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Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :

just as I was settling in for my annual "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and Reece's peanut butter cups festival...

the floor started shaking and rolling...
the items on my walls started swinging...

Bob the cat scratched the heck out of me as he jumped out of my lap...

and I dropped the candy and headed toward the doorjamb thinking...

Is THIS an earthquake?

About 10 seconds later my heart was still ponding as the place started to settle back down.

About 5 minutes later, the news came on to announce that yes indeed there was a moderate earthquake of a prelim 5.4 centered just south of us!

I sure hope this is the worst for awhile!

Anyone else feel this?

Posted by TerryK (Member # 8552) on :
Your first earthquake! I live in the next State over from you. I've only been through a few.

During the first one, I woke up in the early morning thinking that the huge plate glass window was going to blow out or worse yet blow in on me because it was literally moving in and out like a giant was blowing on it. The strangest thing I've ever seen!! 2 dogs jumped up on me. They were scared too. I think the quake was in the upper 5 on the richter scale and about 35-40 miles away.

Glad you are OK.
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
I'm glad you're ok, Melanie. Sorry about the Bob scratches.

I hope that was all of it and it's over.

Hang on honey.

Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Well, they are now calling it "a significant 5.6". Whatever that implies.

For the first hour afterward, I kept thinking that I need to take that Emergency Preparedness stuff more seriously! [Smile]

I heard from Trails...they were pretty shaken up where she is as well...and they are hours away from here.

There have been at least 14 aftershocks so far. All in all, I think the fun is over with for tonight.

Terry, that sounds very frightening! I didn't even know that there were quakes in Oregon. I'm happy that you are OK as well!

Blue, I WAS hanging on to the doorway pretty good. It felt like the floor was going to fall out from under me for a bit...and then it felt like I was just a little dizzy.

I'm not sure I like this earthquake stuff.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Yeah, it was a moderate roller here in San Fran too. Guess it was an early Halloween scare...

[ 31. October 2007, 03:48 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Melanie,

I am glad you and Bob came through okay with just some scratches!

Yikes! Even though we get bad weather here, at least we know it's coming.

Earthquakes would scare me to death!

Hopefully you will have a nice, quiet and non-earth moving Halloween.


Posted by Just Julie (Member # 1119) on :
Yesterday right before 1p.m., there was a 3 earthquake a mile from here (Pacheco/Concord). It was a "noisy" one, and it felt bigger (4?) I'm sure because it was so close to where I live.

Last night, I can't correlate the time with what you're posting, but it's close! My husband said "HEY EVERYONE FEEL THAT?" from the downstairs den. I said "no!" and wondered what he meant.

He then said about 4-5 seconds later, "feel that now?????" and I flew down the stairs because I thought maybe he was having a heart attack, or a seizure (seriously) because I FELT NOTHING upstairs in the kitchen!

I looked on, and found NOTHING. I was a bit worried about the husband, though.

Now, it sounds like there was one! (and I'm relieved, because I thought my husband might have been having something else going on) and 5.6 is significant in this area. the 5+'s that I've felt really have me worried at the time, I usually go looking under our house (tri-level on a hillside) looking for water line breaks/etc. after big ones like that.

Whew! thanks Melanie, you gave my worried mother hen mind something to chew on (about the hub).

[ 31. October 2007, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Just Julie ]
Posted by MagicAcorn (Member # 8786) on :
Hi Melanie,

I've felt an Earthquake here in New York in '89 or '90. I worked nights and an earthquake hit in upstate New York which believe it or not is not unusual. It was very cool and I felt lucky to have felt it actually because everyone always thinks of California.

Truth is though California is not really a hot bed like everyone thinks it is. It only ranks fifteenth on a list of strongest earthquakes to hit the US. Alaska, Missouri, and Hawaii rank as having the most violent earthquakes.

The one in New Madrid Missouri being an 8.1 on the Richter scale.

There is no where in the mainland US that is safe from an earthquake. The problem being most people only think of California. Actually the folks near the St. Louis area are at the biggest risk.
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
They say,,,
We have the 'most' earthquakes of any place in the USA. Lived here all my life which is a mighty long time,,,you know HOW old I am(feeling)

anyway I dont ever remember feeling one.

Me thinks God is telling you something. I have a plan. OOPS, I already told you that!! I can "DREAM" cant I???

