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Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :

Allergies are on the increase and many suffer from a variety of them. Medical scientists are still researching to find the exact cause and nature of allergies. From a Western medical point of view, an allergy is an overreaction of the immune system. In NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique), allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective based on Oriental Medical principles and defined in terms of the effect an allergic substance has on the energy flow in the body.

An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity to one or more substances which may be harmless to the majority of other individuals. The allergic substance is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body's well-being. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways, disrupting the normal flow of energy through the body's electrical circuits. This energy blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system which begins a chain of events that can develop into an allergic response.

The result of energy imbalances in the body leads to a diminished state of health in one or more organ systems. By reprogramming the brain and removing the blockages from the energy pathways, NAET allows the body to regain perfect balance and function normally.

NAET is an innovative treatment for allergies that is completely natural, painless, and non-invasive. No drugs are given. This method can be used safely on anyone, even newborn infants, the elderly, patients in a coma and pets. Allergy symptoms are removed and the allergy is completely ELIMINATED!

How does NAET work? The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. After the treatment, specific acupressure points are then massaged to stabilize the treatment. The allergen must then be completely avoided for 25 hours for best results. Allergens are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence. Normally only one item is treated on a given day. In most cases one session is all that is required to eliminate an allergy if NAET is applied properly. Individuals who are highly sensitive may sometimes require additional treatments.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
I'll send you info. No it did not work for me at all and was a huge money sink.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
was very helpful for me, helped me survive through a lot of acid reflux. but, a lot of things after being fixed later went bad, a problem that is much reduced once treating for lyme disease. still comes in very handy these days, periodically.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Can you describe your experience Michael? What was it like, how expensive, and what did it help?

Thanks Much-
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Did not work for me and i was very compliant. Wasted money i didnt have
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Didn't do a thing for me and I too wasted a lot of time and money.

Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Well, this isn't looking promising at all.....

Any chance it could have to do with the abilities of the provider?

This women is supposed to be very good at muscle testing, and I thought perhaps I may have found the great tester that people feel here might help us.

I was hoping to kill a few birds with one stone, but like all things, it's probably too good to be true.

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
The first guy I went to charged $40, his philosophy was to charge a rate as if it was covered by insurance, even though my health insurance (and probably many) do not cover most acupuncture. The person I go to now charges $60.

The procedure in a sense is very rote, a muscle testing on the item, some pressure on the back down the spine with various inhaling and exhaling occurs, then acupuncture in certain spots in arms/hands and legs/feet areas. Then you avoid that item for 25 hours. My current treater gives pressure points to hit to help the treatment work even if you end up not avoiding the item. (Some are hard to avoid--pollen, sunlight, cat hairs, ...) Then next time in, muscle test to verify the treatment held.

Still, there is skill in treating the right thing, or the right combination of things, at the right time or in the right order. (For example, foods have minerals and vitamins, so treat minerals and vitamins first before treating foods. Just an example.) So, absolutely, the provider can matter.

The first guy I went to, and this was before I knew I had lyme, we would treat foods and it would absolutely work, but then my body still had a bad reaction when the item was cooked together in a dish with other items. So then the dish needed to be treated. This was absolutely how my body reacted, no scam involved, all easily verified in my case by my actual body's reaction. It did get a pain and expensive that way. Still, the treatment was priceless, given what it did for me, given I had no other alternatives I was aware of.

Things would go bad again after 6 months or a year, not all at once, but a thing here and thing there.

After seriously treating lyme, all this changed and treatments work and hold much better, and combinations no longer need to be treated. I have also done AI treatment, and feel I benefited enormously, but don't believe the AI treatment is what made the NAET treatment work better.

Interesting to hear for several others here it did not appear to be useful. Was a life-saver for me, and even now is, from time to time.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
What's AI treatment?

Thanks Micheal. Like tincup said, if there was no such thing as bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

Not feeling real hopeful right now-
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
AI stands for Allergie-Immun, an energy/homeopathic-like approach to removing allergies and unblocking energies. Allergie-Immun is the name of the company, they are in Germany. There are probably a few very long threads on here about it, including a brief one on people's experiences about a month ago.
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :
I did 10 treatments over 3 months. The issue for me is the progress would not hold and I had to go back to treat things that had previously cleared. This seemed a very slow and serial process. I did like the practitioner!

This was frustrating and I did not get a sense that it would provide any more than temporary relief which it did for about 3 days after each treatment.

All the Best, MattH
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :

Did you feel it didn't hold, or did the practitioner tell you that?

What were your symptoms/allergies?

Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :
Symptoms, mostly Bart like;

Short term memory, lower leg and bottom of the foot pain, anxiety, loss of drive and initiative, lack of endurance, need lots of rest on the weekend (I work 45 to 50 hours a week) but did not feel rested, CPN cough, pain in joints and no desire to work out yet I have been very active all my life. I sure I missed a few but we can all relate.

I felt the treatments did not hold on most of my symptoms from week to week. It took my anxiety down several notches and my short term memory would improve for a couple of days post treatment. I really liked the post treatment feeling (had lots of energy) and my NAET practitioner came recommended by the founder's son, who is an MD.

She would then test on the next visit and about 1/3rd of the time I would have to go back one or two levels and retreat.

My theory is that it may have worked better if I had done a couple visits a week instead of once a week. However I did not get far enough along in turning my allergies off (lyme symptom reduction) before I had to go back and retreat what the practitioner found did not hold in my muscle testing. Note that she was very good at muscle testing, it was obvious when I held a vial of something that made me weak. I out weighed her by at least 80 lbs. and could not keep my arm straight holding a vial that made me weak.

My treatments were a full hour, plenty of time to let the body recover after the treatment and they were $70 per treatment. I would fall asleep for 10 minutes during the post treatment cycle. I was still on ABX and starting to get liver pain. So I began researching, tried NAET and went with a Doug Coil. I am not close to being healed yet but I am doing much better. I am think I am getting better and getting my bacteria and viral load down and may do another CD 57 test
(I have only done 1 test, three years ago) next month or in May.

I also felt that because of the aggressiveness of Bart once a week was too long between treatments but I did not want to invest more per month if it was only going to provide temporary improvement. Since it is individualized therapy I did not have much to compare it to.

All the Best, MattH
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
thanks again Matt. thanks michael-
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :
One last comment. My experience may not be what you experience!!! I do not want to sound like it was a negative experience, it just did not work for me or I did not do it long enough.

We are all looking for complex solutions for this room size rubik's cube of a disease and use this community to learn or bounce ideas off of. This disease causes way too much negative thinking and I do not want to add to it! I think the rivers below NYC in Ghost Buster's II was Lyme not Pink Slime!

Recently it has become apparent that my Bart grows much faster than I every thought possible. Had I known that I may have had more success with NAET.

All the Best, MattH
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
2roads - Here is a recent thread about "Allergie Immun" treatment:;f=1;t=128215;p=0

I'm also including an old post of mine which I thought might be helpful to you as it has info about "AI" and "NAET":

"Poster 'Gigi' brought this allergy treatment information from Germany to Lymenet:

Unfortunately, I don't think she posts here anymore and I can't find the 50-page long thread for AI either.

Here are some links for old posts about NAET:;f=1;t=124158;p=0#000000
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Originally posted by MattH:
I did 10 treatments over 3 months. The issue for me is the progress would not hold and I had to go back to treat things that had previously cleared. This seemed a very slow and serial process. I did like the practitioner!

This was frustrating and I did not get a sense that it would provide any more than temporary relief which it did for about 3 days after each treatment.

All the Best, MattH

3 days is not very long
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
It didn't help me, but it may vary according to the practitioner. Mine would say that a treatment had 'held', but that did not translate to my feeling any better at all, in the stomach or elsewhere.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
"Any chance it could have to do with the abilities of the provider?"

Nope. I saw a top practitioner and paid the big bucks. I try to see whomever is the best in any field so I don't waste time.

It was such a terrible mistake. One of the the things I've regretted in my health journey.

It just delayed finding a better doctor and correct diagnosis.

This was also long BEFORE I got infected with Lyme that I did this, so treating Lyme would not make the results any better.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Thanks Family,

I'm gonna cancel the appointment I have for the end of April. It's just another dead end road.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Okay, I just got off the phone with the woman that recommended her. She is very kind and is not promoting anything.

She gave me some more info about her family's situation, and how this particular person helped her.

She said a friend with ovarian cancer had recommended her. The friend is well now.

She spent about $500.00 for her son to be seen 12 times total thus far. His rash is gone, his tolerances to allergies are now okay. He had a herbicide exposure that was in the mix of things. He is going to be finishing up with "boosters", which helps him remain allergy free. I thought that was interesting.

IDK, allergies are interchemical related, it seems.

She had also gone for herself. One thing she said she had were terrible headaches. She was muscle tested and found to have heavy metals. This was dealt with, and now they are gone.

IDK if a toxin which causes brain damage can be healed, but I feel like she may be good at muscle testing and can tell me how his organ systems are, if the chemical is still in him (I'm to take a bottle), if the DHA we are taking is good or not, what other things can make his day more effective. I don't think she is pushing any homeopathy, but she seems like she will suggest something to help as naturally and food based as she can.

