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Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
Well I fought doing it as long as I could. The DENTIST won and pulled all my upper teeth this morning.

They are gone and have a new store bought set now. The dentist had a very rough time as they didnt want to go. Had roots to China and back.

Or maybe they were riveted over on back sides. They got cut out in tiny pieces.

I am already starving to death. I Hate to eat when my mouth is still so numb.

I will survive,,I think,,but sometimes I wonder in spite of myself.

Point of this whole post, not my pain,,,but get your GERD under control before it costs you YOUR teeth.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
ugh, don... I hope you get to eat something very soon! Sounds painful!!!

That's just what I can look forward to!! I'm having a terrible time with acid reflux. Had an EGD Tuesday and they found nothing unusual. Still have pain and pretty tired of it.

I've been on PPI's for 10+ yrs and beginning to think THEY are the problem!


Just for you!! [Smile]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
so now you're a toothless old dragon huh??

sorry couldn't resist.

i've had dental problems lately too and sometimes ensure is all i can do. it's a terrible way to loose weight tho isn't it?

i hope you get better and back to being your ole self.
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
What are PPI's?? I am not too smart today,,,or any day!!
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
they're called "proton pump inhibitors" or "ppi". it just a reference for stuff like prilosec, etc.

they reduce the stomach acid. some doctors will give you a prescript but you can get them over the counter.

some people they help but they do have side effects.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
In my case... Nexium.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on : reminded me of something I read a while back to help with acid...but darn if I can recall.

it was a natural way and just about the opposite of what you would think.

I recall trying it and it did help.

But, that doesn't help you. Wish I could recall what it was.

Don...hoping by spring time you will have a spring in your step and able to eat all the berries and meat and carrots that you wish. [Smile]
Posted by Elaine G (Member # 20735) on :
Don, join the club of the over the hill gang. Toothless but still sexy. Just remember to put your teeth in before smiling [Big Grin]

Tutu, my husband was on Previcid for years. RX strength. Then the over the counter 1/2 strength came out, so he switched.

We take marshmallow root capsules (vitacost) before bedtime. It coats the stomach which helps with our meds. We take 2 capsules at bedtime.

One day my husband forgot his Previcid and no GERD. Then he tried going a few days without it, still no problems. That was probably 6 months ago and now he finds that only every blue moon he has to take a Previcid. No more GERD.

It also has helped two friends of ours. No more GERD.

Try the Marshallmallow Root capsule and see if it helps.
Posted by daisyrlb (Member # 15686) on :
Don, Glad you're here and so real. Hope you're feeling better and eating all the foods you like in no time!

I posted this on another tooth related issue and thought it fit here. I'm posting it as it might help others who read this.

A few months ago, my husband went to a dentist, Dr. Behm is Florida (where our son lives). We specifically timed our visit so hubby could get in and see this dentist.

In Dr. Behm's own words: "The healthy gum Recipe creates an environment around your teeth in which harmful bacteria can't live...The Recipe neutralizes the acid environment......and bacteria can't stand oxygen."

One of the things we what we could do to have healthy gums. There are only three ingredients (Baking Soda, Salt, and Hydrogen Peroxie (or Colloidal Silver if a person has amalgam mercury fillings).

I do this "brushing" everyday.

Following is a link to the webpage on Dr. Behm's site to what he calls "The Secret". I'm not sure why he called it that.

Anyway, he shares this info freely.

Also very important, 80% of the immune system is actually in the gut and it starts in the mouth! So doing what we can to keep bacteria down in the mouth is super important.

Anything I can do to help my immune system become stronger, is something I want to do. This just made sense to me. And I believe it's helping.
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
Get well soon!



Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks, Elaine. I've tried just about everything. Willing to go one more!
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
When I saw the title of the post, I thought OMG who would seriously get into a fight and lose their teeth? I was imagining some kind of big brawl.

Don, apparently you have a wonderful sense of humor. I do hope that the new teeth are good for you.

And the roots to China, I can relate. The roots of my teeth are so long it's scary. The roots on my bottom wisdom teeth are very long and curled around the nerve. I've scared many an oral surgeon [Smile] Needless to say, my lower wisdom teeth will be with me forever.

Sorry to hear that your teeth had to be taken out in small piece at a time. That must have been torture for you.

And good warning about GERD. I don't think people realize that GERD can affect your teeth. I didn't til I read this.

Hope you've been able to eat some good food since you posted.
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
Thats what I am missing Carol,,,hot and cold running nurses.

Been too cold here to dress like your nurse.

Oh well, always been a dollar late and a day short.
Posted by BoxerMom (Member # 25251) on :
As a dental nightmare myself, I can relate. Why do these dentists always get their way?!

We have a sick dog on a diet of mashed yams and boiled beef. We spin it in the food processor with some of the beef broth. It looks like baby food. She loves it. I'm just sayin...if things get desperate...

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