This is topic June 30th, ER visit Nightmar-ish time, Continuation of Story reply #7 in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymenet Family >>>>>,

I've been trying to get to where I can post about the experience I had w/ ambulance and a Hospital ER.

It still bothers me,but here goes,at least the first part of what happened... it may take a bit.

Some of you may remember a post that TxCoord put up July 1st?! It was about my June 30th ER visit.

Mid week,we will be going to the Hospital where I
was taken, to confront them about why they are
still sending me non adjusted bills. we told them as soon as my Medicaid was finalized, and gave appropriate info.

We did not get the Medicaid until a little while after the Hospital visit, but it is retro active back thru May. So it covers all the stuff for June and continuing on now, At least partially.

I'm sure Medicaid frowns on the illegal attempting to receive double payment. So far all the others have got the Medicaid info' and we've had no issue, except w/ the actual Hospital.

But I am starting at the back to beginning.

On June 30th, I took one of my supplements around 3:40 p.m., I don't normally have any issues w/ my supplements,unless it is some sort of chalky tablet. This was a capsule, and not usually an issue to take.

It went down wrong and because it lodged in the windpipe, I started having trouble breathing. Water wouldn't dislodge it in the windpipe area, so TxC' put me on his C-pap machine which forces air into the lungs. And he called the EMT's.

While they were helping me,and checking my breathing, pulse, heart rate and so on, TxC' got on the computer and got them a list of my allergies,and basic DX's [minus the Lyme and Co's,no LL Drs here]. Also a list of most of my meds,and supplements, [one med we hadn't added yet].

We both told the EMT's tht I have a worsening hearing impairment, and Mario acts as my interpreter. I do not know Sign language, but may need to try to learn.

They then put me on the gurney,and loaded me into the ambulance. This was around four p.m., one of the attendants, started an IV port,but no fluids were started.

I had been coughing up bitter,sour stuff during all this from the supplement, they gave me a small spit up bag, and said to keep coughing the stuff up. It burned rather fiercely ,but the more I got up the less would be likely to get into the lungs.

We headed out, and unfortunately hit one of several speed bumps in our area, quite hard[ my tailbone area is still tender,even now].

I left w/o getting *my purse, ID ,glasses or cane*,and can only see close up, I'm very near sided. I just wanted to be able to breathe un- obstructed. We didn't think of *this until later.

Meanwhile the hard bump, made the Medic that was helping me, yelp too. And ambulances are not made for comfort.

TxCoord, beat us to the Hospital,and no he wasn't speeding. he got there at 4:30pm., I got there about 4:45 p.m. ,altho' I didn't have watch or cell phone,and couldn't read the wall clocks [security told TxC'].

With apology, I must stop for now, and eat some supper... will continue this saga soon.

Jus Silverwolfi here

[ 10-14-2015, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi again,

TxC' got back from a church event,after my dinner and a break on w/the story.

TxC' had arrived at the Hospital about 4:30, and explained he was my husband,and would interpret for me,as I had hearing impairment. They said check back shortly.

About 4:45, I got to the Hospital, they had mentioned another hospital, but went to a second one. I didn't know what hospital we were at, not having my glasses,and so on.

Meanwhile, I had no idea if TxC' had made it there yet. Unbeknownst to me, he was in waiting area, in line to talk w/ security. He was told I had arrived,but he could not go back at that time[even tho' he mentioned the hearing issues again].

While on the way to the hospital, the EMT tech wanted to know if I was still having breathing or choking issues.

I explained as best I could, thru hoarseness and coughing,that the stuff from the capsule was still coming up,and I was still trying to get the rest of the capsule to dislodge. Some had come up earlier.

I was left on the gurney for several minutes, as they discussed things w/ medical staff, I was laying in a long hallway and could see them. Several staff went by,and no one stopped.

Finally, in desperation to use the rest room,as I had had a lot of water,before getting placed in the ambulance,I got the attention of one of the ambulance crew. I was helped to the restroom,and he opened the door for me.

When I was done,I pulled the help tag, and no one came. So I started, struggling with the door,which was quite heavy. The EMT, saw me opening the door, and grabbed it. he tried to reset the help signal but it didn't seem to be working.

Then the same EMT helped me get down another long hallway.and sit in a chair,to wait for the Doctor. Finally they called for me,a nurse or assistant, took my BP,listened to my heart, asking several question, I explained that I had hearing difficulty,and it was hard to talk after the choking episode.

I asked would they please get my husband, she said oh no, he cannot come back here right now. I had asked a member of staff previously,while I was still sitting in the hall to see if TxC' was there and could come back yet.

They claimed they tho't they could see him, but never spoke to him.TxCoord could see me, thru a glass window while sitting in the waiting room awhile after after 5:00 pm, but w/o glasses I couldn't see him. And he couldn't get to me.

