do they help or hurt you more from your experience because im on pristiq and lamictal and im noticing increased brain fog and a total disconnected feeling like im not responding to it and the emotional numbness is becoming outrageous, ive only been on these for a couple days and i know they take awhile to work but i was just wondering about others input on this
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I really don't know anything about either drug. Hence the googling.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Why donĀ“t you try cannabis?
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
My hubby was put on antidepressants before the lyme diagnosis, when his MD didn't know what to do. Hubby wasn't depressed.
The antidepressants made his thought process REALLY slow, and he says he has very little memories from those days. The real person wasn't there anymore.
After he got off of the antidepressants, his humor and quick wit reappeared.
Are you taking omega 3 fish oils? Our healthcare professional says 80 % of depression is caused by lack of omega 3's
For anxiety, there are some natural things to try, that don't mess with your mind.
Posted by ishandraaa (Member # 51610) on :
I'm currently on Lamictal and I feel a bit blah most of the time. I still have a racing mind at times. It's like my brain is on overdrive and I feel like im moving when I'm not.
I do feel better though. I was really emotionally messed up for the last 2 years or so. Started off small, but after the stress in my life I began to mentally tap out.
Things are looking up, but sometimes I do feel a bit "high" inside my brain.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
I did a lot of this kind of stuff before I knew about Lyme, and I didn't like it. As you're stating, it kinda takes you out of feeling present.
I suggest alternatives. I second trying cannabis. Also there's LDN you could try.
Why don't you research for what boosts endorphins and then try some of that diet/supplements?
Posted by kevin1983 (Member # 51489) on :
i dont think this pristiq/lamictal combo is working because its making my moods rapidly cycle between anger outbursts, crying spells, suicidal thoughts and more wosening depression, should i discontinue this because if i do have bartonella or co infection then are antidepressants refusing to treat mood swing? my brain fog is so horrible since starting this its making me a vegetable like i cant access my thought process, nobody should live like this turmoil, ive already lost a few relationships because of a possible lyme undiagnosed
Posted by MissVictoria (Member # 45232) on :
I'm not an expert about antidepressants, but I very highly recommend Bach Flower Remedies. They are for emotional healing and they've helped me significantly.