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Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
Hi all,

I have chronic Lyme/Babesia/Bartonella/Ehrlichia, viruses, fungal overgrowth, and more. I have been in treatment with Dr. K and Dr. D in Seattle for two years now. My diet is clean (low carb Paleo, no nuts/seeds, no sugar, no fruit), I am good at following the protocol, etc. but I have not seen the results I was hoping for so I am looking for possible blocks to healing. Next month I plan on doing a HERTSMI-2 mold test in my house, I just had cryotherapy in Germany to remove regrown tonsils, scar tissue, infected lymphatic tissue, and I am looking into emotional blocks.

In addition, someone recently recommended an iMRS PEMF mat to me. I am considering purchasing this mat and just wanted to hear some personal accounts of whether this mat has helped people or not, before I spend the money. If you have one for yourself, your child, or other family member...

...has it helped?
...if so, how? long did it take to see results?
...did it accelerate healing? you feel it was worth the investment?

I appreciate any feedback. I did a search for 'PEMF' on the forum first but didn't find much information.

Thank you!!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I have the iMRS, but have not built up enough use to be able to give you an accurate impression yet. I have only just been able to do two sessions of eight minutes each, as I was either very intolerant of the technology at first OR was being floored by die-off. Certainly I had intense vertigo, so much so that I was unsafe walking around using stairs etc for a week. I also had increased malaise and have had to build up very slowly. My seller/mentor has told me not to use the pillow or probe accessories until i have got to eight minutes three times per day.

My husband finds that it does help substantially with pain relief from his arthritis in his thumb, elbow and knee and can tell a clear difference if he goes away for a few days without the iMRS. He uses it without problems three times daily on the mat, with added pillow and probe treatments on top.

As an experience, lying on the mat is relaxing and it would be easy to fall asleep on it!

Sorry I can't tell you more yet. I do believe in the wide applications of PEMF, but can't yet comment on it in relation to Lyme disease.
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
Thank you...I appreciate the feedback and really hope it helps you (and me). [Smile]

So nice to hear it is helping your husband. I started having pain in my right wrist last week so maybe it will help with that as well.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I think it is a great tool.

You need to be consistent and not stop doing it when you are feeling well.

It has helped my blood flow and my energy level.

I believe that if I can get my diet really clean and incorporate lots of enzymes this mat will be one of the key tools in my recovery.

It takes a while as with everything else.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
What is iMRS?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
The iMRS2000 is Pulsed electromagnetic field device (PEMF) consisting of a full length mat, a smaller pillow and probe. There are three models and the top of range includes a built-in iGUIDE, which enables you to look up different health problems and see the ideal time of use of the mat etc for that problem.

There are lots of studies on PEMF. Nasa uses this technology to counteract bone loss in astronauts whilst in Space; sportspeople use it post exercise or for speeding up healing from injuries; some hospitals use it also postsurgery and many practitioners like chiropractors now offer PEMF treatments too, usually before their treatment, as a mat treatment helps the body to relax. PEMF increases circulation and therefore blood flow and encourages cells to absorb nutrients and discharge it should help people to detoxify. It is widely praised for pain relief.

Most people seem to find benefits over a period of time, but occasionally you read of sudden, almost one-off improvements to things like hearing (Brian Rosner) or instant pain relief.

PEMF devices vary in price and the iMRS is not cheap, but i liked the idea of a whole body mat, so that i did not have to hold a device on a painful area all the time (though obviously, if you are using the probe, you do hold it on the area).

2doggies, thanks for the good wishes. Are you going to get one then? Good luck and hope it will help you: maybe we can compare notes!
Posted by Littlesprout (Member # 7406) on :
I got one about 2 yrs ago. I didn't get the response like the man on Dr Oz. I still have pain, stiffness, numbness in legs/feet. It wasn't the end all, be all like I was hoping