Supposedly,at 5:26 p.m the 'afternoon' doctor called for me. I was told according to the 'evening' Doctors report I was seen 1st at that time.

The 'afternoon' Doctor, whose name I could not understand,started asking me all sorts of questions about surgeries,was I still having problems [I mean obviously,I was still coughing and spitting up stuff].

Finally in exasperation,I got out that I had had several surgeries, and please call My husband as he 'took care of all
that...'. It's difficult to speak when one has been repeatedly coughing, and ones throat is burning.

Afternoon Doc' palpitated my stomach,and said he was sending me for a chest x-ray, and a blood test [CBC]. Finally when I said I needed help to get to the restroom , they called TxCoord in to help. It was getting close to 6:00 p.m.according to TxC.

Finally after the X-ray, we got to the blood lab. TxCoord explained that it was very difficult to get blood out of my arm [inner elbow area], and would the Phlebotomist butterfly and insert needle in the back of my hand.

She pretty much ignored us, so TxC' asked her, " If you don't get a vein on the first try, are you willing to pay for the blood test? ".

The young flippant Phlebotomist, then said
" oh the second poke will be free". She smiled and went ahead in the inner elbow area.

Probably for the first time in at least a decade, the blood draw from inner elbow area of my arm was actually successful. Then we were sent to the waiting area to wait 'til they called again. This was now around 6:30p.m., and we sat in a crowded ER waiting room until about 8:30p.m.

Finally we and another patient were taken back to the ER Exam rooms by an assistant. She stered straight down the hall, hardly sparing us a glance.

She pushed a gown at me,and the other patient, and then said something about removing all clothing, and putting on the gown. And pulled the curtain across for privacy. [At least they put the other, a male patient in another cubicle.].

Glad TxC' was there to help me and make sure I understood the instructions. I did has told, and sat down on the bed, no pillows on it,no one showed us how to adjust the bed... so there we sat.

Finally at 10:00 p.m, I was again needing the restroom, no one had been by to check on us at all... so TxC' hubby, went to find out what was up, and find out where the rest rooms were.

I have to stop and rest now, but I wasn't released until after 1:00 a.m. We asked the Doctor for the evening shift if it was happening this way because I had no insurance yet.

A lot more issues and ignoring happened... will try to get the rest of this done, hopefully after my medical appt. and tests tomorrow.

If you've gotten this far,thanks for your patience and willingness to read.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Sounds like a nightmare!

That's why I now avoid the ER unless I fear impending death.

As an experienced healthcare provider, I even talk myself out of urgent situations. It's sad.

Last time I went to the ER I was in full blown Anaphalaxis. Had full body redness and swelling including face, lips, eyes, and airway. Lips and finger tips were bright blue. Had a rash on my trunk.

It was hard to breath. Chest felt tight and heavy. Tongue felt slow. Made me not be able to think clearly to care/ advocate for myself.

Other symptoms were severe abdominal distention & pain. Also nausea and dry heaves. (Hadn't been able to keep any food or fluid down all day).

Very low BP with High heart rate. Felt so weak that I couldn't lift my head, couldn't sit or stand unassisted. Was terribly dizzy and would black out when lifting my head.

The ER physician did not come closer than 6 ft away from my bed. She did not look at me, would not listen to me. Simply walked away. Left me to suffer on the gurney, scared for my life.

Even the ignorant nurse was scared.

ER doc did not order any tests, no labs, said that I needed to follow up with my "normal healthcare providers". She simply discharged me saying that I was probably constipated!!!

My mom was with me and looking back, I wonder why she didn't advocate for me. But she never questions medical professionals. And I think that she was too scared and in shock because she had never seen me so sick.

The heartless ER doctor wanted me to walk out once discharged. But by that time I was even sicker and truly could not stand. She got mad because she thought that I was faking.

Thankfully my mom did take initiative at that point, went out to the lobby and got a wheelchair for visitors/ new arrivals. Then she pushed me out of the ER...

Once in the car we both realized that we were back to square one. Our hearts sank and we sat there in silence not knowing what to do.

Since my symptoms persisted, I still needed emergency medical care. So even though we dreaded trying another hospital we had to go.

Thankfully doctor number 2 recognized that I was a true emergency. Anaphalaxis isn't something to go home and ignore unless you wish to die.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's awful, Silver! Sounds like a lousy hospital. I do hope it had nothing to do with not having insurance!

I really don't think that happens here. They are too concerned about those surveys they have patients fill out following hospitalization. I think a lot of money is tied into those things!

I sure hope you get some resolution to the wrong-doing. Just ignore those bills and keep reporting what you have to.

