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Posted by mamalicious (Member # 43611) on :
Mine is normal so LLMD suspects Bartonella causing neuro decline
Positive 4 bands Lyme
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It's really variable. They have found that some with a high CD57 are really sick and many with a low CD57 are doing well.
Bartonella can be a big big problem.
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :
My two sons and I all have a CD 57 in the Lyme range below 60. My oldest son's just barely registers now. Before it was so low it could not be read.
He has responded the fastest to the treatment and continues to improve. He has had Lyme for about 7 years now.
So for us this has been a good indicator. I also have Bart my sons do not.
All the Best, MattH
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