Glad for sure your okay,,but we can improve your odds long term!!! being--just don--
Posted by tdtid (Member # 10276) on :

Glad to hear that you are alright, but they sure can cause some anxiety.

Being on the east coast, we generally only HEAR about them out west and although they say we have had some in NH, I have never actually felt anything.

But years back, we all took a vacation to southern California. I have four children and for whatever reason, to break up all the amusement parks, we decided to tour an earthquake museum.

You know...the "educational part of the trip". One of my children had asked, "could this really happen" as we were on a simulator that was suppose to be what an earthquake feels like and it rattled and rolled us.

Not wanting to alarm the kids, I said that it does happen, but it won't happen while we are out there. After all, we only had a couple more days before we were heading home anyway.

What a dumb thing for a mother to say. That night in the hotel (high rise), we start SWAYING. I mean REALLY REALLY swaying. Being tourists and dumb, dumb, dumb, we jump up and look out of the window.

Afterall, don't you want to SEE what is going on? My son wakes up dreaming he's still on an amusement park ride until he realizes this isn't a dream.

I still remember the lamp posts swaying. It felt almost like a cartoon since this just wasn't a feeling or vision I had ever felt.

Once things settle down, I try calling my mom from the downstairs lobby since I didn't know what she may hear on the news and as I'm calling, it's aftershocks. This was more a rumbling feeling, but perhaps because I was on the ground floor now, instead of being many many floors up.

Well, I have to admit, I was shook up. But locals say this happens all the time and you get use to it. All I could think was..."heck, I don't think I'd EVER get use to it". I wanted to go home. [Frown]

But since my husband was born and raised in San Jose, he felt I was over reacting and talked me into continuing with our plans, which was to head to Sea World.

Others must have been thinking like him, since they still had quite a few in the park. We were in the shark tunnel and someone shouts out, "what if we have an aftershock"? You have never seen so many people run out of that place so darn fast.

So, that was my one and ONLY experience with an earthquake and I guess that means you too will have stories to tell for years to come about your first, Melanie.

I'm just glad you are safe, minus the scratches from your cat. Ouch!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by MagicAcorn:
Alaska, Missouri, and Hawaii rank as having the most violent earthquakes.

The one in New Madrid Missouri being an 8.1 on the Richter scale.
Actually the folks near the St. Louis area are at the biggest risk.

That's what I hear, now that I'm in Missouri. They say the one in the 19th century changed the course of the Mississippi River.

Now that's one heck of an earthquake! We're due over here.......but maybe I'll be back in TX before it hits!

Glad you're A-OK, Melanie [& Bob]. I told hubby last week when we saw all the fires in CA that we should move there because it's too boring here!! [Eek!] [Big Grin]
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Robin, Tails and Julie...
So glad you are all safe and sound as well. I'm not sure HOW anyone ever gets ``use'' to this. But I suppose as long as no damage is sort of get past it quickly. [Smile]

Hey Geneal,
Yes...being from your neck of the woods...that is what I was thinking about hurricanes too, ``at least you have a bit of forewarning''.

Acorn and Cathy,
Wow, thanks for sharing your stories. I'm so happy that both of your shakes were without harm too!

Hi there Don,
I always think of your part of the world whenever Tornados are mentioned. Remember those we ran into on our way back from the Float? That was quite the storm!

Miss Toots,
Yes, we have had our share of natural disasters here recently! It has been anything but boring!

Thanks everyone!
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Well, you got me laughing!


I'm sorry for that. I know better than to laugh in the face of danger... especially danger for others!

But help me here... I DO have a reason for laughing.

I just can't see you and Bob in an earth quake situation!!!

I KNOW it's NOT funny.. but the picture in my mind is making me laugh. Knowing that you both are ok of course makes it ok to giggle NOW... right?

I gotta comment and also ask...

Were there any squirrels around at the time? If so, I'm glad you weren't sitting outside at a table at the time. You MIGHT just have had a bunch of nuts fall all over you!!!

And who in the world could survive an earthquake of that size you did... then need to go to the doctor to get antibiotics for possible bartonella (cat scratch fever)? Glad you don't have to explain THAT to an insurance company!!!

And by the way... didn't you and I experience an earth quake once before?

If so (?)... either you forgot, my dear Ms. Lyme brain... or I am hallucinating and am remembering things that just ain't so.

