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Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
Natural news today exposed big pharma for their lying and cheating ways. Every medical study from lyme disease to pharmaceuticals is under real question, IMO. How good is evidentiary based medicine which is the foundation for how traditional medicine works? Even using ABX for treatment, how good are the studies, how trustworthy?

A better question: how corrupt is medicine and is the corporate model sooooooo flawed it has to be dismantled to create a new one. Whatever that is?

After being in the lyme community and seeing the conflict of interest with IDSA. This becomes a big question: if medicine is sooooo corrupt, who can you trust?

If medical review boards are based on corrupt journals, how can medical review boards assess the careers of doctors dispensing longterm ABX? Or practioner's who perform alternative services?

If evidentiary based medicine is based on for profit quackery, they might as well be selling snake oil? hah! snake oil might be more effective!

The following article does a pretty good job of showing us just how trustworthy medical journals are. We should all be careful when researching lyme treatment options based on journal articles. Their maybe a huge profit incentive for someone behind recommendations.

Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck

Thursday, February 18, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


(NaturalNews) It's being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals.

Now being reported across the mainstream media is the fact that Dr. Reuben accepted a $75,000 grant from Pfizer to study Celebrex in 2005. His research, which was published in a medical journal, has since been quoted by hundreds of other doctors and researchers as "proof" that Celebrex helped reduce pain during post-surgical recovery. There's only one problem with all this: No patients were ever enrolled in the study!

Dr. Scott Reuben, it turns out, faked the entire study and got it published anyway.

It wasn't the first study faked by Dr. Reuben: He also faked study data on Bextra and Vioxx drugs, reports the Wall Street Journal.

As a result of Dr. Reuben's faked studies, the peer-reviewed medical journal Anesthesia & Analgesia was forced to retract 10 "scientific" papers authored by Reuben. The Day of London reports that 21 articles written by Dr. Reuben that appear in medical journals have apparently been fabricated, too, and must be retracted.

After being caught fabricating research for Big Pharma, Dr. Reuben has reportedly signed a plea agreement that will require him to return $420,000 that he received from drug companies. He also faces up to a 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine.

He was also fired from his job at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. after an internal audit there found that Dr. Reuben had been faking research data for 13 years. (

Business as usual in Big Pharma
What's notable about this story is not the fact that a medical researcher faked clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry. It's not the fact that so-called "scientific" medical journals published his fabricated studies. It's not even the fact that the drug companies paid this quack close to half a million dollars while he kept on pumping out fabricated research.

The real story here is that this is business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Reuben's actions really aren't that extraordinary. Drug companies bribe researchers and doctors as a routine matter. Medical journals routinely publish false, fraudulent studies. FDA panel members regularly rely on falsified research in making their drug approval decisions, and the mainstream media regularly quotes falsified research in reporting the news.

Fraudulent research, in other words, is widespread in modern medicine. The pharmaceutical industry couldn't operate without it, actually. It is falsified research that gives the industry its best marketing claims and strongest FDA approvals. Quacks like Dr Scott Reuben are an important part of the pharmaceutical profit machine because without falsified research, bribery and corruption, the industry would have very little research at all.

Pay special attention to the fact that the Anesthesia & Analgesia medical journal gladly published Dr. Reuben's faked studies even though this journal claims to be a "scientific" medical journal based on peer review. Funny, isn't it, how such a scientific medical journal gladly publishes fraudulent research with data that was simply invented by the study author. Perhaps these medical journals should be moved out of the non-fiction section of university libraries and placed under science fiction.

Remember, too, that all the proponents of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and mammograms ignorantly claim that their conventional medicine is all based on "good science." It's all scientific and trustworthy, they claim, while accusing alternative medicine of being "woo woo" wishful thinking and non-scientific hype. Perhaps they should have a quick look in the mirror and realize it is their own system of quack medicine that's based largely on fraudulent research, bribery and corruption.

You just have to laugh, actually, when you hear pushers of vaccines and pharmaceuticals claim their medicine is "scientific" while natural medicine is "unproven." Sure it's scientific -- about as scientific as the storyline in a Scooby Doo cartoon, or as credible as the medical license of a six-year-old kid who just received a "let's play doctor" gift set for Christmas. Many pharmaceutical researchers would have better careers as writers of fiction novels rather than scientific papers.

For all those people who ignorantly claim that modern pharmaceutical science is based on "scientific evidence," just give them these three words: Doctor Scott Reuben.

