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Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
Maybe a silly question...I don't know.

I have developed a lot of anxiety of late.

I think I have had some that went unnoticed because I am also pretty dense lately compliments of Lyme Brain. anxiety is over things like taking care of my kids, when weekends come up, and now the summer coming with the kids being out of school

People keep telling me not to worry about it, worrying doesn't help etc.

But I think it is more of a conditioned response for me....I know how I crash, I know what hell the running around is, I know this is not good for me, I know how weekends are the equivalent of training for a marathon. I also know it has to be done and that I have no choice.

My doctor says it will take longer to get better. What choice is there?

I was thinking it is like being two rooms away from your young children, to get to them you HAVE to go through another room. Every time you go through that room you KNOW you will get badly injured. Every time. The first time you are unaware but you HAVE to keep going through. What choice do you have? You need to get to your kids, you need to care for them.

The next day and the next you go through, get severely injured, and never ever have time to recover.

By the 10th or 12th time, wouldn't anybody have some anxiety over going through that room?

So...because every time I go through a weekend I crash hard....I have anxiety about weekends. Now the summer will be like an endless series of weekends and I am very anxious and panicky.

Symptom of lyme? Conditioned response? Both? Does it matter?

It does only because I need to know how to deal with the anxiety because I cannot avoid what causes it.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
PME - I have two young kids too and so I know how hard it is to be sick and care for them. I have two thoughts - one is it is completely natural to be stressed about this, and two is that the anxiety could also be because of Bart.

Can you put your kids in day camps to give you a break and some rest time? Another thing that has worked for me is designating Saturday as Mommy rest day. That means that my husband is on primary kid duty that day - takes them to b-day parties, out to lunch, whatever, while I stay home and rest. I found it was better and less stressful to just have us all know that going in, and if I got my Saturday, I usually felt enough better on Sunday to do some stuff.
Posted by AuntyLynn (Member # 35938) on :
Anxiety is definitely a Lyme symptom.
(Which, IMHO, is why so many Lymies get diagnosed with "anxiety" and advised to see a "counselor!")

Panic attacks are often a first sign of Lyme.


Especially "Panic attacks and Lyme" in left column.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Anxiety is high on the list for parasites/worms which can play a MAJOR role in Lyme disease. It is often an overlooked co-infection even by the best LLMDs.

Check the symptom list at Humaworm and google parasite symptoms. Do a search on here for parasites.

One mos of tx is NEVER enough, and taking a break is not suggested. Alternating herbs such as Parastroy or Hanna Kroeger Wormwood Combo, along with Salt/c is also a good idea.

Posted by surprise (Member # 34987) on :
You have received some great advice-

I, too, have 2 younger children (and an older) and know about summer anxiety- plus, my Lyme daughter does very well in school, not so much home-

I have both enrolled in a little 3 hour gymnastic camp in the mornings- good for all of us-

I also do not have my children enrolled in many extra curriculum activities-
I couldn't make it if I had to take them out in the evenings-

My DH also gives me breaks on weekends- I can nap, have quiet.

One area I have had in improvement over the course of my treating IS anxiety- I feel like I have mellowed out, and it's nice.

So, hang in there, keep on trucking (treating) and see if you can't get a little help!
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
Yes...very good advice.

I guess I would like to know if anyone, even someone without anxiety as a lyme symptom, if given this set of circumstances would have anxiety. As in the example I use above, or is the anxiety more pronounced with my (mostly neuro) lyme.

Maybe Bartonella.....I am currently just starting treatment for babs. Don't know about Bart but my cognitive symptoms bother me the most.

Parasites, yes, I have read much about them lately thanks to your posts GLM...

I would like to treat but have questions. Like if Babs is considered a parasite...and ART is an antiparasitic...wouldn't that hit parasites? I know humaworm is a good treatment..but is it worth doing in addition to treating (and still herxing from) lyme and babs. Is it too much?

Extra curricular activities are actually a problem. All the coordinating and running around does give me anxiety...I also still work a little so I have to figure that out. That being said we do have the kids signed up for camps etc. over the summer. Not every week.

DH doesn't really get matter how much he loves me or talks a good game. He needs to be constantly going and feels like life as it is here "isn't that hard". (for him, for me it sucks).

Also for my kids they are into different things. The girls are pretty laid back but my son needs constant enertainment. Scheduling playdates is difficult because of what this has done to my planning abilities/executive functioning AND my confidence. I don't feel like people will say "yes" to being invited over.

I hope someday my self esteem returns. I feel that lack of self esteem is at the root of anxiety. I just need a different perspective.
Posted by surprise (Member # 34987) on :
When the Lyme diagnosis hit our house

(Huge surprise)

I bought 'Under Our Skin'
and had my husband watch it with me.

He also came along for 3 hour initial appointment with LLMD.
As I learn, I throw out tidbits conversationally to educate.

Since I had been chronic for a long time, it wasn't like
'boom!' I had this crazy active,, mentally wicked sharp life, and then fell off a cliff-

He had been living with me and the signs and symptoms.

