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Posted by vitamom (Member # 3471) on :
Our son is on 4 grams of rocephin daily and 400 mg doxycycline for 10 days. His main symptom is a 24/7 horrible headache which has gotten worse since starting the IV meds. He is detoxing and taking something to protect his gall bladder.

Could anyone guess at a time frame for him to feel some improvement? He's worried that the headache might be rebound pain - (he's taking 2 percocet a day)

He has been sick since August/2013

Thank you

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yikes! That's a lot of meds. I would blame the doxy for any headaches, but yes the rebound pain is a possibility.

I don't have any information on Rocephin's effect on headaches.

Tell him to hang in there!
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Sometimes a 24/7 headache is caused by a giant herx.

When I had this headache it was caused by an increase in intercranial pressure and my LL prescribed something called acetazolamide.

Now when I get these headaches, and detox doesn't help, I will take an acetazolamide. It helps.

Something worth talking to your lyme literate doc about. Although I am not sure what age is safe to use that med, and side effects with other meds. Best confer with your doc.

Some detox methods that could help your son:

1) Alka Seltzer Gold (taken two hours away from oral meds). My doc told me the formula goes straight to the liver and helps detox.

2)An Epsom Soak in a bathtub, or even just if he can soak his feet. Magnesium is essential for recovery and is easily absorbed through skin. (PS. Epsom salts are sulfur, so do not use if he is allergic to sulfur)

3)This really helps me. I wrap my head and neck in a cold gel pack fresh from the freezer, and tie them on with bandanas. Keeping my brain cool helps the headpain.

4) Experimenting with binders (2-4 hours away from oral meds), such as chlorella, activated charcoal. The binders attach to the fat soluble neurotoxins that the liver releases into the intestines, and then they are pooped out, which gets the neurotoxins out of the body. Otherwise they can be reabsorbed.

5) IR saunas help. But it is important to go slow and low. I would talk to other parents about this depending on the age of your son.

Others will chime in soon with other suggestions, I am out of brain energy now.

Take care and best wishes to your son.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
PS. Sorry Linda I reread your post.

I understand he had the headache before starting treatment?

I did too with other neuro issues.

It took me about 7-8 months of IV roceph and other antibiotics to start to have head pain free days.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (in my experience, doesn't mean his will last so long)

Also, when his doc begins bartonella treatment, he may notice a quick reduction in head pain.

Sorry, tapped out now.
God bless you.
Posted by nursejed1 (Member # 25155) on :
I had IV rocephin 2gm 2x day in 2011. My headaches completely went away after 3 months IV. Unfortunately because I didn't continue treatment even oral within a few months maybe 3 they came back. I had less die off with IV now Im on PCN and flagyl and almost constant headaches again. I drink water with lemon juice and it helps the worst headaches also parsley drops and burbur help a little. Ive been sick 30 years due to misdiagnosed but wanted to give you hope that IV rocephin made headaches disappear! I hope he feels better soon.
Posted by vitamom (Member # 3471) on :
Thank you all...he is hanging in there although the headaches have gotten worse. Eye twitching too so I'm hopeful something is happening!

He can't do baths with the port but we got charcoal and a detox homeopathic formula.

My prayers are with you all and everyone dealing with this awful illness. Linda
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
IV rocephin gave me a massive frontal headache. I always drink ginger tea when this happens (Yogi tea ginger). Use 2 packets if needed.

It's amazing what it does to headache herxes for me.
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
One of my initial symptoms was continuous headaches.
I found that when I ramped up to ten tablets of Wobenzym daily, that I no longer woke up every day with a splitting headache.

Berberine has also helped reduce headache.
Both of these reduce inflammation and the brain gets more oxygen.

Eye twitching and headache are symptoms of low magnesium.
The liver uses magnesium when detoxifying the dead Lyme bacteria, so you'll need a continuous supply.

Foods that are high in magnesium include:
almonds, almond butter,
dark chocolate,
pumpkin seeds,
beans, baked beans, bean soup, rice and beans, bean burritoes.

When getting the intravenous meds, try slowing down the infusion.
One of my friends found that cut down the headache.

Some LLMD's prescribe Wobenzym along with antibiotics, as the systemic enzymes reduce excess fibrin in the bloodstream, which helps antibiotics kill bacteria.
Posted by faithful777 (Member # 22872) on :
Is he taking any supplements to help with detox?

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