Looking for LLMDs in Raleigh, NC area,
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
Welcome to Lymenet! PM sent for VA & DC.
You need to be evaluated and treated by a Lyme-literate doctor (LLMD). Non LLMDs have no clue about this horrible disease or its complex treatment!
A LLMD is one who has treated Lyme disease and the co-infections which come with it for many years and has gotten patients well. A good one will follow Dr. B's Guidelines, the "gold standard" for Lyme treatment.
Unfortunately, LLMDs are far and few between. You need to go where they are. At least half of all Lyme-patients go out-of-state for care.
Also, most LLMDs do not accept insurance due to the politics surrounding this horrible disease. Read poster TF's explanation, "Why Lyme Doctors Don't Take Insurance":
Read the books written by the top LLMD, Dr. H, titled, "Why Can't I Get Better?" and "How Can I Get Better?" They are an excellent source of information.
Also read "Cure Unknown" by Pamela Weintraub. Check your local library or buy it used online.
Get your finances in order as Lyme and Tick Borne Illnesses are expensive to treat and most LLMD'S do not participate with insurances. This explains why;
A must viewing that explains the hardships Lyme patients face due to the Infectious Disease Society stance that Lyme is hard to get and easy to cure. These are documentaries, "Under Our Skin and Under Our Skin, part 2 called "Emergence."
Be sure to research any LLMD'S that are refered. To do this Google for patient reviews or join your area's Lyme support groups. Support groups have first-hand knowledge of LLMD'S in your area. Here is a link to find them;
Please utilize Lyment's 'search' function located in the middle of home page. It is here where you can find Lymenet's members personal experiences with all kinds of different treatment protocols. Your gonna need all the help you can because Lyme and co-infections are so complex. We are here to help others. You can also post any questions you may have on the open forum and someone will answer.
Good luck on your healing journey. I will send you a private message.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Sorry hoping, I guess I was typing at the same time as you.
Posted by cottonbrain (Member # 13769) on :
You could try Dr F in Virginia. He's excellent and isn't as far from you as most. He has some saturday appts.
In MD, there is Dr J. He's excellent too.
These 2 physicians take quite diffferent approaches.