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Posted by LymeOverwhelmed (Member # 32212) on :
Just wondering if anyone has any tricks for headache relief? Mine are pretty much 24/7, deep pressure in the back of my head, pain and cracking in my neck. I guess from the babesia?
Posted by anonymiss (Member # 32018) on :
Are you taking antibiotics? I have been having the same exact type of headache for the past few days. Mine was also in the top of my head and got worse when I bent over or coughed. I also have facial pain and pain over/behind my eyes. Okay, so basically my whole head and neck, LOL! Also with the cracking neck, it sounds crunchy when I move it. I don't know if I have babesia or not but it seems to be part of the package so it's highly probable.

Anyway, I am new to all of this and still undiagnosed but I have been doing LOTS of reading. I came across some info about detoxing when you're on antibiotics, because the build up of endotoxins released by the dying bacteria can can make you feel horrible and give you what is called a toxic headache. I think this might have been exacerbating my headaches because a half hour soak in an epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide bath last night and I am essentially headache free today!

I also hear it's good for random aches and pains that are exacerbated due to low magnesium levels.

If that doesn't bring you relief, I find prescription narcotics to be pretty effective =) at least short-term.
Posted by elkielover80 (Member # 28368) on :
Feverfew works for me!
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
If it's herx related - I take 6 charcoal tabs on empty stomach and it knocks out practically ANY herx (headaches too)

It's amazing how much our headaches begin in the gut.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Babesia treatment got rid of my migraines.
Posted by dmc (Member # 5102) on :
heck, to deal w/the killer headaches I've taken 3 excedrins at a time. Had to do that for years.

IV Tigecyl eliminated my headaches...knock on wood... I haven't had a headache in 2 yrs.

(I probably jinxed my self now.)

Hope you get relief
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
I'm going to side with dmc above on IV ABX. Rocephin did a great job on knocking mine out. I have them still when weather conditions are nasty, have a cold, etc., but NOTHING like the debilitating ones I had b/f IV Tx.
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :
Yes by treating with abx. And I use a small neckroll instead of a pillow, this made a big difference.
Posted by fflutterby (Member # 28081) on :
Dawn in VA how long did you do IV ?
Posted by pooldog71 (Member # 21722) on :
My first symptom of Lyme were headaches that started 3-4 years ago, they progressively got worse and worse. To make a long story short, through some fortunate luck, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 years ago.

The headaches have continued 24/7 except for a few months where they unexpectantly went away (wish I could figure that one out).

They are pressure headaches, sometimes at the temples, forehead, top of the head (feeling like I got hit by a 2x4) or just all over and not centered in just one place. Sometimes I get so sick of them I could just scream, but that would only hurt my head more.

I have tried various over the counter meds, and Rx of various sorts including narcotics. None have provided much relief, or seem worth the possible side effects.

I do have Vicodin, when the pain is unbearable and/or the worry that the pain is going to be too great to handle. But for me, the relief from Vicodin is minimized by how it makes me feel crummy or hurts my stomach.

From this forum and other sources, I have found a few remedies that sometimes help to reduce the intensity of my headaches. They include:

--Drinking Lots of Water, with Lemon. Something I was told to do anyway, but sometimes simply drinking more water helps.

--Massage of the neck muscles directly below the base of the skull. With a good masssage, or more like a trigger point massage, I get some relief. Some people also like the electric thumper massager. I am sure a professional massage would be great, but I haven't yet justified the cost.

--Acupuncture. Sometimes it has been great, other times not so much, but definelty worth a try. A good source for inexpensive treatments can be found at

--Aroma Therapy. I like the peppermint oil. Just a couple of drops in the bath is really nice. Also, a couple of drops of peppermint oil mixed with another oil, applied to the temples, base of skull & soft spot behind ears. I have also put drops into a pot of very hot water and breathed in the vapors.

--Dr J's Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS. I have read that this detox product helps with headaches. I will be trying this soon. It can found at

--Soaking in a Detox Bath. It might include, epsom salts, hydrogen peroxide, peppermint oil, and ginger (fresh grated preferably, wrapped in a thin piece of cloth or in a tea ball).

I am not sure of exact amounts of the above ingredients I have listed. If anyone could shed some light on this , it would be great.

As Anonymiss mentioned, detoxing is an important piece in our treatment plans. It not only helps us get rid of the toxic gunk, but they can also help to minimize symptoms. You can do a search (top of the page here) for detox and get a ton of information. Some of the remedies above are also considered methods to detox.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I am just hoping to share what I have learned and experienced.

**edited name of LLMD**

[ 06-26-2011, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by LymeOverwhelmed (Member # 32212) on :
Thanks for all the great advice everyone! The headaches have been 24/7 for about 6 months now. Dr R in NY has me on Zithromax 500 mg and a bunch of supps right now and that's it. I've been taking them for about 5 weeks now with no relief, only more and more symptoms!