So, I will give it A chance.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
ps- she said that some allergies needed to be avoided for lengthier periods of time. As they cleared, the time became less if they were still there.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
"She gave me some more info about her family's situation, and how this particular person helped her.

She said a friend with ovarian cancer had recommended her."

Ummm, one of my friend's got diagnosed with cancer 6 months AFTER doing the NAET treatment.

And BOTH her kids lost all their "supposed" treatment tolerances.

She had treated her whole family with NAET. That's how I got introduced and she was raving about it.

8 months later, she was regretting all of it and took back what she said. It was awful.

Spend your money however you want. I'm giving an account of what I went through.

If you're going to spend money this way, at least do the more advanced method which is bioset.

Here's info on how it's better than NAET (see question 3):

Here's info on how applied kinesiology can be misused:

Lastly, even my ND who interned in a chiropractic office saw client after client get duped. She refuses to use this method and says it's not the best way to diagnosed.

She's the one who fixed my gut within 2 weeks by running a CDSA test and finding out what was wrong.

No allergies, like the waste of time with NAET. I also did several treatments for MCS. It was no help whatsoever.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Thanks Judie....I don't know what to say.

I come from a small town, and my resources are limited.

This woman is an hour away. If she can't do anything for him, then my feeling is, no one can. I mean, I know what caused this, and it's basically gonna take time and a miracle to absolve it.

I've been doing time, and nutrition. But, if she isn't part of my miracle, then no one else is. I guess the sooner I get up there and face that music, the better off I'll be.

Yes, she can take my money without improvement, and my child doesn't need to be dragged to another medical person, but she can't do any physical harm. I have more to gain if I get some help, then I have to lose if I don't.

Just thinking out loud-
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
hopingandpraying.. You can talk to "hiker53" about the Allergie-Immun.

She didn't get any better on it.
Posted by dogmom2 (Member # 23822) on :
I tried Naet a few times, and it did initially help with some sensitivities, but it didn't last long.

I heard that the sicker you are the less likely the treatment will last.
Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Anyone who is told by one of these practitioners that they have heavy metal problems probably does have them. A lot of us do. Predicting this is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
Tried NAET. Waste of time. It actually made some of my allergies worse, or triggered new allergies.

The only benefit I saw was I stopped getting shaking chills at night after the amino acid treatment.

I don't believe this treatment works when one has Lyme or other abnormalities in their immune system.

BTW, BioSet was even worse for me than NAET - BioSet increased my sulfur sensitivity, and did not decrease it.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
The thing to remember is that the NAET treatments don't hold. I've heard the story over and over from friends who were desperate and paid for this.

I honestly think the reason I felt better after some treatments were because the chiropractor worked pressure points on me. The NAET treatments really did nothing they were intended to do. I never got ANY allergy relief.

Razzle - Thanks for posting about your bioset experience. One LLPA recommended it to me awhile back but after what NAET put me through, I decided I don't have the inclination to do something like that again. Good to know its not a "cure" like implied.

Yes, I was worse after NAET treatments (after doing them for over a year). I blame it on delaying proper medical treatment, but who knows, maybe NAET actually made me worse.

I was definitely worse off physically at the end of the treating for over a year, and then the chiropractor said it must be mental why I'm not healing. Ugh...

Thank God I found that ND who did the CDSA test and got to the root of one of my main problems.

What also sucked was I bought all these supplements from the chiropractor. I showed them to an MD later on who specialized in alternative medicine. He said none of them contained enough of the ingredients to make any difference.
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
Lymetoo - hiker53 wrote in her recent post that Allergie-Immun did not help her food sensitivities.

"Just wanted to say that you if take allergie-immun for food sensitivities I have found it does not work. I did blood allergy testing in 2004, 2008, and last month.

I did two years of allergie-immun beginning in 2009 and none of my food sensitivities have gone away.

I am not sure how accurate IGg blood allergy testing is as I know it is controversial, but the number of food sensitivities was very low in 2004 and very high in 2008 and last month. I used the same company each time.


I wonder if Allergie-Immun helped anyone else with different types of allergies, i.e. environmental (outdoor/indoor), etc.

I also read that NAET does not hold, as poster 'Judie' mentioned.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's what I've heard.
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :
Does it hold? I think it depends on what you are treating. In 2003 I had a wicked cough that kept going in to my chest. I was treated with a Z pack and two months later is was back.

A friend recommended a local NAET practitioner (he was also a Chiropractor) and after 4 treatments the cough did not return for several years. I did not know I had Lyme at the time but the cough did not return until 2010. So it at least suppressed the cough for 7 years.