I pray you won't have this health problem again. That kind of thing is very scary!

sammy .. I'm speechless that they expected you to walk out of there on your own .. and wouldn't do a thing to help you!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< sammy and Lymetoo >>>>>,

Sammy, what the first ER did to you was awful, and inexcusable. Glad you got to a different hospital and they found the problem.

Lymetoo, we've since heard more about the Hospital I was taken too. And it isn't good. Billing mess ups, ignoring people for ridiculous amounts of time,and that sort of mess.

After my hearing tests are done,I'll be getting the last part of this nightmare mess posted.

I do not fault the Ambulance Crew or the Evening discharge Doctor. But we have a lot of questions,and will not be returning to that hospital again other than confronting them about the bill, unless we are unconscious, and have no say in the matter.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Green_Where_You_Water (Member # 46647) on :
Silver and Sammy,

I am so sorry to hear about both of your experiences! That is horrible. ERs in general are horrible, but those stories are completely inexcusable.

I found myself having to go to the ER this past weekend for severe chest pain an shortness of breath.

I learned earlier in the summer that my local hospital is horrible and similar to the one Sammy went to where they look at you like your faking and expect you to walk out on your own.

I ended up having my husband drive over an hour while barley able to breath to a different hospital. It was so worth it. The care between the 2 hospitals was like night and day.

although they still really didn't do anything for me other than tell me that they think I have Lupus and recommend me to a Rheumatologist!

I'm learning that ERs are just not the place for Lymies [Frown] . Of course it is sometimes necessary in situations like the ones you guys described as well as my own to at least make sure that you are not dying.

And yes Lymetoo is right, I find that by me, the hospitals do seem very preoccupied in good survey ratings, but that still doesn't mean that they actually give you answers or do much for your situation.

Don't pay the hospital bills! Maybe try calling medicaid and explain the situation? I also have medicaid and yes, they do pay past medical bills, up to 3 months form the time you were approved.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Green W'Y'W', and all Lyme Family who are following this Thread >>>>>,

Green W'Y'W', I do hope you're feeling better,and the shortness of breath is calming down. Many of the Hospitals leave a lot to be desired.

We had another go round with the billing dept.,again today. We'll see if it does any good. TxCoord,finally got to speak w/ a supervisor so perhaps it did some good? I'm not holding my breath tho'.

Will start the continuing of the story, in the next reply,on this thread.

Jus' right back...
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lyme Family >>>>>.

I left off above, to rest, at the 10:00 p.m restroom visit, on June 30th ER nightmare.

AfterI got back from the restroom,we were going back to the room.and a male nurse/or aide? finally came in to ask if I needed a pillow,and helped adjust the bed for me.and gave me a new 'spittle catcher' as TxC' called it.

Hubby TxCoord , talked to the nurse/or aide, explaining that Ihad coughed up alot of bits of the supplement and capsule. And could I be allowed a bit of water. He explained I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since the mess
happened at 3:30p.m.

It was in my paperwork and notes about me being diabetic, and various other Dx's as well. We waited some more...

About 10:30 p.m TxC' went back out to the nurses station , which was about 10 ft. away, from where I was. he asked again about water for me.

A woman Nurse[we presume], looked at the computer screen, and loudly informed TxC' that:
" We can't give her water, She has a choking
problem, You'll have to wait for DR. come on for evening shift, and then she'll be checked.".

TxC' said : " Well, if she has had a choking problem since 3:30 p.m., then there's a problem!!" [It's interesting, no one had checked my BP, oxygen,heart rate etc, since about 5:30 p.m. hmmmmm..... heart rate had been rather high in ambulance].

The Nurse/aide? woman snarled quite snottily " You'll have to wait for the Dr.".Finally, around 11:00 p.m. someone came into my room, and checked,BP,O2, and took a reading, for the 1st time in over 5 hours.

At about 11:30 p.m.,Dr. M' got on duty. She was not happy as TxC' described what had gone on. She was not sure why we hadn't been seen in all that time, And was not happy about it. She stated that this happens very frequently.

It was explained that a Dr. had visited the next patient over[who was brought back at the same time I was.] Twice,and the nurses had checked in w/ him several times. We could hear all of it. We wondered if it was because I had no insurance at that point...

Dr.M' asked me some questions,and checked my throat. I answered a best I could thru the hoarsness. My throat was of course very red, and inflamed. She wanted to check the x-rays, she came back and said there was nothing trapped in lungs.

Dr. M also noted she could see the right lung, scarring etc. from my rib-resection when the lung had collapsed.[ At least it was not collapsed again.]. So we asked about a cup of water for me... again. TxC' explained ,about me being diabetic. I'd had nothing to eat since around noon,and nothing to drink since the problem began at aprox. 3:30 p.m.

Dr. M. said she'd check on the water to see if it was ok... and left. We looked at each other' TxC' said to me..if she's the Dr. shouldn't she know if it is safe for you to try a it of water.

