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Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
This is new to me. A friend sold me a cup that makes the water alkaline. It is supposed to detox the body, boost the immune system and energize. I have had it a few days.

Today I decided to perform a little experiment (I never learn!).
I added tinctures to the water - just whatever felt good - samento, stephania, quina, teasal root plus took the transfer factor.

I was feeling fine at the time I did this. An hour later I had an attack of dizziness which has not completely died down all day. I fell asleep for two hours.

It says not to take it with meds. I didn't think tinctures would count. Guess I was wrong. But it is interesting. Maybe it works.
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
guess so.////what is the cup supposed to do,? I know you say Alkaline, but what will that do?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you have a balanced food intake, the body will handle alcalinity or acidity as it needs it. Certain detox functions do not happen if you are too alcaline. That is why the body constantly shifts and corrects as it needs it. Metal detox, which is a strong factor in all chronic infections, needs to have an acidic environment for the metals to go into solution and detox.

Forcing ph in either direction is not a good thing. That is why the balancing of essential minerals is so important. Detox of anything is only possible under the right conditions. Not a good idea to fool with things we don't quite understand. Most doctors aren't 100% certain what we need and when we need it when it comes to urine ph and saliva ph.

If you took all the herbs mentioned, it's definitely not an easy load for even the most courageous.

Take care.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I am not sure about it either. After I bought it she told me the effectiveness depends a lot on your diet. If you eat a lot of red meat and sugar, which she says makes the body acidic, you feel more of a difference. I don't eat either.

I don't know why I do things like this. I have taken that many tinctures before in plain water, and a smaller amount in the alkaline water. I think the alkalinity makes it absorb better or something. It was a very big bang effect.

She was the second person to recommend it to me so I wondered if anyone else used it. A woman at the health food store offered to make some for me - for free. More than likely if you have a good diet it is not necessary.
Posted by Richard1062 (Member # 19233) on :
If you boil your water, as when making herb tea, it becomes more alkaline. We tested this with pH strips and found it to be true.

So if you're sure you want more alkalinity, boiling is simple and you don't have to buy any fancy equipment.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
That is interesting about boiling water. Just making tea would be good for you.

According to what I read, the alkaline water is absorbed much faster so when you take it with meds (or tinctures), they are absorbed much quicker and probably more of it too. Maybe that would be good in some instances.

It is supposed to trigger a lot of detoxing too. After all the drugs I have taken, I thought this might be good for me. They write it is common to feel fatigue when you first start because of the detoxing, but then you should feel very energized.

I am trying to keep an open mind. Depending what you google, you get everything from "snake oil" to "panacea".
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
My husband used alkaline water starting in March/April. His liver test in May was normal.

In January he'd had a liver test with high numbers.

The only thing he did different was drink the alkaline water and prayer.

He has continued to drink alkaline water - hopefully it will help detox all the lyme & co.

Just our experience.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
That is really good to hear. How much of it did he drink each day?
I have only been drinking it once.
Posted by sbh93 (Member # 30429) on :
I drank alkaline water for a couple days and felt much worse. I won't do it again. By the way, about boiling water to make herbal tea--I read that herbal teas are acidic, so wouldn't that cancel out the alkalinity?
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
My husband tries to drink around a gallon of water per day. He feels it helps to flush toxins out.

In the beginning you may feel worse because you are detoxing. He started out with 1/4 cup alkaline water mixed with 3/4 cup of regular water. Then went half & half and so on, till straight alkaline water.

His system is quite sensitive to new things - that's why he took it slow and started low.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I am glad it is helping him. My friend's husband has diabetes and she said his neuropathy in his feet is much better and so is his energy and mood. She says in two weeks he was completely transformed and even looked less haggard with a more cheerful attitude.

After work and on his days off he would lay on the couch watching TV or sleeping. He could hardly walk because of the pain. Lately he has been very active and actually going on long hikes.

