My LLMD thinks parasites maybe (so we're doing some test treatment). But, he also wanted to run tests for some other things just incase.
He is running a Lyme test through Quest. We talked about how Igenex is the best lab, but he wanted to see IF Quest found anything first before making me pay for Igenex. He said if it comes back negative then we can test through Igenex.
He wrote on my sheet he wanted to do Western Blot for Lyme, and Elisa for co-infections. But on the order sheet I turned into Quest, the only thing that was checked was the Lyme/Western Blot and I didn't even see anything listed as ELISA.
Are co-infections automatically checked with the Western Blot? I don't know anything about this so am just trying to understand what exactly is being tested.
Can anyone help me understand a little better? All this info and terminology is really new to me...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Coinfections are not automatically checked unless the lab request is properly marked. Maybe you could call his office?
The ELISA is usually just the preliminary test. They do it before the WB.
The downside to going with Quest is that your ins company may balk at paying for anything if it comes back negative. (and it probably will)
However, there is hope that the Igenex test would find it and the ins company would honor it.