worldwide. Control of cattle tick infestations has been primarily by application of acaricides which has resulted in selection of resistant ticks and environmental pollution. Herein we discuss data from tick vaccine application in Australia, Cuba, Mexico and other Latin American countries. Commercial tick vaccines for cattle based on the Boophilus microplus Bm86 gut antigen have proven to be a feasible tick control method that offers a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to the use of acaricides. Commercial tick vaccines reduced tick infestations on cattle and the intensity of acaricide usage, as well as increasing animal production and reducing transmission of some tick-borne pathogens. Although commercialization of tick vaccines has been difficult owing to previous constraints of antigen discovery, the expense of testing vaccines in cattle, and company restructuring, the success of these vaccines over the past decade has clearly demonstrated their potential as an improved method of tick control for cattle. Development of improved vaccines in the future will be greatly enhanced by new and efficient molecular technologies for antigen discovery and the urgent need for a tick control method to reduce or replace the use of acaricides, especially in regions where extensive tick resistance has occurred.

(Received November 30 2006)

(Accepted January 29 2007)
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Most people don't realize McD's gets most of their beef from AU....
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
I'm not a scientist and alot of this information is over my head. From what I understand these ticks have now invaded our food chain and nobody is safe from infection. Especially anybody who consumes meat or dairy.

I'm not sure what to believe at this point.

I suppose it just confirms my belief in a vegetarian diet.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
When thinking about this thread blowing up...

All I can picture is GiGi walking into the imaginary Lymenet room and throwing us a bone and walking out

lol She's the puppet master
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I'm still wondering who and why someone killed John Wheeler!!

Wife of White House Adviser Found Dead in Burning Car
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Heres something else I think you should see. They are trying to pull the same stunts with this for profit...
Results: The study enrolled 204 patients, 80 in the non-MS and MS stable groups and 44 patients in the MS exacerbation group. Overall, 27.0% of patients were colonized with S. aureus

with no significant differences identified between study groups.

Amongst individuals colonized with S. aureus, the prevalence of sea was significantly greater in the MS exacerbation versus non-MS study group (p < 0.05; odds ratio 7.9; 95% confidence interval 1.2-49.5). Conclusions: The ability to rapidly screen patients for the presence of S. aureus producing sera may serve as a useful marker of a potential MS exacerbation.
-------------------- Scroll down to parties interests reported...

Now what really happens if you have stealth in StaphA? Is it really MRSA? Or something hiding in MRSA? I'm not saying MRSA is not very serious, what I am saying is I believe there is a lot more to it than just resistance...

This is the same resistance for which they are building their hopes on a new Malaria vaccine/TB vaccine/HIV vaccine and if it is hiding stealth...They are taking the public and the Govt. for a very long ride....

If it takes as long as Lyme is taking to get the public help--we won't live that long....
January 10, 2011
Conclusions More than half of the current recommendations of the IDSA are based on level III evidence only.

Until more data from well-designed controlled clinical trials become available, physicians should remain cautious when using current guidelines as the sole source guiding patient care decisions.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :

Is breast not best for babies?

New evidence contradicts World Health Organization breastfeeding advice.
Moveover Wakefield, companies coming...LOL
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
I have always been a big advocate of breastfeeding but yet again, not according to Dr. K.

Quote "You need to also be aware that when Mom has Lyme Disease and toxic milk for other reasons, it may be a good idea not to breastfeed. I am taking that position today, I may change it again."

"Breastmilk is fat, FDA study on it that shows in general American breastmilk is now so toxic that you are not allowed to flush it down the toilet."

Even though, his own wife breastfed 2 years prior.
Posted by Camp Other (Member # 29797) on :

For those reading along who are either limited by time or illness so that they aren't going to look at every reference you have cited, could you please offer a summary of your position?
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I believe everything Dr. K said is possible and most -- likely probable.
We identified 25 closely related B. burgdorferi strains using an rRNA gene intergenic spacer marker,

the majority (68%) of which had not been reported previously. ----These were not I.scapularis ticks!

This is more proof---the borrelia species is dependent on what it comes in contact with.

By watching them very closely they could avert a catastrophe.

But they have lied so long===

now that everyone is getting on board it is going to take a while to wake up the minds of those who don't want to believe.

I did not want to believe it either. And it took a while to sink in....I read everything I could get my hands on regarding the protein. And what happened in Europe.

I was scared to death, I was angry, I panicked, I cried. I even wrote researchers asking them to protect themselves on their travels because of their findings...