It seems to help with draining all body Lyme discomfort. I try to use it 2x per day. It did help my husband recover from his knee surgery 2 yrs ago. He is not dis able w Lyme like I am
If you can afford it, buy it .....helps w the suffering
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
I appreciate all the responses. I decided to rent the iMRS for one month and will then decide if I want to keep it.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I did the one month rental first too, though i was none the wiser after it because I had to have such short exposures I hope that you tolerate it better.
Posted by opus2828 (Member # 15407) on :
I am considering renting it and trying it as well. I have vertigo as one of my symptoms, caused by ANS dysfunction, along with POTS. Now I'm kind of afraid to try it as I don't want to make any neuro symptoms go crazy.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Don't let my response in the first week put you off, Opus828. It was an initial reaction only, and different people may react in different ways. Just be aware that you may need to start more slowly than the person suggests. If I were starting again, I would do just an evening session and for about 4 minutes only for the first few days (my bad reactions began on about day 3) and stay on one session in the evening for about a week to test out tolerance.

I had to stop altogether for a while and then resumed at two minutes once per day, advancing by two minutes every four or so days. Of course, this does mean that a month is not long enough to give it a proper trial, but you may find that you tolerate it quite well....i haven't heard of anyone else who was as sensitive as me. If you do find that you go very slowly, you should be able to rent it for a month or so after your first free month.

I started on intensity 'sensitive', by the way, but eventually settled on the next level up(10). My mentor said that the director of Mediconsult told her that some sensitive people do infact do better on 10.
Posted by ladyjenie (Member # 21098) on :
I have a MAS unit which may be similar. It has a mat and pillow. I've used it 8-10 times for 30 mins per treatment and haven't had herexes.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Do you notice any change after your treatments, Ladyjenie?

With the iMRS, the suggested treatment time for each session is normally shorter than 30 minutes, so there must be differences. How often do you use it?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I have often wondered if PEMF could reverse any of my hearing loss. I don't remember reading in any of Bryan Rosner's books about this. I would like to follow this thread for more info.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
One female in our support group that has had Lyme for 51 yrs, loves her mat. She got this mat about 8 mths ago.

She was raised in Wisconsin. Yes, she was years and years with unknown illnesses and hasn't had lyme dx for very long.

It's helped her pain and yes early on she did have some herx like reactions to it. There's nothing better than stirring up the spirochete's and getting them ticked off or dying.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :

Dbpei, this link should take you to a selection of testimonials in French, but scroll down and you will find what Rosner wrote under Quelques Temoignages en Anglais.

I suppose it would depend on the nature/cause of the hearing issue.

Thanks, Pam....nice to know I am not the only one!
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I don't know anything about this mat, but I do get ondamed (PEMF) treatments. I do believe any form of PEMF is helpful, so I think this mat would be beneficial as well. I know ondamed narrows down whatever is the issue at the time, so it is worth considering as well.

Ondamed uses your own biofeedback to pinpoint where the issues are in your body and it opens up the meridians so one can heal. It's also FDA approved (used for sports injuries). It has helped identify all sorts of issues for me. I imagine this mat has the same benefit as far as opening up meridians, and irritating the bugs.

Once ondamed finds the issue, my practitioner will run programs to hit or correct whatever is showing at the time, i.e., pain, parasites, pancreas, etc. It relieves joint pain for me, kills off some parasites, and I start to herx as soon as my practitioner runs the lyme program. But the ondamed machine must have lyme programs on it or it is useless to lyme patients (have to ask).

All of that said, if the IMRS mat can do all of this without me leaving my house, I'm in. Does anyone know how much the mat costs?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Great testimonials Dbpei, thanks!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
ukcarry and catgirl, thanks for the great links! They make me want to pursue this further.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Whoops, thanks for posting that link Ukcarry! I am interested in this too.
Posted by ladyjenie (Member # 21098) on :
ukcarry, no, I haven't noticed any changes in how I feel but I only use it now and then. Still, I have no herexes.

Mine is less than a year old. It has a mat, pillow and computer with programs. I was told to sleep on it but haven't.

It does not have a specific setting for Lyme but my husband talked to the manufacturer and he suggested a certain setting for me to use.

The manufacturer lives in the US but the units are made oversees. Sorry, I forgot which country. Was not cheap, $6500.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Ladyjenie. I wonder how you would feel if you used it more often or slept on it.

Re the Herxes, i think it took about three consecutive days on a beginnng setting on my device before they caught up with me fairly big time.

