I went to the DMV the other day to get my license renewed. Found out I also had to take the written test Anyway, I passed, thank goodness. My mind isn't always working like it should.
Anyway, the guy behind the counter updates all my info then hands me a paper and tells me to sign here and also here for organ and tissue donation. I then remember to tell him that I need to remove that.
You would swear that I had just told him I murdered someone. Him and the other woman working gave me such hateful looks. I could not believe it.
I almost felt like I should explain myself. I don't know why some people feel the need to be so rude and make ASSumptions.
Just wanted to vent about that. Everything seems to irritate and make me mad lately though.
I swear the world is out to **** me off lately.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's pretty LOW of them!! I would have just said, "No one would want my organs and it would be unethical for me to donate."
But.. they need no explanation.
Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
Wow how annoying! They were so judgemental when they didn't have all the information
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
that happened to me the last time and i was at a low point. could hardly talk. i told them i had a chronic condition that affected my organs and they said...
i was not well. i was being forced to stand way longer than i could. a million facts are going thru my mind...but i just said ok and got my lisence and walked awawy
it makes me think back to the conspiracy theories...i swear...i try not to believe our govt would hurt us on purpose...but to me it is starting to look like a plan...make us sick any way they can...refuse tx....ta da....we're gone...unable to fight at first...then gone
im a bundle of joy this morning...huh?
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Glad you passed. Sorry for the ASSumptions. Hoping you have some positive things happen soon.
I wouldn't have what it takes to explain things either.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
I would have said I have a contagious disorder or something. After that cruise I've decided not to take any crap off anybody
Posted by MADDOG (Member # 18) on :
I told them it was illegal for me to donate blood or organs.
Two kinds of babesia,stealth virus,epistein barr,HV3,HV4,HV6, and cronic lyme.
Posted by ChristineMany (Member # 16818) on :
I probably would have been a smarty pants...and said something like...
"I have a highly contagious disease..." then I would have coughed on them...just to be a jerk...
Posted by WheelWatcher (Member # 34223) on :
I think in many states they still need family permission to harvest organs, even if your license says DONOR.
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
For more information on donating organs when you have Lyme... and how it could help research to donate tissue samples, please check these links.
You can find info about the new Columbia Tissue Bank at the links above.
Posted by JunkYardWily (Member # 24271) on :
why is it unethical to donate your organs if you have/had lyme?
there are so many people who are waiting for organs to continue living. for me if it came down to liver failure and death or a lyme contaminated liver id take my chances on the lyme.
its like when people would ask me 'arent you worried about the abx causing you problems' and i would reply 'no, im worried about the lyme currently destroying my nervous system'
if one didnt want to donate because of their concerns with lyme that is totally reasonable and their choice. i just think those who would like to donate shouldnt necessarily be dubbed 'unethical'
Posted by TxCoord (Member # 9204) on :
Imagine the scenario, you're waiting for a kidney transplant. Your death is measure in hours not days. Someone says "Hey we found a match!"
And then when your spirits are at their highest and they conduct testing and determine that the kidney is diseased because of the Lyme and they tell you, "We're sorry. We can't legally do this transplant."
Posted by AlanaSuzanne (Member # 25882) on :
Oh boy, here we go. Brace yourselves. We've been down this road before.
I'm in agreement with junkyardwily and txcoord.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- The last time I had my license renewed (many years ago and it's now been expired a couple of years since not driving) . . .
well, when asked if I wanted to keep my donor status, I said I needed to stop that and started to say why, that "I have a blood dis - - -."
Before I could finish the term "blood disorder" (which I figured was easier than "tick-borne diseases) the clerk suddenly put up his had to stop me, saying firmly but nicely:
"oh, don't tell me. We don't need to know why. That is your business."
No attitude. No judgement. I think he could tell that I was sorry to reverse my original stance. -
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I would not feel right giving someone Lyme disease. I don't care if I'm in remission or not... it's still there. How sick are they going to be with their "new" kidney and the side benefit of Lyme and babesia? It could kill them.
I have a friend who got babesia thru a blood transfusion. He's STILL sick and it's been years.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- Those who have received donor organs are required to take anti-rejection medicine for life.
That can make infections blossom.
Antibiotics are no the quick fix for those with the original organs, (and abx don't work on babesia) . . . so you can bet that in a organ or blood receiver, it's going to be a much harder battle.
And most will not have a LLMD to help identify or treat..
Donation of diseased blood or organs can lead to so much torture on so many levels.
It's not just about lyme but also all the other stealth infections that go with it. They are called stealth infections for good reason.
My mother contracted HIV through blood donation. That caused her so much horror. Sheer horror.
Any other stealth infection can do the same.
If we want to help save lives and make easier the lives of those who are ill, there are other ways we can help. MANY other ways. Sharing our blood is not one of them.
While the American Red Cross is not yet up to speed about lyme, anyone who has EVER had BABESIA is no longer able to donate blood or organs. Ever.
There is good reason.
And it's not likely a stretch to guess that most with lyme also have babesia as the tests are not perfect so there can be false negative and more than one strain, mutations, etc. Not a good risk.
I have wished - understandably - hundreds of times over the years that my life could be over when lyme & co. have been at the worst - and no proper medical or support care in sight.
Can you imagine how much worse these stealth infections could be for those who have gone through the rigors of major surgery and are barely holding on as it is?
Add to that anti-rejection drugs - steroids & such that curtain immune function - and there will be little happiness in their lives if they acquire a tick-borne infection. -
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- Similar to the matter of vaccine side-effects that have been serious in many. Rather than dismiss all vaccines for everyone all the time, working toward SAFE vaccines seems smart.
So, regarding blood and organ donation, working toward methods to make it SAFE are vital.
Not sure who is working on what - and whether it's a kind of irradiation with UV light, etc. (I wonder if RIFE might be of help) - but pushing for better methods might be a good use of time and energy.
There is no way to test for all the "stealth" infections. But there may be methods to cover all the bases in a safe manner.
I wish I had the energy to research this - and maybe be an advocate. I can't but for those who can, call your local chapter of the American Red Cross to get started.
Encourage others in your life to study science and health. Maybe someone you encourage will present the answers.
If you have energy, get trained to teach CPR and First Aid. Or pass the word along and be sure all you know are alerted to the area classes.
Encouraging others toward healthful life choices can also be life-saving. Really. -