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Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
Does anybody ever get out of this H---hole. I cry about it and then read some postings and either cry for the other person, get angry, and dazed.

There just has to be something to stop this insane train. And I don't mean by death...

To many people are getting sick, Now every time I hear somebody say they feel this or that I wonder, could it be.???????

[confused] [cussing] [dizzy] [Frown] God Bless You All....... Really

Who's been healed>???????????????????
Posted by climber (Member # 26330) on :
For inspiration check our all the success stories on this page. They do help me. Good luck
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
here's the link to success stories:;f=3;t=015820;p=0
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
My daughter is much took awhile, but she is doing well.
Posted by sbh93 (Member # 30429) on :
My cousin was cured, or at least she hasn't had health problems in over 10 years, and she was diagnosed late. It's possible.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Yes, they do, regularly, provided they're getting treatment that works for them. That's the key, is finding YOUR treatment. Are you working with a doctor at all?
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
Working with Dr. K for now ,.. Just diagnosed Aug. 16th and he put me on a bunch of abx... But I've had me on one kind or other for years ...At times it would help for a while. then I'd back down ,or just wear out..

Last spring/ summer I had steroid shots for back and hip pain . 4 shots over 5 months. Eight hours after last shot My whole system flipped out and none of my old tricks help any more..

I've been worse this whole last 6 week's on new protocal..I hope some how that means the buggy bug /bug's are dying and I'm getting better.

Sure doesn't feel like it right now. New chest pains and more air gasping. Help !!!!!!!!!!!!! [bow] [confused] [bonk] [Frown] [shake]
Posted by JunkYardWily (Member # 24271) on :
this is my two year anniversary of getting sick. though im not 100% im much better than i was 2 years ago

i personally know a woman who was so sick she couldnt walk up stairs. now she is 100%+

so yes some people get out of it, or at least greatly improve
Posted by HopesAlive (Member # 29774) on :
We have to remember that many who are well also leave the support sides. KUDOS to those who stay and give us hope and inspiration.

When I wonder if I will ever be well, I think of Dana and Mandy on Under our Skin. I think of how well Mandy looks during her interviews now. So healthy and happy!

We MUST refuse to give up hope, because we never know what is around the corner, and there ARE fellow warriors out there trying to find ways to further help us as we continue our battles.

I cannot predict how many years this will take, but I know, in my heart, that I will get my life back someday.
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
Thank you.............. [kiss]

Anybody know what one or two things worked the best.? I know zith,cause that;'s what IIIIII have had me on, by any means for a few years. When I went off I got worse. This before I knew what I was fighting... At one point it was Brucellosis, which is probably still part of the fight ,,but symptoms are very similar at mid way.

It could be a un-known type of co=infection thing.

It's Kettie's disease also. Need to learn and retain spelling for those little Sh---. Brain pops around to much... Thanks again < Nonna
[loco] [loco] [dizzy]
Posted by t9im (Member # 25489) on :
Hi nonna:

Our daugher is much better after being sick for over 2 years and with a LLMD for the last 16 months.

We believe she is over the Babesia but there are still a couple of lyme symptoms.

As for drugs, the babs was mepron and zithromax (she has been on these since May of 2010 and tolerates them well, relative speaking).

The best for Lyme was the tindamax as her neuro symptoms contined to worsen during the first 4 months of treatment. She started the tindamax in September of 2010. Focus started to come back late December and ability to read by February.

We had to take her off the tindamax in April due to developing alergic reaction and anoxeria.

It took 6 weeks for appetite to come back after stopping drug. I attribute part of her fatigue / weakness today to the anoxeria versus Lyme but Lyme is still there (not sure if we had a herx or autoimmune response two weeks ago).

Good luck and yes it is a long time but there are many success stories.
Posted by jackie51 (Member # 14233) on :
I'm functioning at 90-95% these days. Trust me, there were many days I went back to bed so tired, with the worst headache, that I was okay if I just died. It was that painful.

Both of my kids are in treatment. The older one is so much better. She had no memory, many headaches, irritability, depression and swollen knees. We've been chasing this down for 1-1/2 years.

The younger one has psychiatric issues along with leg bone pain, headaches, sleeping problems and fatigue. This has been going on for a year. She is having some rather good days lately, and has some genuinely happy moments.

To summarize, it's a long road. We do get better though. All my life I had headaches and slept way too much. I get headaches now that cycle every so many days, but they don't usually keep me from functioning. I can't even remember when I went back to bed from a headache.

Don't lose hope.

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