Mine ( iMRS) is not designed to sleep on, so there are clearly some differences in function.

In the last few days, in the morning I have used the iMORE attachment that clips to one ear during the mat session to measure the intervals between your heartbeat (known as heart variability)and adjust the intensity of the machine dynamically.. This addition to the mat is the main reason I bought the model I did, as it is supposed, over time, to help balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, ie help the nervous system and some of the ME/CFS symptoms.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Thanks Ladyjenie! $6500 is steep for me right now, but I would love to hear more feedback on it.
Posted by ladyjenie (Member # 21098) on :
My New Year's plans are to use it 3-5 times per week. I will leave results of any herexing.

Rife is not well known in my area. I would like to let others benefit from using it but don't know anyone with Lyme here.
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
The iMRS PEMF complete was $3,250 in Dec but now is $3,950 I believe. I was tempted to get the iMORE for HRV but not sure I can afford that as well.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
My lyme support friend is sleeping on hers. I know she paid for top of the line. $4-5000 it seems.

I know hers was iMRS something but the PEMF doesn't belong to her mat. So maybe hers is a sleeper.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Pam, if it was iMRS something, it must be a PEMF system, as the iMRS 2000 just has three models....all of them the same really, just each level up including an extra sophistication. I must add that I am not at all suggesting that the iMRS 2000 is the best PEMF system, just that it is the one I have. I do not know yet if it will help me.

2doggies,I bought mine when there was an offer on, which there often is, so that the iMORE was included for nothing. If you like your rental mat, you could ask the person you are dealing with about an offer.

[ 01-08-2014, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
uk, you've got me wondering? I'll touch base with my lyme friend on FB today.

She was going to bring it to a support meeting a few months ago to explain it to all of us. She went home for LLMD visit, tripped over something in hotel room and broke her arm very badly.

She was in ER and surgery instead of seeing her LLMD. But this wonderful woman ill with Lyme & co for 51 yrs is the most upbeat always smiling, making a joke and laughing is truly an inspiration.

She wears lime green everything to our meetings. I always tell her, I bet your underwear is green too!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good for her! What hard luck about breaking her arm and having to miss her LLMD appointment.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Just to clarify, the MAS system apparently has a sleep mode, whereas the iMRS is for short duration use only.

An examplr of a non-PEMF mat is a BIomat.
Posted by mlg (Member # 35383) on :
I have feedback on the PEMF. I have 3 different LLMDs (one main one, one for sleep issues, one homeopathic) and am about 85-90% better.

Here are 2 instances of how PEMF helped me.

I broke my foot about 1.5 years ago, while on lyme treatment. I went to a top notch hospital. I went 2-3 times they told me my bone fracture was the worst foot bone fracture you can have. They told me it was not healing and that I needed to have surgery and put screws on my feet. That is when someone in my other lyme support group referred me to a homeopathic doctor that is also a medically certified doctor for sports injuries and he said he had training with Dr. K.

I did the following PEMF, homeopathic, and acupuncture. Continued with Zithromax and can't remember if I was also on Mepron...I think I was. Also did pekana detox for lymph detox. It seemed to work better synergistically (together)My bone fracture healed in about 2 weeks. The doctor at the top notch hospital told me I didn't need surgery anymore.

I was having chronic possibly acute kidney infections when I was with a top notch LLMD. The LLMD told me I needed to be hospitalized. I stopped taking all anitbiotics, juiced like crazy, did Pekana detox, renelix, PEMF, acupuncture, homeopathy. In a couple of weeks my chronic kidney infection was gone. I switched LLMD's to one who would treat more parasites and more herbs as well as pharma, combined more.

I went to PEMF doc about once a week and did acupuncture about once a week with the acute problems. I did about 30 min of PEMF. I herx slightly.

I go to my homeopathy doc and for a session is about $20.00. I am so much better that I only go about once every 3 weeks.
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
Mlg could you PM me?
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Here's the info from my lyme friend.