I treated Bartonella first, I had a high positive test for it-

Anyway, hang in there, PV's----
Posted by RC1 (Member # 31923) on :
I think the anxiety is coming from infections. I developed anxiety from everyday living too. My days had always been busy and I didn't have anxiety over it before I was infected.

I think all of the infections cause it. I read somewhere that your body will release cortisol to try to reduce inflammation.

Anxiety is a rare occurrence for me now. I am treating everything at once, for the first time. I would get a couple of infections under control and have a relapse from what I wasn't treating. This is working out for me right now.

It will get better, just keep at it. I don't know if there is any truth to if you are under stress it takes longer to get better. A lot of people on here are dealing with kids and jobs, and they are getting better.

It just takes a long time, I've been treating very aggressively for almost two years. I exercise every other day (weight train) I eat gluten free, low fat vegan (going vegan helped me a ton) even though I love meat.

Hang in there, it will get better
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
I do believe that exercise is playing a role here...or lack thereof. With the kids on vacation I will have some time to exercise. Not that I haven't tried. Before I knew what I was dealing with I kept ramping up my exercise program thinking this is how I should deal with it....get the endorphines going.

That was running, biking etc. Obviously that failed.

I am having difficulty coming up with a program that will work, but I am accustomed to exercise so I think my body does not like not exercising...nor to I.

Have an appt with my PT on Wed and I am going to tell him to help me to come up with a specific plan (I have asked him for 3 to 4 weeks and given him Dr. Bs protocol, but he seems resistant to helping me.). He is a good friend so I am not afraid to just lay down the law. Not sure why he is not helping. Think he is afraid to make me crash again.

I was busy prior to this too, but the busy didn't result in a huge physical "crash" so there was not resulting anxiety.

I think I just need to feel like someone is caring for ME without having to beg and push. Nothing is easy, especially if you are the caretaker.

Case in point....2 kids home with strep today.....summer starts for them on Thursday and this was the last day I could rest. Oh well!!!!
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
I try to educate hubby too. I asked him to watch under our skin (had rented it on the ipad). He kept coming up with excuses as to why he couldn't

He did go to LLMD appt with me...but I believe he is not very open to listening/learning because if he does, then he will have to admit that there are things that I can't do. Then, he will have to pick up the slack and slow the ****** down for a while.

I just think he is in denial. I am sure I am not alone there either.

All I can do it keep praying.
Posted by surprise (Member # 34987) on :
I think I keep replying back here because I can really relate-

I think I hear guilt coming through- I understand this, too. Before I knew I had chronic Lyme, I used to compare myself with the other Mothers around me, who seemed so active-

I would blame myself, yes on the low self esteem.

But you are sick. You can get better. Treatment is and can be difficult. But you can get better, I really believe this.

So when my younger ones are older, remember Mom setting up Wii fit for them while I lay on the couch watching, etc.
They will realize and know some of these memories are tied to when Mom was fighting chronic Lyme when they were younger.

My first drug to treat was Levaquin- and it hit me hard, and I pulled away (depersonalization, I guess)
and tried to grapple with the treatment-

Tried to explain it to hubby best I could at the time, and that phase 'passed'
but there are times in the battle for recovery you do have to put yourself first.

Acceptance has taken some time- but it can come, and be okay.
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
Thank you. I know what you mean.Somtimes things do strike a cord and yes I have a lot of guilt.

I am one of those moms who loves the summer and adores spendiing time with the kids. I do not celebrate the first day of school. I like being on my own schedule and spending time with my busy kids.

I cannot wait until the kids can say "remember when you WERE sick". I am hoping it becomes only a blip on the screen.

I am just so confused about everything. I know it is the way I process things. I constantly feel overwhelmed by things that shouldn't overwhelm people.

How the heck do you ever reach acceptance? Acceptance seems to indicate that this thing is forever, but it shouldn't be according to my LLMD> So it is important I am sure to accept where you are but believe that it is possible to move forward. I am not there. I am very confused

But thank you all for your input. I just wonder how any "normal" person would handle the constant failure and regressions while trying just to do what you HAVE to do.

That takes all of my energy...there is no time left for anything that I WANT to do. That is just defeating and unfair.

Sorry for the whining......
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
You have been talking about feeling anxious and overwhelmed for a while now.

What are you doing for yourself, for supportive measures?

fish oil
sublingual B12

The Importance of Magnesium


(There are other fish oils with a high ratio of EPA, such as MorEPA. You can look this up at and look at reviews.)

Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses

Read the reviews for this, and you can search inside the book to read some of it.
You'll begin to realize that the "lack of ability to cope" is not a moral failing.
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
Carol....what aspects need to be supportive.

You are right on...I find this overwhelming in so many ways.

It is not like me, I am so independent and strong.

Is it liver support?

I take natural calm in my smootie daily (magnesium)

Fish oil

B12 injections...have tried them every 3 to 5 days or so for the past few months.

What IS "lack of abilityto cope"...if not a moral failing [Smile] What exactly is it a symptom of.

