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Posted by jeffinca11 (Member # 25584) on :

Just took a 150 mg Diflucan pill and I just herxed like crazy!

Guess I'm dealing with Yeast right? Is there any other way to tell? Are there any good test's for yeast? I've done stool tests (as recently as 3 weeks ago) and they come back negative.

Also, if anyone has some good yeast fighting supplements or protocols, that would be very helpful as well.

I take probiotics 1 a day. Twice if I wake up in the middle of the night and can make it to the kitchen.

I eat a high protein, almost no carb diet. Brown rice is the only carbs I consume. I do eat plenty of fruit though.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by dmc (Member # 5102) on :
fruit = sugar not good for yeast at this time.

oil of oregano is also used for candida. I'd take the probiotic a few times a day too.
Posted by philly78 (Member # 31069) on :
You can do a search on google or on here for anti-candida diet. There are a lot of meal suggestions and lists of foods to eat and foods to avoid.

Here are some of the sites that I like.

This first website has a food list. Click on food list, to the right of the page. There is a linked PDF with a list of foods written in green, orange, and red. You eat as many of the foods as you want listed in green...the foods listed in orange are considered limits...and the foods written in red must be avoided.

There is other good info on this site as well and a forum that has tons of recipes.

This was another site I found helpful. Lots of good info and suggestion for use with things like clove oil, oil of oregano, apple cider vinegar...just to name a few.

Here is one more site I like.

I felt kinda crappy when I took the candida as well, but not too bad since I had started the diet prior. Doing the diet should help.

Make sure you're taking enough probiotics too....preferably one of the better brands. I take a total of 200 billion CFUs daily. Other members take even more.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
You're probably dealing with systemic yeast...but my LLMD says it works against Lyme too
Posted by My2B (Member # 31975) on :
My son took Diflucan for yeast and on the last two days of his meds he herxed like crazy. I had no idea what a herx was. I called the doctor and she explained that it was the body's reaction to the yeast dying off. It was terrible! However, we saw incredible results shortly thereafter. It was definitely worth the agonizing couple of days.
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
If you spend any amount of time on antibiotics, yeast is unavoidable, regardless of how 'clean' your diet is. Stick with the Diflucan - you may need to use it periodically for a week at a time (check with your doctor).

You should be taking acidophillus 3 times a day, away from antibiotics.

Grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano, capryllic acid are all good yeast busters. But Diflucan, imho, is #1.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Glad you figured out the problem!!!! Happy herxing!! [Wink]

Excellent probiotics:



Whatever you take, take at least 100 billion CFU's per day. Wish someone had told me that 10 yrs ago!

Candida diet and elimination:


Stymielymie's thread

DIET, DIET, DIET is the key. Then, be sure to follow the 5 step plan outlined below. It was developed by my naturopath. It works.

"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."

Five Steps to Candida Elimination:

1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.

2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements. [e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]

3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]

4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]

5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I have not taken Diflucan for a while. I took one 200 mg tablet last night. I feel like hell came over me today. I've been sweating like crazy. Head feels like a balloon. Scary head feelings. Very exhausted. Can't think straight at all. How frustrating. [Frown] Bad headache too.

I hope it goes away soon. I took a handful of Chlorella and Pekana Detox drops. No benefit yet from them.
Posted by James1979 (Member # 31926) on :
The title of this thread is highly suggestive of foul language.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
I took 7 days of Diflucan a month ago... on day 8 came down with the worse swollen head feeling ever.

After vomiting and severe pain for days, I was taken to the ER.

After a spinal tap, they discovered I had viral meningitis. Hm... and this was all from a herx from $%^* from Diflucan.... 4 days in the hospital.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Hadlyme, that's really scary. My head swelling feeling is terrifying after only one dose. It makes me wonder what the hell it's hitting.

My eyes have been tearing all night like mad. Blurry vision as well. I certainly don't want viral meningitis. Whatever I have, it seems doubtful I'm going to make out of this nightmare in once piece. [Frown] It seems unbeatable.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
The fact that it never affected me so badly before really makes me wonder what's happening.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
I had taken Diflucan before and never had a reaction like this either. I don't know why this time it made me herx so badly.

I have been in treatment for Years!!

The swollen head feeling and then all the way down my spine it felt like my spinal fluid was infected. Hurt to walk and take each step.

I've had this type of herx before on other drugs, but never to this extreme.

As you makes me wonder what the &$#*@ it's hitting after all this time.

I feel great now.. back at the gym and the usual 'weirdness' that we live with, but for me, I'm 'normal' again.

Drink LOTS of water! I tried to do that in the middle of drugs and vomiting while in the hospital even! Was a nightmare!

But I was impressed with a few of the ER docs... they got in my face and said..'hmm.. is this a lyme meningitis?'.... I found out later, that they have been talking to my llmd here in AZ and really seeing that what he says has some weight. So, I think they were interested in 'seeing' me for themselves. dorks. haha...

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