The iMRS system is the #1 PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) Therapy in the world. IMRS stands for Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation. "The iMRS system helps restore lost energy & crippled cellular resonance to a normal, healthy state of vibration. As a result , the entire cell metabolism is stimulated, blood cells are regenerated, blood supply moves more freely & w/more oxygen, immune system is strengthened, vitamins & minerals are better absorbed, the respiratory system becomes more efficient, the nervous system relaxes, bone structure becomes more dense & organs - such as liver, kidneys, and spleen - are able to detoxify, ridding themselves of impurities and regaining their designated bodily functions."

Since my fall & major wrist wreckage in Oct. I have been sleeping on it. We have the "Professional" series which allows me to set the timer to 60 min. So I do so when going to bed & again when I get up to use the bathroom during the night. I also do another hour in the afternoon when I nap.

Contact info- [email protected]

A website w/a lot of info is

Hope this helps!! I wouldn't want to be w/o ours & wouldn't leave home w/o it! We purchased the travel bag as well.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Pam, thanks for posting your friend's experience. Ah, putting the mat on timer explains what she meant about sleeping on it.

Ir was interesting too that she uses the mat for such long exposure (maybe two or three one hour sessions). I feel that I should add here that the manufacturers quote the World Health Organisation in suggesting that one hour in TOTAL per day on the mat is the maximum recommended time of exposure...but this may well be something they say to cover themselves, i don't know!

In a Webinar I listened to this week, one of the experts representing the company made clear that two or three sessions per day for eight minutes a time
on the mat were optimum because apparently the cellular effects happen in the first 4 minutes of exposure. The pillow and probe accessories can be used relatively freely on problem areas in addition, it seems, because the PEMF is only localised when one uses them.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
uk, I can see your concerns. But my friend has had Lyme & co for 51 yrs. I wonder how much the ORG knows about lyme & co?

She is very alternative and believes me she does her homework. Her husband, a very sharp man, is very involved in her treatment.

He also uses mat for his back issues that he's had for years.

If they come to our meeting Thurs I will ask them about the "recommended" times vs what they have found to be appropriate for them.

They will have answers for me, I know that for sure. They also have a person from that company that is their contact.

I removed some of the more personal info before posting. You might contact the urls and email address above with questions.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Very interesting, Pam
Like your friend's husband, mine is finding the device helpful for non-Lyme issues, especially on his elbow, thumb and knee. He uses the mat for about half an hour in total per day (in two or three sessions), but also applies the probe and pad to his problem areas....I am looking forward to being able to use those myself!

You are right, these companies often don't know much about Lyme, though in this case they are learning, as my ongoing contact in UK (the equivalent of your friend's contact in San Diego) has Lyme herself and seems to have a lot of contact with the CEO of the company. We are lucky in that she is maintaining contact with us because of the shared Lyme.
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
Thank you for all the responses. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my mat. Because of the special they were running in December they are apparently behind. I too got mine from Debbie and she has been very nice and helpful.

I don't have pain often, but overall I am definitely not where I need to be - yet. My gut needs to heal and I hope by using the mat, the other therapies I am doing will "take" better.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good luck with it, 2doggies: hope it helps you!
Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on : you think your friend with Lyme who uses the iMRS would be willing to email with me?

I have the mat but am undecided about keeping it.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
I'm sending you a PM 2 doggies.

Posted by colonelforbin1992 (Member # 43154) on :
Has anyone had success with this mat combined with antibiotics? I have one of these, a relative used it but reacted very, very poorly to it, so I'm afraid to use it.

But she has been dealing with the infections for a very long time, and I have not.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Is reacting poorly to the mat, a herx reaction? Also known as a healing crisis.

The bad guys in our bodies do not like to be disturbed....when they get upset, they make our body upset in many ways.

Just like abx does and how they respond to something threatening their being. The person I know that has had these mat for several months is someone that has had lyme & co for 51 yrs.

She was sick as child and all into adulthood until she found out just in the last few years.... the rest of the story.

2doggies, is going to be having communication with this member of my lyme support group. Maybe 2 doggie can pass along her opinion and my lyme friends opinion to you?

Remember the old saying "one man's medicine is another man's poison" but in this case, it is how to use this mat so it is beneficial for me. Slow in anything is always best to see how your body is going to react.

Sometimes our sick bodies do not react to therapies very well and things that should be helpful in your treatment.

