This is topic Hemp Oil in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash. To visit this topic, use this URL: Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on 02-05-2017 11:55 PM :
So my long term acupuncturist friend said this company had a very pure an concentrated hemp oil. What is the state of CBD in the lyme community these days.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on 02-06-2017 04:36 PM :
Hemp oils is known for so many good properties, probably one of the healthiest thing on the planet. So said my German naturopath. The problem: I can't take it, nor my daughter. For some reason, I think we are allergic to it. It took us just a couple of days (maybe only 2, really) to get allergic to the organic seeds. Burning tongue. That was some years ago. I never bought the seeds again. Now my gut is way better, I wonder. I hope you can tolerate it. My nauturopath said she never found anyone allergic to hemp seeds in her practice. Well, we were the first then!
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