This is one person's experience - who knows if it is beneficial to everyone. She says she also has more energy especially at the end of the day.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
sbh93, it might be doing major detox. Or it could be boosting your immune system more than you can handle. I could not tolerate LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) because it brought every bug out of the woodwork.

I went from feeling nearly well to overwhelmed. I still believe it is a good drug - a great drug - just too much for me right now.

My experience with the tinctures and the alkaline water was over the top too. That hit me so hard I was in bed all day.
Posted by sbh93 (Member # 30429) on :
Good to know... maybe I'll give it another shot just slower this time. Good post. [Smile]
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
I heard an interview with Dr. Tullio Simoncini about cancer. He says that using alkaline water or trying to alkalinize with diet is no good. He's the doctor who has been curing cancer with baking soda...

I don't think it's a good idea. The body has it's own way to arrive at homeostasis. Drinking a glass of lemon water or baking soda every so often may be good but there are acids in your stomach that are there for a reason - to help digest food. The acids can also kill parasites.

I don't think there is any good science that alkaline water is better to drink than regular pure water or that it improves health. It may be good for cleaning or rinsing your hair but I don't think it's a good idea to drink it on a regular basis.
Posted by Lyme1234 (Member # 32854) on :
Google "Hunzas alkaline water".

If the healthiest people in the world drink it daily, I'm sure it's probably not that harmful.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
Thanks lyme, that was very interesting. The Hunza people are also vegetarian. Here is a quote about their diet:

Mostly plants, eaten raw. The Hunza do not have access to a large amount of fuel for cooking food, nor are there many animals available for eating, so they plant what they can and gather the rest. Apricots, cherries, grapes, plums and peaches are all cultivated by the Hunza. They also eat a lot of grains -- wheat, barley, and millet.
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
There are alot of aspects to longevity... Could also be the lifestyle...? Stress plays a big part in health. We also live in a very polluted environment.

I think the body normally reverts to homeostasis or balance. I don't think external things can effect it much in regards to acid/alkaline balance. I don't know if it's wise to try to alter this in any case. I did study it a bit. The research I read caused me to arrive at this conclusion.

I think moderation & balance are important but that's just my opinion based on what I have studied. Ume plum paste from Japan is very alkaline. You could also eat that...

There are lists of alkaline food you can eat, too. I was a vegetarian for many years. I think people are adaptable but we do have teeth for eating meat. If we were supposed to be vegetarian - I don't think we would have canine teeth.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I have to disagree with "canine teeth". We have two sharp teeth. The rest are flat for grinding. That is one reason people use knives and cook meat to tenderize it.

Even horses have four canine teeth. They are in the males and used for fighting when stallions attack each other.
Canine teeth in horses are shallow rooted and often removed as they can interfere with the bit.
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
I have "prill beads", you put these in water and sit overnite and turns water alkaline.

I drank this water for about 6 months couple years ago....Recently been reading about Kangen water and the machine that turns water alk. and ionized....Gotten some anecdotal testimonials from friend who has cancer and doing better after Kangen water....also my sister has bowel Cancer and is contemplating getting the machine but it is about $4,000.00.

So I dug out my prill beads and started making the alk. water again....The prill beads only cost couple of $$.

I have been drinking about l-2 qts a day for about a week or so. Have taken it with my Teasel, iodine and colloidal silver drops without negative reaction. No positive or negative effects noted as yet.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I feel much better drinking alkaline water (just buy it at the store). It helps me detox (good at herx time). I also feel better when I drink hot green tea. There must be something to it (the boiling water thing).
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
No disrespect, nefferdun -

Teeth (singular, tooth) are structures found in the jaws of many vertebrates.

The primary function of teeth is to tear and chew food, and in some animals, particularly carnivores, for fighting and/or defence.

The roots of the teeth are covered by gums.

Adult teeth naturally darken with age as the pulp within the tooth shrinks and dentin is deposited in its place.

Teeth are among the most distinctive features of mammal species and fossils.