Now I have a even better understanding--that the worst patients have a lot more coming in contact with borrelia proteins...But one things for sure--we all need a lot better treatment--

Now I have work to do. The Autism epidemic is most likely being caused by live vaccines and other opportunistic organisms and they must get the word of what is happening...

Now it is not just Lyme patients we work to help---it is all syndromes of unknown origin who can be helped with this knowledge...
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Well said AlanaSuzanne...the word "quack" should be reserved for those who truly is shameful for those on this forum to use that word for anyone who is dedicating his life to healing lyme and autism.

Seek - Those who believe Dr. K are NOT necessarily the ultra alternative...rather I like the think we are the ones who think outside the box and look at EVERY angle to heal ourselves and our families (as Dr. K does)...I gave my 3 young children 2 years of abx (3 drugs at once per Dr. J) which ruined their I have been forced to move to the alternative heal them from the meds as well as the lyme...and that is what ultimately got rid of their lyme/coinfections as far as we can tell right now.

My husband did 3 years of abx as we are looking at other angles to get rid of his unrelenting headache and insomnia...guess what...he is sleeping somewhat better since we have been turning off his fuses at night...he's not healed yet...but this we think is a factor in his healing. And guess which LLMD told us about this angle? Dr. K.

For those who choose to stick to only abx...good luck to you... it may work and it may not. What will you do if it doesn't? Stop looking at options? You may be eating your words.

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
^^^ What she said
Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lululymemom:

Even though, his own wife breastfed 2 years prior.

Lulu...she probably took chlorella.
It is possible to clean up breastmilk
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
Yes, you're right Lauralyme, she probably did take that. I just don't understand why he stopped some of his patients from breastfeeding if it's possible to clean it up.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
the only issue i take with this is that where was this taken from? he has a lot published on his site as well as great DVD's i ve seen.

i am a little concerned with "re-printing" information one without consent and two having no idea what context it was written in... and we have no real idea that he said exactly what was printed.

i think it is great to share information ....we need it and i am not saying gigi's intent was bad but .....

when you are posting things as "the way it is" without the context the footnotes the permission it makes me question the validity of the information.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I think about this a lot and what baffles me is how any man/woman on the face of this Earth could really be as smart as we think Dr K is. I'm not saying for a second he may not be brilliant. He obviously has credentials.

What I mean is this guy is a proclaimed expert in damn near everything: heavy metals, Lyme, autism, morgellon's, EMF, methyl cycles, neuro issues, KPU/HPU, parasites, dental, and how much more? Do you realize it would literally take hundreds of years of experience to acquire this much? Even the smartest men in the world strive to become experts in their individual fields (i.e., parasitology).

In light of all this knowledge, he has managed to find time to develop his own ART system too! There's another on here much like Dr. K with knowledge. Her name is Marnie. She has posted endless excerpts of information on how to battle Borellia in the greatest level of detail.

This doctor has somehow become the end all be all on this forum many times for all of this. Tickbattler, I'm not disputing your comment for one minute that when Abx fails, we'll look for other means. I do right now in fact.

I just get the impression that whatever Dr K posts/says in whatever forum/seminar/book is taken as gospel. Questioning things doesn't make people naive or ignorant. Because conventional failed someone does not mean alternative won't as well.

I don't know what to make of it all....
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

I think it's pretty simple.

No one is forcing you guys to read it and/or agree with it.

When I first dove into the Lyme Game I took a hard look at Rife machines and thought to myself, "what the hell is this?"

I thought it was a joke.

Now I've been in direct contact with people who've used and give credit to rife machines as the most important treatment on their road to recovery.

So at this point - I've learned to keep an open-mind.

And Dr K seems to be a wealth of knowledge (whether I agree with it all or not)
Posted by kday (Member # 22234) on :
Opinions aside, I find the word Quack offensive.


It is "Lyme Quacks" that have helped me turn my excruciating days into days that are livable.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
What impresses me about Dr. K is that he has put together more pieces of the puzzle than most anyone else out there..... infections, Lyme, heavy metal toxicity, parasites, dental issues, hydration, HPU/KPU, etc etc etc. And the way the information has been conveyed makes it understandable how all of these elements are inter-related. At least for me anyway. KPU alone has been a HUGE breakthrough for many people. It has been THE pivotal thing to them getting well.

