My son is leaving on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic next week.
He had an episode with his blood sugar Sat. morning, which he has had before.
I took him to the ER last time and they did nothing.
We gave him orange juice this time and he was fine.
His pediatrician (typical and worthless) said his A1C was normal (it was very close to the upper limit), so he said it couldn't be his blood sugar.
Diabetes runs through both sides of our family.
My son is in denial about this and most anything health-related.
If you guys would pray for his health, and safety (and that of the whole mission team), I would be so grateful.
I also worry about malaria and dengue fever.
Thanks lymefriends. Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
SURE WILL!!!! And I'll pray for Mom!!
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
Praying for your son and the entire mission team that the good Lord take care of them all as they go to do His work.
Also holding you up in prayer.
Posted by KentuckyWoman (Member # 38894) on :
Will do.. Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Father, I pray Your protection and safety over this young man. I also declare freedom from any genetic predisposition towards diabetes.
We ask that you normalize his blood sugar. I also pray for his mother may she experience Your peace and rest.
Amen. So be it.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
Praying for your dear son, linky, the whole mission team, and you too!
Posted by nursejed1 (Member # 25155) on :
It sounds like low blood sugar which if he has episodes won't show up on the A1c. He should eat protein every 2 hrs like nuts or cheese and he won't get those low drops in the sugar. also tell him to avoid sugar especially without a protein to counter act so it won't drop. I'm an expert having low blood sugar since I was 15! i used to keep tomatoe juice next to my bed so if I woke up with it low I could drink it and it helped. God bless. Lyme attacks our adrenals and endocrine and effects our glucose balance as you probably know.
Posted by nursejed1 (Member # 25155) on :
speaking of prayers, I have been leaning on the Lord Jesus Christ through this ordeal and need prayers. I lost my job due to lyme and bart and bab and stress. My abusive ex went after me when my daughter was sick with lyme and bartonella and ended up taking my children 2 beautiful girls ages 8 and 11. they are now 10 and 13 and I only see them 1 1/2 hrs a week supervised. They say I turned them against their dad which I did not he was not nice to them anyway please pray they will come home and I will get better. God bless you all.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Thanks everybody very much for the prayers.
nursejed, thanks for the advice. I will try my best to impress upon him the importance of eating right.
He is so headstrong and is at that teenager-stage where he knows it all.
Will keep you and your daughters in my prayers. So sorry for all you have been through.
[ 06-13-2013, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: linky123 ]
Posted by beaches (Member # 38251) on :
linky, you're a better mother than I am.
There is no way I'd let one of my kids go on a trip like that.
Prayers going up for him and you both.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
beaches. I don't really feel like a better mom, but thanks for the compliment and the prayers.
Posted by Dogsandcats (Member # 28544) on :
God be with your son and you! Every time fear sneaks in - send it to the Lord. Fear has a way of growing quickly!
Lord please watch over linky's son during this trip. Keep him safe, healthy, and bless him as he ministers to others.
Keep mom calm and remind her that you see everything and love her son too and will watch over him. Give her a special peace during this time.