Paleontologists use them to identify fossil species and their relationships.

The shape of the teeth is related to the animal's diet.

For example, plant matter is hard to digest, so herbivores have many molars for chewing.

Carnivores need canines to kill and tear meat.

While humans develop two sets of teeth throughout life (diphyodont), some animals develop only one set (monophyodont) or develop many (polyphyodont).

Sharks, for example, grow a new set of teeth every two weeks.

Rodent teeth grow and wear away continually through the animal's gnawing, maintaining approximately constant length.


I guess the thing that really cinched it for me was what the cancer doctor Dr. Simoncini said in an interview recently... he said it was bad science about drinking alkaline water or eating alkaline foods - to paraphrase. Baking soda injected into tumors in the proper way can kill a tumor. You can't get the same effect by alkalizing your diet.

I heard the interview with him on Coast to Coast AM a few weeks ago.

There are alot of food fads. I did give this alot of thought. It may be a good idea for some but it's not for me based on what I have studied.

Humans are omnivores & are adaptable. We can survive on many things. Mostly, we need balance - just my opinion. Raw meat & fish can be quite tender. I think there are alot of dangers to eating raw meat these days but it seems to get tougher if you cook it.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
About the alkaline water, I don't know. I only drink about 4 oz of it a day. When you eat a plant based diet with no processed refined food, especially sugar, you are already alkaline. But I do disagree about meat.

I haven't tried raw meat so i wouldn't know if it is more tender!
There is controversy about diet but plenty of science to support a vegan diet is actually the healthiest - and I, by the way, am not a vegan (working towards vegetarian).

Just taking what is accepted by the mainstream doctors, The American Kidney and Diabetic Associations both say not to eat red meat because it stresses kidneys and contributes to heart disease. As many of us are on massive amounts of abx that can stress the kidneys, it is probably a good idea for us not to eat red meat.

Georgetown University did a study with type two diabetics. The control group was given the recommended ADA diet which included fish and chicken but no red meat. The other group was prepared a vegan diet. Both groups had meals prepared for them.

The vegan group's health improved so much, with lower blood sugar and better heart and kidney function, that the results shook up the whole notion of what diabetics should be eating. Several of the participants did not need medication any more.

Meat is filled with toxins - all the pollutants dumped in our environment are concentrated in the meat of animals.

Killing animals causes suffering. There is no way around it. Not eating meat brings a higher level of consciousness not to cause suffering. If you do not have that consciousness, you do not have it - nothing to argue.

There are currently 7 billion people on this planet with millions dying of starvation. We cannot sustain the world as meat eaters. We are destroying the earth with petroleum based fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides - trying to farm enough food for just ourselves.

There would be no hunger if people in only this country ate only one tenth less meat. That alone would save enough grain and corn being fed to cattle, to feed all the world's hungry. The only way we can return to sustainable organic farming is if we change our diets to plant based.

As countries like China and India try to "catch up" with the western world, we are facing a global disaster because we cannot sustain the planet this way.

We are gluttons. We are dying of diet related illness' including diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Health insurance is skyrocketing and soon only the wealthy will be able to afford it.

It isn't just meat of course. It is everything that is processed, refined and highly contaminated with chemical poisons. Most of us don't even know what real food is any more. People arguing the merits of vegetarianism are referring to boxed white mac and artificial cheese diets. It isn't about just eliminating the meat. It is the whole western diet of convenience garbage.

So will alkaline water fix this? That is what my friend seems to think. That is the part that is such BS for me. Her husband is an avid hunter - can't go without his meat. He can hardly stand on his feet but by golly, he won't give up his kill.

She eats tons of sugar and white flour. The fact is I rarely see her since I got sick because I don't eat the way she does. Even though I have lyme, I am actually healthier than she is - better weight and less aches and pains.

To be honest, I am afraid to use that water making thing because if I get better, she will be out there using me as an example to sell more of them - telling people that it will cure whatever ails them. Isn't that what drug companies are doing? Makes me sick.
Posted by Jamers (Member # 28016) on :
A very educated and well-written response nefferdun!