Then the admitting person came in,got all the pertinent info' we had [remember, I had no ID,... nothing, w/ me] .We had to sign a payment arrangement plan.

Then some time after midnight,Dr.M 'brought a small cup of ice water for me to sip. it was stated, that I could go home,if I had no more choking,and if I could keep it down.

Other than the coughing,I had been having from the incident, and my throat burning still, it went okay, The water stayed down.So finally around 1:00 a., July 1st. I was released to go home. There was a cautionary warning,that I might get some respiratory infection issues.

From Tue June 30th to Friday early a.m July 3rd. I continued to cough up, bits of the supplement and capsule. I had a lot of broth, and soggy bread w/ coconut milk for a couple of weeks. and a few softer foods, cooked to mushiness so I could swallow.

I did get an infection for a few weeks, in the process of all this some wonderful folk at Southern Nevada Independant living counsel, helped me finally get Medicaid.

We had tried several times before to no avail. It was retroactive back three months [to well
before the June 30th incident took place] No one has given us any problems except the Hospital,the X-ray, Afternoon shift Dr.. Blood test lab,Evening shift Dr. all are cooperating.

We'll see if the Hospital finally got it right after TxC's giving my Medicaid info' for the third time. [He talked to the billing supervisor today, who says it is being properly taken care of now]. As I said last post reply...we'll see, but we are not holding our breath.

We've found out, they mess up bills frequently, and many folk in area don't go to that particular Hospital, because they a treated rather shabbily, Long waits, and being ignored, mixed up,messed up bills and so on.

Thank goodness, we s do have other choices now on my insurance-medicaid plan. And will request a different hospital,if I have to go back for any reason.

If y'all have waded thru all this story, Thank you. I've never liked to go to hospitals or even the Doctors. I only go when I have too, usually every three to four months.

This week because of my hearing and balance/vestibular tests, tomorrow will be my third Dr. visit in a week to get the results.

Hopefully we'll soon know what all this hearing loss is, tho' as far as I know it has nothing to
do w/ the choking incident.

I hope not to have to go back to a hospital for a very long time...we'll see, depending on any other tests, I need to have.

Here's hoping y'all don't end up having to go back into the hospitals, but that each of you gets healthier.

Just that Silverwolfi hoping for some nice, boring relaxing days...soon!!!
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
Silver im just reading this and so sorry but glad you survived! How horrible. I can so relate to blood test thru hand...ive been like that for many years. Now i tell them "most ppl get it easy from hand cuz arms are so hard...but do what ever you think is best"

Over the years i have learned to be a "goos girl" with ignorant docs...they have the power. .. i have never won

Im really glad you are ok...choking...they sound evil....but maybe they are ignorant and over worked too

Im really glad you are ok. Hopefully medicaid will help. It is helping my brother
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< 'Kayak' and all LymeNet Family >>>>>,

That hospital was definitely not the greatest, The phone spiel they have claims they are the Highest rated ER in the state.
I don't believe it.

I know that folk can get overworked, and drained of energy,especially ER workers, but this is beyond the pale.

At the same time, when we did finally have someone check on me, the were talking about the issues, of losing their benefits and health insurance. They were forced to go to part time, and then most worked some really odd hours just to make ends meet.

I still don't want to have to go back to that particular ER,if I ever need to go again tho'. And for one thing, we are going to check on the legalities,of stopping a hearing impaired person from having their interpreter w/ them.

Would they stop a blind person or other disabled person from having their service animals with them in the ER?? I wonder?!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good article, if you get the chance to read it. Very scary stuff!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
**Hugs Silver**
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo and sammy >>>>>,

Lymetoo,that is a very good and very scary article. I wonder if women's pain in general [beyond female trouble] is dismissed more easily by medical types. It does seem that way quite often.

Sammy, thanks for the hugs, and right back atcha [group hug] , I know you've been thru so much,and often were not treated very well.

Jus' Silverwolfi here catching up.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Horrible stuff, silverwolf! Until these "medical professionals" go through this themselves, they will never get it!

Hoping you are starting to feel a little better and able to avoid hospitals for a very long time!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Thank you <<<<< dbpei >>>>>,

For the good wishes, and the thot's!!!

I hope to be able to avoid hospitals, as well, some of it may depend on how things go w/ the hearing loss situation.

If I can, I'd rather try hearing aids, not surgery. I've had to go thru to many surgeries all ready.

Thinking of medical professionals, I know a number of nurses, toe are family, and one had recent surgery, another's husband is a quadriplegic. A third, nurse we know has 'MS'.

I think they'd agree w/ us , 'til medical professionals actually have to go thru, hospitalizations, surgeries and so on,they usually don't understand the patients perspective.

Jus' Silverwolfi

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