And, moreover, he is very generous with all of the information that he puts out for free, just to help people. Thanks to him, many of us are able to print out his presentations and protocols and bring them to our doctors. And I like that a lot of his protocols remind me of the oath "first, do no harm". He doesn't first reach for the heavy hitting pharmaceuticals that can be very damaging to us (plus, most of us who go off the meds end up crashing and needing to go back on; what kind of a life is that??). These meds have not been very kind to me and I'm looking for a well thought-out way to a different approach that covers all of the bases. Right now I've been very happy with what I have learned from him and am hopeful for better health in the future. There's no downside for trying.
Posted by Amanda (Member # 14107) on :
well, I am a scientist, so here are my thoughts

1. First, thank you Gigi for posting this information.

2. I don't know if Dr. K is exaggerating or not. However, I DO believe that many of the people that go see him (now) suspect lyme. Therefore, it is more likely that his "sample population" will tend towrds being positive.

I think if you really want to know how many people with ALS or MS have lyme, you need to randomly select, from all over the US and many differetn MDs. 1,000 would be a good number. BUT, in order to do that, you need to have a test method that is at least 90% accurate.

3. I don't know what Dr. K means when he says a positive test. His idea of positive might mean coming up positive on one or two bands of the western blot. IF that is the case, then he would in fact see many more positives than others.

4. There are many excellent LLMDs out there that have had professional opinions about this disease that later turned out not to be the case for every lyme patient.

5. Science moves forward by people taking risks and pushing into the liminal space of what is known and unknown. Therefore, its risky because you have a good chance of being wrong.

Because of this fact, I am willing to cut Dr. K some slack, even though I don't agree with many of his assersions. Maybe something will trigger other ideas that bring medicine forward

Posted by Camp Other (Member # 29797) on :
Pinelady, I'm sorry, but whatever connections you are making with what Dr. K said to your citations are not obvious, and I am still hoping for a summary from you about your reasons behind why you think Dr. K is right about everything he said.

I just read the article you cited above, "Discovery of diverse Borrelia burgdorferi strains in a bird-tick cryptic cycle" and what it says is that they have found birds carrying many different strains of Borrelia that might be picked up by different kinds of ticks and passed to humans and other animals. Science already knows there are many different strains of Borrelia with varying virulence - there are just more we didn't identify before.

How does this study support your beliefs about Dr. K's transcribed presentation?

If anything, it could provide confirmation that Ixodes dentatus is responsible for transmission of more strains of Borrelia in birds and rabbits. From there, of course different Ixodes may be able to pick up the Borrelia and pass them on to other hosts.

Sorry if I am not following your reasoning here, but I would like a more detailed overview of how your citations relate to what you have decided.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Camp they have used all kinds of animals rabbits/dogs/cows/chickens/etc. in our vaccines.

Plus what they have given our cattle as tick repellent.

If they refuse to find the protein now do you really think they knew what if anything they were seeing then?

It is in the eggs/ovaries/offspring. And there is no way to kill the protein nor do they know for sure how it is activated.

But they do know it is there...

The present studies extended characterization of the B. burgdorferi EbfC protein,

demonstrating that this small protein both specifically and nonspecifically binds DNA,

can bind DNA independently of context

and alters DNA conformation.

Site-directed mutagenesis approaches were also employed to investigate the mode of interaction between EbfC and DNA.

Other studies have been done proving it binds non the less with everything they have put it up against...

Dr. K is right they have never seen what the borrelia is packing before and they sure don't know how to treat it.

Science has much yet to learn before we are through, and I don't think it will ever be through if we are given enough time.

But we are lucky...Those that have already given their lives for this ignorance when you can control it and send it into remission will help millions if we can make them accept this truth.

I have wrote asking for conference transcripts twice to where these findings were presented.

In fact they sat at a roundtable discussion with the good fellows at the IDSA and I cannot get a reply. But know this---I don't trust them for one second.

Esp. now that China says we only need one band.
Posted by the3030club (Member # 21898) on :
I'm sorry. I still don't believe this man is truly trying to help anyone but himself.

Apparently that makes me an offensive jerk.

Without fail i get ostracized whenever i don't agree with a doctor or therapy.

I won't post on this thread anymore.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
^^^ You start throwin the word 'quack' around and you're going to ruffle a few feathers. What'd you expect?

Especially when many on this board have been helped by Dr K - either directly or indirectly.
Posted by LymeMom Kellye (Member # 24807) on :
What I can say about Dr K is that his writings and transcripts have helped me to look at Lyme and the ravages it has done to my family and their health in a different way. I've learned that there are other options and other ideas to consider.

I never blindly agree with everything that any one person says. I have learned to look at the facts, do my own research and form my own opinions.

