cobby this one's for you don't wet your depends!!!!!!!
Sick Pig update Well, the pig is feeling better but he still needs at least one more shot. Ideally he would get three more shots. But, darn it if we haven't turned that poor pig's butt into a pin cushion trying to (unsuccessfully) get a dose into him. Pigs that feel good don't hold still for shots!
I've got a new tool that hopefully will make us successful nurses. It looks similar to this but is not as fancy. Ours is the plastic version of the Pistol-Grip Syringe from Ideal Instruments. Part of our problem has been that I can't adjust my grip on the syringe to push down the plunger without the pig coming off the needle. Then I have to try to stick him again and he gets so worked up, screaming and fighting us that I pretty much come unglued.
Well, I was an unsuccessful nurse with the cool new toy. Our neighbor, Mr. C., was quite successful though. We'll be inviting him back for more farm fun tomorrow.
Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
Hey Doc, I did not see the earlier pig joke but have a question.
What do you think about implants of pig bone for a lymie that has 2 teeth that apparently have been riddled away with lyme or something.
It went unnoticed since she thought it was pain from braces and never showed up until yesterdays x ray.
This is all new to us and the Dr said something about bone grafts, pig bone or some synthetic process. I was in such shock that I did not understand all of this. Neither did the lymie..She thought she was to take the every 6 hour abx every 3 hours..So there will probably be much bathroom time coming up soon.
anyway, since you know teeth, lyme and now pigs, was just wondering what your take was on pig bone implants for teeth and how they mend. We may also be looking at taking the braces off with only a few months to go. DAMN. lymemomtooo
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Yikes! Stymie- you're right-that picture scared the sh!t out of me.
My adventure with peripheral IV may be coming to an end. I have been told to pull yesterday's stick because it is showing signs of inflamation. The area around the catheter is red, hot and hard in a well defined two inch spread from point of entry. It hurts.
Of course-this may be a blessing in disguise if peripheral IV is no longer an option.
BTW-I'll send support for Kam's computer as soon as I win the lottery. Course I won't be able to win the lottery until I can afford to buy a ticket-so it may take a while.
Speaking of lotteries-anybody place bets on how long I'd last on peripheral IV before I ran into trouble?
Posted by Cobweb (Member # 10053) on :
Don't hurt me, don't hurt me-I promise I'll get a PICC line.
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
I HAD 2.5 WEEKS DID I WIN???????
Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
Carol,make sure you do not have a blood clot. ANd you can have the same bad stuff with the picc line so I pray something works out ok..lmt