Thanks for posting. Very interesting.
Posted by BobG (Member # 39642) on :
Does this alone mean one should have good vit. D levels?
Posted by BobG (Member # 39642) on :
researched my own question and found this.
Looks very well done and site backs up a lot of what I have read on this board about probiotics, gut health, and healing damage that antibiotics can do.
I did order the book.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Made me take my Vit D.
Posted by BobG (Member # 39642) on :
Me too Lymetoo! I noticed the book mentions l-cysteine, curcumin, and others I have seen discussed on this board. I also like the fact that the web site had lots of "free" stuff on it. I'll report back once I get the book.
Posted by BobG (Member # 39642) on :
Book arrived and I read about 20%, thumbed through rest, and looked up specific mentions of Lyme. It is very well researched and a tremendous resource for gut issues and healing. Many Lyme sufferers could benefit from this book IMO.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
My lyme doc had always put me on vitD3, oil.
My daughter went to see him recently, and he suggested me to read a book on vit D3.
The dosages recommended for my daughter (she's very thin, only 13) are 4x the dosages recommended for adults!
Since lyme, we never stopped taking vit D3 in oil form, during at least 6 months a day. We were on adult dosage though, not these high amounts.
During lyme about 10 years ago, I always felt vit d helped me. The days I didn't take it felt worse than the days I took it. So I kept the habit of taking vit D3 in winter, and it CLEARLY makes a BIG difference for avoiding catching colds.
I have no doubt about that, because we once dropped the habit in winter and caught so many colds (after lyme was gone) that since then (2010) we continued on it, every single year.
The difference now is that we take much more than recommended by 'normal' doctors.
I recently found a Vit D3 combined with vit K2, in the same oil bottle, and just commanded it. I will try it from next week on. I heard good comments about it.
I don't know about sarcoidosis, but for lyme, vit D3 always felt good for me.
so for us at home, it's been about 10 years that we take vit D3 daily for at least, 6 months a year.
Posted by momintexas (Member # 23391) on :
Yes, adding K2 with your Vit D3 can help aid in the absorption.
Be cautious when taking high doses for Vit D though, as too much is toxic and when our levels rise, they tend to jump quickly.
The last few months of my journey have really made me see just how important our gut health is, and such a big factor towards healing and getting well.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I just got my K2 and started today. People say we feel nothing specifically, but that it helps preventing calcium deposits in the arteries too.
Thanks for saying. We usually test things energetically, and I'm sure the amount of vit D3 will drop at a certain point, probably when sunshine comes.
We're no longer treating lyme, but still treating the mouth and the gut too!!