Lymetoo - would you mind sharing what your babesia treatment was? I'm not sure if I just need to give it more time or if Zithromax just isn't working for me.

dmc and Dawn in VA - did you try oral abx first?

pooldog71 - I think I'll try the lemon water and epsom salt bath today, seems like a lot of people swear by these. Is this something that I should check with my LLMD first? Can it be harmful in any way?
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
Imitrex gets rid of mine every time. I do not allow it to get past the first twinge though or it will take a lot longer. I buy 100 mg tablets and bite off about a quarter to a third.

I am sure it is caused from babesia because I tested positive among other things. I never suffer from long term headaches. It is the ONE thing I have been able to control. Sometimes Imitres will make you a bit tipsy though.
Posted by CheryM (Member # 32445) on :
Yes, I have headaches too, I'm new to this site & really sooo glad I found this site. Thank you Lymetoo for all your info. & knowledge. & too everyone else on this site for sharing your experiences, as I know now it is Lyme, I did test postive back in 7/09 & for 2yrs testing negative, thank you for the info on the correct testing. I've been chasing doctors for 2yrs. Now I am in the right directions. Thank You!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by LymeOverwhelmed:

Lymetoo - would you mind sharing what your babesia treatment was? I'm not sure if I just need to give it more time or if Zithromax just isn't working for me.

I never heard of zith getting rid of babesia by itself. It needs to be paired with mepron or malarone.

I took MANY MANY rounds of clindamycin/quinine, malarone and zith, and finally finished things off with artemisinin and zith. The think the art and zith were VERY effective.

It took about 2 yrs to get rid of it. (or was it longer?? 4 yrs total treatment time for Lyme and babesia)

--in the meantime, try Imitrex
Posted by pooldog71 (Member # 21722) on :
LymeOverwhelmed...I think you are safe with the lemon water and epsom salt bath. I say this from my own experience, and the fact that many people here use these continuously. My doc highly recommends them too. But if you feel a need to check with your doc, please do, a nice comfort level is good to have.

The long term answer to getting rid of these headaches is to follow thru on your doctors treament plan for Lyme and its' coinfections.

The remedies I mentioned are things that might give some relief in the short term. They probably will not fix the underlying problem. For me, sometimes just a couple of hours of reduced headache is a wonderful gift. I try to appreciate it and be grateful for it.

Whether it's the short term remedies or the treatment protocol, it sure seems that there is no one answer for all us. What works for one or hundreds, might not work for us. Nefferdun found that Imitrex worked for her. I gave it a good long try, and got no relief. But it might work for you. We have to keep trying until we find what helps us.

No doubt there are many more headache remedies, and I hope others can add to the list.
Posted by Richard1062 (Member # 19233) on :
craniosacral therapy. Works wonders for headache.
Posted by jbaer (Member # 31938) on :
Hi owerwhelmed,
There are many ways to help what your going through. I had the same problem for seven years so I know it very well. My profession is also corrective exercise, specializing in the spine.

For instant relief the best med I found that is not an opiate, which you want to avoid, is
Butalbital/caffeine/aspirin. Also, when the pain is very intense get a ziploc bag, fill it with ice cubes, roll it like a towel and put it under your neck. This will help with the immediate inflamation, due to toxic build up in your neck and probable disc degeneration.

To fix it: Making sure the toxins move through your system is a must. Dr. R goes pretty hardcore, u might want to lesson the dose just a little. You don't want to be debilated, for this will be a long battle. Lymph massage if you can afford it is great. Make sure you are going to the bathroom twice a day, if not load up on fiber and metamucil. Coffee enemas are great if you deal with constipation, you can order everything online at optimal health networks.

Next is making sure you losing up and strengthen your neck. Warm it first, best in a sauna or 30 min of cardio, and then strecth. You will have to learn those neck strectches on line or with a trainer. Then performing some gentle ex. to strenghten is key, that you will have to have someone show you.

Finally, restoring the natural curve is crutial. A denneroll is a good place to start. Just google it. A chiropactor will help maintain but wont fix. Prolo therapy is best but it is painfull, pricy and hard to find someone very skilled with there hands. Dr T in AZ is the best.

Any other questions let me know or pm me. Hope this helps.
Posted by jbaer (Member # 31938) on :
I also agree with Richard, cranial is awesome if you can find someone talented!
Posted by CheryM (Member # 32445) on :
Hi Lymetoo,
Sent you a message, saw doctor for 1st time today, she put me on zith & mepron. Believes it is coinfection. I'll try imitrex for my headache.. Really nice doctor, thank you for all your info..Your the best..Cheryl
Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Sounds like you aren't addressing the babesia hard enough. Maybe talk to your doctor about adding mepron and septra to the mix. They were wonder drugs for me.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Cheryl [hi] Glad it went well!
Posted by Caren NV (Member # 37791) on :
@canefan17 Wouldn't charcoal negate your meds and thereby elongate tx?

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