Drug companies support fraudulent research
Don't forget that the drug companies openly supported Dr. Scott Reuben's research. They paid him, in fact, to keep on fabricating studies.

The drug companies claim to be innocent in all this, but behind the scenes they had to have known what was going on. Dr. Reuben's research was just too consistently favorable to drug company interests to be scientifically legitimate. If a drug company wanted to "prove" that their drug was good for some new application, all they had to do was ask Dr. Reuben to come up with the research (wink wink). "Here's another fifty thousand dollars to study whether our drug is good for post-surgical pain (wink)."

And before long, Dr. Reuben would magically materialize a brand new study that just happened to "prove" exactly what the sponsoring drug company wanted to prove. Advocates of western medicine claim they don't believe in magic, but when it comes to clinical trials, they actually do: All the results they wish to see just magically appear as long as the right researcher gets paid to materialize the results out of thin air, much like waving a magician's wand and chanting, "Abra cadabra... let there be RESEARCH DATA!"

Shazam! The research data materializes just like that. It all gets written up into a "scientific" paper that also magically gets published in medical journals that fail to ask a single question that might exposed the research fraud.

I guess these people believe in magic after all, huh? Where science is lacking, a little "research magic" conveniently fills the void.

The whole system makes a mockery of real science. It is a system operated by criminals who fabricate whatever "scientific evidence" they need in order to get published in medical journals and win FDA approval for drugs that they fully realize are killing people.

What is "Evidence-Based Medicine?"
The fact that a researcher like Dr. Reuben could so successfully fabricate fraudulent study data, then get it published in peer-reviewed science journals, and get away with it for 13 years sheds all kinds of new light on what's really behind "evidence-based medicine."

The recipe for evidence-based medicine is quite simple: Fabricate the evidence! Get it published in any mainstream medical journal. Then you can quote the fabricated evidence as "fact!"

When pushers of pharmaceuticals and vaccines resort to quoting "evidence-based medicine" as their defense, keep in mind that much of their so-called evidence has been entirely fabricated. When they claim their branch of toxic chemical medicine is based on "real science," what they really mean is that it's based on fraudulent science but they've all secretly agreed to call it "real science." When they claim to have "scientific facts" supporting their position, what they really mean is that those "facts" were fabricated by criminal researchers being paid bribes by the drug companies.

"Evidence-based medicine," it turns out, hardly exists anymore. And even if it does, how do you know which studies are real vs. which ones were fabricated? If a trusted, well-paid researcher can get his falsified papers published for 13 years in top-notch science journals -- without getting caught by his peers -- then what does that say about the credibility of the entire peer-review science paper publishing process?

Here's what is says: "Scientific medicine" is a total fraud.

And this fraud isn't limited to Dr Scott Reuben, either. Remember: he engaged in routine research fraud for 13 years before being caught. There are probably thousands of other scientists engaged in similar research fraud right now who haven't yet been caught in the act. Their fraudulent research papers have no doubt already been published in "scientific" medical journals. They've been quoted in the popular press. They've been relied on by FDA decision makers to approve drugs as "safe and effective" for widespread use.

And yet underneath all this, there's nothing more than fraud and quackery. Sure, there may be some legitimate studies mixed in with all the fraud, but how can we tell the difference?

How are we to trust this system that claims to have a monopoly on scientific truth but in reality is a front for outright scientific fraud?

Keep up the great work, Dr Reuben
Thank you, Dr Scott Reuben, for showing us the truth about the pharmaceutical industry, the research quackery, the laughable "scientific" journals and the bribery and corruption that characterizes the pharmaceutical industry today. You have done more to shed light on the true nature of the drug industry than a thousand articles on ever could.

Keep up the good work. After paying your fine and serving a little jail time, I'm sure your services will be in high demand at all the top drug companies that need yet more "scientific" studies to be fabricated and submitted to the medical journals.

You may be a dishonest, disgusting human being to most of the world, but you're a huge asset to the pharmaceutical industry and they need you back! There are more studies that need to be fabricated soon; more false papers that need to be published and more dangerous drugs that need to receive FDA approval. Hurry!

Because if there's one place that extreme dishonesty is richly rewarded, it's in the pharmaceutical industry, where poisons are approved as medicines and fiction is published as the truth.

Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
Absolutely disgusting.
Posted by joalo (Member # 12752) on :
No surprise. We all know how crooked they are. [rant]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Whenever there is "big" money to be made or "power"...I always question!

