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Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
Just ran across this press release:
Posted by Blymey919 (Member # 47424) on :
Thanks for sharing!

Really interesting... looks like combo of current European treatments.

But while this looks like progress, I can't imagine anyone but the very wealthy being able to afford this. The huge breakthrough will come when this treatment can be paid for by insurance the way most cancer and other treatments are!
Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
I wonder how much it costs.

It's better than having to fly to Germany; although I don't know if this treatment is exactly the same. At the very famous clinic where they do it they do IV meds with a sugar molecule concurrently.
Posted by Blymey919 (Member # 47424) on :
Looked into more info on this doctor and facility. Doesn't give me much confidence that this doctor is neither a LLMD or even associated with other LLMDs or even ILADS...
Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
No -- he is an MD though.

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