I thought I would add something on the "canine teeth" debate. We are not made like carnivores. Our intestines are much longer meaning foods that take longer to digest like meat are rotting in our intestines. Animals like tigers for example, have very short intestines so the food goes in then comes out.

Also, i would love to see a human attempt to attack an elk with its "claws" and "canine teeth". Not gonna happen, because we are not made like carnivores! We'd have a very hard time catching and eating animals without weapons or fire.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
All carnivores lap water (funny because it's true). [Smile]
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
I just want you to know that my view about this in not meant to cause contention...

I was a vegetarian for many, many years. I did it mostly for ethical reasons & also fof health. I've been avid to follow healthy ways since I was a teenager almost 40 years ago. So, I do understand your opinions about this issue.

I spent many years contemplating this conundrum. In my opinion - I do feel better when I eat meat, chicken, fish a few times a week. I'm not saying meat at every meal or even every week but I do feel better when I eat some flesh.

Vegetables these days are equally polluted. If you really want to stretch it - vegetables are a life form, too. There have been studies that prove that they do have a kind of consciousness. Growing vegetables does invove killing insects - so, they are also a life form that suffers due to us having to eat.

I respect animal life but for some reason we are all part of this reality on this planet. I believe that humans are omnivores. We can eat a variety of things. For me based on my experience, pure vegetarianism is not an optimal diet. I think we need some of the protiens & nutrients in meat. Not every day but once in a while.

Given the comments about claws & teeth, etc. - There are many things we are not suited for in regards to living on this planet. We need clothing, houses, shelters, etc. These things are not "natural". We are not really "suited" to our environment. We don't have fur, feathers, scales, gills to be able to live in our environment... All of our life here depends on us using our brains to creat tools, habitats, clothing, nets for catching food, tools for digging roots, etc.

It's something that one might give some deep thought to... I've been thinking abot it for a long time. We do need to change our perspective on alot of things relating to life on earth. In the future, they may grow meat in a lab. I think they are doing it now, actually. Then, what is the stance? Is it ethical or healthy?

The model of how this planet is managed needs some serious reconsideration. I don't think being a vegetarian will save the planet or inflict less harm than what is being done. We need to change many things about life here. I don't know all the answers but I do feel that I need to eat a bit of flesh on ocassion.

Yes, I can survive as a vegetarian but I think there are some limitations to saying that everyone "should" be a vegetarian or everyone "should" eat meat 3 times a day. I don't think the acid/alkaline diet idea is optimal or necessarily curative over a long period of time. I think we really need balance as opposed to extremes.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Sparkle, I respect your opinion on the matter.

Personally, I have read so many books that have convinced me that humans do better on a meatless (fish, and any kind of meat), definitely dairy-less, and obviously less meat diet (The China Study, The Food Revolution, Quantum Wellness, and Skinny _itch, are a few good ones).

That said, I have to eat meat while I'm on abx. But once I'm off, I'm going veganish.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
Catgirl, you don't have to eat meat while you are on abx. If you are worried about candida, you just follow the diabetic diet with a medium to low glycemic index. Diabetics are also prone to yeast infections; yet, they do best on a vegan diet.

Besides sugar and white flour, you eliminate white potatoes and pasta. You can eat brown rice, quinoa, barely and Chinese black rice. If you eat bread, it should be sprouted grain, like Ezekiel bread. The gluten free stuff is often high on the GI.

My adult diabetic son was very surprised when he found out how little these foods affect his blood sugar.
When he eats plant based he can consume pretty much whatever he wants without worrying too much about blood sugar spikes.

Barley and quinoa have a lot of protein. Other good sources of
protein are beans and nuts. Most fruit is ok in small amounts but no juice. You can eat all the berries you want. Yams and sweet potatoes do not affect blood sugar and they are spectacular sweet treats.

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