Sorry if I ask too many questions about this.

I feel like I need to peel a thick layer off my brain to let some light in and change my perspective.

I think things are moving is so damn hard to tell.

LLMD prescribed xanax. I am not taking it daily nor do I want to. I did take 1/2 today....probably just using it 1x per week or so.

Not sure it is the answer just makes me sleepy
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
pme: I think I know what you are trying to say about the room thing.

For instance, I am starting back up my IV meds tomorrow and I am feeling anxious about it because of how it made me feel.

Believe it or not, there is a technical term for it called "anticipatory anxiety".

One of the things that helps me (may not be helpful to you) is realizing that I made it through once so I can again.

To be honest, I pray alot and often. It is how I make it through the day. Somehow, God sustains me.

The truth is you are coping. There is no moral failure. If you had cancer would you be expecting that you could do as much.

If you wanted to try something else besides xanax there is a product called kavinace. Like all medicine it has its risk but is helpful.

You are going to make it!!!!
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
If you're taking magnesium and B12 injections, then you're doing supportive measures for your body.

Which kind of fish oil are you taking? How much?
You may need to increase this.

"Lack of ability to cope" is related to how well your body is functioning.
If you read through the reviews for the B12 book, you'll see some examples.

When my children were young, my husband and MIL pushed for summer activities.
I had migraines and chronic fatigue, and needed my energy to grocery shop, cook, do dishes and laundry.

Driving kids around town was not my idea of a good time.
Going anywhere was torture.

Only you will be able to minimize the activities.
Children need plenty of "down time."
Time to read, time to think, time to be bored.

When my kids got bored and looked for something to do, they came up with some very creative ideas!
Posted by pme (Member # 31621) on :
soccermama........Thanks for the kind words and for putting things in perspective. That is honestly what I need because my brain dies not seem to be able to get perspective on things.

Good luck with the IV meds. How long were you on them before? What happened? This is a route I have not gone yet but "hope" to... I think. I was hoping they would reach my brain better.

Carol...will PM but I can tell you know where I am coming from. Signing them up for activities is good for them but hell for me. Too much overstimulation. I hope to get past it. I had hoped to be in a better place by now.

Also I need to work out. I know it would help. I will find the right balance. I just have to keep pushing.
Posted by lost11 (Member # 34607) on :
Going to add my two cents. If you are prone to anxiety you will have a higher chance of having more with any of the infections. A big part of how you feel is the way you look at things. I noticed a big change once my thoughts became more positive. Smile and be happy. Makes a huge diffrence. :-)
Posted by hopeful4 (Member # 8486) on :
You have a lot on your plate with being a mom of young children. People have given a lot of good advice.

Another possibility to consider is thyroid levels. It would be good to have your thyroid levels checked.

I take medication for low thyroid. I went through a period of months with high anxiety, irritability, and emotional melt-downs.

In monitoring my thyroid, my doctor found that the dosage of Armour thyroid I was taking needed to be reduced. It's helped greatly.

Also, for adrenal support, I started taking adaptogenic herbs. They support the adrenals in times of stress.

Best wishes.
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Hi pme,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with all of this.

I suffer from Lyme/Bart/Babs, and anxiety has been a huge symptom for me.

Before Lyme, I was naturally a bit high strung. However, I never had panic attacks or very high anxiety levels.

While I don't have children, I can relate to how the anxiety and sense of overwhelming can affect your daily life.

There was a point where I was afraid to leave the house alone to run errands, as I so badly feared having a panic attack while out.

Personally, I think even without Lyme, daily stress can cause anxiety.

Please know that it really does get better. Like you, I have always been very independent.

Suddenly feeling scared and overwhelmed all of the time was a huge hit to my self esteem. I remember asking myself, "When the heck did I become this scared, dependent person???"

For me, treatment resulted in an enormous improvement in this area. It took time and lots of patience, but it got so much better.

I see a therapist who specializes in anxiety that stems from illness. I chose to do this when my anxiety and stress reached such a high that I felt I could barely function.

While not for everyone (I doubted it was even for me), I have gotten a lot out of it. I'm not saying that you should see a therapist.

I just wanted to share that through mine, I have learned breathing and other techniques that have greatly helped!

While I believe that I could not control the onset of that was stemming from the illnes...I felt better prepared to handle the panic when it arose. It's given me the freedom to go out on my own again and feel more like myself.

Again, I'm not saying you or anyone else should do what I do. I just wanted to offer a suggestion that may help out a bit. [Smile]

I also got a great CD by Belleruth Naparstek that helps with panic and anxiety. This is meant for anyone who deals with it...whether suffereing from illness or not.

Whatever you choose to do, please know you are not alone. Over time, it really does get better.

At my lowest low, I didn't think I had the energy to live anymore. If anyone told me back then that I would have progressed as much as I have, I would never have believed it.

Hang in there! You can do it! It's a tough road for many of us, but you can pull through!

I wish all the best to you and your family! Feel free to reach out if ever have a question.

All the best! [Smile]

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