I try always to keep an open mind.

There is a saying from AA "Take what you need, and leave the rest."

This disease is hard, probably the hardest thing that my family has ever had to face. I am grateful to Dr's K, B and J and many others who have dared to stick their necks out in an attempt to get us well.

I think they all deserve our respect, even when we don't understand or disagree with their ideas and methods.

I wonder how many have gotten well under Dr K's care that weren't able to on abx and with more traditional treatments?
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
3030, no one here called you an "offensive jerk" .. those are your words. And I don't see how you have been "ostracized" on this thread. Some here disagree with your position.

Like canefan said, when you start saying that a Lyme doc is a "quack" you are certainly going to ruffle feathers.

And you did ruffle my feathers when you said that "unsubstantiated claims made by members of this website are jarring"

Like I said previously, do you expect that we all should conduct clinical studies to prove our personal experiences?

Again, IMO we all just posting based on our personal experiences and that should not be subject to biting criticism.

So I disagree with you. That doesn't mean I think you are a jerk or that you should be ostracized. We are all entitled to our opinions. And our opinions and experiences are what shape this forum.

Disagreements or differences of opinion among us doesn't mean we are enemies. I believe that despite any differences we may have, we all wish each other the best.

So eventhough I disagree with you, at the end of the day I realize that you are going through your own personal hell and I hope and pray that you regain your health.

Tammy and Amanda I agree with you. Campother, thanks for requesting clarity. Pinelady, thank you again for the links and info.
Posted by Hambone (Member # 29535) on :
I think it was the second or third time I went to my LLMD, I met a man just a tad younger than me who was sitting in my doctor's IV suite getting IV's for Lyme. He was very sick ( I'm pretty sure he's a member here but I don't know his username. He actually referred me here ).

Anyway, he was so incredibly sick and had been for a few years. My LLMD finally encouraged him to go see Dr. K.

So he flew all the way across the country sick as a dog. This was in early December.

Dr. K diagnosed him with something completely different. Not Lyme.

He sent me an email a week or so ago and said he is about 75-80% better already and is starting to exercise again.

I do not think Dr. K is a quack at all.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Thanks for this thread. And keep posting, please.

Dr. K's work is extremely important. As I've read it over the years, bit by bit, even from a few years ago, this excerpt reminds us just how serious lyme is - and we need to keep that in mind as we hope to improve.

I wish more doctors had the sheer determination as Dr. K to find the real truths for each patient. He is an excellent role model for doctors.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on : 2010 Dec Because of the numerous cases observed in the region, new hospitals were opened in Dalmatian towns and the patients were hospitalized.
Can you imagine building hospitals to take care of so many with a spirochetal disease....Even if they were not positive on the tests..

My grandfather spent a whole year in one in Louisville for what they diagnosed as TB...After watching him die for 10yrs. I am not sure at all it was ever just TB..It is all too familiar.

We need a National Awakening of our Experts to come together on recognition of what this really is...

They are adding to the syndromes everyday, when we should have been living to be in the 100's with all the "Protection" they have given the public.

Yet more are dying before their time than ever before and not for reasons they died in the past.

For shame what they have done for a mighty dollar that has not even given us the time to enjoy what little we have.

Everything they say here can be refuted. 2010 I consider this overdone, and robbing the public in broad daylight. You and I dear friend just help pay JH.s who work for drug companies to hide from the truth while still profiting even longer...
This review summarizes how mitochondrial pathobiology might contribute to neuronal death in AD, PD, and ALS and could serve as a target for drug therapy.
You see as long as we let them get away with saying it is in our genes and it is our fault and nothing can be done to fix that we will continue to watch all suffer for their greed.
2011 Feb
Such patients usually have certain HLA-DRB1 molecules that bind an epitope of B. burgdorferi outer-surface protein A ...(OspA₁₆₃₋₁₇₅),

and cellular and humoral immune responses to OspA are greater in patients with antibiotic-refractory arthritis than in those with antibiotic-responsive arthritis.
This is what they want you to think.

The fact is all immune systems are different and you cannot compare mouse models to us...

That mouse has not been exposed to over 70 live/killed/genetically altered vaccine and immunizations,

and he may be one of those that gets Alzheimers down the road.

The robbing cheating stealing of lives for profit must stop.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Hey, thanks for all your links in all your posts.

We had a whole TB hospital in my town, too, just two blocks from my house.