My son is researching articles for college on business executives with strong integrity and character...he is having a tough time finding any!

But he sure finds plenty of these types!
Posted by massman (Member # 18116) on :
Very sad, very true. I have been very aware of this ever since I decided to become a Doctor of Chiropractic in 1982.

There is also some new info out about BigPharma changing its focus to keep tons of $$$ rolling in from`whatever it can sell.
Posted by sickpuppy (Member # 23846) on :
Sociopaths. Big Bucks. Vomit!!!!!
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
I think in the lyme world we think of medicine just specific to our needs. Let say there are about 100k folks who because of lyme now understand the medical community is corrupt.

I wonder how many have the same feeling in the CFS, fribomyalgia, autism, diabetes, morgellons, MS, parkinsons, cancer, ALS, thyroidism and leprosy. Seems like that is getting to be quite a large disgruntled group. Maybe a group that size can finally force a rebuild of the medical community.

The AMA is not to be trusted. Big pharma is becoming a monopoly / gestapo based operation, by killing its competition. The FDA & CDC are puppet regimes supporting corporations over public interest. Oh lets not forget insurance companys are dictating how doctors are to treat patient. If a doctor doesn't follow the rules they won't get paid. If the insurance companys aren't willing to pay for a procedure (like lyme), the patient has to find an out of system doctor, but pay the full boat. And if a doctor is really bad the insurance company will have medical review board suspend their license.

What a wonderful medical system we have!!!

So, what should be done!!!

Forget the Obama health bill, it isn't worth much anyways.

We have to define a principal of what good health care should be. But first, you have to take the greed out. And you have to outlaw all special interest other than public special interest. Special interest in government as to come from we the people not we the corporation. In this case it is insurance companys buying influence which IMO should be illegal.
Posted by pryorka (Member # 13649) on :
Watch Vaccine Nation on google video. It's unbelievable what they did, got caught doing, yet there's no media attention on it and they haven't even be prosecuted or fined in any way.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I saw this interview of Douglass Kennedy on tv, Fox News last night highlighting
how big pharma downplays the side effects of meds...creates addictions, and actually sells thing they know are not effective in the general population. Says there are no actual studies on the effecacy of the drugs after they go to market.

The only studies ar versus placebos...not actual long term results.

Very interesting.
Posted by massman (Member # 18116) on :
Only 2 countries in the world can drug ads be put on TV - US + New Zealand ! [bonk] [Cool]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Thanks for Posting. They been doing it for years. In everything medical. And getting away with it.
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
LP -- just watched the Kennedy expose on big pharma. The poor woman who had to suffer so badly from depression pill withdrawal. No where in the adds on television do they say how highly addictive this medicine is.

I was a little surprised the woman was diagnosed with lyme and she thought this medicine might help. Is depression medication often used in the lyme community?
Posted by sickpuppy (Member # 23846) on :
Bob, I'm with you. The Obama care jim-jam is such a nothing proposition, it truly is business as usual. There needs to be a TOTAL paradigm shift in medicine and until that happens all these little do-dad, superficial nonchanges are meaningless, MEANINGLESS!!!

Our best defense is to learn as much as we can and listen to our bodies, eat the best foods and exercise, and try to inform others. Change will (most likely ) not come from the top.
Posted by massman (Member # 18116) on :
Well, sickpuppy your take on the need for a paradigm shift is not sick.

BigPharma will do and is doing just about anything to keep the health care "system" as it is.

The love of money is the root of all evil
[bow] [bow] [bow]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Please consider the fact they took Flu from dead soldiers, sent it out to 17 different countries, and made a vaccine for a new epidemic, and did not bother to come up with a accurate test to determine if that was the same strain that was killing people. It was finally noticed that they had these people dying with neg. flu tests.

Fortunately a few labs are developing a rapid somewhat accurate test and the rest we will never know. From who's well this cometh.$=relatedarti cles&logdbfrom=pubmed

Now they are developing a new vaccine from VLP.$=pmcad6_articl e

We are guinea pigs.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Tip of the iceberg!
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
You got that right! If people knew just how bad it

was -I would not be suprised at the consequences.

They are hitting all our possible treatments.

~ Rife Researcher Facing 51 Months in Federal Pen!
The Dr. Rima Reports Talks with This Researcher. Listen Now:
scroll down to "The Dr. Rima Reports with Jim Folsom"

[ 02-22-2010, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Pinelady ]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
UP for Rifers.

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