Hello friends! I am back! I have been living a very normal life for the past 3 years doing well on supplements etc. I still talk to my LLMD once a year I feel very lucky!
Anyways! I have a question it seeems like I have some gut issues going on.
Backstory. I was in Greece for vacation prior to going I got a cold and they gave me a z pak just in case. I would say half way through the trip I had a lot of bloating etc but chalked it up to eating a lot.
Then two days before the trip ended I got a uti and took Macrobid.
Returned to the states and self treated I know! I was doing L-glutamine, peppermint oil and digestive enzymes garlic.
I started to turn the corner on Tuesday night I went and work out. Came home and stomach was off again and off all night night and the next day. The next day I didn’t think have much of an appetitie, when I did go to the eat I had extreme pain and burning I thought I was going to vomit I had taken a digestive anzyme and peppermint oil.
Anyways called my LLMD he says gut dybosis but not sure if SIBO or CANDIDA. So doing a stool test.
Symptom: In the morning lots of burping feels like acid Loss of appetite Pain and bloating upper abdomen Lots of burping Insomnia and some anxiety
My question is how do you know if it’s SIBO or Candida anyone have any insights? Thanks!!
[ 09-28-2018, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: tricia386 ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
The most likely would be candida since it began after two rounds of antibiotics.
Garlic would be an issue for me when it comes to acid reflux.
I would also be careful about ingesting essential oils.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
It's my recollection from watching gut summits that one of the symptoms of SIBO is difficulty in tolerating fermented foods like sauerkraut, that people just don't feel comfortable when they eat fermented foods, even though such foods are supposed to be good for gut bacteria.
Candida is usually a craving for sugar and bread, since the yeast want the sugar. It can be tested for in blood and stool.
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
I just don’t know what it is. I have this burning in and pain in my stomach also awful time sleeping and anxiety... It’s crazy! I was doing so well for 3 years how this
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
do a spit test but I don't know how accurate it is.
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
Wow! Looking back at my posts from April 2015. It seems I had the same thing going on Gut Dybosis took about a month or so to clear and symptoms abate. Ugh!
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
I cant! I was great for three years now this. I am scared its Lyme and co-infections again and I just cant go down that road! I am so sacred
Symptoms Loss of appepite When I eat it burns- anxiety increases after I eat Coughing like im going to throw up but nothing comes up Anxiety Insomina Chills
Doing a stool test can GUT Dybosis or SIBO really do all this.
Looking back on my past posts from April 2015 it sounds very similar...just scared
Posted by Told you I was sick (Member # 35068) on :
Don’t forget about H. Pylori/chronic gastritis, etc. Bartonella loves to irritate the lining of the GI system, and perhaps this, or another infection with an affinity for the gut, has reared its ugly head in you as well.
Yes, with your recent usage of abx the most obvious choices are the gut dysbiosis and candida. However, let’s not forget too, that now having retreated your other issues with the abx, you may have also inadvertently ‘poked the TBD bear’ so-to-speak.
That’s definitely a real occurrence. I had a similar issue happen following re-treatment of Babesia this past winter (it made a mess of other infections that had been more tempered down). Also remember this: as we now well know that monotherapy for TBD can actually strengthen the bugs (train the bacterial organisms to grown drug-resistant), you may have actually waded into that territory, to boot.
Good thing that you are being worked up for your symptoms at this time. Keep us posted!
Best to you, Told you...
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
So my LLMD really thinks I have GUT Dybosis and SIBO again. But running tests.
I started drinking garlic and symptoms that hev improved: anxiety Bloating after eating Gas Nausea Insomina
Symptoms Left Blurred Vision Weakness Muscle Twitches Muscle Weakness
Those who have suffered from SIBO and Gut Dybosis Did you experience symptoms other than stomach issues?
Posted by unsure445 (Member # 15962) on :
Sibo would require antimicrobial herbs or antibiotics. Have you taken any yet?
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
Well I started garlic and it seems to be helping.
I am still loosing weight...do you loose weight with Sibo?
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
The Doc called today...I have sibo.
Starting me on Xifixan....any suggestions?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Watch your diet to reduce the chance of getting yeast from the xifaxin.