Seems to me there was an earth quake in Costa Rica when we were there... if I remember right?

Or was that earth shaking experience just the dancing partners we had that were stomping around before we took off to go play Spanish Bingo?

Are YOU laughing yet? Ok.. I'll beehave now.

But I do need to know why folks go to the door way if they have an earth quake? Is that the best place to be? If so.. why?

Living in the wilderness or on a farm like I have doesn't prepare me for that situation obviously. I would think I'd go outside if an earth quake hit here... but in a town or city you wouldn't do that.. cause stuff (like buildings) could fall on your head. Eh?

Actually I am not sure I would even notice an earth quake here because we are in earth shaking distance of Aberdeen Proving Grounds (experimental bombs and explosives set off which rattles the windows and rumbles through the house).... and there are several air bases near-by where low flying monster-sized planes and things like the Blue Angels practice their manuvers.

Not to mention that ANNOYING fool in the crop duster that buzzes the house so closely that if the windows are open it makes the curtains blow around!!! I'll get that guy one day!!! He actually buzzed me while I was driving on the highway one day... YES... on the HIGHWAY!!!!

Ok.. I am glad you are ok.. but you have to admit... this IS a strange post.

Glad you are ok!!!!

[Big Grin]
Posted by sizzled (Member # 1357) on :
Hi, Melanieeeee!! [hi]

I've missed you!

Are you okay now????

Bob, DON'T scratch your mother again!!! I'll be there with the kitty nail clippers!!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Yo Ho Mountana...

Are you still shaking from the earth quakes... or have the after things stopped?

Fires, smoke, earthquakes... woah.

Sounds kinda like Florida during hurricane season... with tornadoes, fires and flooding.

Sooooooooooooooooo.. you and Bob ok? Let us know!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Lymetoo, that was funny about moving here 'cause it's not boring with the fires and earthquakes...Tho I guess most everywhere could have its share of excitement.

Had no idea that Missouri had quakes like that. Yep, an 8.1 temblor would be enough to move the Mississippi and then some. Me, I like the San
Francisco bay exactly where it is, thank you very much.

Julie, that was funny about your husband. Those are the crazy thoughts we think when a quake happens, especially since it also depends on our location as to whether we feel it or not. People on bedrock here, for example, did not report feeling the quake the other night here. A very important consideration if you're going to live here...

Melanie, yes, cats do not like quakes. The animals can hear the low rumble of a quake approaching before we can. People have reported animal herds running before one happens.

And I know, Melanie -- it is very scary the first time.

It's a lot easier if you've grown up with them, like Tails mentions. Hello Tails! I get what you mean about light fixtures suddenly swaying, and usually it's not Halloween...

Since I've grown up with them, we just jump into whatever action we can when it happens. In the '89 quake, I was on the train, and they said there's been an earthquake and we had to deboard. When we got out, we were all crossing in a used car salesman's lot and the owner was having apoplexy 'cause all the parked cars had hit each other. Us -- we barely felt it on the train...

Tincup, I believe the reason to get in a doorway is for its structural support. I have ridden out many that way, but only if I was close to the door. Otherwise, you experience the quake where you happen to be. I think it's a good idea to dive under a heavy piece of furniture that'll hold up. And going outside is not a good idea, 'cause of all the things that could be falling.

Good story, Cathy, about going to the earthquake musueum and then actually having a quake that nite. And about being in a shark tunnel with aftershocks -- if that occurred, I'd call it aftersharks.

When I was at the Sierra Club, we had just finished a week on earthquake preparedness, and then a 5.0 quake happened an hour later. We were prepared! And we called Herb Caen about it.

The Hayward fault in the East bay, next to the Calaveras one that just happened, is expected to be the next to go.

Yes to earthquake preparedness!! They say you should have enough supplies on hand, including water and chocolate, for at least three days. Maybe more...

[ 01. November 2007, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
I "NEEDED" to talk to you about something important and your mailbox is full. I will try to save it, till you have room for more info!! Thanks--just don--
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes to the chocolate for emergency preparedness!!! [lol]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
One more thing: for a while, we were signing up here to be members of Californians for the Prevention of Earthquakes. You just sign up, can pay dues if you want, could come to meetings, altho I don't remember anything earthshattering happening, just a lot of joking around. This was started by Charlie Varon, a theatre artist here.