In tonight's State of the Union address, I just kept thinking of what they are all missing: knowledge of lyme/TBD. That lack of knowledge is a national risk, a risk to the future of all citizens. How it can be ignored is just beyond comprehension.

Oh, not that I expected it to be mentioned but, watching from my world, it's a different planet, indeed. Not one LLMD in my state - or in many states. No country can be strong if people don't have doctors knowledgeable in stealth infections.

[ 01-26-2011, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by jl123 (Member # 15594) on :
The big picture is that most people the usa and europe are actually relatively healthy. They are active, they are hard working, most people actually are able to work- indicating most are not critically disabled as DR.K says so many with lyme are.

Yes there are many with lyme who are sick.
No lyme has not HIT everyone nor near everyone as some here would have you believe. If pinelady and others wish to tell us lymenet-ers that most people in the world are actually ill with lyme then they are losing tough with reality. J
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
You can walk around with Lyme and not have many symptoms from cradle to grave. The same thing is true with parasites which BTW, statistics say over 90% of the population has a least one parasite.

These pathogens become a problem when other factors come into play to stress the immune system.

Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I don't call a baby being diagnosed with "Autism" every 4 minutes losing tough with reality.

Nor one every minute from Alzheimers, or one every hour with MS.

I call it looking out for what's to come.

I call it a heinous crime right under our noses. And just who is going to pay for it. The 15 million Americans out of work? Yea right.

We know it is not going to be us paying for taking care of all of them...

Its going to be our kids and their kids, They are the only ones with the knowledge to survive,

everyone else thinks they are just stuck with their syndrome,

and I don't want to leave this world thinking we did nothing to give them a better life by making them pay more taxes for THEIR mistakes.

But that is just the way I think.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :

Unfolding pathogenesis in Parkinson�s � Breakthrough suggests damaged proteins travel between cells

19 January 2011

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, reveals that damaged alpha-synuclein proteins (which are implicated in Parkinson�s disease) can spread in a �prion-like� manner, an infection model previously described for diseases such as BSE (mad cow disease).

�This is a significant step forward in our understanding of the potential role of cell-to-cell transfer of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson�s disease pathogenesis and we are very excited about the findings�, says Professor Patrik Brundin at Lund University, Sweden, who led a team of investigators from research centres in Denmark, France and Portugal.

The theory has now been tested in several cell culture experiments. Dr Christian Hansen, one of the key investigators, explains the importance of the new findings:

�We have now shown that alpha-synuclein not only can transfer from one cell to another, but also that the transferred protein can seed aggregation of alpha-synuclein in recipient cells as well. This could be an important mechanism for the spread of the pathology.�
This is the same thing that is happening in borrelia.
The proteins are being transferred in the tweezer like domain and misfolding with the other entities/coinfections to create disease.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by seekhelp:

I just get the impression that whatever Dr K posts/says in whatever forum/seminar/book is taken as gospel.

Not by everyone.
Posted by katiebobatie (Member # 28753) on :
that was very helpful!

thank you so much for posting!
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

The more I've researched parasites I'm quite convinced we ALL (100%) have them.

Some are friendly - some not so much.
As you said - some people show signs from them - some live in a peaceful balance WITH them.

But if you've ever eaten at a restaurant or taken OTC drugs you have parasites to some degree.
Posted by apljack (Member # 14233) on :
I tend to believe what Dr. K says. What we may find, if he is indeed wrong or has exaggerated, is that there are very similar yet not discovered stealth infections to borrelia that mimic lyme symptoms. I think he is doing all he can to help people. He has helped many, that is indisputable.

Why the medical community has many heads buried in the sand is simple. People are reluctant to change. I think until someone is affected personally, they just don't tend to care.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Dr. K has never ever said that other stealth infections are not involved with lyme. We all know they are. As apljack says, I'd bet we will be discovering more as time goes on. We are learning more about XMRV/HGRM now. And I'm sure that will be helpful.

Still, along with Dr. K., many LLMDs has consistently given respect to many co-infections and co-conditions (mercury, parasites, etc.) that many others fail to consider, to the peril of patients.

Lyme has moved this from being "just" lyme to a "Lyme Complex" sort of puzzle (as another LLMD has termed it). Anyone who thinks lyme is ever just lyme is probably going to be very disappointed with the results.

Lyme is never just lyme. And nothing is ever simple where lyme is involved. Lyme, and all that comes with it, changes nearly everything - while not in every case - surely, most of the time, for most patients.

