my dr offered a shop in the hip for my arthritis. should I do that? the pain is hard, but I don't want to set myself up for my lyme/tick disease things.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Try not to ...
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Topic: what do STEROIDS actually do to those with lyme? Risks, long term damage discussed. Links.
Includes shots, oral medication, and topical ointment / creams. It all gets absorbed.
Steroid shots do nothing to heal tissue, in fact, they cause bones and soft tissue to degrade and crumble over time.
They can also make infections just go wild while also tanking immune function and flipping that into ruins.
Why steroids are used is for the their, yeah, wonderful ability to decrease inflammation. And that decrease in inflammation is great as it reduces pain and helps in others ways.
But there can be a life long price to pay. There are other ways to reduce inflammation for matters that are not an emergency.
There is a place for steroids, of course - in an emergency, they can save lives, and eyes, lungs and especially damaged and swollen brains. They do not heal, though reduce swelling so other therapies can also be employed..
Yet, if not in a life-threatening emergency, or a serious or risky EYE infection, risk of anaphylactic shock / sepsis or other very acute and serious matter
and if not also with proper immune and antimicrobial support specific to infections on one's plate . . .
they can do much more damage in the long run than the immediate relief they sometimes offer. Devil in disguise.
There have been many with lyme for whom steroids - in various forms - have made lyme nearly impossible to treat. That's all in the links above.
I also have lots of personal experience in this area and that's why I feel so strongly that steroids are never to be taken unless absolutely necessary & with safety in mind - and when there is no other option or if time is of the essence.
More detail in the articles in the links set. -
[ 06-30-2018, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
does it matter if you get jus one or many?
does it matter if it's that pill or a shot?
still worried about sister. she says her neck is hurting bad and shes had two rounds of injections.
she's had bronchitis and flu every year and they give her more steroids.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- With the exception of eye drops or emergency skin ointment or other times steroids are vital to saving a life / organ . . .
Yes, it matters. Even one shot. Even a pill (usually never for just one day, though). Steroids stick around in the body for many months. Even exposure to one dose of whatever can have adverse effects. The immune system change is triggered.
But, randibear, unless she is willing to do some study on her own, to either read some of the materials you have presented to her -- or let you read some of them to her . . .
from what you've posted before about her she is either incapable (for whatever reasons)
or just downright unwilling or determined not to do some education on her own beyond the doctors who are now advising her (yet, again for various reasons).
This is understandable in light of how the medical system "works" but it can also really leave loved ones to be concerned - and rightfully so.
but it's not just lyme that steroids suppress / allow to blossom. Any infection. I'd highlight that.
Still, since lyme is so poo-pooed by the establishement do
just too tired to finsh thgyth,. 0
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
- randibear,
it's important to recognize that the need your sister has to follow her current doctor's advice - and not look around her to other sources - is very important to her personality / character and the way she sees the world.
And, in a perfect world, it would make sense. We've been raised to never question the doctor in the white coat or what university medical centers dictate.
But the problems are not apparent to most people. Usually, only those who have been harmed or even just not helped are the ones who "stray" and that can just seem bonkers to those who always follow the rules.
If you've tried to share your (seen as 'other') knowledge and she does not want that, as hard as it is it's important to respect her stance. If she closes the door. That has to be her choice. You can talk through the door only so much before she will never open it again.
One last try might be to have the exact name of medication, & manufacture - be that pill or shot . . .
to to the mfr. website and look up the possible side effects and share with her details.
But you'd also need to have alternative methods to address her pain, etc. with a way she could afford it.
It may be that, for her, for now, the steroids offer enough pain management and that the future, where the bone or cartilage might weaken just can't enter into it.
How she feels about the relationship the two of you have also matters. Is there way to present information without it being overpowering sibling discourse? No matter the age, sibling dynamics rarely shift.
Is there a way for her to keep her dignity of intelligence & personal power in how she might be able to look outside of her medical view?
But, again, I'm not so sure it can help when there is really no other affordable and accessible way to proceed. If, perhaps, some kind of holistic doctor or "functional medicine" doctor might be on her insurance plan, that might be an opening.
But if she is quite literally stuck with the doctor she has w/o funds to strike out on her own, it may be in her best interest to keep up with what she is doing if it is relieving her pain.
There is much to say for that in some circumstances even if the timeline for that to hold with bone & tissue is tenuous. She may do okay, actually. If she has such relief that she cannot imagine changing course, that's her security for now.
For all kinds of reasons, some people just tolerate certain drugs that others cannot. If her diet / nutrients are strong then her body may not be affected as much, either. -