I suppose what we did might have worked, in that there were long stretches in which we did not have major earthquakes. But I quit when I realized I didn't want to prevent them, but to allow little ones to happen all the time to let off steam, so to speak.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :

I was born, raised and lived in CA until 2 years ago.

I kind of liked the earthquakes as long as I felt safe and went with the roll.

But, I was working for PG&E and when a lot of our crew went to help in the SF earthquake.

And I had a student who was deaf change from Northridge program to the Fresno State program due to waking up and finding his 3 story apartment building no longer 3 stories.

Here's hoping you will just have the kind of earthquakes that you can go with the roll on and enjoy.

The aftershocks are what got to me when the SF earthquake hit.

Earthquakes were part of life in the samll town I lived in before moving out of state.

I recall taking a power chair for a test drive and realizing it was really an earthquake we were having and not the symptoms from lyme disease that made me feel that way.

I saw the people coming out of their homes as they do in the rougher earthquakes.

It was a great feeling to know it was not me but the earthquake.

One more symptom of lyme that was beginning to go away.

had that symptom this week. I had not had it for a long time. Can't say I missed it and was very glad when it was gone.

I kind of like living in an area where earthquakes are not an issue.

Fires are though. There is forest all around me.

The offer to come visit still stands.

Work wise....I think the casino and the schools are the big employers.

Both do not pay well but real estate is also less than in many parts of CA.
Posted by cootiegirl (Member # 3216) on :
Hey Miss Mellie,
So glad to hear you and Bob are ok. I can't begin to imagine what an earthquake feels like. I know that there have been a few on this end of the country near where I live, but small in magnitude, and I don't even remember them (heck, I don't remember a lot!!!)

Hope you picked up those reese's cups and got down to some serious post earthquake chocolating!!!!!
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

THE original Cootiegirl? The one I haven't seen in a LONG LONG time?



Posted by cootiegirl (Member # 3216) on :
Hey, ho, Ms Tin-cupcake! Tis me! [Wink]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
It IS you!!!! Hot diggity dawgs!!!

Soooooooooooooooooooooo nice to see you!!! Long time no see and I thunked of you often!!!

We'll chat later.. ok?

Right now I need to find out what is going on with Melanie Reber. She is ignoring emails, phone calls and this post.... and ME!


You out there Mountana? Please take a minute (or 30 seconds if that is all you can spare me)... to respond.


[Big Grin]
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
``She is ignoring emails, phone calls and this post.... and ME!''

THAT is what you get for laughing at me!!! [Razz]

NOT really, you know better. I actually DID email you twice Friday night when I returned home, but haven't heard anything back? (perhaps our computers aren't speaking?)

Sorry, yesterday and today were pretty much shot with feeling rather rotten.

Anyway. Here I am. And I am fine! Did you need something Sugar-pops???


So nice to see everyone else. [Smile]

Hey Mizz Sizz, Robin, Don, Toots, Katherine and Coots!
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

At least we know you are alive and the building you are in hasn't fallen over due to the quakes! Thank goodness! And thanks for responding.


Ok.. the rest can wait.. cause like you.. this weekend won't be on my list of favorite ones.

I hope you feel better soon, ding a ling.

And by the way... I didn't get those emails. Our computers must not be reaching each other?

Later gator and good night.

[Big Grin]
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
uh oh... I hope you feel better both of you. *nods*

Melanie... is my computer talking to yours? It only emailed once but it didn't bounce back. (Dunno, I think it was last week, Sunday.)

I'm feeling pretty lazy, spacey and spinny... maybe should try again.

ummm... I wonder how if that's how to spell spinny? spinney?

[ 05. November 2007, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: trueblue ]
Posted by MADDOG (Member # 18) on :
Howdy,Bob you say,I can come chase his scratching hiney around for awhile for you.


I like kitties!!! MMMMMMM!

Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Hey Moonbeam,
So sorry you are feeling cruddy too! I re-sent the emails. Let me know if they are still lost in cyberspace, OK?

Would you mind resending to me too? Stop that is making ME dizzy!

I think Big Bob may be able to hold his own. Before he became house-bound, he use to be the bad boy of the hood. [Smile]

I did get your PM. You are a doll! I THINK things may change here real soon...and if so, I will let you know, OK?

Miss K,
Thanks for such a lovely email.
Posted by minoucat (Member # 5175) on :
awwwww, Melanie, did the earth move for you, too?
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