It's shocking, frightening and overwhelming to consider the full picture - and how that can differ from patient to patient - and the sheer complexity of it all but those doctors who are honest and courageous enough to keep looking, thinking and expanding awareness are the ones who are most likely to help us.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
jl123 - you talk pretty confidently about your knowledge with regard to the health of our society. What do you base this on? I frankly think the opposite is true.

What makes you think that not many have lyme? I think you need to do a bit more research on this one. Everywhere I look, I see sick people. I happen to live in an endemic area, but still...lyme is EVERYWHERE if you know what to look for. Most people I meet around here have migraines or digestive issues or sleep issues or arthritis.

I feel that most of us are infected but the range of symptoms in people goes from none to being bedridden. Whether you get really sick depends on genes, detox capabilities, environment and, of course, extent of infection.

I'm sure you won't believe in this, but our practitioner has the ability to detect lyme in people very accurately through bioenergetic testing. She sees it in over 90% of the people she screens with her machine. Some have symptoms and others don't (or don't realize that their mild health issues are related to lyme.)

I lived with aches and pains ans stomach issues for 25 years until I figured out what was wrong. But I had a full career and had three kids before I figured it out. I was very active and no one would have known I was not healthy. But I could have lived much more comfortably if I had known what was causing my issues and treated it. The only reason I figured it out is because my three young children and husband became much sicker than me.

Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I hope the above researchers don't end up like Wakefield and others without a country

for finding a organism without a home that wasn't supposed to be there.
Posted by JunkYardWily (Member # 24271) on :
i found his claims ridiculous. that doesnt mean they are false. i just feel the odds on them being true is very remote.

to me there is so much unknown about this disease that the claims he made cant possibly be proven.

drs/scientists havent even developed a test showing active infection. instead we must use antibodies to see if we have/had the disease. we are just past the stone ages in this disease in my opinion.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Dr. K does do alternative therapies, but I wouldn't refer to him as "super-alternative". He uses high dose abx for Lyme when needed. He just takes care of other issues as well as infection.

I don't agree with everything he says, but I highly respect his opinions.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
JunkYard--Wakefields studies were confirmed by Singh and others...

He just didn't know it was the proteins trying to hide it...He didn't see that part.

I believe the genetics of the infectious organisms is melding with the protein causing Autism.

Now that the Swedish researchers find it can "spread" its protein should be a clue to new treatments.

Maybe we all do need Stem Cells or something to turn our fight systems on quick...
Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
Thanks for posting Gigi

I think he's brilliant and I'm grateful for someone that thinks outside the box

I agree with Tick Battler
There are TONS of people walking around with lyme and they don't know it. I see obvious cases of it all the time.

It's just so sad that Naturopaths are not picking up on it either.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :

Documents emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; BMJ and Brian Deer caught misrepresenting the facts
So far I have yet to see Mike Adams publish anything that was not true...
I wish he would do more.
MELBOURNE, Fla., Jan. 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a study published in Molecular Psychiatry by Dr. Daniel Rossignol (International Child Development Resource Center, Melbourne FL, Aid for Autism) and Dr. Richard Frye (University of Texas), children with autism are more likely to have abnormal function of a key part of the cell called the mitochondria (
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Well I am going to his next evening lyme seminar in NYC on Feb 12th. It will be interesting to hear what he adds to his last talk!
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
light- My husband and I will be there too!
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
My husband and I are going as well. As is another couple friend of ours. Maybe we can try to say hello before the talk.

We are going in a little early to spend time with our friends, have dinner, etc., then plan to get to the hotel early. Perhaps we Lymenet friends can meet in the lobby or conference room around 6ish?? It would be nice to meet each other. What do you think?
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :

Have a great time...
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Sounds like a huge Lymenet party y'all. [Smile]
Posted by paulieinct (Member # 17514) on :
So Dr. K. is saying German docs were treating Lyme disease back in the 70's before it was even on our radar in US. Does anyone know what they were calling the disease? Did they know it was a tick-borne disease? Obviously, they did not know it was Bb until Burgdorfer discovered the organism.

Did they know that the psychiatric cases were just another manifestation of the same disease?
When Dr. K talks about his own mother being institutionalized for psychiatric Lyme, that really got my attention. Both my parents had severe psych issues and were hospitalized. I know now it was Lyme. Huge epiphany for me.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Lots of us have family like that we can relate to paulieinct.

Most people can now put it together where before and still is to some

a poo poo subject that no one wanted to relate...

What they are doing to those with psych symptoms in this hellish disease is of the many things to change.

Nothing wrong with their blood they are psych.

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