However since the Bart has got a force field over my immune system, the cough has come back and I do not think the NAET was strong enough to knock down the Bart which I think is the gateway infection to getting rid of my other infections.

I thought about Allergie Immune but when I spoke with my ILADS MD he said the allergies would go away when the infections are dramatically reduced. I am still waiting!

All the Best, MattH
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
the women who does this, per the other person who recommended her does "booster" therapy, to maintain the results.

Not sure what that means exactly, but, for what it's worth-
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
OK.....I have made a decision.

I am going there first myself.

I will take the great bottles of crap that we all took that damaged my son.

The women can muscle test me and see what she gets. I've had several nutritionists and homeopaths, and one energy tester tell me that stuff was toxic.

Also, I know the areas of my body that are failing. Blood work to prove it.

Let's see if she can find those things. I do not need NAET therapy, so let's get to the heart of the problem.

Maybe I can touch her "rodder" and get my toxins released first.

Feeling very sarcastic at the moment, but that's what it's called..."rodder".
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :'s the verdict.....

Sadly, it was a bunch of crap.


The world is really full of mentally ill people.

She knew nothing until I pointed out to her. So,prior to that, she diagnosed me with everything else, like heavy metals (oh, but she forgot mercury), parasites, yeast, hormone imbalance, possible sinus issue...hoping, I'm sure to cash in on NAET. It wasn't until I mentioned my Gallbladder that I has "little" stones, not big ones, and a weak liver.

She then wanted me on progesterone cream, diacotamaceous whatever earth, no sugar, b-complex (all which she had ), I said I had no money for that, so she said take the DEarth, it's cheap. I just took 3 table spoons of it in water. What a joke. It tastes and smells like it's laced with baby powder. It burns my throat. Plus, the little baggy will not suffice for three weeks of care.

Heck, most people on this site fighting parasites wouldn't even choose this to help.

Basically, she's a very lonely woman, has some sexual issues IMO, and she must not find herself enough without convincing herself she's annointed by God. Even scarier, she must really have no faith in God if she thinks that she's not enough with him.

She recommend a 48 hour fast of 8 oz of apple juice each hour finishing with third day of a half cup of olive oil. I can really say that with a bad gallbladder and liver, I'd likely end up in the ER, just my opinion.

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I didn't do NAET but I did to to a naturopath in Houston one time that ended up being the saddest and funniest Lyme experience I've ever had.

For starters she claimed to have studied under Dr Klknghardt. She puts his name all over her bio and website.

She had no clue what was going on and looked very sick herself. She seemed to just make up stuff and then when is say I've been dealing with this or that she'd say "yep ok getting that". I almost busted out laughing but truly felt sorry for the lady.

She had a 1 room office with no receptionist. It was practically an abandoned shopping center and it's as if she was hiding in there.

If I would've known lord knows I wouldn't have stepped foot in that office. She tried to get me to buy 3 or 4 products that she sold (which of course were things that Dr Klknghardt recommends).

I think she got grandfathered in as a naturopath somehow and has found loopholes that allow her to see patients.

Surely someone has turned her in by now.
Can't remember the name jugs know west side of Houston.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
ye, I never to my son to this women.

I cannot stand people that use religion to manipulate others. It's very destructive, and it deters others from developing their own genuine faith.

This women walked around her house like some mother Teresa. Her hands wrapped closed to her belly, walking from the buttocks.

Imagine, she had a cat and a dog that hung out in the exam room. Pretty sure my son has some pet allergies, so what were we gonna do with that.

Not to mention the first half hour of my session (and she had to start on timedespite my punctuality) was spent talking about her brother and their philosophies libing out in Oregon somewhere.

It was a scam.

Glad I caught this one.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
Hi 2roads,

I'm so glad you checked it out before subjecting your son to that.

She sounds awful. She doesn't even sound slick about it. (not that that would make it any better)

At the beginning of being ill I remember being taken in by some people. I lost a lot of money.

When you're desperate to get well, you want to believe the person who says, "I can heal you. You just need to pay for treatments (or sessions or viles or supplements or healing hugs or channeling the divine or exclusive herbs that aren't available anywhere else or whatever they're pushing)."

Take care and I hope you find someone who knows what she's doing, instead of someone who pretends to know what she's doing.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Thanks Judie,

You were so was everybody else.

It's so true. When things go awry, human nature is to put all your eggs in one basket if the result is a "cure".

It was pathetic.

Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
I've talked to a number of people about AI. A group of people actually did it together. All of them were given the exact same drops, exact same approach. This thing is supposed to be very individualized, based on DNA. But it was a one-size-fits-all approach.

More people swear at it than by it.

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