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Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Hi Lyme family.

I ran into a very elderly man in the sauna whose knowledge I am questioning for good things.

What do you think?

He recommended for my son something called CIRC-O2. It is from Advanced Bio-Nutritionals. He said it's good for pathogens and chemical detox.

He also said a doctor John Cotton has a great line of products, and I should look into the yeast product for my son.

Then we talked about fish oil high in DHA. I can't remember who he gets it from. It is like a famous name of somebody, and I thought I'd remember it, but didn't. Apparently the site carries, maybe vegetable based products, high in DHA.

I got his email, so I will reask.

What say you?
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
Was it Mercola?
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
No lax, it was not by a famous person themself, but someone with the same name of a famous person.

I emailed the gentleman from the sauna to ask.

I'll post if he answers me.

In the meantime...up

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