Many folks come to this site and claim they are allergic to this abx and this abx. And there can be an allergic reaction to certain abx....but most times, the abx make them sicker.

That's the name of this illness, one must feel worse before one will even start to feel better. These bacteria are super bacteria and they take down the ship with them.

It's sad that we must analyze everything we do and take to see how our body is going to react to it. Talk about an education, WE GET ONE.

One must look outside the tradional medicine box on this illness. Abx alone doesn't cut it for high % of those with acute or chronic Lyme Disease & Co.

Posted by 2doggies (Member # 33118) on :
I agree with what Pam said. Since starting the iMRS PEMF I have felt a bit worse. But my symptoms are classic die off symptoms - anxiety, fatigue, headache, etc. Working with Debbie Carlson has been imperative. I check in with her to let her know how I am feeling and she adjusts my time and intensity on the mat accordingly.

Also, I have reduced my dose of hydrocortisone since starting on the mat. Could be a coincidence or maybe not.

Last but not least, last night I slept 7 hours and 50 minutes without waking up. That is AAAAMAZING for me. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night.

So while I am torn about purchasing this mat after the rental period is over, things seem to be happening.

I sent an email to Pam's friend and will definitely post what we discuss re the mat.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
It is hard to know with the PEMF if a reaction is a Herx in the sense of killing bacteria. I know that I have difficulties detoxing because of genetic issues and I also know that I have high levels of heavy metals and chemicals such as Formaldehyde.
The main reason I was interested in getting the mat was to help me to detoxify better by improving circulation and increasing oxygenation (which also in itself may make the body less hospitable for the microbes).

I am certainly having to go much more slowly than other people seem to, so I was interested to hear that your relative reacted badly, Colonelforbin. Having got to eight minutes twice per day after several months on the mat, I am now back to eight mins. every other night at the moment, as my worry is that it may be encouraging metal mobilisation too fast. I am taking Metalsweep by Biopure and sometimes other binders to try to escort stuff out. I hope that in the long term this will be a good move, but obviously don't want metals to settle in new places instead.

Colonelforbin, don't be afraid to use it, but treat it like any herb or product that you ramp up. I had to ignore the advice of my contact after a bad beginning because I had extreme vertigo, but when I restarted, I went right down to one or two minutes in the evening only. There is no need to rush.

I recently contacted Dr Pawluk, who has a very informative website on PEMF and was the expert on Dr Oz. I did ask him if he thought that metals could act as antennae and cause the PEMF to drag them around in the body, but he didn't answer that directly. He did say, however that I should back down exposure until I feel better and build up slowly again, just in case my symptoms are mat-related. He added that he recommends PEMF to all his Lyme patients because of the myriad supportive benefits.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
One must remember to only do one new thing at a time. Even weaning yourself off a drug is something the body can react too.

You don't want to confuse the real issues with other changes. Always give your body time to react to a treatment protocol. Usually a good rule of thumb is 10-14 days. Even new vits & supps should be introduced slowly and one at a time. Rife is an example of slow, slow and using 12-14 day rule.

But if you are taking something new, supps or meds and the reaction is so your LLMD. They usually say to stop and restart or cut the dosage.

If you're adding in detox protocols the same holds true. Go slow. We are all different and we all are carriers of different genes, diseases, our organs like liver, kidney, heart etc are in diff stages of health.

Come to find out many of us are not able to detox properly. That is a biggie. Killing bad guys and your body/organs aren't able to detox the dead going to be failure.

When the liver is mad and overworked it will tell the whole body IMHO and experience to be ticked off. And that means from head to toe and anywhere in between.

So go slow and work you way slowly. Take notes on how your body reacts. Then when you feel it's time to do another session with whatever you are using, take notes again. Compare.

Don't muddy the picture by adding additional stuff or taking away something your body is used to doing.

One cannot win this by racing to kill it off. It just does not work that way. I've learned this the hard way. The trails and tribulations of fighting these super bacteria is a war.

I rifed this morning for bartonella. My body and Bart are not happy. Therefore, I must go take care of me and rest. Detox tea is in order today.

Bart is my enemy. I will beat it one way or another.


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